The vase cannon fodder is favored by the group again

Chapter 92 Yang Ning X Wei Shuo (3) His Tenderness

The atmosphere was condensed, filled with uneasiness and tension, like the ultimate tranquility before the storm.

Wei Shuo was stunned, unable to understand what his mother was saying for a while.

"His...sister?" Wei Shuo repeated hesitantly, trying to digest his mother's words.

Mother Wei helped frameless eyes, apparently a little confused, but she still looked majestic and calm.

"Yes. Your face is more suitable for his sister, and with the harmony of yin and yang, she is the most suitable partner for you."

Wei Shuo: "...Didn't you say that Yang Ning and I have a good marriage?"

Mother Wei: "That's based on the face and the date of birth. But Yang Ning and her sister are twins, the date of birth is the same, and the face is almost the same... This has interfered with the calculation results."

"That's fine. I observed it just now. You and Yang Ning are really not suitable. Go and ask for his sister's contact information. I'll take the little girl home some other day—"

"Wait a minute." Wei Shuo interrupted his mother's order, rubbing his frowning brows helplessly: "This is too sudden, let me think about it first?"

Mother Wei also frowned: "What's there to think about? If it's not suitable, separate quickly, don't delay other people's children, and don't wait for his sister to be snatched away."

The more Wei Shuo heard it, the more unhappy he became. How could he become a love machine? The program is still an unreliable metaphysics, so he had to try his best to hold back his edge and ask euphemistically: "What is your criterion for judging whether it is suitable or not?"

Mother Wei emphasized firmly: "Destiny."

Wei Shuo was silent, and after a while he smiled mockingly. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have asked such an unprofessional question.

Even though he has received higher education and is still engaged in research work, the Three Views are still so feudal and superstitious...

Wei Shuo can be regarded as seeing today, what kind of bullshit metaphysics, it is obviously a fortune teller who can make up whatever he wants.

The more Wei Shuo thought about it, the more angry he became, and he couldn't bear it any longer: "You can't accept your son being with a man, can you? Seeing that his sister is also quite attractive, so why don't you let me change my target?"

Wei's mother didn't expect her son to come back with a choked voice, and lowered her voice, "Wei Shuo, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"You make such a random decision, have you considered my thoughts? I put my face down and begged Yang Ning to let him fall in love with me, oh no need now, let me beg his sister again? Am I cheap?"

"Your son's dignity and face can be trampled on casually for a few unfounded farts, right?"

Wei Shuo's eyes were slightly red, and his tone was so calm that it turned cold.

Mother Wei's eyes were gloomy: "What do you mean, you want to rebel again?"

"Is this called rebellion?" Wei Shuo laughed angrily, and asked with his neck stuck: "I decide the major events of my life, so this is called rebellion? Am I your son, or am I a robot?"

"Wei Shuo, you'd better figure out the situation." Wei's mother glared at Wei Shuo with a stern tone, "You are the one who insists on doing live broadcasting. Now that your luck is blocked, you need a marriage match. I'm not here. help you?"

"help me……?"

Wei Shuo smiled coldly and helplessly, for a moment he didn't know what to say.

This is his mother's "help", which does not leave him a way out, and never asks his wishes.

Sometimes, he is really envious of Xiaoci.

No matter how whimsical he is, as long as he says "want", his family and Uncle Lu will fully support him, willing to pamper him and satisfy him, so that he will be carefree since he was a child.

And his... the strict and rigid mother always cut off all his extravagant dreams with her own hands, just wanting him to move forward on the predetermined track, keep doing the "right thing", and keep saying that it is for his own good.

However, Wei Shuo was rebellious by nature, the more controlled he was, the more wanton he would live.

The drawing was torn up, the guitar was smashed, the game console was thrown away... Only the skateboard left in Shen Ci's house survived.

Mother's desire to control was too strong, and the two of them quarreled almost every day during adolescence. Wei Shuo's bad mouth was also brought up at that time, and he was beaten by his parents every day because of his rude words.

The young man was stubborn and silent in order to save face, but his heart was already filled with tears of grievance, and he only collapsed in hiding in the middle of the night.

At that time, Wei Shuo was very dependent on Shen Ci, and often stayed at Shen's house, lying on the bed with milk balls that still had baby fat, and couldn't help crying, but bit his lips and didn't speak.

