The Villainess’s Personal Maid

Chapter 26

"I Shan't accept this blasphemy!"

I grumbled after seeing that my class was not the same as Lotte's.

"If you can't accept it, you should have gotten the highest score on the test enrolling here... Look, your rank is 434... What are you doing there?"

"I just found that answering the questions isn't interesting to answer, Lotte."

"Then you should rank up, at least get to the 150-200 ranks."

"... Mm. Still, this school is interesting, they made this so the other students can challenge others, It was like a survival of the fittest, albeit for children... We are still 13 but this looks abnormal."

"Well, that's Evony Academy for you, Those who graduate here can have a bright future, but if you got expelled here was like asking to live in hell."

" have to go."

"...just go, damn it."

"Don't find another girl okay? If a boy even touches you, even just a strand of your hair, tell me okay? I will cut their hands."

"Just go!"

Lotte paled along with the others who heard me, some snickered mocking me, and some found it amusing.

I for one, do not care, but if they do something to my lotte, I will make sure they will live in hell.

With that, I went to my class,  1-I, and each classroom contained 50 students, If a student raises their rank in the next semester,  they would be transferred to the other class,  and opposite; if a person their rank fell below. 

I can confidently say that I regret what I did on the test. 

If I perfected all of the answers,  wouldn't I be in the same class as Lotte? 

I pouted in annoyance. 

"Stupid system... "

I blame the dean,  for what happened to me. 

I sighed heavily,  I really don't understand these people snickering. 

Looking at me full of mockery, how about I snickered at them while looking down at their pitiful bloody state? 

I can imagine it. 

Those fearful eyes,  begging for mercy,  crying until a snot appeared in their nose. 

"My~... "

Isn't that exciting? 

I can't help but feel ecstatic to see people cry... 


I want to annoy someone. 

Really bad. 

Maybe I will befriend one classmate to annoy them. 

That will be perfect. 

I won't be bored by that. 

As I walked,  someone tried to trip me but instead of me slipping it was the person instead. 

How can this person trip me when she is weaker than me, a hundredfold? 

"Hey! "

I turned back and saw a girl who seemed like a rich person glaring at me. 

"Oh my,  I did not know that you like to sit pitifully on the floor,  is this a new trend to gain sympathy? Might as well do that."

"You... Aren't you afraid to be expelled in this..."

"I'm afraid not, it's not like I'm dumb enough to cause a commotion."

"Are you implying tha-"

"Yes, you are, definitely, you belong to that category miss...? Whoever you are, now if you may, I must go now."

I turn back to the person without minding the scream of an insignificant situation.

I don't even remember her face now.

 I stopped and looked at the class number. 


This is my classroom. 

I opened the door and went inside,  not minding the gaze of people,  I looked for a spot and saw an empty spot in the last row,  I sat there and began to think about the novel or the future that would be held anyway... 

I must find a person to play with,  to annoy with,  So I won't get bored. 

Be that as it may,  it is still unbelievable. 

It was unbelievable that this school is the start of the novel, once we become a second year, the male lead will then transfer to class 1-A if...

You are wondering how I know this.

Well, My lotte is a person who hides her things... Clumsily.

I managed to read the names of the leads and supporting characters.

There, I found out, I'm one of the male lead's harem.

It is even written down, that I fall in love with him when he unconsciously saves me from falling down the stairs with his hand on my waist, both of us looking at each other, staring at his pink eyes full of worries and gentleness.

That's why I find it odd.

I mean, my body is rejecting a man's touch.

So, if I were in that state, I would have probably punched the guy or kicked his crotch.

I can even safely land when I will fall, so that thing, is impossible.

And just because of that act, saving me like a girl who is in trouble and needed to be saved by the hero, so I could fall in love sounds bullshit to me.

I won't accept it, I don't think I will fall for him Unless he uses charm magic.

I was lost in thoughts but snapped back when a hand slammed my table.

There I saw a man, three delinquents, wearing the school uniform, looking at me with disturbing lust.

"Hey, what is your name."


I stared at the man, his yellow eyes and slicked back long hair with a masculine body yet an average face was looking at me with arrogance and also ignorance.

"If I may ask, are you the youngest child of Supo company? Specialized in constructions."

"Ha! So you do know me!"

"Yes, a disgrace to the family."

"...what did you say?"



"Please tone down, I'm in front of you and not far enough for you to shout, I also would like you to take off your hands on the table,  I don't want to change it."

"Bitch are you mocking me?"

I tilted my head with an unconcern look, or more like an expressionless look.

