The Tyrant’s Beloved Empress

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

When Xiao Zhige received Yanzhou’s reply, he had already arrived in Yongzhou. +++Mobile reading After visiting m. in November, the weather is getting colder and colder. Yongzhou is located in the south, but the people are also wearing cotton-padded clothes.

He was sitting on a horse, looking at the north. At this time, it should be snowing in Yanzhou.

The city gate of Yongzhou slowly opened, and the dull squeaking recalled his thoughts. Xiao Zhige followed him with 20,000 Yanzhou Army, and his eyes condensedly looked at Kang Hong who was leading people to meet him.

The Zhuang Wu general Kang Hong was one of the twelve generals, and was a tribe of Xue Qizhi, and a diehard loyal to the three princes and one party. Kang Hong was only more than 30 years old. He was born tall and strong, with dark and rough skin. He looked like a professional, unlike Zuoqiu’s kind of pampering and cultivating who came up with **** in the background. He has some real abilities.

However, the situation in Yongzhou was not much better than that in Gyeongju. The refugees made chaos, Hao (qiang) was slaughtered, and even broke through the Yanzhou line of defense and went to Zhuzhou.

Xiao Zhige didn’t have to bother to guess what ideas he made secretly. It is nothing more than trying to use the chaos in the southern states to participate in the Prince’s book. If the situation is more serious, the crime committed by the prince will be more serious. Even if the prince cannot be pulled off the horse at one time, he can still make him notorious. If the prince of a country has a bad reputation, the position under the (fart pi) stock will not be so secure.

Kang Hongce immediately saluted and welcomed Xiao Zhige and his party into the city.

Along the way, we saw that the streets were depressed, the houses collapsed, and there were even unclear (dry gan) dark red blood stains on the ground… All of these indicate the turmoil that has happened in the city. After all, Kanghong didn’t have to waste the hills. The refugees failed to occupy the city. After the turmoil, they gradually occupied the surrounding counties and counties.

Now the city is still peaceful, but ordinary people dare not go out of the city easily, and dare not go to the streets, and they stay at home almost all day long. Patrol soldiers can be seen everywhere in the city, and the atmosphere is very condensed.

Xiao Zhige got his emotions, got off his horse and followed him into the mansion, and sat down in the main seat unceremoniously: “How is the situation in Yongzhou?”

Kang Hong had learned of what he had done in Gyeongju earlier, his eyes flashed, and he cautiously said: “The refugees occupy Gwangpyeong County, and most of the troops are concentrated here. At the end, the general sent people to persuade them to surrender, but these rioters refused to surrender. Later, they also fought against each other Second, but there was a military division among the refugees who had a good strategy, and even the general suffered a loss. He did not take the initiative to attack again. Only waited for the prince to preside over the overall situation.”

Xiao Zhige faintly said “Um”, and did not answer his words, only said: “The soldiers came all the way, the people are tired and the horses are exhausted, this matter will be discussed later.”

Kang Hong was taken aback, and anxiously said: “How can the refugees cause the chaos to be delayed again and again? I will finally hear that the prince will put down the civil chaos in Gyeongju without a single soldier. Although it is admirable, the situation in Yongju and Gyeongju is different. These refugees are all fierce and anomalous. If they are not resolved as soon as possible, they may cause even greater disasters!”

“General Kang can wait for the king to preside over the overall situation, so this matter is not urgent.” Xiao Zhige glanced at him, got up and said: “This king is tired, go to rest first, and discuss this matter later.”

After speaking, regardless of Kang Hong’s face (color), he got up and left.

Kang Hong stared at his back and his face (color) was uncertain, and it took a long time to invite people to come and order: “Give me stare at them, and report something quickly.”

After arriving in Yongju, Xiao Zhige was really not in a hurry, not the least of his vigorous vigor when he was in Gyeongju. He neither accused Yongjuhao (qiang) nor sent soldiers to flatten Gwangpyeong County. During the period, Kang Hong asked three times, but he only said that he would discuss it later.

Kang Hong (touching Mo) was not allowed to his thoughts, and his face (color) didn’t look good for a few days.

And Yongzhouhao (qiang) is also anxious to get angry. On this day, Zhonghao (qiang) gathered in one place, discussing what to do.

Originally, they didn’t take the Northern War King too seriously, so what if it is fierce and evil? (qiang) The dragon does not suppress the snake, he can be like a fish in the north, and he can’t listen to them when he comes to the south? At best, it’s just a matter of spending some money. But who knows that he doesn’t make sense at all. After only three days in Gyeongju, he cut the Shijiamanmen. Such a ruthless method is really frightening.

Hao (qiang) have a lot of dealings with people from the government, they like to keep three points in their speech and do things, and they have never met the (sha) **** who doesn’t let you speak such words directly. Everyone is at risk for a while.

Before Xiao Zhige arrived in Yanzhou, he went to find the main general Kang Hong.

In recent years, let alone the nobles in Yejing, they are the Kanghong and Yongzhou army. Every year, they have taken a lot of money from them. In exchange, Kang Hong naturally wanted to protect them.

The Hao (qiang) argued noisily for a while, and no one could make up their minds. It wasn’t until Kang Hong came that he suddenly became quiet.

Someone eagerly asked, “General Kang, what do you say?”

Kang Hong’s face (color) was calm, his eyes scanned a circle, and he said: “I said that I can save you all, so why bother to act like this?”

Hao (qiang) thought that this carelessness was the end of a full-fledged copycat, who can’t be in a hurry? It’s just that Kang Hongsu has accumulated a lot of power and no one openly refuted him for a while. Only people said, “This… after all, it’s about my life (sexual xing)…”

Kang Hong glanced at the speaker and said, “What about the King of the Northern War? He can’t easily (kill sha) without evidence. Besides, I am the chief general of Yongzhou. Go through my hands first. Just stay at home and restrain your children. If there is nothing wrong in the future, you don’t have to look for me again, but as long as I am here, you will be safe.”

