The Tyrant’s Beloved Empress

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Xiao Zhige had expected it, and shook An Changqing’s hand to comfort him, then put on the prince’s python robe, and rode into the palace in a carriage. +++Mobile reading visit m.

(Dry gan) In the main palace, the earth dragon was burning vigorously, and the gold (color) curtains fell to the ground. After layering the curtains, Emperor Anqing leaned on the collapsed, and two court ladies threw his shoulders and legs one after the other. Not far away, a middle-aged Taoist wearing a gossip robe was surrounding a pill furnace and carefully controlling the fire. From time to time, there was a small cracking sound in the pill furnace, and the fragrance of the pill was faintly emitted.

“Dao Master Xuan Yi said, that mad Taoist may be higher than your Dao Xing?” Emperor An Qing played with a white jade vial in his hands, his eyes were burning.

Xuan Yi carefully opened the lid of the pill furnace, put the refined pill pellets in a white jade bottle and sealed them, and then carefully held them in front of Emperor Anqing: “Yes, it is a skill that can be used to calculate the heavenly secrets and break the disaster. Even a poor master can’t do it. If what the Northern Warlord said is true, most of the crazy Taoist is an expert.”

“Superior…” Emperor An Qing was extremely excited: “The expert might refine the pill that will make me immortal?”

Xuan Yi glanced at his expression, and answered cautiously, “Even though I have heard a lot about the elixir of immortality, I have never seen the true chapter. Even the expert may not know it…”

Emperor An Qing’s face (color) changed, and he waved his sleeves: “Then what kind of expert is this called?”

Xuan Yi arched his hands and said: “If you have a profound Taoism and can see through the secrets of heaven, you can also seek advantages and avoid disadvantages for your majesty like this time. That is, you can’t refine the elixir of immortality, but if it is just to prolong life, it is not difficult to think about it…”

Emperor An Qing was a little more happy now, stretched his neck and looked out, impatiently urging: “Has the Northern War King not come yet? Hurry up!”

Waiting at the door, the palace man replied: “It has been announced that the prince has entered the palace.”

While we were talking, I heard the palace man outside the hall shout loudly: “The King of Northern Warfare, please see your Majesty!”

“Hurry!” Emperor An Qing excitedly pushed away the two court ladies and got up. This should be the first time he was so looking forward to seeing this son who didn’t like him.

Xiao Zhige came draped in the wind and snow, and dispelled the chill in the outer hall before he stepped into the inner hall.

The warmth in the inner hall was mellow, and there was a strange fragrance floating in the air. Xiao Zhige glanced across the inner alchemy furnace in the hall, and then respectfully saluted: “My son has seen his father.”

“Get up.” Emperor An Qing looked at him with Yan Yue (color), with eagerness in his eyes: “The crazy Taoist you said last time, but do you remember what he looked like?”

Xiao Zhige sneered in his heart, but he cast his eyes down thinking like: “My son met him on the official road of the large camp outside the city. He was dressed very poorly, and he didn’t wear winter clothes in the winter, just a shabby robe with his waist. There is also a wine gourd hanging. It should be in the old age, but he is full of energy and strong footsteps, which is very different from ordinary old people.”

The more An Qing emperor listened, the bigger his smile: “But I can still find him.”

Xiao Zhige hesitated for a moment, and he was not sure: “This crazy Taoist looks very strange. At first, it seemed that he was waiting for me on the official road. After saying that, he disappeared after two or three steps. Erchen I wanted to chase him to ask for clarity, but failed to catch up.”

Emperor Anqing knew what this son was capable of. Anyone who has learned a good martial art and can’t catch him must have real skills.

“Call someone to look for it again.” Emperor An Qing was overjoyed: “If you can invite someone back, give it a big reward!”

“This crazy Taoist really has two skills, and now his warning has been fulfilled, do you want to prepare to deal with the snow disaster?” Xiao Zhige asked when he saw it.

The smile on Emperor An Qing’s face suddenly faded a lot, and he frowned impatiently: “What can happen to the mere snow disaster? Besides, there will be local officials to deal with it.” He said something as though he was thinking of it, and said: ” I vaguely remember that your mansion has stocked a lot of anti-winter items?”

“Yes. It’s the mad Taoist reminding the children that you can take this opportunity to do more good deeds and eliminate (kill sha) evil, so as not to harm your loved ones.”

“That’s right,” Emperor An Qing waved his hand and said of course: “Now that the treasury is empty, since you have the intention, let you do the errands this time. It can also be counted as accumulating more blessings for yourself.”

Xiao Zhige had already thoroughly understood Emperor Anqing’s (sexual xing) pattern, and it was not surprising to hear what he said. He only thought about it afterwards: “If according to the crazy Taoist, this snow disaster The duration will not be short. If the children and ministers are hoarding things, if it is to help the victims, I am afraid that it will be only a drop in the bucket.”

Emperor Anqing waved his hand indifferently: “How many victims can there be in a snow disaster? Let’s talk about it when it’s not enough.”

Xiao Zhige didn’t argue when he saw it, but he respectfully responded, and then bowed.

The great **** who sent him out went to preach the will of Emperor An Qing, and Zhang Bang went looking for the mad Taoist.

Xiao Zhige looked back at the brightly lit and beautiful forbidden city, with a trace of mockery in his eyes, stopped for a moment, and then turned to leave without nostalgia.

The sky (color) was already dark when I was out of the palace, and after a long time, thick snow had accumulated on the ground, and a deep rut was left behind when the wheels were crushed. Xiao Zhige opened the carriage curtain and saw many people who were still (touching Mo) repairing the roof in the dark along the way. There are also some who don’t even have a place to shelter, so they can only wrap up a few tight clothes and find a shelter from the wind.

