The Villains I Raised All Died

Chapter 158 - End of full text (2)

Thunder Tribulation gathered in the sky, Dongling looked at the picture without blinking.

Even if it is such a leaf dust, he feels extremely beautiful.

The demon turned into a black gas, surrounding him.

“How about, Dongling,” his finger pointed at Dongling’s heart: “Does it hurt?”

With that, it laughed out loud: “It hurts right, you make me feel bad, then no one will feel bad!”

Hearing this, Dongling also smiled.

“Why live up to it?”

He raised his sleeves, and the picture fell to the ground, as if it were a door. He stepped in with a smile on his lips: “Such a good girl.”

Ye Chen felt that her spiritual power could no longer support it.

Her bones began to become transparent, which is the name of Tanglin, and became her only belief.

However, it was at this time that she felt a soft light pushing away the grievances that gnawed her around her. The pain gradually eased. She looked up and saw the light, and the young man in white stepped in.

As in the first meeting, the white shirt and silver robe, with a golden crown on top of the head, and the curly pattern line pressed against the edge of the clothing corner, are simple and solemn.

He came back against the light and walked to her step by step.

She looked up and stared blankly at him.

At this moment she was already a **** white bone, but he looked at her eyes, but still gentle as ever.

She opened her mouth and said hoarsely: “East … Mausoleum …”

Tangling squatted down, stretched out his sleeves, and embraced her in his arms: “Ma’am, I’m late.”

During the speech, the majestic spiritual power was poured into Ye Chen’s body, and her body recovered quickly, restoring her original appearance little by little.

However, what she did not see was that behind Dongling, countless injustices and ghosts were involved in his body, and Shaohua and Heavenly Emperor excitedly said: “Dongling! Stop! Stop!”

But Dongling didn’t reply. He used spiritual force to isolate everything outside. Ye Chen was in his arms, listening to his heartbeat, and tears gushed out.

The sentence “Madam, I’m late” seemed to be the biggest grievance in the world. She just listened and couldn’t help crying.

She hugged him dead and said hoarsely: “I thought … I thought … you are not coming back …”

“How could it be?” Dongling looked at her with a gentle look: “You have been bullied, why can’t I come?”

“Dust,” he stroked her hair, leaning on her, as if to use the life’s tenderness at this moment: “I’m finally sure that I like you, not evil thoughts.”

“You are in my heart, it is more important than the world.”

“I don’t want you to be aggrieved by half points, nor can you be hurt by half points.”

“I listen to every word you speak in front of the extremely cold land, and I stare at every side you come.”

“I think how hard this wait is.”

There was light shining on Dongling’s body. He swallowed all the evil spirits and ghosts on his back, which had already become **** and rotting abscesses.

He slowly left her arms and looked at her seriously: “So, don’t be so hard, eh?”

As he said, he whispered three words in her ear.

Ye Chen looked up incredible.

“what did you say?”

Her voice was trembling, but at that moment, the evil energy burst out violently and vigorously came, and Tangling shoved her backhand fiercely, and fell straight down to forget the river.

The evil mirror of Shifangzhen flew out of Shaohua’s hands instantly, the light shrouded Dongling, and a complicated formation suddenly burst on the ground.

The river of Wangchuan came from both sides, and the young man in white fell down, and Ye Chen rushed over, but was pulled by Shaohua.

She watched the young man fall and smiled at her, and the river poured from both sides to drown him, and she heard him—

Kill me, good boy.

He sucked the evil spirits of this heaven and earth into his body and regarded himself as a container.

That year he gave her a spell, she can kill him anytime, anywhere.

Now that he used the Xianfangzhen evil mirror and array to restore the seal of the Forgotten River, he also knew that he, with the Devil God and so many evil spirits and ghosts in his body, could never ask the way and ride the Devil God.

Instead of killing him for many years and bringing about a great disaster, not at this moment, just like that, kill him.

Everyone understood the meaning of Dongling. They looked at Ye Chen who was kneeling beside the Forget River and wanted to speak, but could not open anything.

