The Unseen Angel in MHA


Katsuki rudely tells Hanta and Rikido to follow his lead and orders. She just sighs but nods her head, then listens for the other team while trailing them. Hanta believes that they should lie in wait for an opportunity but Katsuki argues that they need to act first and create their opportunity. Kyoka wonders if Katsuki's plan will work but they all proceed. Katsuki gives each of them one of his grenades and tells them that he'll save them if they get in trouble and asks them to do the same for him. Setsuna believes Katsuki will act like a one-man team with the others loosely following behind him. Her team plots to ambush Katsuki's team repeatedly to force Katsuki into a mistake that'll make his team fall into disarray.

Class 1-A charges through Ground Gamma while Kyoka listens for their opponents. Katsuki notices someone up ahead and tells Kyoka to hurry and find their location. Kyoka stops and notices dozens of sounds leading them into a trap. She tries to warn her team but it's too late. Setsuna's detached mouth sneaks up behind Katsuki and confirms the ambush.

Setsuna's Quirk lets her spread out her separated limbs throughout the field and used them to create noises that lead Class 1-A into a trap. She used Kyoka's reconnaissance Quirk against them and attacked with her tiny body parts. They barrage Katsuki with rapid-fire small hits and Hanta uses Barricade Tape to protect his team.

Setsuna tells Kojiro it's his turn and he uses Glue Squall spread his adhesive all over the area. Hanta tries to lead the three of them away but Togaru uses his Quirk to slash a large pipe that crashes down toward the other team. Rikido tries to sacrifice himself to hold it up but Katsuki manages to fire a large enough explosion to save his team.

Togaru believes Katsuki's actions destroyed his team's protective shelter. He propels himself off the pipes using blades from his feet and uses his speed to attack. Setsuna orders him to take out Kyoka first because her Quirk is the most troublesome. Katsuki uses an explosion to propel himself behind Kyoka and kicks her away. He uses a second explosion to repel Togaru, using a new strength to help his team.

Togaru protects himself with thick blades on his arm and legs. Katsuki commends the "insects" reflexes and blows him away with an explosion. Togaru recovers by sending a blade from his back into a pipe that kills the momentum. He decides to retreat because those were Setsuna's orders. Neito is surprised to see that Katsuki saved Kyoka. Denki and Eijiro claim Katsuki's changed since the Sports Festival but Neito refuses to believe it. Eijiro admits it's the first time he's seen Katsuki throw himself into danger for someone else, but claims it's no surprise.

Katsuki doesn't care about Class 1-A winning the overall training but he wants to win this battle 4-0 with no injuries because that's a victory fit for the strongest. Kyoka tries to hone in on Class 1-B but Setsuna's interference makes it difficult. She does notice that there are fewer sounds than before and Class 1-B is retreating. Katsuki surmises they're trying to regroup and gets angry because they're underestimating him.

Katsuki notices Kojiro retreating above them and uses explosions to blast his way up to him. Yosetsu supports his team as they retreat and cover Kojiro. He remains hidden until Katsuki is in position and then traps him with his Ultimate Move Construction-Done-Kwik: Weldcraft! Yosetsu uses his Quirk to bond Katsuki's body with stone pillars that trap him to the pipes he is trying to fly through.

Hanta surmises that Setsuna's eyes are making it easy for the other team to read their movements. Yosetsu runs away and hides within the pipes so Hanta can't get a clear shot off with his tape. Rikido acts quickly and uses his Sugar Rush Ultimate Move to free Katsuki from his restraints. Katsuki flies at Yosetsu, who's impressed by his team's quick actions. He prepares for Katsuki's assault but instead, Katsuki gets out of the way and lets his teammates get to work, of which Hanta carries Kyoka to the fight and she attacks Yosetsu with Heartbeat Surround.

Katsuki flies at Kojiro and admits the winter season has slowed him down. Setsuna supports Kojiro with her body pieces and the latter counterattacks with adhesive. Katsuki claims that he's finally warming up and barrages Kojiro with a wide cascade of explosions. Rikido quickly grabs Kojiro and Hanta wraps up Yosetsu. Within a few seconds, Class 1-A has captured two of their opponents.

Nervous, Neito mulls over how he expected Katsuki to act brashly on his own. Setsuna believed Katsuki would charge in on his own and her team would be able to exploit any weakness created by his selfishness. However, Katsuki's team follows close behind him and their teamwork is virtually perfect. Ochaco points out of the School Festival helped Katsuki trust his fellow bandmates Kyoka points Katsuki in Togaru's direction. Hanta realizes that Setsuna must regenerate any sections of her body that were lost. He surmises that she likely has to return her other pieces when regenerating to avoid going over her limit. Hanta attaches Katsuki's grenade to one of her pieces. Katsuki grabs Togaru by his horn and uses Explode-A-Pult to vault him fiercely into the wall.

Setsuna notices the grenade and avoids the blast, but she plays right into Katsuki's hands. He sneaks up on her and blasts her in the face with a Point-Blank Stun Grenade. Setsuna screams that Katsuki's changed too much and crashes to the ground. Katsuki stands over her defeated body and claims he hasn't changed at all. He still plans on surpassing All Might and becoming the No. 1 Hero.

"See Shota, even Bakugo can change for the better under your teaching," I say seeing how he led his team to victory in under five minutes.

"More like your teaching taught him how to be more of a team player," Shota says back, but I can see the pride in his eyes that his students were able to win so easily.

