The Violence Witch’s Yuri Harem

Chapter 12 – Getting into the Groove

Me and Katja got attacked by a monster on our way back from the dorm after our training session, but we made it back safely.


“Welcome back. How did your training ritual go?” Hecate greeted us with a loud voice coming from the kitchen.


“It went fine. We ran into a monster on the way back, but no big deal.” Katja casually walked in like she owned the place… which she technically did… I think.


“You ran into a monster?” Hecate turned her head around, and her voice grew louder. “Did you get hurt?”


“Of course not. It was unexpected, but nothing I haven’t handled before.” Katja shrugged off Hecate’s concerns.


“That’s good to know.” Hecate sighed with relief.


“What about you, Iroha? Did you get hurt?” Narumi was cuddling with her phone on the couch and asked me while lying down.


“I- I’m fine too… I fell, but it’s just some scratches.” It would have been far worse if not for Katja defeating the creature.


“Good to know that no one got hurt. Katja’s the type of girl to put herself in harm’s way to protect others, so I’m glad nothing serious happened.” Hecate expressed some dissatisfaction with Katja’s usual conduct.


“It’s our duty. Our job is to protect people from those monsters. What else am I supposed to do?” Katja stood by her conviction.


“Is torturing my heart with worry also part of the job description?” Hecate’s voice turned playful. “Come here, Iroha. Let me treat your wound.”


I wanted to say it wasn’t necessary since it wasn’t a big wound, but perhaps because of that very reason, it was easier to just go along with it than to try to refuse.


I only had some scratches on my hand, so I just washed my hands and Hecate disinfected the wounds. “All good now.” Hecate went back to the kitchen area, and I went back to the entrance.


“That was your first time seeing a monster, wasn’t it? Did you try to fight it?” Narumi’s question confused me, which caused her to giggle.


“Uhmm… No… How could I?” I don’t exactly know how to fight, I don’t have a weapon, and I don’t have any skills that would help me fight a monster. How was I supposed to fight?


“You could have just used your fists. Just get in there and punch the thing! I think you could do it!” Narumi sat up and threw some punches in the air.


“I- I don’t think I could…” What kind of person am I in her head?


“You’re joking, but Iroha has some good instincts. She actually dodged an attack before I was even able to get to her.” Thank you, Katja, for pointing it out.


“Oh really? That’s interesting.” Yes, yes it is, Narumi. That was all me, and Agility Burst. We are an unstoppable duo, and you have no clue who you’re messing with.


“Do you also fight, Narumi?” It felt like a good opportunity to understand their group a little more, so I ended up asking her. I’ve already seen Katja fight, and she looks really cool. I’m curious as to how the other girls do.


“Of course I do. We all fight. Otherwise, what’s the point of us coming here?” Coming here? Did they come to Three Records City from different places? I guess that makes sense. Narumi is the only one with a normal-sounding name. I’m curious, but I think it’d be insensitive to ask more. I don’t want to ask something bad by accident.


“And it’s just the four of you, or do you have other members?” I changed topics and took the opportunity to confirm something I had been wondering about for a while.


“No, it’s not just us. Did you forget, Iroha? Shinji also works with us.” Katja was the one who answered instead of Narumi.


“Would you call Shinji a member? He’s more like our manager than a member.” Hecate says while chopping some ingredients.


“I guess you can say that. We’re the only four members, and we’re the one who fight then. We’re five with you here, but you’re ready to fight yet.” Well, yeah, you’re right, Katja. You need to stop forcing me to run before I can help with more important things.


I got some answers, so maybe this is good enough for today. It doesn’t feel like I made any progress with any of them, even though we actually talked a little. Not with Carol, though. I have no idea where she is. It’s hard to get them to open up. Not like I can complain, there’s a lot I haven’t told them either.


I don’t know… Was today a good day? Did I say something stupid that I don’t remember? It’s hard to think properly after that monster attack. I need to go home and rest.


“Are you eating with us, Iroha? There’s enough for you.”


“I- I should get going. It’s getting late.” Even with Hecate asking, I still can’t eat with them. It would be too awkward. Sorry, but that will have to wait for another day.


“Alright. Be careful on your way home.” Hecate said while looking at the pan with her back towards me.


“See ya!” Narumi waved her hand as I left.


The next few days went by uneventfully.


During the weekend, I ended up going to the House in the mornings, and then Katja would make me run. It didn’t take too long, and I spent the rest of those two days in my apartment, surrounded by my beautiful waifus. It wasn’t a bad weekend, all things considered.


