The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

There are always infinite possibilities in the universe. Anyway, I don’t know what happened. After Lin Tianyin woke up in a muddled sleep, he found that he had passed through.

I omitted the series of standard procedures from surprise-joy or crying-to calmness, or that these mood changes never happened. Staring at a huge figure in the only mirror in this room full of medieval decoration, Lin Tianyin opened his mouth blankly, unable to recover for a long time.

Who will tell her…Why did she, who was the second beautiful girl in the class, turned into a big fat girl who looked more than two hundred catties and had a big face? !

It’s really not easy to accept this cruel reality. Lin Tianyin spent a long, long time in a daze. Until someone entered her room and she saw a petite and beautiful black-haired girl calling her for dinner, Lin Tianyin finally understood what had happened to her.

She… She seems to have entered a Marisu novel that she just read…

Oh…Looking at the beautiful girl with black hair and big eyes who kept talking to herself in front of her, Lin Tianyin’s thoughts had drifted out of the sky. It was a novel that I didn’t know how to describe, and it was very painful.

The beautiful girl in front of her is her sister in the novel, which is the heroine of the story. She can be sure that the original author, Sharkko, is a guy with second disease and lack of common sense, setting the whole story background very stupid. They are now in a continent called Farus, and at the far end of the world there is another group of demons who want to capture this land. The protagonist is a prince of a country. He met our heroine during the journey to defeat the devil. The heroine is a descendant of a family of ancient Eastern magicians and has the ability to heal wounds, so she was favored by the prince and took them on a journey to defeat the devil. This sounds normal, right? Then, not long after the heroine joined the team, the prince was captured by her, including the knights in the team, the bandits in the wild, the missionaries in the village, and any man in the story who showed a little good-looking face fell in love with her, of course. It can be considered as a necessary condition for Mary Su’s novel, and it can also be understood. But I don’t know what the author thinks, just like all Mary Su stories, she arranged a rival for the heroine, jealous of the heroine’s popularity, and desperately engaged in sabotage among her men to seduce the vicious villains of those men. …Then this vicious villain is no one else, it is her sister who is suspected to be over two hundred catties in weight and has a face full of flesh!

Whatthefuck? Author are you kidding me? !

When seeing these settings, Lin Tianyin was almost crazy about tearing up the book. The author seems to be too ugly to look at her rival sister in order to bring out the beauty of the heroine. But here is the problem! No matter how you think about it, your sister is not competitive, okay? ! Why does she insist on being caught between the heroine’s harem? ! And no matter how humiliated by those male protagonists, she doesn’t shrink back and destroys her…WTF! Do you have this perseverance to do something else? ! Will you lose weight first? !

Because she couldn’t bear these stupid and Marie Su’s settings, Lin Tianyin still didn’t insist on reading this book, and then she took it to the corner of the table the next day… She found that she had become the heroine Mirona’s. Sister Shanoya.

An obese and extremely powerful woman, her existence itself is an unfortunate story. Although he did not finish reading this book, Lin Tianyin still clearly remembers that this sister was hacked to death by the prince who loved the heroine after she hurt the heroine because of the design halfway through the story…

Forget it, these have nothing to do with Lin Tianyin. Anyway, who weighs two hundred jins, she wouldn’t be unable to figure out how to approach the heroine’s harem…

“What’s the matter with you, sister? Why doesn’t today’s food seem to appeal to your appetite?”

Mirona in front of her seemed to notice Lin Tianyin’s distraction, and couldn’t help asking her with concern. Lin Tianyin just remembered that at the beginning of the story, the author described in detail the various gluttons of the hostess’s sister. Every meal would have to eat a lot of things, otherwise he would get furious and steal the neighbor’s food to eat. In short, it was very irritating. The guy with a headache…

But I’m so hungry…

This ferocious appetite in the body drove Lin Tianyin to want to eat, but looking at the behemoth in the spectacles, Lin Tianyin felt very sad and indignant-anyway, she was also a beautiful girl at school level. Got a big fat girl? ! She couldn’t accept this kind of self. Seeing her sister with big bright eyes and smelling the fragrance of vegetables floating upstairs, Lin Tianyin took a sip of water and said with difficulty to the heroine of the story: “Don’t eat Now… I am going to lose weight.”

