The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Lin Tianyin didn’t dare to make any movement. She nervously followed Celer and moved slowly to the place where she could hear them clearly, and then squatted down behind a cluster of aquatic plants.

Can’t get close anymore, this location is very dangerous. Lin Tianyin saw familiar shadows among the few people—the Governor, Chorov, and two unseen faces. It is guessed that most of it is also the high-level person who holds the secrets of this area, or the confidant of the governor.

“Don’t struggle, Mr. Captain, don’t you just want to die? We are here to fulfill your wish.”

A strong-looking man stared at the old captain, who looked less than forty years old, with a tone of disdain and ridicule.

Qiaorov showed the appearance that Lin Tianyin had never seen before, and the man who always had a hearty attitude was standing aside only at this moment. Among these people, the Governor didn’t have any expressions from the beginning to the end, but he squatted down like comforting and said to the captain who was **** by them, “We don’t want to do this either, but for the benefit of everyone, this There is no choice, I must thank you for the sacrifices you made for us on behalf of all the residents… Finally, do you have any last wishes?”

“Go! You disgusting poor bugs!” The old captain glared, and he slobbed the governor and sneered. I was also deceived by you. A group of hypocritical guys! Even if the old man dies, don’t be humiliated by you!”


The old captain was extremely stubborn all the time, the governor stared at him blankly, wiped the saliva from his face with the back of his hand, and slowly straightened his body.

Then in the next moment, the Governor’s expression sank, and his stern face suddenly flew up and kicked the old captain’s belly.


The old captain snorted suddenly, and he was kicked to the ground.

“An old thing that doesn’t know what to do.”

The governor stared coldly at the old captain, raised his leg and stepped on his face with one foot, his actions were rude and violent.

The few people next to him just watched, except for Chorov who was standing aside in pain, the others had sarcasm and sneers on their faces, and no one stopped him.

“I wanted to be polite to you, but it’s a pity that you don’t know how to promote.” The governor changed his face fiercely. He was completely different from the gentleman before. This hypocrite finally revealed his true face at this moment. “Originally, if you were If you are willing to cooperate, this month’s sacrifice will probably not be your turn, but it doesn’t matter. The other old guy who can’t do anything will just wait for next month.”

Lin Tianyin, who was eavesdropping on the side, was frightened. She didn’t guess wrong. The Governor and the others are not good people, but she did not expect that things were far more terrifying than she had imagined!

Now Lin Tianyin finally understands why he has to work hard to find survivors in a place where resources are extremely scarce, because they hold the so-called “thanksgiving sacrifice” every month. And behind this seemingly carnival celebration, there are dark and terrible things hidden-the real sacrifice is to be dedicated to the living person of the sea monster Umms!

Lin Tianyin had to start to wonder whether the residents who disappeared for no reason or the pirates who were driven out eventually became sacrifices. But what is the purpose of these people doing this? Is it related to the extinguished “nuclear”? Their sacrifice cannot be unreasonable. If there is a victim every month, it is not a normal price!

Lin Tianyin suspects that their so-called sacrifice is only to provide energy to the so-called “sun”. The cycle of continuous nuclear energy supply is about one month. When its energy is exhausted, they must continue to invest in the digestive glands of the sea monster. Living life. So every time shortly after the end of the sacrifice, the extinguished “sun” will start to shine again, because they simply exchanged human life for energy!

Thinking of this, Lin Tianyin couldn’t help being frightened by his own speculation. But she felt something wrong again. Since the sea monster had digestive glands, what was going on with this huge space in its body? If Ums just needed to swallow something to replace it with energy, they would have been digested when they fell into the sea monster’s stomach. But the humans who fall here can survive safely in a certain area. Besides, there are dangerous monsters in other places. The “acid spring” that will be dissolved no matter what is thrown in is not so much the digestive system of the sea monster, it is more like a garbage dump.

Lin Tianyin even faintly felt that this place might not just be the womb world of sea monsters. All kinds of beings can survive in it, just like a different-dimensional living space created by a bad taster.