Shen Ci patted him on the back to coax him without a teacher, and patiently talked to him to enlighten him, without any impatience, and sang to him with a voice that hadn't changed, with a baby voice.

Companionship is the longest confession of love, and this sentence also applies to friends.

Later, Wei's mother went to M country for work, and the relationship with her son eased because of the distance.

With the secret help of his father, Wei Shuo started to do the things he liked, his temper was gradually tempered, and he became respectful to his mother when he called.

But mother, she never changed...

In a trance, Wei Shuo returned to his repressed youth, being controlled and insulted, and his life fell into the darkness of being denied——the savage burst of pressure overwhelmed him instantly.

Wei Shuo suddenly let out a disdainful sneer, lamely covering up the sobbing that almost spilled out of his throat.

She thought that all the tears in this life were shed on Shen Ci's shoulders when she was a teenager.

Roughly rubbing the tip of his nose, Wei Shuo forcibly restrained the soreness, his cheeks were sour and his teeth were chattering, but he still stared at his mother stubbornly, gritted his teeth and said, "Mom, you fell in love with your father, it was after your grandma figured it out, it was based on your career. Why did you force you to talk?"

Mother Wei frowned: "It's not—"

"Mom! Can't you put yourself in my shoes and think about it for me!" Wei Shuo interrupted, his eyes watery and trembling.

"How to live my life is up to me! Even if I die, I will be responsible for myself!"

"Mom, I know you don't like me. I suggest you tell your fortune early when you have a second child, and don't give birth to such a useless and disobedient son like me!"

Wei Shuo turned around and ran away before the faintly nasal taunt came out, and the water shone down inconspicuously, and landed on the ground with a lonely "slap".

"Wei Shuo!"

Her response was a loud door knock, Wei Shuo slammed the wooden door and left.

Yang Ning heard a faint sound in the room, and went downstairs to look a little uneasy, but only saw Wei's mother walking quickly to the entrance, with a rare anxiety on her face.

"Auntie, what's the matter?" Yang Ning sensed something was wrong and hurried over.

Wei's mother sighed helplessly, her pale lips trembling: "Auntie just upset him, Xiao Ning, can you..."

"I'm going to chase him, auntie, please calm down first." Yang Ning immediately understood, took Wei Shuo's coat from the entrance, and hurried out the door.

He ran out of the courtyard gate, and from a long distance, he saw Wei Shuo walking quickly on the crosswalk against the bitter cold wind.

He was only wearing a thin sweater, which made him look extraordinarily thin, small and lonely.

A hundred meters away, Yang Ning yelled at him, "Wei Shuo! Come back and put on your clothes!"

Wei Shuo didn't respond.

Yang Ning saw Wei Shuo riding a shared bicycle from a distance, swaying away in the cold wind, and it seemed that the wind would blow him to the ground in the next second, and cursed again.

He frowned and carried his coat, and while pinching the remote control to unlock it, he walked quickly to the garage, intending to drive directly to chase Wei Shuo.

Although Wei Shuo rode the bike crookedly, his speed was fast. Yang Ning drove for more than ten minutes to catch up with him, rolled down the window and shouted, "Wei Shuo, stop!"

Wei Shuo turned a deaf ear to it, and continued riding while looking ahead. Yang Ning had no choice but to step on the accelerator to accelerate, and drifted suddenly on the road in front of Wei Shuo, blocking the way. .

The sound of slamming the car door was very clear, Yang Ning walked over angrily, staring at Wei Shuo with a gloomy face.

Wei Shuo's face was very cold: "My mother bought it? Get the hell out of here, young master."

"You built this road? What right do you have to call me out?"

Gritting her teeth, Yang Ning tore Wei Shuo off the bicycle, tightened her arms to imprison Wei Shuo, and hugged him in the direction of the car. The innocent bicycle was kicked down by Yang Ning.

Wei Shuo struggled: "You are sick! Are you qualified to kidnap me?"

Yang Ning: "Of course, I haven't given you any money yet. I have to confiscate you first, so as not to suffer!"

"..." Wei Shuo was taken aback. If Yang Ning didn't mention it, he would have forgotten about this idiot.

Before he could react, Yang Ning threw him into the co-pilot, a rush of warmth rushed over his face, and Wei Shuo shivered all over.

Yang Ning closed the car door and quickly walked back to the driver's seat.

"?" There seemed to be something under his buttocks, Wei Shuo raised his buttocks and pulled it out, and was taken aback again.

