The Unified States of Mana

Chapter 34 ~ Garden

Class is over, my pet slime has been taken away from me though I don’t really care that much, and it’s just a little too early for a proper lunch. We’ve left behind the battle arena and the older combat students. Another battle started as we left, apparently more with the goal of submission rather than execution.

Even so, I imagine they go through quite a few beasts here, half the ships floating up and down from the skies must be packed with a whole horde of random beasts for this training. This world really isn’t as safe as it’s made out to be. Not at all.

“We should head back to the dorm, check up with Nel and see if she’s getting any time off to join us for lunch.” I suggest, as we walk through the shaded park. I’ve yet to see any clouds here at all, and I’m beginning to doubt that it even rains on this world.

“Does anyone have any other classes they’re interested in visiting?” I ask.

“I’m fine with what we’ve got.” Eshya says, “My parents had me practice at about everything else you can think of, but none of it really worked out for me.”

“So, you know your way around a little of pretty much everything?” I ask.

“I guess you could say that. Enough to know that I’m not very good at any of it.” She replies, “I’m not really wanting to take a bunch of those classes. I’d rather focus on what I can do well.”

Beating things up with a sword.

“Got it.” I reply, nodding to her, “Vii?”

“I already know what I want to learn.” She says, “I’ve got plans for my mana form, some alchemy classes to pick up the local method, our battle classes, a flight class, and then following along with whatever you guys are doing.”

“Well, it sounds like you’ve got more of a clue than me.” I reply, flicking through my illusory class list yet again. I’ve been lax with it. Like with my room that I always promise that I’m going to get around to cleaning, and assignments that I’ll always have done tomorrow, but always get finished a few days late.

Sifting through my classes, I try to get my head around what I’ll need for next week when class begins for real. For that ends, I also need to press mana into my brain again to try and unlock my mana senses. I figured that it was best not to bother with it during the fight, and I was very right about that, but now I really need to develop my mana form.

“So, the Skills aren’t cleanly organised for you guys?” I ask, looking to the other girls. “I find that it’s weird for most of my good Skills to be crammed into the ‘Unclassed’ category as they are.

“I’m still getting used to having them available to look through.” Adler says, “It’s not as if you really need to be looking into these menus to know what Skills you have. They’re there if you need them and if you forget you have a Skill, then clearly you don’t use it. I don’t see the need to have it listed out in the first place.”

“It’s useful for planning out each Skills use,” Vii replies, “So that if you have two Skills that are very similar you might work to combine them. Or separate one Skill into a couple if it doesn’t work well when unified.”

They’re quickly devolving into a conversation about Skills and the added complexities of the support device, which quite simply is too much for me. I do get their discussion, but the idea of Skills is still weird enough that I can’t really develop an opinion on these more in-depth points.

“More concerning me was the class list… there’s so many to keep track of…” I moan, tagging the important classes, I also check on my new Skills. I haven’t read through the Skill descriptions for a while.


~Unclassed Skill

-Harsh petting: …


There’s no description…

Just as I think as much, the blank description starts to become a little less clear. Focusing on it, the words I’m thinking of start to fill the empty space.

With a sigh, I leave it behind. Now’s not the time to be messing around and writing small essays on the strengths to my petting Skills. Another time, maybe.

I check on the others, but even the one I was wanting to know more about, mana drain touch, is without description.

Moving back to the troublesome classes I throw together everything that I think is important and tag it.


~Mana Form: Grade 1

~Space Magic: Grade 1

~Healing Magic: Grade 1

~Reinforcement Magic: Grade 1

~Infusion Techniques: Grade 1

~Combat Training: Grade 1

~Defensive Techniques: Grade 1

~Combat Techniques: Grade 1

~Wilderness Survival: Grade 1

~Bestiary Studies: Grade 1

~Beast Dissection: Grade 1

~Beast Taming: Grade 1

~Tactical Command: Grade 1


Too many classes. This is way too many classes, but I’ve already cut so many of them. I even gave up on fire magic, and that’s my main magic, damn it.