Could it be related to the Demon King?

Lin Tianyin thought of this possibility openly, because she felt that this was probably the root cause that best explained all the irrationality in this world.

If that’s the case, everything can make sense… So even if the old captain gave up the idea of ​​survival, do these people want him to live? They didn’t even let the old captain leave their territory, but locked him up for the purpose of turning him into a sacrifice to the sea monster on this day and maintaining their energy for survival. The general residents don’t seem to know about this, I’m afraid it was concealed by those above.

Incompetent and unable to create value will be eliminated, so the fat old man is the next goal of those people. But people who are too smart can also threaten their rule, and the governor is very wary of them, seemingly worried about what they perceive. If you let him know that he already knows their true colors, I’m afraid they will be dealt with secretly before the next sacrifice begins!

“You will have to die—”

The old captain stared at the governor in hatred, his face was a little deformed when he was trampled on, and he almost used all his strength to curse his curse word by word.

The other face stared at the old captain with a sneer, and kicked him without mercy, and said in a strange way, “Governor Helim, how long will it take to throw this old thing in?”

The governor took out a delicate pocket watch, and after checking the time, he said coldly, “The celebration of the residents is not over yet, as before, let’s start at the end.”

“What? Then there will be a long time… Enjoy the last time, old stuff.” The face sat on the ground and yawned boredly, “It’s so boring…”

Lin Tianyin was trembling in his heart watching this scene. These people look terrible. The Governor is completely a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I am afraid that he is also the coldest-blooded in this group. And Chorov stood there and didn’t say a word from beginning to end. When they saw Chorov’s reaction, they grinned and said, “What’s wrong? I have done so many times with us, haven’t you gotten used to it?”


Chorov seemed to be on his mind. He hesitated, frowned and said, “I still think… it’s not good to use our compatriots for a living sacrifice.”

“Huh? What silly thing are you talking about, Jojo.” The tall face gave Jorov a sarcastically, and laughed. “This old guy wants to die by himself, but we are fulfilling his wish. what.”

“But-aren’t the people who sacrificed before are all brothers among us?!” Chorov was a little excited for a moment, but he quickly fell down again and sighed, “As long as there are those who have thrown in Isn’t something with enough vitality all right? Then we just need to catch a monster back alive in Zone B… it’s okay.”

“At the beginning, we voted. Although you did not agree, this is the will of everyone as a pioneer, isn’t it?” The governor looked at him coldly, leaving no trace of affection in his tone. Are you still saying this is not ridiculous now? You can’t help but know the price of catching a monster alive from Zone B, but it’s much more than we have to pay for several sacrifices, Jojo?”

“…” Chorov clenched his fists. He seemed to want to say something, but in the end he fell silent.

When Lin Tianyin heard this, she understood almost everything, her heart was still beating wildly, how could she not calm her emotions at the moment.

What should I do at this moment?

“How is it? Go and save people?”

Lin Tianyin turned his head and looked at Celier. The little pirate brother who was quietly observing those people heard her and suddenly twitched his eyebrows slightly, looking at Lin Tianyin as if he was looking at a fool.

“…what did you say?”

“I said, shall we save the old captain?”


Celier was silent. Through the faint fire light coming from a distance, he carefully looked at Lin Tianyin’s expression, and after making sure that she was not joking, he shook his head very resolutely: “Little girl…you know you are here. What are you talking about?”

“I know.” Lin Tianyin replied seriously.

“Then you should understand that even if you save the captain’s grandfather, it will only put us into a more troublesome situation, and all our previous efforts will be forfeited.”

Celier was probably really helpless. He sighed slightly. After seeing Lin Tianyin’s expression at the moment was completely serious, he had to try to convince her: “And you should understand it too. In any case, they are all right now. A living sacrifice is needed in exchange for energy for survival, so Grandpa the Captain who gave up the chance to survive is the best choice this time.”