Hao (qiang) looked at each other for a long while, and could only nod their heads in response.


“Kang Hong went to meet them?” Xiao Zhige stood by the window, listening to Xie Ling’s report.

“Yes, but it seems that both sides are not very happy. It is estimated that in a few days, someone should submit the certificate.” Xie Ling said.

This is the strategy Xiao Zhige made early in the morning. After all, Yongju is different from Gyeongju and Zuoqiu who are mediocre and incompetent. The soldiers are not loyal to him. Xiao Zhige decisively cuts him off and can take over Gyeongju affairs without worrying about being held back. However, Kang Hong had military merits and was also very sympathetic to the lieutenant soldiers, so the Yongzhou soldiers were very convinced by him. Xiao Zhige must not easily do anything to him. As a result, many matters are not as cheap as Gyeongju. I can only collect evidence in secret while hanging them out.

Kang Hong has a strong style (qiang), and Yong Zhouhao (qiang) still has three points of jealousy against him. He doesn’t dare to act too outrageously, and he has to take the initiative to give money to others. They are not monolithic. What’s more, there are lessons from the Shi family’s past. If you want to come for too long, someone will take the initiative to surrender.

Xiao Zhige nodded slightly and asked, “Where is Guangping County?”

“Our people have already met the leader of the refugees. According to the information obtained, there seem to be two forces among the refugees. One is ordinary refugees with a large number of people, but there are many old and weak women and children; the other seems to be a group of mountains. The bandits are small in number, but they are all young and strong, and well-trained. The two sides (guanguan) are not in harmony, they are only temporarily cooperating.”

Xiao Zhige (lu) showed a playful look. He bent his fingers and tapped on the window edge, and said, “As far as I know, it was a group of mountain bandits that started the incident in Yongzhou, right?”

“Yes. The refugees later depended on the past. It was only the bandits who acted fiercely that the two sides gradually divided their camps.”

“Convince the leader of the refugees as soon as possible, and then look up the details of the bandits.” Xiao Zhige put his hand behind him, and added: “Look if they have had contact with Kang Hong or the people around him.”

Xie Ling took the order, while Xiao Zhige sat at the bookcase and took out the family letter he had in his arms to re-read.

He received a letter from his family as soon as he arrived in Yongzhou. After seeing it, he was not willing to burn it, so he put it in his arms. When thinking about An Changqing, he took it out and took a look. The handwriting on the letter paper is neat and beautiful, and Xiao Zhige can almost imagine him sitting in the study room, slightly lowered his head, writing this letter stroke by stroke with a smile just looking at the letter.

Gently rubbing his thumb on the envelope, Xiao Zhige’s expression softened a bit, folded the letter paper carefully and put it in his arms before he got up and left.


Xiao Zhi Ge expected well. But on the 5th, someone found Xie Ling privately and handed in a certificate.

It was also a coincidence, Xie Lingzheng found out his eyebrows, compared with this vote, and smiled to find Xiao Zhige.

He put the spy’s letter and the account book sent by the Lin family in front of Xiao Zhige: “The general guessed right. That bandit has had a history with the generals around Kang Hong.”

“Furthermore, according to the observations of the spies, the mountain bandits do not look like ordinary bandits, but rather like…trained soldiers.”

Recalling that the first group of bandits was the group of mountain bandits, Xie Ling said slowly: “Among them, I am afraid that there are the writings of Kang Hong and the third prince.”

The civil unrest started in Gyeongju. At first, the prince sent troops (qiang) to (zhenzhen) to suppress. Who knew (qiang) soldiers (zhenzhen) to suppress but aroused the resentment of the refugees, which was counterproductive, causing the refugees in Yongzhou and other places to revolt one after another. , The original sparks gradually set a prairie fire, and even burned to Zhuzhou, approaching Yejing.

Nowadays, people in the market say that the prince is not benevolent, and there are many impeachments in court. Emperor Anqing could only support the sick body to clean up the mess for the prince. Instead, the three princes and the three princes and one party, who had gradually quieted down due to the pill, became active again.

If the bandit who took the lead has nothing to do with Kang Hong, he doesn’t believe it.

Xiao Zhige flipped through a few pages of account books at will, looking at the amount of silver offered each year, his eyes condensed, but the corners of his mouth raised: “Tell Tiehu to take the troops to Guangping County. Be sure to catch the mountain bandits and take them. To the evidence.”


When Kang Hong learned the news, it was already seven days later.

Not to mention that all the refugees in Quang Binh County have returned, in order to offset their merits, the leader of the refugees also captured and sacrificed a group of bandits who took the lead and abused (killed) the innocent. When Kang Hong learned the news, the leaders of the mountain bandits had been escorted to Yongzhou City by the Iron Tiger.

Several people were held in a prison car and escorted back to the city with heavy shackles.

When Kang Hong saw them, he felt a little bit in his heart, but he didn’t wait for him to say anything, but he heard Xiao Zhige solemnly said behind him: “Come here, take the rebellious party Kang Hong down for inquiries!”

Xie Ling was prepared for a long time. Before the soldiers around Kang Hong could react, he took the lead to put the knife on his neck and said in a loud voice: “The chief general of Yongzhou, General Kang Hong of Zhuangwu. Accept bribes, feed private soldiers, and collude with the refugees to commit chaos. , Intent to rebel, do you know the guilt?”

Kang Hong’s eyes trembled, and the eyes of the man in the prison were facing each other, and he knew that the matter had not changed. It was he who missed the game and lost.

The author has something to say:

Counseling: I want to do it, I don’t know if I want to do it.

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