It was his cotton coat hanging on the door.No need to think about it, that guy Yang Ning brought it without authorization.

"..." Wei Shuo rubbed his brows, unable to vent his anger.

"Where are you going?" Yang Ning sat in the driver's seat, unconsciously tapping the steering wheel with her fingers.

Wei Shuo didn't answer, and Yang Ning knew that there would be no result if she asked again, so she stepped on the accelerator and rushed out, driving towards her home.

There was a slight rustling sound of clothes rubbing against her ears, and Yang Ning saw Wei Shuo silently putting on his coat from the corner of his eyes. He didn't say a word, like a well-behaved and quiet child.

Yang Ning tightened her fingers holding the steering wheel.

This person's calm appearance is very cute, and it's very poignant to Yang Ningmeng, always makes him feel blocked, Wei Shuo shouldn't have such a dejected and decadent appearance.

It's like a cherished music box suddenly broke, and you can no longer sing with a tinkle. The shape is still exquisite, but it just makes people feel sad because it has lost its soul.

How to cheer him up... Yang Ning frowned.

"Hello." Wei Shuo muffled.


"There's a convenience store in front, stop here, I'll do some shopping."

Wei Shuo pointed to not far away.

The car quickly stopped on the side of the road, and Yang Ning lay on the steering wheel, watching Wei Shuo's back vigilantly after getting out of the car, for fear that he would run away.

Wei Shuo went in with his pockets in his pockets, and came out with his pockets in his pockets again. With a blank expression on his face, he skipped the car and walked to the opposite side of the road.

"Fuck." Yang Ning got out of the car immediately, and hurriedly grabbed Wei Shuo's hand: "Where are you going?"

Wei Shuo still calmly looked ahead, raised his chin and pointed, "By the river."


The river bank is paved with green lawns, and the slope slopes down very gently. At the end is a paved sidewalk, which is level with the river and separated by a high railing.

Yang Ning worriedly led Wei Shuo, walked up to Xiaopo's waist, sat down against the cold wind, and remained silent.

Wei Shuo took out the things he just bought from his pocket, a box of blue women's cigarettes and a lighter.

"You actually know how to smoke?" Yang Ning stared at the cigarette case in shock: "I haven't seen it before..."

"It's only when you're stressed." Wei Shuo replied flatly.

He still learned it in adolescence, and the result is not as good as Xiaoci singing a song for him to relieve stress.

But Little Naituan is very busy with filming, and has also been taken away and kept in captivity... Wei Shuo lowered his eyes a little lonely.

His expression was exceptionally quiet, and he skillfully pulled out the cigarette and lighter with downcast eyes. He pressed the lighter several times, but failed to light the cigarette.

Yang Ning kept looking at him, so she stretched out her left hand, put a small windshield in front of the lighter, approached it and said in a low voice, "It's a bit windy, try lighting it now?"

His deep voice was smoky, hoarse and sexy, as if he could sing a love song about a broken relationship in a second.

"..." Wei Shuo's eyes fell on the palms in front of his eyes. Yang Ning's fingertips were covered with thick calluses, which were the marks left by strenuously playing the guitar. This was the first time he noticed.

This guy looks idle, but he works really hard.

Wei Shuo couldn't help but glance at Yang Ning, Yang Ning looked back inexplicably: "...Is there something on my face?"

Being in a bad mood, Wei Shuo was too lazy to talk, so he bowed his head again without saying a word, and finally lit his cigarette.

He took a deep breath between his cigarettes. He hadn't smoked for a long time and almost choked. He frowned and coughed a few times.

"Stupid..." Yang Ning muttered, patting Wei Shuo's back lightly.

Wei Shuo just stared blankly at the lake, the tip of his nose and the pinnae of his ears were red from the cold, and the light, thin white smoke was silently exhaled, with the fragrance of mint, blown away by the cold wind, and disappeared in an instant.


Yang Ning frowned and scratched her forehead. She was not used to this kind of silence, especially the silence with Wei Shuo. She even missed the daily confrontation with him.

"Hey, let me sing a song for you?" Yang Ning poked Wei Shuo, but Wei Shuo looked at him as if he had seen a ghost, his eyes widened.

"..." Yang Ning was stared at uncomfortably: "If you don't like me, just say it, who is it to frighten with such a big stare?"