I’ve got a headache forming already. These were all so interesting back when I thought they were some magical solutions to all my problems. Back when I thought I wouldn’t have to think about it again, just grab a class and start levelling up.

Oh, how easy life was when I was a week younger and a whole lot more ignorant.

Looking through my list I notice I still haven’t visited the infusion techniques class yet, that and I still need to mess around with that gadget I got from the reinforcement magic teacher. At least there are still a few days before class really begins.

Or at least I think there are.

Is a week seven days here?

Chip remains painfully quiet on that point.

When we arrive at the dorm, we find Nel working at the café. She’s serving a few students who, at a guess, prefer the quiet and light lunch on offer here. We pull together a couple of tables to sit together at, and she joins us as soon as there’s a moment’s break in her work.

“Are you having lunch here? If so, I’ll join you.” She says as we settle in.

“If that works with you.” I reply, “Most of the combat classes don’t offer much of an introduction so we’re finished earlier than I expected. Though, we still got into a bit of a brawl.”

“A proper battle, though you still have some significant ways to improve.” Alder insists, apparently upset with even the idea that we were involved in anything less than a perfectly ethical fight.

“Well, it was something close to that.” Eshya says, “It was still a bit of a mess for all of us.”

“Not for me.” Vii gloats, “I did it all by myself.”

“You still got bit on the leg.” I say with a shiver, “But fighting that worm thing. Yeah, you did pretty good.”

“Worm thing?” Nel asks, tilting her head.

“Never mind. It’s dead now. We’ll never have to worry about it again.” Vii says, lacking her usual cheer now that she actually recalls it.

Nel nods with a vague smile before taking our orders and racing off to serve the rest of the customers. While she’s moving with incredible haste, she not once seems like she’s in a rush. It’s simply that she’s too fast for the world. In this work mode, I think she’d be able to keep up with Vii even when she’s worked up.

It doesn’t take very long for her to finish up and set the food down at our table and join us. I was going to help her with it but watching her work, it takes less than a moment to realize I’d only get in her way.

I suppose Skills could help to perfect her movement, and apparently even the memorisation of orders and other such things. It’s intimidating to see Skills put to such refined use right before me.

When she finishes up and settles down alongside us, I take the chance to ask her about something that’s been in my mind for a while now.

“You said something about helping to schedule my classes?” I plead.

“Having problems?”

“I don’t even know when the classes are on, let alone how they’ll clash, or anything like that.” I reply trying not to get worked up. “Shouldn’t all this stuff be sorted out by the staff here?”

“It’s impossible to work around every schedule.” She replies, “Too many different types of classes, and everyone has the freedom to seek what classes they please. Write down the classes you need to take, I’ll write up a schedule for you. The same for everyone else as well.”

“What about our combat course stuff?” I ask, “Apparently, we’ll be out of town for training every second week.”

Nel stiffens at hearing it, but nods.

“I can schedule things around it. It’s better that I can stay anyway, I can keep our room ready for your return and find a few friends while you’re gone.” From the way she says ‘friend’, I suspect she’s more looking for members of our still theoretical rebel empire.

“Thanks.” I say, grabbing her hand over the table. She smiles and calms down with a few deep breaths.

“You’ll be alright on your own?” Eshya asks between mouthfuls, “How have you handled the last few days?”

“I’ve been alright.” She says, meeting Eshya’s gaze, “It almost feels like I’m going back to my past life. Then, sometimes I’ll look around for… for someone from the ship. I worked with the people there since I left the academy myself, so…”

She squeezes my hand, but I don’t know what to say.

“It’s better when I’m around you all.” She continues, “But, I’ll get used to it. I know I’m not the only one struggling.”

“If you ever want to talk about it…” I say but she shakes her head.

“There’s nothing to say.” She says, “We know what happened and why. It won’t make me feel any better, we simply must live on.

“This is enough for now.” She says, running her hard chitinous fingers through my own and shifting her grip on my hand without letting go.

Vii quietly bounces behind Nel and wraps her wings around her in encompassing hug without saying a word.

