Chapter 224 ~ Guest
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“I would’ve thought you’d want me to keep these Skills private?” I ask the bear who is apparently the grandchild of the president.
“Obviously that’s what we’re here to discuss. I’m Dar, and this is Ras my sister.” He introduces himself “We’re here to invite you to the Harthelm to meet with the president himself. There are deals to be made between us, as I’m sure you understand.”
“Yeah, and if you want to sell Skills, then I’m down to buy.” Ras says, bouncing on her heels as she looks up at me hungrily. She has no respect, but then that just makes her easier to get along with.
“Even if that means stealing all of your Skills?” I ask her, raising a brow.
“Well, mine aren’t worth nearly as much.” She says.
“We can discuss those possibilities later.” Dar says, cutting in. “I’m sure that the president has matters he’d like to discuss first.”
“He didn’t seem to want to talk when he voted to restrict my hunting rights.” I say dryly.
“It’s politics, you should know the game.” He says with a shrug, and this time it’s the sister jabbing him in the side. He chokes a little and clears his throat. “I don’t mean any disrespect with that comment.”
They’re a strange pair.
“So, you want to do this now?” I ask, standing and heading towards the teleporter, “I have a free minute to check things out and have a small chat.”
I’m sure that anyone affluent with politics would tell me to take my time, or to make him wait, or at least they’d give me some sort of smart idea, but I really don’t have the patience to play that sort of game when I know that I’m no good at it. I’ll see what he has to say about the stolen Skills that I’ve taken from him.
“Who’s interested in coming with me?” I ask back towards my gathered harem. Vii and Eshya jump at the chance, but Adler stays back with Nel, hesitant at the idea.
“I’ll stay.” Nel says, smiling. “I have to readjust your schedule, it would seem. You’ll be taking the chance to look about their city?”
“If we get the chance.” I say, nodding.
“Then, I hope you don’t get yourself into any more trouble.” She says firmly, meeting my eyes.
“We’ll be with her.” Vii says, “I’ll make sure to record everything. It’ll be a great adventure!”
“A safe adventure, is what I requested.” Nel says forcefully.
“We’ll be safe.” I reply, heading back and giving her a quick hug before Eshya pulls me back towards the teleportation platform.
“I’m not sure he’s ready right now…” Dar says hesitantly, but Eshya runs right over him to get to the platform.
“How does this thing work?” She asks, and Ras eagerly jumps along with us to help.
“Oh you’ve just got to touch here and-”
Before I can even think another thought we’re back in the wide room where our grand council took place, though the seats are now empty and the room quiet. My own throne room is somewhere far away, while still just a step away.
“Well, that’s expedient.” I say. “And a terrible security risk.”
“Ha, right?” Ras says with a laugh. “Over here!”
She more than happily leads us over to the teleporter that will bring us to her own corner of the dungeon. I do notice that a few groups already have guards set up before their teleporters. This wasn’t entirely well thought out. Actually, Arduelle is hardly an amateur, she’s doing this for a reason, though perhaps that reason is as shallow as to watch us suffer.
Even just by setting up this teleportation hub, she’s proving just how far above and beyond us she really is. There’s nothing we can do against her, and should her whims ruin us, then the best we can do is bow and beg for mercy.
The surprised guard that’s standing before our target teleporter steps aside, though it’s more that he’s thrust aside by the excited young bear leading us, and we’re dragged into the platform as Dar comes charging after us shouting at his sister.
The mana flushes through me as Eshya and Vii hug me close, the magic flushes into power, shifting us across to another place yet again.
Silent halls and pale stone walls greet us, the fine emerald carpets and banners over the walls insulating against noise, while glowing in strange enchantments. Dizzying arrays of magical effects glow to life, the defences here at least as powerful as in my own throne.
There are a number of servants here, turning to look upon us in surprise, but it is the familiar bear that takes my attention. Unlike Fluffy Butt, who’s soft fur still floats in my mind, his coat is coarse and harsh on the hands. To make it worse, that’s by choice, his transformations prove that he could be as fluffy as he wants to be but he chooses otherwise!
“So you came right away?” He asks me, rubbing at his head. “I suspected that you’d be trouble.”