Wei Shuo regained his melancholy expression, raised his head and took a puff of cigarette: "You go."

Without even thinking about it, Yang Ning directly refused: "Impossible, what if you can't think about jumping into the river?"

Wei Shuo rolled his eyes at Yang Ning: "Do I look like an idiot kid?"

Yang Ning took the opportunity to pinch his cool cheeks: "It's not like it, you are."

"Tsk..." Yang Ning would miraculously stomp on his anger every time. Wei Shuo pressed the cigarette butt on the ground hard and crushed it on the wet soil: "You motherfucker, don't you?"

Yang Ning snorted: "I don't think it's you who can't deal with it, if you talk about it, you'll fuck."

Wei Shuo's forehead burst into blue veins, he threw away the cigarette butt, and his mouth itched again after a long absence.

He licked his dry and cold lips, and after accumulating energy for a few seconds, his small mouth began to smack: "It's just your needlework? Don't blame me. Didn't you find out just now? Kissing is so excited, you Wouldn't he still be a virgin? Isn't it shameful to talk about it every day..."

Wei Shuo stumbled for a long time, and finally laughed mockingly: "Don't even think about turning over if you're a motherfucker. Wash your butt obediently, and after two days, the principal owner will be in a mood, and it will make you feel better."

After venting suddenly, Wei Shuo felt a lot more relaxed, and there was even a wicked mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

Yang Ning opened her lips slightly without any response, and was staring blankly at Wei Shuo. From Wei Shuo's point of view, she was completely stunned.

Wei Shuo was even happier, and was about to continue his sarcasm, but Yang Ning suddenly raised a smile, which caught Wei Shuo's eyes unexpectedly.

Smiling until pure light filled his squinted eyes, the corners of his lips smiled warmly and brightly, and couldn't help showing his white and neat teeth, inadvertently brightening Wei Shuo's mood.

The biting cold wind around him suddenly lost its sense of existence, and everything seemed to be dyed with tenderness.

The sunlight hit Yang Ning's small silver earrings, reflecting the bright light, which made Wei Shuo's head dizzy.


Wei Shuo's body gradually stiffened, and the rapid heartbeat became clear. He subconsciously touched the cigarette, trying to divert his attention.

However, he didn't know whether it was because his hands were shaking or the wind was too strong, Wei Shuo couldn't get angry no matter what.

Yang Ning snatched Wei Shuo's cigarette away with a smile, and in the slightly shocked and angry eyes of the other party, she embraced his shoulders, pressed Wei Shuo into her arms, and naturally placed his chin on top of Wei Shuo's head.

"Are you sick?" Wei Shuo frowned.

His voice was cheerful and joyful: "Swear more hahaha, this is Wei Shuo."

Wei Shuo's disgusted and repelled hand suddenly stopped, and his memory was like rewinding, recalling all the tenderness Yang Ning had hidden.

Thousands of thoughts slammed into him in confusion, and the familiar sourness hit him again. Wei Shuo wrinkled his nose to hold back, but one couldn't hold back, and still burst into tears.

My heart was sore and painful, and my grievances and sorrows flooded over the mountains and rivers like a bank bursting.Wei Shuo remained motionless, letting the annoying sissy hug him, close his eyes and bury him in his chest, gritted his teeth and wept silently.

Yang Ning's hand gently stroked Wei Shuo's hair, humming a gentle tune softly.

The quiet and gentle company made Wei Shuo cry even more fiercely, and unconsciously, his whole body relaxed.

It was already half an hour later when we got in the car again.

The car drove quietly to the city, Yang Ning said to go to his house, and asked Wei Shuo to separate from his mother temporarily, so that they could calm down.

The car stereo was playing the radio, and the female anchor of the music station, Wen Sheng, recommended it and started playing songs.

Wei Shuo quietly tilted his head, leaned lazily on the back of the car, and stared at himself in the rearview mirror.

The mirror image is a bit blurry, but you can still see the redness on the face, especially the corners of the mouth and the tip of the nose.

Nothing to do, yet crying in front of Yang Ning...

A slightly sad male voice flowed in the car, and Wei Shuo's thoughts drifted away with the singing.

"Knowing that this is an accident, do you want to come?"

"Knowing that this is a serious injury, will you come?"


What hypocritical lyrics, Wei Shuo despised in his heart.

Asking "whether or not" and "would you like it", don't you know the result if you try it?

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