I don’t know what happened, Lin Tianyin’s words seemed to have a chemical effect. My sister Mirona opened her eyes slowly and screamed in a very incredulous voice.

“My God?! Lose weight! Sister, are you serious? You are not fat!”

…Thank you, bitch, I know how ignorant you should be when you say this.

Lin Tianyin twitched the corners of her mouth, her full-bodied face also shook as her expression changed, but she still stiffly told the innocent-looking sister: “No… Mirona, I’m too fat, you don’t know. When I sleep on the bed, I can even feel the bed creaking because of my weight. If I don’t lose weight anymore, the floor of our house will be crushed by me.”

“But I think it’s good for you.” Mirona looked at Lin Tianyin sadly, shook her head and said, “When you lost weight last time, you didn’t control yourself. In the middle of the night, you ran to the neighbor’s Uncle Hansen’s chicken coop to remove all your eggs. Swallowed raw…it’s terrible.”

“I swear it won’t be like that anymore.” Lin Tianyin’s mouth twitched more and more, and she was more convinced that Shanuoya, including the original author of this story, was a pervert.

“If you can’t hold on, don’t hold on…”

Appearing to have accepted Lin Tianyin’s words, younger sister Mirona nodded with concern, stepped back to the door and told Lin Tianyin that the food was on the table downstairs. If you are too hungry, you can come down and eat.

“I know…”

Lin Tianyin thanked Mirona in pain, then closed the door and plopped more painfully on the bed.

Appetite is really hard to resist… When is it now? Has the demon king started to attack Farus? She vaguely remembered that before meeting the princes, the demon king’s loyal servants attacked the village, seemingly to wipe out the blood of the families that had sealed him. The parents of Mirona and Shanoya died in this attack… I can’t remember it clearly, because she jumped to read this broken book! Lin Tianyin thinks that he shouldn’t waste too much time in such a boring story. Is this the author’s curse, **** it?

In any case, she has become Shanuoya of two hundred catties. Lin Tianyin regretted that he would have read the story carefully if he knew it, no, it would be useless even if he read it carefully, right? ! No matter what good things happen in the story, it has nothing to do with the two hundred catties fat girl! The world is so cruel!

In short, she had to start making plans for herself. In the original book, the devil’s servant burned the entire village, so the two homeless sisters followed the prince and their team—or, to be precise, the prince took away the sister. Baijin’s sister just took it in for Mirona’s sake. Because all the men’s eyes were on Mirona, and Shanoya’s temperament was not so good, and because of her weight, everyone looked at her with a kind of contempt, and the result was The feeling of hatred towards her sister eventually led to her tragic ending.

—This is all the evil taste of the original author…how did she come up with the two hundred catties of vicious female partner…

Lin Tianyin, who has tragically turned into Shanuoya, doesn’t want to get involved in the harem story of the original Marisu heroine, but it seems useless to escape the village before the devil comes. In theory, she and Mirona both inherited the bloodline with healing power. The Demon King could not let them go. No matter where they fled, they would be chased by the Demon King’s army. Mirona was lucky enough to be protected in the prince’s team. Survived. This means that even if Lin Tianyin, who has become Shanoya, wants to stay away from the heroine, it is useless. Only by following the prince’s team until they seal the devil can she avoid death.

Of course, under this premise, she might also be killed by her suitors because she accidentally prevented Mirona from being killed.

Although the characters described by the original author are not like the simple brain-deads in the flesh-text story, the main reason that Shanoya was despised and excluded is because she is too fat and has a bad personality. Obviously sisters of the same blood have been treated so differently… Sure enough, the world still has to look at the face.

Thinking of her own future gloomy, Lin Tianyin couldn’t help covering her fat face in pain. It seems that nothing good will happen at all…

Alas, all in all…Let’s lose weight first.

Hearing a thunderous sound from his stomach, Lin Tianyin, who had crazily appetite due to hunger, felt a violent rush.

I want to go downstairs to eat…but no, she must restrain herself. In order to make herself a normal person again, she still insists on losing weight from now on…

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