The Villainess’s Personal Maid

Chapter 1.1


When I open my eyes what greeted me is a white ceiling, a single bed where I was resting, and a white quilt.

I raise my body and look everywhere, I saw that there is a window where the sunlight illuminated the beauty of this room, it was simple, and plain, yet elegant at the same time, there is this feeling that it will make you feel comfortable.

I saw a rectangular mirror enough to see half of my body closely.

I went in the mirror to see my appearance.

Beautiful short black hair that stops at the top of my shoulder, big round amethyst eyes, I have fair white skin.

But what's making me confused is that this body which was full of bruises before is now gone and there is a bandage wrapped around my neck.

It's not just that, my facial expression is likely paralyzed, despite my surprise, this face does not express anything...

I tried to smile.


How can a person smile again?

For some unknown reason, I forgot to smile which is incredibly disturbing.

I just stare at the mirror, looking at my reflection whose face did not react to anything.


I look to my side seeing the door open.

There I saw a beautiful woman whose brown hair was tied in a bun, she was wearing eyeglasses, and formal attire, and she looks like a secretary type in many kinds of business.

"Good morning, My name is Cynthia, and since you are now awake, please wear those clothes on the sofa and once you are done, come and follow me, I will wait outside of the door."

She said seriously where I could only stare.

She tilts her head and her neutral expression made me feel uncomfortable.


"Ah, I apologize, I forgot you can't speak yet, ahem... I guess I should help you wear those clothes."

We only met just today but I have a feeling that Cynthia is an awkward person.

She helped me to wear the clothes that were lying on the sofa, it was simple clothes which I even prepare.

White plain T-shirt and pink skirts...

I should feel uncomfortable in skirts but somehow, I like them.

It is worrying.

Once I was done, I was guided somewhere else, I look around the area and there is so many beautiful designs in the hallway, the floor is so clean and looked smooth, and the color is light brown, and the walls are reddish brown with some beautiful canvas that has an Art on it, and some bases that I could tell it was expensive.

We stopped at a certain door, Cynthia knocked on the door three times before introducing herself.

I heard a soft familiar voice, allowing us to enter.

There, I saw the beautiful woman with her blonde wavy hair and hetero eyes.

She was doing some papers but soon stop as we are at her range.

"Seat there, Cynthia, if you may get me some tea and fresh milk for this little girl."

Cynthia nodded and leave me together with the beautiful woman.

"... Here, take this."

She stretch something, I look at it and it was a pen and a palm-size notebook.

"I will ask you a question and you answer by writing it there."

I nodded and was thankful for this, but I could not let my guard down, I don't know what she will do to me.

"First... Can you write?"

I nodded.

But she smirked which made me confused.

"For a little girl like you who grow in such an environment, you know how to write?"

I was confused at first but soon came to the realization, she was right, if I was leaving in such a place, I should not know how to write or read.

I just sold myself.

Even so, I can't just let myself expose.

Thankfully, the language that they are using is English.

I started to write.

[An Auntie teach me five months ago.]

I raise the notebook that has a sentence on the paper and I eagerly stretch it toward the beautiful woman.

My anticipation of her believing it is not in vain.

"Hmm, I see, I guess you also know how to read?"


"That makes things easier then, that auntie seems to have taken care of you."

[Yes, she was a good auntie.]

"She was...?"

The beautiful woman cough and then quickly asks a question.

"What are your name and age?"

I was about to write my name but soon stopped.

... I could not remember my full name, all I remember now is starting with the letter J...


Is it too much for me to ask that bastard god to make my memory remain?


[My name is Jun and I'm five]

"Okay Jun, since you somehow understood me and how warry you are, I will appoint you as my Daughter's Maid, but not now, your need to be trained to be her, a battle maid."

[Personal Maid? Or Aid?]

"Ho? You know it huh, you, for a five-year-old who looks like three year old, you can understand everything, your quite smart eh?"

I did not write anything, I could only look down at the notebook thinking about what reply should I write.


As soon as she said that Cynthia came in with tea and a glass of milk.

It's funny how I was expecting to drink milk, I was eager to drink it that I could not get my eyes out of the milk.

Not knowing that the blond beauty was amused by this, she take the glass of milk and gave it to me, I hold it with both of my small hands and stared at it.

Snapping back at my thought, I look at the blonde beauty as I realized something.

[What is your name?]

"Ah, I completely forgot about that, I am Glynda Blase Octavia, and I'm your master"


I nodded and then drink up the milk, somehow, the milk is so delicious and I like it so much, it is also sweet, but not sweet enough for me to throw it.

I chugged every bit of it not knowing my action could gain the amusement of two, after finishing the milk, I stared at the empty glass before looking at my master, expecting her of giving me another.

Master Glynda sighed and then smirk, she take a kerchief from her pocket before wiping the white stain on my mouth.

"Seriously, because you are too smart for your age, I almost forgot you are still a child."

She said then gently patted my head, she signs ordered Cynthia to carry me, and after that, we move somewhere.

While we are walking, master Glynda said something that made me surprised despite not seeing it in my facial expression, I was honestly shocked.

