The True Endgame

[Vol. 11.5 pt. 6]

Being held in the air for everybody to see eventually became too overwhelmingly embarrassing for Rachel, resulting in her wiggling around until she broke free from Kris’s hands so that she could walk by his side instead. Now, one might think that the trio of people finally looked normal as they walked through the airport, but that still wasn’t quite the case. It wasn’t normal to see a man—nor anybody else, really—walking around in public with a maid at each of his sides. Servants and other employees who were basically maids but dressed more normally? Sure. But literal maids dressed like classical maids? Absolutely not.

And yet, most of those who saw the trio were not jealous of Kris for walking around with a couple of beautiful maids. Rather, they were jealous of Rachel and Iris for walking around with Kris. Even those who knew nothing about Kris’s fame found themselves drawn to him.

Iris and Rachel weren’t used to that. They were aware that they were both attractive women dressed up in uniforms that many fetishized, so they were used to receiving all manner of stares while out. Being stared at whenever they went out was just a part of life that they came to accept. Yet, they were not the ones being stared at beyond minor curiosity. All of the perverse stares they had the misfortune of growing accustomed to were instead directed at the man walking between them.

And when they looked up at his face… they understood why.

For starters, Kris was an extremely attractive man. The maids already had a crush on him for his appearance alone even before they found out just how wonderful he was. He looked like somebody who could go be an underwear model or the young boy toy of a rich older woman. If anything, his looks were almost unnaturally good to the point where even girls obsessed with kpop boy bands would find themselves thirsting for him instead of their Korean obsessions.

But the maids were already aware of just how insanely attractive he was. That normally wouldn’t be enough to outright demand the lustful stares of everybody around, though. Most would look, be impressed, and then look away, as was often the case for the maids with their unwanted attention.

But nobody was simply looking at Kris and then looking away. They were outright staring at him—gawking at him. The other people in the airport were like wild beasts unable to comprehend the beauty that was their boyfriend.

The reason for his heightened attractiveness to everybody around became extremely obvious once they paid attention to his face.

Kris, surrounded by two of his girlfriends, finally walking side by side with them again in real life and for the first time as their proper boyfriend… could not have looked any happier than he did. His eyes were full of joy and life, he couldn’t stop grinning like a lovestruck idiot, and even the way he walked with one arm wrapped around each of his girlfriends was utterly overwhelming with confidence, pride, and happiness.

Kris was not just an incredibly attractive man. He was an incredibly attractive man who was radiating so much happiness that it was impossible to not be drawn toward him.

And when his girlfriends noticed that, they couldn’t help but be even more attracted to him as well. Both Rachel and Iris got closer up against his sides as they walked to go and meet up with the rest of the girls.

There was nothing more attractive than a happy, confident man. It also helped when a happy and confident man was already incredibly attractive by default.

Oh my gosh he is way too hot, how am I dating him? How could he ever like a plain girl like me? I must be dreaming, right? I must have read too many romance novels. I feel like the boring, plain, unassuming protagonist who somehow ends up with the most stupidly hot guy in the world! Rachel thought to herself.

It… it should not be possible. Have I discovered something—no, somebody, even greater than fluff? I thought that fluff was the most supreme quality in the universe, but… is my Kris’s smile even greater than fluff? I would… I would sacrifice all the fluff in the world just to see him smile more, Iris thought, joining her co-maid in internally fangirling over their shared boyfriend.

As for Kris’s internal thoughts… Crap, I have no idea what to do. I’m so happy that I can’t stop smiling but I can’t think of anything to say either. What if they think I’m boring? I’m just walking and not even saying anything to them. Am I ruining it? And why are so many people looking at me? They probably can’t believe a guy like me has girlfriends like this. Man, I’m so lucky. But I’m going to lose them if I can’t think of anything to say… but… I’m so happy that I can barely even think. This is the best day in my entire life. Ryo is so gonna be by best man since I wouldn’t have even met them without him.

The trio continued walking through the airport while utterly lovestruck for one another.


Eventually, they made it to baggage claim where the next of Kris’s girlfriends was found.

Emily, Abigail, and Anastasia were all supposed to be there, but only Abigail was. She was almost impossible to miss given how tall she was combined with her long, white hair that was tied up into a ponytail. However, while it might have been impossible for them to miss her, it wasn’t impossible for her to miss them considering that she was deaf.

“Hey,” Kris said to Rachel and Iris. “Would it be okay if I sneak up from behind her and hug her?”

Iris and Rachel immediately shook their heads and grabbed onto his arms to stop him from taking even a step more while that idea was in his head.

“Don’t,” Rachel warned. “Seriously. Never. Ever. Surprise her.”

Iris nodded along with Rachel’s warning. “Abigail may look like a delicate sheep with all of her fluffy, white hair, yet she is anything but. The last person who tapped on her shoulder to get her attention ended up underneath her heel with a broken arm.”

“There was another time where a little kid tugged on her uniform to see if it was real since kids are stupid like that, and he did it from behind where she couldn’t see him, and… have you ever seen one of those videos where somebody sneaks up behind a horse, spooks it, and gets kicked in the chest? Yeah, that happened. She broke a couple of his ribs and kicked him a few feet back into a pond.”