After a long time, Heavenly Emperor stepped up and slowly said: “Emperor Ye Chen … Just do what Emperor Dongling said, do it …”

Ye Chen didn’t speak. She looked at the tumbling river of Wangchuan, and the whole person stayed in place.

Heavenly Emperor sighed and called out again: “Ye Chen Emperor …”

“Actually he knew it already.”

Ye Chen suddenly spoke.

At this moment, no one dared to disturb her, only to listen to her slowly: “When he met Mo Wuxie, he introduced evil spirits into his body. In fact, he knew that there would be such a day sooner or later.”

“Mo Wuxie is the first step of Devil God designing Dongling. He wants to wake up. He needs Dongling to possess a demon.”

“He used Mo Wuxie as an introduction, which inspired the spirit of Dongling ’s heart, and I was like the food of Dongling ’s heart demon, love for me, desire for me, envy and anger because of me, all of them. It ’s the evil idea of ​​Dongling. “

“He knows, he knows everything. But he still has to accompany me.”

“Ye Chen …” Shaohua also came up and said hoarsely: “What is the point of pursuing the past?”

Ye Chen didn’t speak. She looked at the water of Wangchuan River and recalled the past: “When he met the ugly girl, he knew that the seal of Wangchuan River was unstable. Then I followed him to the underworld, and at that time, the ghost of the injustice of Wangchuan River He already ran a lot, so the river became shallower. He should have resigned as Taishanfu Jun. “

“But he didn’t dare. He was afraid that if he quit this position, Heavenly Emperor would notice that he was wrong, that would be detrimental to me, and would not let us be together.”

“Is he particularly ridiculous?”

Ye Chen smiled bitterly, and his tears fell into the forgetful river: “An emperor, everyone expects him, everyone expects him, but he always thinks that he wants to marry a girl and want to spend a lifetime with her.”

“But how can he?”

“Taking painstaking efforts and practicing hard for three thousand years in an extremely cold place, if you can’t do it, you can’t do it.”

“He can’t marry her, every time she wanders in the extremely cold place, it is a late night for him.”

“He can’t see her suffering, or see her sad, so much so … It’s better to be calm and righteous, and die for the world.”

“He is dead, she can always let go.”

Speaking of which, Ye Chen laughed out loud, she squeezed her fist, and looked at the face reflected in the river, shaking her body: “I think I am … I am too self-righteous …”

“Why does he think I don’t want to wait another three thousand years ?!”

Ye Chen raised her head sharply, her eyes showing anger: “Mo said that for 3,000 years, 30,000 years, 300,000 years, when the Wenchuan River drys up, when the sun falls and the moon is destroyed, I can also wait! Why did he make this decision? ! “

“Ye Chen!”

Heavenly Emperor raised his voice: “What are you talking about?”

Ye Chen’s eyes became colder, and she slowly raised her head, saying one by one: “I’m waiting for him.”

“You can’t wait!”

Heavenly Emperor breathed violently. He eased his tone and slowly persuaded: “Ye Chen, even Dongling himself said, let you kill him. He now combines this world with Yin and Evil, which is equivalent to A alchemy furnace, the demon **** already uses evil energy as a nutrient, do you think he locks these things in his body, what is the result? “

“Ye Chen,” Heavenly Emperor took a step forward: “Dongling will not come back. If he comes back, it will not be Dongling anymore! If he lets you do it, he must have given you a way to do it. Let’s do it!”

Ye Chen didn’t speak, she turned her eyes to Shaohua: “Shaohua, you don’t believe him, do you?”

Shaohua pursed her lips, and after a while, he slowly knelt down.

“Please Ye Chen, please do it.”

With Shaohua’s actions, one fairy after another knelt down, Ye Chen watched them kneel in silence, could not help smiling a little bit.

“Ha … hahahaha …”

She laughed out loud, and until the end, Heavenly Emperor knelt in front of her.

“Lonely, sorry for you two.”

Heavenly Emperor made a difficult voice: “But, please Ye Chen, please do it.”

Hearing this, Ye Chen finally slowly smiled. She stood by the Forget River and looked at everyone.

