The Village



Five years had passed since I had escaped my former life alongside Cynthia and Dary.

We ended up finding a village but unfortunately things didn’t work out so well as two women being In love were incredibly frowned upon, although nothing terribly bad happened to us, the villagers made it clear that they wouldn’t do business with us, so again we left and traveled north.

Eventually we found a small fishing and hunting village, surprisingly with a rather odd although interesting culture. 

The village was called ThornsGrove and the men there were incredibly feminine, mostly androgynous in appearance and did jobs most places expected the women to fulfill, whereas the women of the village did the typical work that was associated with masculinity. 

It was a little odd at first but refreshing to see how everyone was happy with the way things worked around here and lucky for us ThornsGrove’s Chieftess was in desperate need of an alchemist, they welcomed us with open arms, helped build us a cabin and within several months it was like we were always apart of the community. Dary managed to find a rather beautiful and skilled hunter he quickly fell in love with, her name was Freæ and she was strikingly tall, with flowing silver blonde hair, fair skin and brilliant purple eyes.

She reciprocated his feelings and soon they got married, Dary still Cared for both Cynthia and I albeit platonically so Freæ even helped expand the cabin so that there would be room for the four of us.

Shortly after Cynthia and I were wed as well and the entire community of ThornsGrove had a big celebration, full of drinking, laughter and dancing till the wee hours of the early morning.

Cynthia decided to become a hunter and started training under Dary’s new wife, she was rather quick to learn and easily become almost as skilled as the native hunters of ThornsGrove, although she was still a long way off.

As for me.. well at first I couldn’t really figure out what to do, I’d grown up working on my parents mill and that’s all I really knew how to do but with my body type as it was, I just wasn’t built for heavy manual work anymore and I struggled with small things even such as bringing firewood into the cabin. 

Not that I was abnormally weak, but for a five foot two woman who weighs 105lbs, I had the strength to match.

I could cook, that was often one of the things I did for Dary, his wife and mine but there were already so many cooks in the ThornsGrove that there wasn’t really a need for a new one. 

Eventually, while Cynthia was out training and hunting with Freæ, I would spend time with Dary watching him make potions. It started off small, just helping him with things here and there like grinding up herbs, insects and other ingredients into powders for the potions, until one day Dary wanted me to make a potion of my own. 

He patiently guided me through the process of making a simple ‘cold curing’ potion and to our surprise I had a real knack for mixing potions. 

And so that’s when I decided what I wanted to do, I’d become an alchemist under Dary’s training.

It took me seven months before I was ready to start making potions by myself and it took me three months before I was ready to start providing medicine for the village alongside Dary.

However, happiness couldn’t last forever and one day trouble brought itself right to our front door.

Annabel’s father had passed, apparently he’d had a heart attack from the stress his daughter had caused him seeking her personal vengeance against me and Cynthia.

When she took over as chieftess she made the villagers' lives miserable with her tyrannical way of governing.

I was heartbroken to find out she’d had my parents put to death, something her father refused to do after I had escaped.

Eventually the villagers had enough of Annabel and forcibly removed her from the village, electing a new chief to rule in her place, it seems the execution of my family was the final straw in their eyes, I personally found it heartbreaking that’s what it took for everyone to finally put a stop to Annabel, her own guards even turned on her.

Somehow she had found where Cynthia and I had gone and showed up in ThornsGrove wearing tattered, ripped and dirty clothes, the villagers of ThornsGrove had no clue who she was so they happily told her where I lived thinking she was a friend.

When I opened the door to the angry knocking that had been going on for several minutes I was shocked to say the least, no one was home but me and I felt extremely scared being around my horrible ex.

 She pushed past me and made herself at home, sitting down on a chair and setting her filthy boots atop a small table we kept near the fireplace.

I wanted to tell her to leave, I wanted to run, to do anything but I was frozen in place with fear.

She took great pleasure in explaining what she’d had done to my parents, causing me to start crying after hearing the news, which the sight of me so visibly upset made the sick grin plastered on Annabel’s face grow even further into a cruel smile. 

My fear only escalated as she suddenly got up from the chair she was sitting at and closed the front door behind me.

From a bundle in her tattered dress she withdrew a rather large dagger, sharp as a razor and held it to my throat as she pinned me against the door.

“I’ll give you a choice. Either come with me or I’ll kill you right here.” She told me.

I stared up into her eyes with horror, I felt the cold steel of the knife press into my flesh, cutting my neck ever so slightly, just enough for a small  trickle of blood to leak down my neck. 

“Annabel.. please..” I begged as I cried.

“You ruined my life, if I can’t have all that’s left of what I own then no one can.” She stated coldly, still holding the dagger to my throat.

I thank the gods that Dary came home from the alchemist workshop early for lunch. As soon as he came in the door, Annabel was startled and dropped the knife. Dary quickly picked it up and pushed Annabel away from me.

He tied her to the chair before checking on me to make sure I was okay. I saw a flash of anger in his eyes when I told him about my parents.

We waited until Cynthia and Freæ came home before deciding what to do with her.

“We should feed her to Glorök!” Suggested a rather excitable Freæ, after she’d been told what type of person Annabel was and what all she’d done, she was bouncing around suggesting awful ways for her to die.

Glorök was a literal lion that had been raised by the hunters of the village after they’d found it as a cub, abandoned by its mother. 

“No, I have a better idea..” Dary mumbled and suddenly he had a wide smile on his face.

“Danielle, did you make a batch of those pig transfiguration potions for practice like I asked?” He said.

I nodded and looked at him with a bit of confusion before it dawned on me and I started laughing hysterically.

Annabel had a look of horror on her face as a vial was brought from the workshop and held in front of her.

“Now this may not be permanent, but I can damn sure make it last a long time.” Dary said with a glare as he popped the cork from the vial and forcibly shoved the contents down Annabel’s throat.

“This will last three months, maybe spending some time in a body to match your personality will humble you a little? And if it doesn't.. well next time you come here threatening any of us again I’ll give you one that lasts a year.” Dary practically growled at Annabel as she struggled against her bonds and glared at all of us.

“I..I won’t come back I swear!” She said with a panic.

“Just.. Please give me a potion to reverse this! I don’t want to be a pig for three months!!” Annabel begged.

Dary gave her a sick smile.

“Too bad.” He stated causing Annabel to start crying.

Dary untied her and lifted her up, then opened the door and threw her out in the cold.

“Don’t come back!” He said with a wave as he slammed the door.

After that life was rather peaceful, we never did see Annabel again and everyday that passed Cynthia and I grew closer and closer.

Eventually Cynthia wanted kids, so with Dary’s help he and I made a fertility potion meant for same sex couples. 

I gifted it to her as a surprise on our fifth anniversary. She was so ecstatically happy, after she drank the potion we both stripped and she gave me a deep kiss.

I looked at her rather well endowed Erect cock between her legs, and I eagerly spread my pussy lips for her.

She leaned down and kissed me slowly as she pushed her member inside my soaking cunt.

“Let’s start a family..” I said with a moan as she started to thrust her hips into mine.

“Gladly.” Cynthia said as she gave me another sensual kiss. 

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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