"If you think I am mocking you then you have the right to believe in it, whichever choice you make then please take responsibility if you made a wrong choice then please face it. Now, please choose."


"Young master, let me take care of it."

There I saw a masculine man, with freckles on his cheek and short brown hair. With its orange eyes looking at me with arms crossed and a look of underestimating his opponent.

"Hey, if you don't want young master to be angry at you, then you must follow us, you have no choice, after all, a poor person like you has only one choice, and to follow young master, if not, we will do force and you might live in a pleasurable hell."

"I see. Guess I don't have a choice."

The brown-haired man and together with the two smirked, The brown-haired man stretched his arm about to touch my face, and I quickly slapped his wrist which caused him to get hurt.


He was about to punch me but a hand stopped his arm at the back.

"Chill there buddy, And would you guys leave her alone?"

"Huh!? And who might you be?"

"Un...your fellow classmate?"

I saw the boy before.

Dark raven hair same like mine and a similar skin tone, blue eyes with a perfect body in the future, he looked innocent but his blue eyes contained bravery and respect, it was this boy who I took notice of at the stadium, who looked like in trouble looking at us probably manage to see the situation back then.

An interesting boy I might say and now he is right in front of me trying to protect me.

I couldn't help but smile lightly.

My~ what an interesting plaything.

"By the way, my name is Yustav, Yustav W.  Fernando, a pleasure to meet you."

He introduces himself not to the three but to me.

I chuckled lightly which did not go unnoticed by the blue-eyed boy.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Yustav, this person's name is Jun Pearl, Lady Charlotte Octavia's personal Maid."

The four stiffened at my introduction. The three delinquents stiffened and paled, while Mr. Aoyama also stiffened but with different expressions.

I could tell on his face that he was shocked to see me, surprised, surprised.

I could tell he was shouting inside saying 'THIS IS THE PERSON BEFORE! MY GOD WHAT I HAVE GOTTEN INTO! '

Ara~ how cute.

"Fufufu, might you three get out of my sight and let me have a simple conversation with Mr. Aoyama?"


As soon as the three sat in their proper place. 

"Well then...  I must go as well. "

"Wait a minute Mr.  Yustav,  there is an empty spot next to me,  I would be happy to have a seatmate who is a gentleman like you. "

"Ahh,  hahaha no,  you see I already have a spot. "

"Really?  All I can see is that spot is the only one left. "

"Huh? "

He looks around and yes,  there is no empty spot on either side except the one thing right beside me. 

He stiffened,  awkwardly laughing not looking at me. 

He sat and did not look at me. 

His head is just looking at an empty board straighly. 

He is clasping his hand with sweat on his face. 



"Mr.  Yustav,  it seems I came to like you~"

He choked and pale instead of blushing. 

Am I that scary?  Fufu, this is interesting. 

"Wh-what do you mean? "

"It's just that it says,  I like you. "

"Oh god,  please no. "

"Yes please take care of me. "

"No. '

"Yes. "

"I don't think you need someone to take care of you. "

"No,  someone needs to take care of me,  I might get bored and who knows...  I might do something... "

I said as I slid my hand on his desk. 

I use my middle and index finger as if it was walking. 

I slowly reach Mr. Yustav's hands,  of course, I'm not planning to touch them,  I might hurt him unconsciously. 

But then. 

"Ease get off your hand! "

He grabbed my wrist and looked at me irritatedly but soon turned into stunned. 

"Eh? "

Is the word I could only say. 


I don't feel uncomfortable,  disgusted, or a feeling of getting dirty. 

I look at Mr.  Yustav a bit flustered. 

I couldn't help but smile and lick my lips. 

"My...  How peculiar,  Mr.  Yustav is unique...  Constitute amazes me. "

"what? "

"I feel comfortable on you Mr Yustav. "

"Wait... "

"My heart began to warm as soon as you touched me. "

"Wait a minute,  hold up... ! "

"It seems I really like you. "

"Shut up!  Don't say it out loud oh my god!!! "

I don't feel disgusted at all. 

Is Mr.  Yustav perhaps a girl?  No based on his body it seems not. 

Then why,  when he touched me i did not feel like I felt to the other males? 

I thought I could only have a plaything. 

I did not think I would get a practice dummy instead. 

"Fufu,  I hope Mr.  Yustav reciprocates my feelings one day ~"

"Oh my god!  Stop!  Stop!  Don't say something out loud!!! Everyone is looking oi!  Why are you smiling!?!? "

"fufufu... "

"I-it's just my first day and it becomes hell this quick...? "

It seems that Mr.  Yusrav wanted to cry... 

Did I tease him that much? 

Fufu,  oh well~~~

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