Her eyes were clear and bright as stars. The river blew her wide-sleeved hunting, and she raised her hand and pressed her hair.

“I know you don’t believe him, but it doesn’t matter.”

She turned her head and looked at the water of the Forgotten River, which was all gentle.

“No one in the world believes in him, I believe.”

“Everyone in the world gives up on him, and I keep.”

“No one in the world will ride him, I will.”

“No one in the world loves him,” she took a step back and lowered her voice. The voice was gentle and beautiful, as if she had exhausted all her nostalgia and joy, and became that low voice-I love.

As soon as the words fell, she stretched out her sleeves and fell into the forgetful river.

Shaohua exclaimed: “Ye Chen !!!”

However, the only anxiety came to her clothing corner, only to watch the man fall into the river.

When Ye Chen sank into the river, what she said with Yue Xia appeared in her mind.

“Buddha Lord feeds eagles, and now I’m crossing him. Naturally, I also have to spend my life. He wants my flesh and blood, and I give him flesh and blood to offset his evil with good, so that he can return to the beginning.

“Can it be worth it?”

“Have you ever liked someone?”

“When you like someone, you will naturally understand that it is worth it or not.”

Yuexia …

She saw the glimmer of the river bottom, and she swam desperately towards him, then grabbed his hand.

He had completely lost consciousness, and she embraced him and used his own consciousness to probe into his consciousness.

At that moment, countless memories came.

She saw the young man named Gu Jianan, who was pulled by her in the moonlight and ran all the way;

She saw the sword repair called Jun Yan, white jade crown, hand-held long sword, back to the young her, blocking her;

She saw that the noble boy named Elt, resisting the power of enchantment, walked to her step by step, took her hand, said that, I like you;

She saw the swordsman named Shen Jingfeng, standing on the bank of a river full of river lights, and turned back with a smile;

She saw the Feng Shui master named Lin Jianxi standing at the door and waiting for her forty-one years;

She also saw that the young man named Lu Liang was manipulating the spaceship and raised a proud and gorgeous smile in the rain of gunfire;

Seeing that the weak Prince Qin Zhao held her feet in her arms in the winter, all her brows should not belong to the gentleness of a court person;

To see the prosperity that she waited for in the war years;

Seeing her love that person embraced her to greet the grand death.

She said that she must have loved Dongling for several lifetimes to have such a deep friendship.

This time, she finally realized that it was really a entanglement for several lifetimes.

She chuckled and kissed Dongling’s thin lips.

“I love you.”

“My Tanglin.”

I love you.

My villain.


When Ye Chen was sober, she returned to the familiar independent space.

Sanba and 666 stood side by side, and as soon as they saw Ye Chen, they began to applaud fiercely.

Ye Chen was a little embarrassed and coughed a little: “What are you doing?”

“For the first time I saw a living S-level task completer, or my host, I was a little excited!”

The sound of March and March began to tremble.

Ye Chen hadn’t eased from her emotions, anxiously said: “What about Dongling?”

“Oh, you can see him right away.”

666 immediately answered and calmly said: “Leave here, you will return to the real world, and we will say goodbye to you.”

“bid farewell?”

Ye Chen was dumbfounded, Sanba showed a reluctant expression. After so many worlds, Sanba finally upgraded to a system with various expressions. It nodded and sighed, “Yeah, you completed the task It ’s time for us to leave. You are just coming out of the world now. When you leave here, you will remember your original memories. “

“My original memory.”

“Yes, you have completed the S mission, we have also obtained the highest authority, and already understand what is going on.”

“What are your criteria for judging completion?”

“It was your original goal when we tied our system.”

Hearing this, Ye Chen was completely blinded. She felt that she was bound to be a surprise. 666 obviously knew what Ye Chen was in the Mongolian circle, and explained carefully: “I said, in fact, this world of S-class missions is your real world. Your true identity should be the Lord Wengshan, Ye Chen.”

“And when you bind March 8th, in fact, your task is to cross the villain and get rid of the evil spirits on Dongling.”

“And the same is true of Tanglin.”