“Does anyone have plans for this afternoon? If not, I can move my plans up. My tasks for the day are complete already.” Nel says, no longer is there any sign of the pain of our last discussion.

“Oh, the romance thing?” Eshya asks, more curious than she seemed earlier, “I’m ready whenever.”

“I’m ready. I’m ready.” Vii chirps happily returning to her chair.

“Is this like our first date or something?” I ask, wiping the sweat from my hands.

“I’ve planned it as such, but as you might understand, I don’t have much experience with date planning, let alone for four of us and a fifth wheel.” She says with a happy sigh, “So I do hope you’ll enjoy yourselves, and be lenient with me.”

“You think we’re going to get judgmental with you now?” I ask.

“She’s being humble.” Eshya says, “Is anyone else getting the feeling she’s super confident about this?”

Nel just smiles shyly.

“Do we need to bring anything?” Vii asks.

“I would ask that you all clean up and change into your nice clothes.” She says as we finish with our light meals, “And be prepared for a short walk. It shouldn’t be much, but I hope that you haven’t worn yourselves down too much.”

At her suggestion we clean up, dress up, and head out. Nel leads us confidently towards the transparent elevators, so I suppose the spot that she’s found is down on the ground level.

“So where are we heading?” I ask.

“That would ruin the surprise.” Nel says, “It is, as I understand, far better experienced without knowing too much.”

“As you understand? You haven’t visited yourself?” Vii asks, hopping along at our side, “Does that mean we’re all getting surprised?”

“Just so.” Nel says with her head up high, showing no hint of doubt. “I had the chance to talk with some of the older students and other workers around town and used their suggestions. I’m not entirely ignorant of where we’re going, obviously, but I feel it’s something best experienced together.”

“Sounds good to me,” Vii chirps.

The underside of the canopy above us glows a pleasant green as we look up towards it. It’s still strange how the blue sky is so completely obscured by the world trees branches and leaves.

When our feet touch the ground Nel leads us away, pulling Eshya and I by the hand as Vii hops on ahead by a few steps, turning and waiting at every intersection.

“The people I’ve become acquainted with are quite happy to assist in finding such a place, thankfully. It seems to be something of a challenge for the students and staff here, to find, or even make, some places where we can find beauty.”

“I’m glad that you’re making other friends.” I say.

“Yes well, no one I am quite so close with, but regardless.” She continues. “It is something of a common challenge here. The academies are made for education, and everything is built to that purpose.”

“As should be.” Adler interrupts.

“It’s too much.” Nel says, “So people find places to escape. Hidden corners of beauty to take us away from here, even if it’s only an illusion.”

“Adler.” Eshya says in a tone deeper and more threatening than I’ve heard from her before, “If you want to stay with us, then you stay quiet about this.”

Adler nods, her cat ears lowered atop her head. 

“The academy is meant to be pleasant for everyone. That people would want an escape…” She sighs.

“Where there are people, there is love. Where there is love, we will find places to express it. Though I’m not speaking of the filthy corners for lovers to busy themselves in base pleasures.” Her cheeks brighten but she continues, “Rather the places where hearts are kindled, where small adventures can be shared.”

As she says this, she leads us around the tall buildings to where the class farms are spread out. There are many rows of curious plants, but what really catches my eye and mind is how varied they are. Much like with the clothes store there seems to be great care and attention put into each and every plant.

The fields are grand and colourful with fruits, vegetables, mushroom, and plants that don’t quite fit any description I’m familiar with. Strange glass buildings vaguely resembling greenhouses sit to the side of the fields, filled with still stranger plants. Some seemed chilled to the point of icing over, while others are heated enough that the air above is warping from what heat escapes.

Some of the plants we pass in the open fields look to be a little dangerous and have warnings and fences placed around them for safety. What’s most concerning to me, though, are the plants that seem to be safe, yet are barricaded off the most seriously.

“Further this way. Come.” Nel says lead us deeper into the fields. It’s a pleasant stroll surrounded by greenery.