Celier’s eyes flickered when he said this. Perhaps what this pirate brother didn’t want to admit was that at this moment, the old captain’s eyes had already revealed unwillingness and nostalgia for the world. If this kind of person really wanted to die, he would have already died, but this stubborn and self-respecting grandfather of the captain would never admit that he wanted to live.

Seeing Celier’s gaze, Lin Tianyin felt that something in his chest seemed to be hitting his heart.

“I don’t understand, I don’t want to understand, I only know that I hate this kind of thing, especially hate it.”

Clenching his fists, Lin Tianyin’s expression became hideous.

She began to think about it, what would happen if Mirona encountered such a thing? That little virgin girl might do stupid things regardless of the consequences. But no matter what the result is, Mirona is just doing what she thinks is right, what about White Lotus? What about chaos and kindness? Having the courage to disregard all consequences, it is precisely this that can be the protagonist of the story, isn’t it?

Lin Tianyin is not a sympathetic person, she just thinks that this kind of thing is too disgusting and completely violates her bottom line. If she let herself escape without doing anything like this, she might become the kind of person she hates most.

Is it so-called “grow up” and “mature” if a person really wants to become like that?

If you really did that, what price would you pay? Lin Tianyin asked herself again in her heart-is this really worth it?

Isn’t it worth it? Are you really willing to bear the possible consequences?

Did you take it…

“Don’t do stupid things.” Celier warned Lin Tianyin in a low voice, probably because she lowered her head with a solemn expression, so he felt relieved and continued to observe the movement there.

“It’s almost time.” The governor looked at the time of his pocket watch again, and finally showed a trace of impatientness, “Hurry up, we can still catch the end of the celebration.”

“That’s right, the residents will be very happy if they can see the Governor at the end.”

One of the strangers said to the governor flatly, and they pulled the old captain who had fallen on the ground up and slowly dragged it to the edge of the acid spring.

Chorov looked at all this from the side, looking infinitely regretful. But he will not stop, nor can he stop anything.

“Stop—I don’t want to… I don’t want to…”

The extremely stubborn old captain was finally reaching the limit, he looked extremely humiliating and terrified, his eyes were wet. But the governor suddenly ordered the other two to let him go, like a horror, and then put on the gentle smile, and looked at the old captain and asked: “What do you want? Speak and listen, ah, captain, how fast are you at such an old age? Are you crying? Are we not fulfilling your wish?”


The old captain looked extremely painful, his heart was shaking, but the words “don’t want to die” were never said. The governor seemed to be full of patience. He grinned and said gently, “Don’t you want to die? But if you don’t say the captain, we don’t know.”

“…” The old captain closed his eyes. At the last moment, he finally gave up his dignity and stubbornness, and nodded painfully.

The governor seemed to be satisfied, and suddenly smiled distortedly.

“But no, in order to maintain the normal operation of this place, there is always someone who has the courage to make sacrifices. Your death will be a supreme honor, Captain.”

The Governor’s words were like a poisonous snake piercing the old captain’s ears, making the old captain’s face that was full of humiliation and frustration even worse. In fact, the old captain also knew that those people would not let go of themselves, he was just unable to control the fear of death in despair.

The Governor looked down at the old captain, the twisted smile on his face had not completely disappeared, and his usual kind and compassionate expression appeared in his eyes.

“For the sake of all of us, I have wronged you, old man.”

As he spoke, the governor had already pulled him up, dragging him to the edge of his digestive glands.

The old captain looked at the governor in anger and despair, and closed his eyes again with trembling, but he didn’t even have the strength to curse.

However, at this moment, a group of extremely fast shadows suddenly emerged from the dark corner.

A girl with a ponytail quickly rushed out. Before everyone had time to react, the whole person took a volley and directly kicked the governor who was making gestures to direct others to deal with the old captain.

The governor, who was caught off guard, didn’t even have time to let out an exclamation, and was kicked into the acid spring by the young girl.

“Ah, in that case, can’t you just die by yourself?!”

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