“Are you really complaining that I’m not making you wait?” I ask. “Isn’t that backwards?”
“It’s certainly against all decent expectations, but it’s not the worst reaction I might have expected of you.” He says, “Come along, this is hardly a place for a meeting like this.”
He carries a large bowl in his hand, filled with a syrupy mixture that seems like a cold breakfast soup. He walks upright with no slouch, and his robes, while simple are rich in mana, enchantments, and quality. He manages a perfect blend of being both casual and commanding, though it’s nothing to make me fall in line.
“Pops, aren’t you going to thank us?” Ras asks, hopping up to the front of the room. “We put ourselves at a lot of risk, y’know?”
“You handled yourselves well enough.” He admits, resting a hand on the young woman’s head and brushing her ears.
“I don’t want pats!” She shouts, lifting his hand. “You promised me that I could have that jewellery commissioned if I did this!”
“Yes, I did.” He says with a chuckle, “Run along, then. I have business to discuss.”
The room he takes us too looks rather familiar in many ways. There’s only so many ways a person can decorate a sitting room, there’s chairs and there’s decorations, unless you add hot-tubs or an in-home cinema it’s all rather standard fare.
“So was my granddaughter polite and respectful?” He asks, taking a seat. Ras takes a seat to the side as Dar worriedly follows.
“Shouldn’t we leave them be?” He nervously asks his sister.
“I want to know about these Skills!” She says excitedly, “I want to know if there’s a deal to be made.”
“Well, I think you can see for yourself.” I say, chuckling. “She’s a fine diplomat and enterprising merchant.”
“Hearing it from you, excuse me for not seeing that as a grand endorsement.” He replies harshly. “Do you want her gone?”
“I don’t really mind. I brought my family along, too.” I say. “Oh, these are Vii and Eshya two of my lovers.”
“I see the rumours weren’t at all exaggerated.” He says, while Dar just shakes his head.
“You can’t even get one girl’s attention.” His sister says, jabbing him in the side.
“Excuse me for having standards, rather than just playing around with whatever beast passes through town.” He says, prodding her back.
“Enough.” The president growls, quieting them.
“They a good comedic duo, helps relax the atmosphere, no?” I ask.
“I don’t mind them stealing the spotlight for a bit.” Eshya says, shrugging. “Though, I would like to give them a fight. I haven’t had a good fight in too long.”
“I’m taking down notes.” Vii replies quickly, scrawling something more into her notes. I get the feeling that half the time she does this, it’s just to avoid getting involved in a conversation.
“Thanks for coming in such short order.” President Braun says, his voice expressed in a serious of low growls enounced quite carefully. “I’m sure you understand the reason why I called you here?”
“The Skills I copied from you.” I say, “I did have a few questions about some of those transformations of yours, actually…”
“Please,” He holds up his hand, glancing at his kids. “I’m sure you understand there are some secrets that I might want to keep.”
“Wait, what sort of transformations? What are you getting up to?” Ras asks, standing up and padding over to me on all fours. It seems all too natural for her, but Eshya growls lightly and keeps her at arm’s length.
“I… don’t think it’s my place to say.” I reply carefully, turning to the president. “But I don’t think it’s anything you need to be ashamed of. It’s a free dungeon, I’m not going to judge what you enjoy.”
Among his transformations were a few that crossed species and gender boundaries, the man likes to explore his options, it seems. Now, what explicitly he uses them for is a story told through a number of Skills, but a glance was more than enough to convince me to keep away from the fine details.
Even I can tell that it’s fine blackmail material and it only gets juicier with the contacts list and message history. I could easily cause him a lot of pain with this, but that won’t do anything to strip him of the mana built up inside of him, or the Skills that he’s learned. It would give him every reason to screw with me and no reason to hold back.
“Just, keep it quiet. This isn’t my first time being blackmailed, I’m still more used to how this goes, you don’t get to be president without getting involved in plenty of messy business.” The president says with a chuckle.
“So, I think this is where we discuss things.” He says. “Don’t think that you have me twisted around your little finger with this, I’ve survived worse controversies than this, and even if you release everything I can find my feet again.”