After the new week started, I would stop by the House after school was over for the day. Spending some time with Miyuki at school really helped alleviate the dread of knowing what awaited me in the evening.


So much running, and I feel like nothing has changed. I’m not improving. At least it doesn’t feel like it. I know I could try a little harder, but I would still like to see some results by now. If only it was that easy. It hasn’t even been a full week yet. I’m not gonna become capable of running a marathon or something in such a short time.


I saw Carol again! I hadn’t seen her again since I introduced myself to her, so that was a surprise. She didn’t seem to interested in talking to me, and left right away, though. I think she’s avoiding me. I must have said something stupid at some point… No surprises there.


Narumi and Hecate have been nice to me, at least. I don’t think they see me as a friend just yet, but they do try to make some conversation and aren’t avoiding me, so that’s something. It’s hard to say I’m getting any closer to them. I still end up getting nervous around them, so all our conversations are pretty bland. Even if they joke around sometimes, there’s always a distance I can’t seem to cross. I hope this gets better soon.


Katja is the one who should be nicer to me. I’m out here breaking my back for her, and she’s just cold. Does she even know why I’m here? I only follow her training because I like her. She should be more grateful. Wait, no. I’m doing it for the skills. The relationships are secondary. But I’m still following her training schedule. She could be a little nicer.


She doesn’t talk when we’re alone, and if I try to take the initiative, she only gives me short responses. It’s scary! I don’t want her to hate me, so now I just shut up. I didn’t do anything, though! It’s your fault for having unrealistic expectations of me! You can’t really blame me for that!


She was so cool when she saved me from that monster, but I still have no idea what she’s thinking.


“*Sigh…*” A sigh filled with despair escaped my lips while I rested my head on the dorm’s table.


What do I do? I feel like I’m going crazy. Was it a mistake to give the House a shot? Maybe I should just quit. The meaninglessness of my actions is making me lose sight of my goals, and I don’t really see a way up. Is there even anything I can do? I really can’t tell.


There’s no one around right now. Katja said she had to do something else after guiding me back to the dorm, and I haven’t seen any of the other girls yet. It’s almost time for dinner, so they should be nearby. Speaking of which, I should head home as well since it’s getting late. I’ve had some time to rest up, so I should get going, but…


“*Sigh…*” What am I gonna do? Can I get even one of the girls to like me? Even as a friend?


“Your soul’s gonna escape if you sigh so loudly, Iroha. I could hear you all the way from down the corridor.” Hecate says as she enters the open area near the entrance.


“Sorry…” Now Hecate caught me making a scene… great…


“There’s no need to apologize. Did something happen during training? What’s wrong?” The worried Hecate sat down in front of me.


“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about me. I’m fine.” It’s nice that she cares about me, but I’m not sure I can tell what’s going on.


I’m just upset that I can’t seem to be making any progress with any of the girls. She would probably get mad if she knew that’s what is troubling me. I thought there wasn’t anyone here, otherwise, I would have kept my mouth shut.


Hey, Hecate. I need help getting inside Katja’s pants! Can you help me? And yours too, now that we’re at it! Please help! Is that what she wants to hear? She doesn’t know what’s waiting for her if I were to answer her question. Not like I would need to tell her like that. I’d feel better if Katja just wasn’t so cold to me. Maybe she could help me with something like that…


“Are you really fine? You can tell me your demons.” I looked up and saw Hecate looking gently at me.


Can I? I don’t think you could handle my demons. Can I really tell you what’s wrong? I don’t even trust the words I say. I’ve said so many stupid things on accident. I’ve learned my lesson, and I don’t want a repeat of that, so I’m just gonna stay quiet. I know it’s not the right decision, but the risk of me messing things up and making the situation even worse is too high.


Katja is really beautiful, and so are all the other girls. They don’t compare to the miracle that is Miyuki, but they don’t have to. Comparison is the thief of joy. I’m very lucky to have met them in the first place. Even if things haven’t been going great so far, if there’s even a small chance that I could get into a relationship with one of them, I have to take it. I’m scared. This isn’t an easy thing to ask. Hecate is Katja’s friend, so I can already picture her face growing with disgust if I say something wrong. My intentions may not be the best, but they’re definitely not the worst.




This isn’t like me. I should just go home. Our relationship will get better eventually. There’s no need to rush things.


“I have to ask you a question!”

Next Chapter: Chapter 13 – The Obvious Path

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