"Oh, My healer said you can speak in a week, so that notebook is only temporary."

I did not respond, I only tightened my embrace on Cynthia and buried my head on her shoulder.

This is confusing.

It was as if the previous owner of this body is also me.

Are we merging? Becoming one?

If that is the case, it is possible but her feelings are affecting me and I don't know if that was a good thing.

While thinking so, I did not realize I fell asleep.


I woke up when I felt someone patting my back gently waking me.

I rubbed my eyes and turn my head to look at my front.

There I saw a single room with a plain bed, a working table and an air conditioner, the design of the room is plain and homely.

It is like a dorm.

"Now, we are in the maid's quarter where maid like you live here, well then... Sit there."

She said and I followed her order, Master ordered me to sit in the bed and I walk fastly there albeit my running looks like I was toddling.

This is embarrassing.

Once I was close to the bed, I frown at how big it was, I was already five years old why do I feel like this bed is my mortal enemy?

How small I was?

I huffed internally and hopped two times until I manage to grab the sheet and began climbing, successfully climbing, I sighed and seat properly, and look at master.

I tilt my head emotionlessly as to how they look, they are staring at me and I don't know why.


She faked a cough then master looked at me seriously, I straightened my back unconsciously while looking at her.

"Jun, as I said, you will be the personal maid of my daughter, but you have to be trained first."

I forgot, I just realized this, my master is a beautiful young woman, how old did she conceive a child?

I nodded back.

At the moment, I don't know what is this world yet but based on the currency in this world which is called Rin and it has magic, I can now confirm that the bastard god did not lie to me.

This is a different world and has magic.


"Now, listen to this, Jun there are only three people you should only follow, Me, Cynthia, and my daughter, and no one should order you around unless it was us okay?"

I tilted my head, and despite my paralyzed face, I could not help but express my confusion.

"Sigh, you are still a kid but you are smart and it won't be long enough for you to learn something... My husband and I don't get along, even now, he evenly brazenly takes a mistress at home with a two-year-old child in his embrace."

When master said that the surroundings turn quiet and the atmosphere is too heavy, I could not help but shiver, thankfully it was not noticeable.

She calm herself, master was about to continue her speech but stopped when I raise my notebook with a sentence of it.

[ So, A garbage husband and a trash mistress came into your house?]

Both master and Cynthia chuckled a bit after reading it.

"Yeah, garbage and trash, a great combination isn't it?"

[A rotten smell comes from the juices, poor child.]

The two smirked and shake their head, but I honestly sympathized with the child as they were still innocent in their surroundings.

[The child is really pitiful, they still don't know what is happening.]

"As I thought, you are abnormal."

[Master is rude.]

"And I'll let that insolent word go with the wind."

[Master, you should include your feelings towards that garbage of a husband along with the wind.]

"Oh, I already did it "

[Then the master is blind, the master is still angry for seeing that garbage of a husband with a mistress.]

" that's not it, we have a daughter who is the same age as you, that is what I'm worried about and... Is that how you should be supposed to talk with your superiors?"

I shrugged before writing something.

[Master truly loves her daughter.]

"Stop changing the subject, sigh... Anyway, your first task as a trained maid is... Gain some weight and flesh."

And so...

My life begins, they gave me nutritious food and a diet balance.

A few months later, I finally gain some weight and The past me who looks like a skeleton, I now have some flesh increasing my adorable look~

After gaining some flesh, I started my training as a maid.

It seems that Cynthia is my master's trusted Aid, and in this mansion, some of the maids are already at her garbage husband's hand, and some employees gave their royalty to that man.

And me, when a male instructor comes in and was supposed to instruct me, I could not help but be shaken with murderous intent that did not go unnoticed.

A female person comes to check me out and study me, afterwards, she left not before talking to my master in private.

It was nothing, perhaps they thought I have some trauma?

I for sure, have not.

The next day, the male instructor could no longer be seen, it was a female instructor who started teaching me some martial arts.

The instructor is surprised at my growth, I was good at hand-to-hand combat and I am too proficient in using knives.

It was reported to my master and now I was considered a genius which is not.

If they find out it was the help of a bastard god, they would probably be shocked.

Sadly, Since my body is still of a child, my body could not able to take the movements that come to my mind.

"Little girl, for some reason, the way you fight is right and also wrong."

"What do you mean, instructor?"

Ah yes, since it was already a few months, I can now finally speak, and I must say my voice is... Monotonous.

It still sounded soft and cute though, hmmph.

"The way you move your body is wrong but the stance is right, this is the first time seeing something like this, tell me, do you know how to do your next move in your mind?"


"I see then, your mind is far too advanced, what you are doing is what comes to your mind, or is already stocked in your body, but your body itself could not handle it, it was as if your body is not yours..."

I see, does that mean despite me who is an expert at hand-to-hand combat and using knives, my body could not follow the movement that came through to my mind?

It seems I have to train slowly until my body gets used to it.

"Thank you for the details, instructor Naya."

"Ai, I can't believe you are a child, your mind is like an adult who regressed her age."


How half accurately you are?