A few rows of what looks like cane line the edge of the field blocking the sight of what lies beyond. Nel lets out a relieved sigh upon noticing it.

“Right where they said it would be.” She whispers pulling aside the cane and waving us in.

We carefully step past the cane, and into a world made up of shifting shades of blue. I forget to breath as I get lost in the swaying leaves and flowers.

The larger leaves are darker, a shade of blue close to navy, but the smaller ones are much brighter, and the flowers even more so. Soon after we enter, their movement stills, and we’re immersed in this small closed world.

Looking up, I see the underside of the deep green canopy above us through the tall, flowering hedges that surround us. A ceiling of green covering this world of endless blue.

“I don’t know what to say.” I whisper.

“These flowers are special.” Nel explains, “Their unique natures can make them quite valuable to the right alchemists, but this place is something more. More than I expected, myself.”

“Woah” Vii looks about wide eyed, her feathers tickling a few of the flowers as she spins.

Eshya’s gaze moves between the flowers and leaves, without saying a word. A small, relaxed smile rises on her lips.

“I see you all like it. I’m glad.” Nel says, “These hedges offer a quiet escape from the academy. Be aware, though, that the pollens might make you feel a little drowsy. It shouldn’t be too much.”

“Yeah, these would.” Eshya says, looking over the flowers, “To make this place from valuable alchemical ingredients…” She laughs.

“I think that’s the point.” Vii says, “It’s to prove that there is more value to these flowers, and these plants than we know. From how beautiful this place is, I have to say they’ve succeeded.

“Not to mention, building this place from such valuable plants makes it difficult for welfare officers to have a problem with it.”

“It’s a waste,” Adler says, “Beautiful, but surely we could use this space more efficiently.”

“It’s not like there isn’t plenty of space in these fields.” Nel says, “And it’s not like these plants won’t be harvested. As Vii said, it’s beauty without waste in form or in nature.”

We stroll deeper through the plants. The flowers and ferns truly are awe inspiring, and walking in this garden, the ground giving way beneath my shoes, it feels like another world. Even more so, as we’re consumed by the hedges of the maze that close up comfortably around us.

“In this society there is always something more to strive towards.” Nel says, looking back at me and the others, “There is beauty, and there is goodness in people. You’ve only seen the pain, and the evil, and the horrors of the Unified States. I want you to know that there is more to us than that. We aren’t just a bunch of fools who hold up this broken system because we’re too afraid to fight it. There is so much here worth protecting.

“I want you to experience the happiness that can be found here in this world, and the parts of this world that make people want to save it.”

“Thank you.”  I reply to her, feeling at the soft leaves around us.

“This is really, really neat. There was nothing like this back home, and I thought they had everything.” Vii says, “I hope your empire comes with a few pretty gardens, Kyra.”

“It’s nice.” Eshya adds simply as she settles herself down on the springy blue grass, in a small open field amidst the tall hedges.

“I do like parts of this world.” I admit. “It’s not all bad, but to be honest I’m more interested in visiting your home worlds, and all the rest of the worlds out there.”

“It might be good to let my parents know that I’m in a relationship.” Eshya smiles giddily at the thought.

I settle onto the grass beside her, and after a while the others join us while Adler stands awkwardly off the side, watching us.

“Do the welfare officers really seem so evil to you all?” She asks, her ears lowered sadly.

I think over the many words that I want to say to her, the many things I could say that would ruin this moment.

“Yes. What you do is evil.” I say quietly, looking over Eshya, Vii, and Nel.

“This place is beautiful. I wouldn’t ask for better company. Perhaps it’s not quite as romantic as I’d imagined. Or maybe it is but I just can’t feel it like I should. Maybe the hell I’ve been through has made it difficult to feel the romance in a moment like this.

“Still, I wouldn’t want to lose, but you’ve already said that going by the rules, we should be collared and thrown into cages.” I stare over at Adler, “You would take this away from me, so I don’t care whatever else you think you’re doing. That’s enough.

“That makes you evil to me.” I say.

Eshya shifts at my side, “I don’t quite get the romance thing either.”