"Come on guys! You should have done much better than that! I thought I taught you better than that?!" Sekijiro says to his students as they return defeated.

"Damn you guys fought like real heroes!" Denki says to Bakugo and his group, though Bakugo just ignores him.

"He is right young Bakugo, you fought very well!" my Uncle says to Bakugo with a happy smile and thumbs up, Bakugo just gives a small nod to my Uncle.

"Yeah, good job Kacchan!" Midoriya says smiling at Bakugo, who naturally turns to him in anger.

"Shut up!" Bakugo yells at him with annoyance but then stops himself. He shoots me a side look to see if I'm pissed at his outburst. Though I'm just watching this from my spot overseeing the fights.

"I'm getting a lot stronger, faster," Bakugo says to Midoriya with some venom in his voice.

"I know and I will too. Soon you will be the one looking at me," Midoriya says with a determined look. Bakugo looks like he wants to slap him, but holds himself back and walks away from him grumbling.

"Young Midoriya, you have a good friend in Bakugo. Even with his attitude, I can tell you to have something good," my Uncle says confusing me, with how he seems to have no idea that Bakugo truly doesn't like Midoriya.

The Fifth Round of Class 1-A vs Class 1-B is a battle fought between Izuku Midoriya, Ochaco Uraraka, Mina Ashido, and Minoru Mineta against Neito Monoma, Yui Kodai, Nirengeki Shoda, and Reiko Yanagi. Hitoshi Shinso of Class 1-C is added to Class 1-B's team, as he was previously added to 1-A's team in a previous round.

Neito Monoma admits he's impressed with Katsuki Bakugo's explosive victory in the previous round. Setsuna Tokage apologizes to him for ruining Class 1-B's chances of getting the overall victory between the classes, but Neito tells her not to apologize, saying that they've not lost yet. He explains that his wishes were simply for everyone to realize which class is more proper in their approach to becoming heroes.

Nirengeki Shoda tells his team they should adopt a strategy similar to Setsuna's team, suggesting they use their technical Quirks to lay back and lead the opponents into a trap rather than engaging in hand-to-hand combat. Reiko Yanagi believes that Izuku Midoriya is their most problematic opponent to which everyone agrees due to his similarities to the chaotic Katsuki. Hitoshi Shinso tells Neito they must work together to use his Brainwashing to stop Midoriya.

As the teams enter Ground Gamma, Midoriya tests out if his Quirk is working okay by moving around the battlefield. Minoru Mineta suggests his team try to neutralize Hitoshi first, but Ochaco argues that Class 1-B has plenty of other Quirks they should worry about, noting that they have multiple members who could attack from anywhere, at any time, without even showing themselves. Class 1-A's team realizes they're at a disadvantage, as all of them have more physical Quirks and are therefore vulnerable to Class 1-B's long-range attacks. Mina Ashido suggests they try to catch them by setting a trap, and as Midoriya regroups with his squad, he hears and volunteers to act as a decoy in an attempt to draw their opponents out.

Mina asks if Midoriya's Quirk is okay, as he said something unusual was happening with it before, but he says it's fine and he's feeling okay. He tells his teammates that, due to the nature of his Quirk, he knows the other team will be wary of him. Midoriya recalls Katsuki's outstanding performance and promises to himself that he won't fail, telling his team that they'll definitely win. The fifth and final set of the day begins.

Midoriya leaps out ahead of his team, using One For All: Full Cowl to propel himself through the pipes at high speed. Some of Midoriya's classmates recognize that his team's formation is similar to Bakugo's, but Hanta Sero notes that they lack a sensory type like Kyoka Jiro, meaning that Midoriya will have to work harder than Katsuki to find his enemies.

Midoriya cautiously advances through the battlefield, signaling to his companions that he will go ahead. He knows Class 1-B can't ignore him and stands out on purpose, fulfilling his act as a decoy. Suddenly a container flies towards him, although he dodges it and kicks it off. Midoriya is aware that that attack is the product of Reiko's Quirk, but before he can continue thinking about it, he seemingly hears Ochaco screaming. Briefly averting his gaze because of this, Midoriya notices Neito on pipes below him, with a smug smile.

Without wasting time, he shoots a Delaware Smash Air Force at him, although Neito easily dodges the attack by jumping into another pipe. Faking dismay at being spotted, Neito admits his team knows better than to ignore a powerhouse type like Midoriya but adds that they might try crushing his team first. Without stopping to aim at him, Midoriya knows Neito is trying to provoke him and remains silent, as he potentially could've copied Hitoshi's Brainwashing.

"Seems this should get interesting," I say seeing how Midoriya is trying to copy Bakugo's strategy. Though he has a hole in his plan since he doesn't have a sensory on his team.

"Well if I know anyone that can pull a victory in what seems like a certain defeat it is Midoriya," Shota says with a shrug hearing my statement.

"True, young Midoriya is very adaptable, as he can make quick and good decisions at the last second," my Uncle says as we watch him bait out the other team from Class 1-B.

"You sure that isn't a bit of a bias thought?" I say with a knowing smirk at my Uncle who just stares at me unsure how to respond.

"If All Might says it is true, then this Midoriya student of yours should prove to be a difficult obstacle for my class to come over," Sekijiro says as he was listening to our conversation. I just snort at Sekijiro's misunderstanding, while Shota gives a small chuckle, and my Uncle looks at Sekijiro with his signature smile.

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