“Well, honestly I’d rather not blackmail you.” I say, with a shrug taking one of the seats. A servant walks in with some light appetisers, which is thoughtful. “Way too much effort, and I’m busy building my own town right now. I would like you to show a little more good sense when dealing with me in the future, however.”
“Good sense?”
“That show of kicking me into the dirt.” I say, “With the first Grand Council meeting. It was a move to prove your power, and to try and establish dominance or something like it, I don’t appreciate that.”
“Oh, isn’t that technique a favourite from your own toolbox?”
“Yes, but I’m a hypocrite, and I don’t want to be victim to the same method I use.” I admit, earning a chuckle from him.
“As with us all, I suppose.” He says, “That was a one-off incident. You aren’t so important that we’ll routinely conspire with the Arch monarchy just to bully you.”
“I’m not important? I’m Arduelle’s weapon. I’m the reason for this whole council.”
“Arduelle and Frey are the reasons for the council forming. I’m sure you’re not the only tool that they’re looking to raise, or do you think they keep us around for entertainment? You’ll hit your limits and they’ll lose interest in you, or maybe you’ll grow strong enough to prove their efforts were worth it.”
He shrugs.
“You think we get into positions of power by bowing our heads to every challenge that comes our way? We struggle and fight. We overcome. You are just another contender fighting for space.”
“Well, you’re not wrong.” I admit. “The difference is I’m going to come out on top.”
“Maybe, or maybe you’ll give up on leadership. There are many who prefer to focus their time and strength on their own growth rather than on managing a civilisation. You really do seem to me like that kind of person.”
“Thanks, but lets get back to topic.” I say firmly. “I have much to offer you, an upgrade on the support device just for starters, but what can you offer me?”
“You’d be willing to sell that?” He asks, raising a brow.
I shrug.
“I doubt you’ll be stronger than me for long.” I say, “And Arduelle is keeping you from killing me until then, so giving you a few tools isn’t going to lose me anything. Besides, you’ll be working for me soon enough, it’s better if you’re stronger.”
He snorts back a laugh, sipping from his bowl.
“So, what can this upgrade do?” He asks. “I’ve heard rumours but I’m not sure how much to believe.”
“Ah, but information is valuable. Even I know that.” I say, “Do you want to make a deal? I want to know what your faction’s plans are for the academy that we’re building down here. I was going to have it built with my own designs, but now the Grand Council has control over its development.”
“That?” He asks, “Honestly most of the minsters, and influential members of our fine republic are excited for the chance of their kids to get some experience in politics. There’ll be people from factions all over and they’ll have to navigate the whole mess.
“So, we’re obviously separating any ordinary folk from the more influential people. I’m sure that the nobles and royals will vote the same way to keep their peasants out, or at least away from their own kids.”
“Not great, but I can work with that.” I say, setting aside my worst worries. There are some truly twisted ways this academy could develop and class segregation is definitely on the lighter side of evil when considering the worse options.
I’m sure most of the lower-class kids will be relieved to have the nobles, and everything they bring with them, out of their classrooms. Difficult to focus when you have a snivelling noble kid beside you, whining about everything. What I will have to ensure, is that the academy still serves those lower classed people well enough that its worth attending.
When I have full power, I can change things more to my own taste, for now, I need to figure out how to compromise to get it into the most basic of functional states. It’s also a great topic to use to develop some basic political relationships.
“There are a number of topics and teachers that I want involved.” I say already figuring a few things out. “I’m willing to consider supplying these devices to students under certain conditions.”
“You’ll be working with us alone?” He asks. “Or are you pulling the monarchy into this?”
“They’ll be my subjects too, in time.” I reply. “Though the details of the deal will somewhat depend greatly on just how bothersome they are about this.”
“Well, in that case. Either you bring them into this, and get their vote, or, if you want the republic to fight in favour of this decision for the grand council, then you’ll have to offer it to us exclusively, leaving out the monarchy.”
“I’ll get them to vote in favour.” I say confidently. “Or I’ll find a way to force them.”
He chuckles at that.
“Say, how much do you think it’d bother the Arch monarchy if I just share all the queens Skills with you?” I ask. “I’m sure it would be quite a bother, wouldn’t it?”