“Tangling can’t have too many complaints to be unwilling, so he has to undertake a salvation mission and be the most smooth and smooth person in it. And you have to influence him, give him love and encouragement.”

“And the rating standard for the last task is whether your love and kindness for Dongling is enough for him to cross the demon. You have done a lot of things already, and the moment you are willing to believe that he jumped into Wangchuan River for him, Your love and kindness is enough. “

“In the real world, Dongling did not meet you. After the fairy demon war, he ate the unsympathetic pill and fought against the devil alone. Later, the seal of the Forbidden River of the Underworld was broken, and he sealed himself into the river of forgetless. When Emperor Tian realized that it was not enough to let Dongling ride the Devil God alone, so he found us and asked us to hone Dongling’s state of mind with one world after another. “

“what about me?”

“You are the only person that Dongling liked, so Emperor Tian came to you and asked if you would like to take this task. You agreed to the world, so you bound our system with Dongling and entered Every world. In order to allow you to quickly adapt to the world, the host will first put you in the 21st century with complex information. When you can communicate with us thoroughly, you will be sent over. “

Hearing this, Ye Chen probably understood what was going on. She nodded and said, “Then … I still have a question.”

“go ahead.”

March 8 hurriedly said: “I will answer you!”

Ye Chen saw that Sanba had been robbed by 666 and felt very faceless, and could not help feeling a little funny. She coughed softly and then said: “What the **** are you? Is it AI?”

“Every world has its own way of operation. In your world, you are immortals. And we also have our world. We are a technological world, AI is the ruler, but we are in the universe, and energy does not come naturally. It takes someone to produce manufacturing energy. So we are in contact with each world to solve the corresponding problems in that world in exchange for energy. “

“We solve the problems generated by human minds by making small worlds in the book, and there are many ways to obtain energy. We appear in different worlds and will change to the corresponding form of that world. For example, Tiandi is our customer, we When you receive him, it will turn into another fairy. “


Ye Chen nodded, looked at the three-eight-hearted face, and held back for a long time, and finally said: “Isn’t it good to answer?”

“Do you know?”

666 gave me a trivial look, and Sanba was about to speak. 666 then said: “It’s useless, you can’t tell clearly.”

“Woman, don’t go too far!”

Sanba suffocated his face, and 666 sneered: “You have communicated with the system that always went to President World?”

Ye Chen watched them flirtatious, and her heart softened. She looked at Sanba, her eyes full of nostalgia.

Sanba realized Ye Chen’s eyes and turned his head.

One person and one system stood against each other quietly, and Ye Chen finally said: “Thirty-eight, come, hug.”

Sanba took a look at 666 and nodded: “Go.”

March and March rushed into Ye Chen’s arms, holding each other one by one.

“Don’t smoke in the host’s brain in the future, not every host is as good as me.”

Ye Chen sighed, and changed her expression to “crying”, her tears flowing like a stream.

Ye Chen patted his back and smiled, “March 8, did I tell you.”

Sanba looked up at her, and Ye Chen smiled slightly: “You are really a very good, very good system.”

San Ba ​​stared at her froze, Ye Chen let go of him, and patted his head: “Can I come to see me later?”


Sanba immediately said: “I will come on vacation!”

“That’s good.” Ye Chen smiled and frowned. “Be sure to remember to visit me.”

March 8 continued to burst into tears, Ye Chen could not bear it, and coughed: “Farewell with a smile.”

Sanba was stunned for a while. After a while, it was replaced with the QQ smile when he first met.

Nostalgia appeared in Ye Chen’s eyes. She waved her hand gently and said, “Thank you.”

With that said, she turned to look at 666: “666, say goodbye to Dongling?”

“Well,” 666’s voice was dumb: “Say.”

“So,” Ye Chen straightened her little green hat for her: “Have a good time with Sanba, don’t bully him. I know,” she whispered, “You like him.”

This time, 666 was not angry. Together with Sanba, she watched Ye Chen stand up, shake her hand, turn around, and walked out in front of the light.