After that, training as a maid, practicing hand-to-hand combat, and gaining a battle instinct, it did not take long for me to be ready as a personal maid of my lady.

Ah, I also started learning some academics.

The literature of this world, history, math, and about mana and magic.

(Zero: yes, I decided to use mana instead of Aura.)

So, let us talk about mana.

Well, mana is the source of magic, it is a form of energy that exists in nature and within people.

It is an important aspect of the people living here in this world, we need it as it was our source of magic power which we can cast a spell, either lightning, wind, fire, ice, earth, water, dark, and lastly light.

This mana becomes a piece of common knowledge in individuals and also common to used magic to its natural extent.

However, some people are reach of mana where they could use two to seven attributes of magic.

But at the moment of this world history, there is still no person who could use all of it.

This magic attribute is considered a skill of the individual.

How you used it depends on how you learn and understand the magic itself.

There are a lot of spells that could be used based on your attribute.

And there is also called 'Unique skill' a unique skill is a magic attribute that doesn't belong in common attributes of magic.

For example, my Illusion magic is considered to be a unique skill.

So, if there is space, blood manipulation, telekinesis, etc, are considered as part of a unique attribute.

How does mana come into this world?

On December 24, 2090, the sudden appearance of an unidentified creature shocked the whole world, they destroyed, or more like a mass of genocide that happens around the country where billions of people died in their havoc.

They were called 'Voids' a creature who comes from deep oceans.

It did not take long when Humanity is nearing its extinction when in the year 2095 a sudden miracle came in.

That it was, the other worlders, elves, dwarves, and demons came into our world and they could not go back to their world and decided to live here.

Their sudden exposure change the world, especially nature, thanks to the other world, the world now contains mana, it was as if the earth adapted itself.

There is no explanation on how earth produced mana, in the book it was only a theory and said a god saw this and that and decided to create mana into the world so the other worlders won't have a hard time and also to have the humanity a chance to live.

And now that humanity started to adapt to mana, there is a six powerhouse that gains a powerful type of magic.

They were called bloodlines, it was a power that was gifted from the celestial, said by the other worlders, it is said that those who have bloodlines are set to protect the world to its ending.

Thanks to this, humanity regain its morale, with the help of other worlds and six powerhouses, the world was saved, however, it is also alarming that the ocean is no longer safe, it is much more dangerous for fishermen so when someone started fishing it was a large organization with the powerful individual as a guard.

It was enjoyable reading it, it was as if I was reading a manga about world-building, however, I find the information lacking something.

"Jun, stop reading, and tomorrow morning will be your first work."

Said Cynthia Onee san, I nodded and followed her heading towards my master room.

Even to this day, with my 2 years' worth of training and I am now seven, I still could not see the face of my young miss, what I only do is my training as a combat maid.

It was 9:am today, and when we entered my master room, she was dressed up in her combat attire.

Long red trench coat that stops at her lower knees, brown flexible tight pants, with a belt strapped on her waist with her rapier placed at the side, white frilly long sleeve.

She was a beautiful combatant that you could able to see in royalties.

Ah, I forgot to tell you, my master is the guild master of the number two guild in the world, her guild name is  Hestia guild.

And as of now, her expression is grim.

"Cynthia, get ready, and also you Jun, I guess this is the great time for you to see what is a void actually looks like."

"What happen guild master?"

Master sighed and held her head.

"Naryuki plaza: An A Rank Void called Echidna appeared..."

(Zero: this place is just made up.)

I notice Cynthia Onee san's face looked shocked and worries could be seen in her eyes.

"Echidna... 10 years ago one also appeared and..."

"Master, Cynthia Onee san, is this void too dangerous?"

"Really dangerous, despite its weak endurance and could be killed by a B rank combatant, however its strength is not its prowess, Echidna is a void that reproduced hatchlings, a void that grows quickly and become deadly... At most in luck to echidna and bad luck to us, echidna could give birth to an S rank Void. The amount of it can reproduce every minute is around 50 voids... It l's a full-scale raid...."

"Oh, that plaza is good as dead."

"Thankfully, the citizens there were evacuated quickly and the echidna has not yet given birth,  at most, it is still not hostile yet... So, we must go as soon as possible."

Wow, in just one hour that Echidna could give birth to at least 3,000 voids.

"Ah, before I forgot, Jun, you might not know this but be careful of its golden thread."

"Golden thread"

"Yeah, Golden thread or more like Echidna's thread, it is a type of web so hard that no ordinary weapon could cut, it can cut you into pieces if you are not careful. If we are lucky enough, I hope we can get its thread, they said that Echidna's thread is a shape of a ring where it has an unlimited of threads that could produce."


I want it.

"Master, if we can defeat it, can I get the Echidna's thread?"

"Hm? Sure but why?"

"Well, I have one more unique skill and it was called Thread Manipulation, so I can use any type of string and manipulate it and treat it as a weapon."

"...that is interesting, sure, let's just make sure we get it first because this is a large-scale raid."


"Now, get ready, and let's go!"

Zero: this is clearly a rewritten story... Wow, I'm dumb.

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