“Something quite bothersome for them but welcome for me, yes.” He says. “Not enough to get us to fight for you, but it would certainly be an acceptable gift.”
“We’ll see how the queen sees it, then.” I say, chuckling.
“Did you want to see our city while you’re here?” He asks.
“Yes.” Eshya says quickly, sitting up and paying attention again.
“I’d be happy to see how things work here.” I reply, following him through his home down to the foyer, which is simplistic but nicely made. His two grandkids are spoiled for attention, and while I would like to ask what happened to their parents, I get the feeling that that’s something not spoken of.
As the two wide doors open wide, the greater city becomes clear. Massive mansions line the nearer streets, each their own chaotic expression of beauty, but many copying styles from others.
There is no sun above, and the light comes from the lanterns and magical devices that line the streets. The bright roads lead down towards a mess of shops and homes where thousands gather. There’s a pleasant warmth in the air, and it seems incredibly beautiful.
What look to be massive fallen pillars crisscross the expansive floors of the cavern where the city sprawls. Buildings are constructed upon the slanted slopes of these massive stone pillars, but there’s no particular planning in effect as everyone builds wherever they can. Certain parts of the cavern, like this one, are maintained well and are quite orderly, likely by the will of the rich and powerful living here. The rest of the town is left to grow however people like to build.
Not enough room on the ground for everyone, many have built their homes, such that they hang from the ceiling, but unlike the lakes of my own cavern there is no warping of physics involved and those who live up here, seem to be more those who are careful with their balance.
“Take care and don’t make too much of a fuss.” He says, waving us off. “You don’t want guards to escort you?”
“We’re fine, thanks.” I reply. “Do let us use the teleporter to get back, if you would be so kind.”
“Of course.” He replies with a nod. “The guards will know to let you through.”
With only that, he waves us off. The two grandkids seem a little more affectionate, but they too hang back to give us some space.
Arm in arm, we step deeper into the cavern. My eyes only see the people and the structures, my ears hear the voices and the music, but through it all are secrets. The beating heart that keeps this cavern alive, the systems that keep everything going.
I want to know how this all works. How are the people here faring, and what improvements can be made? What can I learn from these people, their culture, and their way of life? What can I steal for my own people, and what do I have to be mindful of in the future?
“So, this is a date?” Eshya asks, pulling me and Vii to her side as she leads us away from the mansions and towards the busiest parts of town. “We need to enjoy ourselves a little, you know?”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Stats and Skills
~Mana Form:
Current mana density: 30,078 / 60,892 units
Current mana volume: 14,950 / 30,266 shards
Mana volume at crystallisation density (Max. mana volume):
Kyra: 30,266 shards
Kyra’s armour: 20,777 shards
Kyra’s throne: 1,109,298 shards
Mana Canon
-Annihilation Heart (Adapted)
-Blood Fuel (20,000 mana shards)
-Bone Magic Storage (40,000 mana shards)
-Nail Shifters (50,000 mana shards)
-Flash Nerves (8,000 mana shards)
-Quick Perception Mind (Adapted)
-Burst Reflex Muscles (35,000 mana shards)
-Layered space Muscles (80,000 mana shards)
-Rebinding Tissue (Adapted)
-Catalyst Sweat Glands (140,000 mana shards)
-Repulsive Skin (80,000 mana shards)
-Prehensile hair (10,000 mana shards)
-Fatty Tissue Blood Storage (100,000 mana shards)
-Wide eyes (5,000 mana shards)
-Wide ears (5,000 mana shards)
-Sharp nose (5,000 mana shards)
-Clean bowels (Adapted)
~Favourited Skills:
-Annihilation Magic (Customised)
-Fire Magic (Functional)
-Space magic (Broken)
-Force magic (Broken)
-Ice magic (Broken)
-Wind magic (Broken)
-Hand-to-hand casting (Functional)
-Mana surge movement (Functional)
-Stealth (Functional)
-Eyes of an Empire (Customised)
-Combat Awareness (Functional)
-Watchmen (Functional)
-Hidden bug (Functional)
-De-tagging (Functional)
-Anti-stealth sight (Functional)
-Spirit Transformation (Broken)
-Conformity (Broken)
-Training mana form (Functional)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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