When Ye Chen stepped on the ground, she turned around and saw that the light slowly disappeared, only the QQ smile expression, vaguely visible.

It was obviously smiling, but Ye Chen felt that there was a feeling of crying in his heart.

She sniffed her nose, turned around, and saw the familiar cave house.

This is Aung San.

Countless memories poured in my mind.

It turned out that she was really the goddess of Wengshan, Ye Chen.

It’s just that she didn’t make contact with Dongling, and after the Dao Dao Tribulation, she quietly hid, and never had any intersection with the high emperor.

However, no one knew, she did not know him, did not know him, but she hid that humble love, always secretly waiting.

So when Heavenly Emperor came to look for her, she promised Heavenly Emperor without hesitation and would help Dongling to transform the evil spirits of that day.

Everyone thought she was for the world, but she knew that what she did was just that little selfishness.

She slowly walked out of her cave house and opened the door.

It was at this moment that Baihe came from the sky, turned into a teenager and stumbled in front of Ye Chen, grabbing Ye Chen’s sleeve, anxiously said: “No … not good! Immortal Lord, that, that rumored under the river of forgetting the river The dead Emperor Dongling is here! “

“Come here,” Ye Chen laughed out loud: “What are you afraid of?”

“Have you never heard of his rumors ?!” Bai Ran was shocked: “He hit him when he saw someone! Immortal lord, please hurry up, I’ll hold it for you, he is now stopped by the person I called Go, let me take you to escape … “

“Don’t run away.”

Ye Chen sighed, interrupted Bairan, and Bairan anxiously said: “Sister, you can’t give up yourself!”

“I didn’t give up myself, but, yeah,” Ye Chen put her hand out of her sleeve and pointed to the front: “He’s coming.”

Bairan quickly turned around, and then saw a handsome young man in a white shirt and silver robe with a crown on his head, and his sword came with ease.

Wherever he went, the sky turned around and the mountains were full of flowers.

However, that scorching spring flower was not as good as a smile on the corner of his lips.

Ye Chen leaned on the door rail, his hands on his chest, and smiled as the man walked to her step by step.

His eyes are all familiar smiles, but he still respectfully salutes: “In Lower Tangling, I have met Daoyou.”

“Why did it come?”

Ye Chen tilted her head and smiled deeper.

Tangling looked at her eyebrows inch by inch, and her eyes were surging.

“The next lady is here,” he raised his hand, and touched her face: “Naturally, to raise relatives.”

“Have you brought the gift?”

As soon as these words came out, Dongling was stunned, looking at Dongling’s expression, Ye Chen was close to him, his hands were wrapped around his neck, and he hung on him, saying: “It’s okay to hire the gift without bringing it, marry me to Wengshan Is it okay? “

Hearing this, Dongling was not annoyed. He smiled slowly, but nodded: “Okay.”

“After that,” he hugged her: “I will give it to you in my life.”

Ye Chen did not speak, she listened to his heartbeat and felt his temperature.

“Gu Jianan,” she suddenly called him, and Dongling responded: “Well.”


“I’m here.”


“it’s me.”

“Shen Jingfeng.”


Ye Chen’s names are called in the past, and he names one by one.

All memories came to her mind, her body shivered slightly, and tears poured into her eyes.

Until the end, she called—


He didn’t respond for a long time, Ye Chen slowly looked up and saw his tender eyes.

“Should not be called Dongling,” he sighed. “Should be called husband.”

Ye Chen burst into tears and smiled.

She hugged him: “Don’t you remember, you once promised that you can’t grow old together, but you can live and die.”

“I remember that.”

“This time, can we grow old together?”

“it is good.”

Dongling responded: “This time, I live with you, live together with you and live together.”

Ye Chen closed her eyes.

she says–

Tangling, I want to eat sweet and sour pork ribs.

This time, she could be whole and eat for a lifetime.

The author has something to say: Mo Shubai: “This time, the sweet and sour pork ribs, she can be whole and eat for a lifetime.”

Ye Chen: “Sweet and sour pork ribs for tens of millions of years … so terrible !!!!!!”

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