Even the most prosperous Yejing city is like this. If you want to come to other states and counties in the North, the situation will never be better than here.

It’s just that Emperor Anqing is indulging in seeking out immortals and asking questions, indulging in love and pleasure, and is not willing to bother about these “little things”.

Back to the palace, the lights were still on in the main courtyard, Xiao Zhige’s face (color) slowed down, and he patted (gan Gan) the falling snow on his body before entering the door. An Changqing has been waiting since he entered the palace. Seeing him back, she hurriedly greeted him and looked at his expression: “Nothing, right?”

Xiao Zhige told him about the palace.

“Your Majesty is too—” An Changqing’s face was angry (color), but he closed his mouth scrupulously, but said a little unfairly: “Obviously all the money from the prince…”

Seeing that he was injustice for himself, Xiao Zhige felt a lot of openness and comforted him: “Being able to use the name of Father Father to help the disaster, we can still suffer from a little bit of suspicion and give up. You don’t need to care too much about these external names. .”

An Changqing naturally understands this truth, otherwise Xiao Zhige would not bother to make up a crazy Taoist. But understand and understand, but still a little arrogant.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Zhige said: “At this time, it’s better to think about how much silver can be sold for the hoarding of hot coal.”

At that time, An Changqing stocked up 30,000 pieces of winter clothes, 30,000 stones of white rice, and 15,000 catties of coal. Among them, winter clothes and white rice are not prepared to make money, so you can recover the capital. But most of the hot coals are used by wealthy people. With so many reserves, they are actually ready to make a fortune.

Now is just the beginning, presumably the price of these things will go up a few days after this heavy snowfall.


And it turns out that Xiao Zhige guessed right.

The heavy snow fell on and off for ten days, and the thick snow had no knees. All the winter clothes and bedding that had been prepared to be put away were taken out. After a winter, many people’s homes have little grain left. Everyone is busy rushing to buy winter clothes and food. In this wave of panic, the prices of winter clothes, grains, and coals for winter protection have risen unknowingly.

There are also poor people in their families who think that they will last through the winter, but they can only rely on the little grain left over from last year to continue struggling to support them, hoping for the spring when they don’t know when they will arrive.

It was at this time that An Changqing convened the managers of the various shops, and after discussion, officially released the hoarded food and clothing.

Winter clothes and white rice do not increase in price, but are sold at the previous daily prices. At the same time, porridge sheds are built outside the city to give porridge and winter clothes to poor people who cannot eat.

As soon as the news came out, the first thing that moved was the shop and the owner behind the shop. However, several stewards were instructed by An Changqing, and their waists were straight. Before anyone came to the house to make trouble, let out a word, saying only that the Northern Warlord was ordered by the emperor to provide relief. Who would dare to stop it?

As a result, those dissatisfied colleagues can only die, and watched a large number of people flock to the shops of the palace.

There are also people who have thought about watching the excitement. After all, Yejing is so big and there are so many people. They all went to the shop of the king of the Northern War, how much rice can they have? Within a few days, it will be all short-selling. At that time they can still sell them at high prices.

But the news that came out soon broke their plan.

The rice and grain shops of the Beizhan Palace are all listed in front of the door. It is blunt to ensure that as many people as possible can survive the cold winter, the purchase of rice is counted by households, and a household can only buy ten buckets of rice every ten days. The owner can only buy rice after registering his household registration. In this way, the pressure on the supply of rice is greatly eased.

Just as these colleagues jumped, An Changqing’s newly opened Fotan shop also opened.

There was no Fotan shop in the palace. Yejing also doesn’t produce hot charcoal, and it is shipped from Qizhou farther north every year. The amount is not too much, just for Yejing one winter. If it is not enough, it will be transported from Qizhou again. But this year, heavy snow fell suddenly, and both water and land transportation were greatly affected. In addition, the local area of ​​Qizhou was also affected by the snow disaster, and the price of Fotan has soared, so Yejing can no longer be taken care of.

Ye Jingduo’s family is a big family, and every family spends extravagantly. Now it is the cold season. The delicate (flesh) and expensive nobles can’t stand the cold. The purchase and purchase managers of all the provinces are eager to find out where. Can buy Fotan.

As soon as the new shop opened, a well-informed search (touching Mo) came over.

I just asked the price, but I was silly: “Why is it so expensive? Usually the most expensive is only ten taels of silver.”

Due to lack of manpower, Zhou Helan is the manager of the new shop temporarily. The thin boy wore a blue cotton robe, put his hands in his sleeves, and smiled like a fox: “This is different from the past. You don’t want to let it go, pay back later. Someone is waiting.”

The person who asked the first question was not reconciled and could only step aside. I thought that the people in the back were too expensive, but who knew the price would not be asked, and said directly: “Is there any silver wire charcoal?”

Zhou Helan said: “All of them, how much do you want?”

“Two hundred catties of ordinary hot coal and one hundred catties of silver silk charcoal will be sent to Bo Xiaowen’s mansion.”

After talking about it, for fear of not being able to buy it, the man directly took out the bank note and paid the bill, a lot of money.

When the people behind saw this, they stepped forward to pay the bills and register, and then the shop asked the guys to send them to each house one by one.

By the end of the day, most of Fotan’s inventory has been sold. Normal Fotan is thirty taels of silver per catty, and fine-grade silver wire charcoal is a hundred and two catties. When the accounts are settled at night, An Changqing counts them. On this day, Fotan alone was credited with 5.3 million taels of silver.

The author has something to say: here: got rich! I will make money to support you in the future.


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