“That’s what you get from that long speech?” Vii asks with a laugh.

“It wasn’t that long, was it?” I ask, embarrassed.

“It was about right, but you can do better. I’m not sure she’ll hear anything you say to her, though.” Nel replies.

Adler sits down sadly to the side as the rest of us lay on the soft grass. Staring up, quietly with them all, I feel more relaxed here than I’ve been in a long while.

I can hear the quiet breathing surrounding me. The same sounds I hear of a night, but somehow, it’s different now.

“I still need to write something for that journalism club thing.” I say, the thought popping into my head.

“Ghosts, was it?” Eshya asks.

“I think it should be something fun.” Vii suggests.

“What about an interview with the academy ghost?” I say, “We could set up a whole fake interview, and mess around with it.”

“Shouldn’t we be doing something more romantic?” Eshya asks, “Kissing or something?”

“Eh, it doesn’t feel like that sort of moment.” I reply.

“This is fine.” Nel says, “I’m not quite sure what a proper date is supposed to feel like, but I like this.”

“Is this much different from just being friends, though?” Eshya asks a little worriedly.

“Lovers are friends too.” I reply, “We’re fine as we are. Unless you want to do something more, or something?”

“No, we can leave it for later.” She says, waving me off as her cheeks brighten, “I was just being stupid, I guess.”

“I worry about the same thing sometimes, the difference between friends and lovers,” Nel says, “It’s normal, I think.”

“I don’t worry about that at all.” Vii chirps happily, “We’re the Empress’s harem. That’s that.”

“Well, that’s one way of thinking about it.” I say with a laugh, feeling my own worries settling down.

As I relax, and stare up into the sky, something falls into this isolated haven from reality. Something that’s not the green of the sky or the blue of the flowers surrounding. A small white bird, glides down to me and lands upon my chest whereupon it unfolds into a letter.

Magic and folded paper, I suppose. It would be rather horrifying to see the same thing happen to a real bird.

I lift the letter and read the few lines scrawled on it.


If you lust for freedom,

If this world’s beauty is not enough,

If you want what is disallowed,

Come find us, and join in the party of the fallen,

Earn the trust of our fallen to find your way,

The fallen listener, who will ask many things,

The fallen smith, who perverts good metals,

The fallen songbird, who steals many ears,

The fallen scholar, who digs through the lies.


I can feel Adler’s gaze sticking to me as I read.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~



-Mana drain touch

-Mana skin

-Mana shield.

-Mana surge strike

-Mana surge kick

-Flame burst


-Infused Delayed Casting

-Harsh petting


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


~Mana Form: Grade 1

Current goal: Develop your mana form.

Current mana density: 333 units

~Mana distribution:

Skin: 21%

Muscle: 8%

Mind: 8%

Cardiovascular: 8%

Misc.: 3%

Efficiency: 48%


~Fire Magic: Grade 1

Current goal: Develop a Skill for fire manipulation.

-Skill: Flame burst

-Skill: Fireball


~Space Magic: Grade 1

Current goal: Complete a mana-space conversion.


~Healing Magic: Grade 1

Current goal: Complete a mana-life conversion.


~Combat Training: Grade 1

Current goal: Develop a Skill for weapons handling.


~Defensive Techniques: Grade 1

Current goal: Develop a Skill for reactive mana skin.

-Skills: Mana skin


~Combat Techniques: Grade 1

Current goal: Develop a Skill for mana infusion strikes.

-Skills: Mana shield.


~Wilderness Survival: Grade 1

Current goal: Develop a Skill for tracking.


~Infusion Techniques: Grade 1

Current goal: Refine infused casting Skill.

-Skills: Infused Delayed Casting


~Bestiary Studies: Grade 1

Current goal: Develop a Skill for identifying beasts.


~Beast Dissection: Grade 1

Current goal: Develop a Skill for clean cutting.


~Beast Taming: Grade 1

Current goal: Develop a Skill for empathic reading.


~Tactical Command: Grade 1

Current goal: Develop a Skill for clear communication.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


//Author Note

More chapters available



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