“But I’m her boyfriend,” Kris said. “She wouldn’t do that to me… right?”

“That’s—that’s not the point. The point is that if she doesn’t know who it is sneaking up on her, she assumes that they’re a threat, and she neutralizes that threat immediately. There was even one time where a leaf fell from a tree and touched her neck… and I never felt bad for a leaf until after what she did to it.”

“But if I’m going to date her, I’m probably going to surprise her at some point. Shouldn’t I get used to being kicked?”

“That’s… not something you should get used to. You just have to learn to avoid surprising her instead.”

Iris nodded some more. “That is why, whenever we must grab her attention, we either text her since she always keeps her phone in her pocket to feel when it vibrates, or we find something long to poke her with from a safe distance.”

Kris thought about it for a few seconds before asking, “But would like… love make it work? You know, like, if I love her so much that she can tell it’s me?”

“Kris,” Rachel said, “you could love her with all the love that has ever existed and that ever will exist, and she would still probably send you to the hospital if you surprise her. Never, under any circumstances, surprise her.”

“Dang. I still kind of want to try, but I don’t want to risk having to go to the hospital since that would take time away from spending it with all of you. Alright. I’ll be careful.”

Rachel and Iris both let out sighs of relief as Kris pulled out his phone to text Abigail that they were there.

Upon noticing the vibration in her pocket, Abigail pulled her phone out to check on it… only to see her group’s luggage finally come down the conveyor belt. Not only was her luggage coming down the conveyor belt, but she saw that one of the bags was duplicated. Somebody else just so happened to have the exact same bag as Iris, and it was a rather cutesy bag covered with cartoon sheep.

And a little kid who didn’t bother checking the nametags on the bags to make sure that she picked up the right bag grabbed onto one and was already running over to her parents with it.

Abigail shoved her phone back into her pocket and went up to the remaining, sheep-covered bag to see if it was Iris’s… and it wasn’t. The nametag on it had some other girl’s name on it, meaning that Iris’s bag was the one that the little girl ran off with.

Such a situation called for drastic measures.

Abigail reached into her pocket and pulled out some brass knuckles, which she somehow go through security, and slipped them on over her right fingers… only to remember that her target this time was a child. Following a silent sigh, she returned the brass knuckles to her pocket and went after the child.

“Oh… oh no,” Rachel said.

“This is, admittedly, not good,” Iris added on.

Kris tilted his head to the side and asked, “What’s going on?”

“Abigail is not a woman of mercy, not even to children. Not using her knuckles is the only mercy that child will be afforded.”

“Ahhh, geez!” Rachel whined. “I thought we told her she wasn’t allowed to bring any weapons!”

“Her entire body is a weapon, Rachel.”

“Well, I know, but still! I mean like, you know! Other weapons! How the heck did she even get them through security?!”

Kris still wasn’t entirely sure about what was going on, but he watched as Abigail ran right up to where the little girl went… and the little girl went up to one of the largest, toughest looking men that Kris had ever seen. He looked like a villainous bodyguard straight out of some action movie. He kind of guy who served as the sub-boss right before the movie’s main boss. He looked like he was almost seven feet tall, was utterly bulging with muscles all over his body, and covered in tattoos from head to toe.

But that didn’t stop Abigail from running right up to the daughter and that oversized man so that she could grab Iris’s bag and pull on it.

“A-ah! Hey! D-Daddy!” the girl screamed as soon as Abigail tugged on the bag. “She’s trying to steal my bag!”

Abigail, meanwhile, pointed at the girl with her free hand and then back at the conveyor belt with her other hand.

But neither the daughter nor father paid any attention to her other hand, instead only focusing on the fact that she was trying to rip away the sheep-covered bag from the little girl.

Admittedly, Abigail undeniably looked like the villain in the situation.

“Oh, geez, she’s always so awkward and never thinks these things through!” Rachel whined. “I’ve got to go—wait, Kris?”

Rachel and Iris looked around only to notice that Kris wasn’t standing between them anymore.

Meanwhile, the girl’s father looked down at Abigail and asked her, “The fuck you think you’re doin’ with my princess’s bag?”

Abigail ignored his words and continued pointing back at the conveyor belt while tugging on the bag with her free hand.

The little girl must have inherited some natural strength from her father, because she was actually able to put up a good fight in not letting Abigail take it from her.

“Oi, bitch, I’m talkin’ to you,” the father said. At the end of his patience due to being ignored again, he reached forward to grab onto her dress in front of her neck.

That was when a hand grabbed Abigail’s right shoulder from behind, causing her to let go of the bag as her eyes widened.

Kris pulled Abigail out of the way and traded places with her, resulting in his shirt getting grabbed onto instead while Abigail stumbled backward a couple of feet, clearly taken off guard from the sudden pull.

Originally, Kris wanted to help out and defuse the situation.

Then he heard the father call his lovely and perfect girlfriend a bitch.

Kris knew nothing about fighting in real life, nor did he have anywhere near as much strength than the other man, and he even felt short compared to the father, but none of that mattered when somebody called his girlfriend a bitch.

“Apologize to her,” Kris demanded.

“Apologize for what? That crazy bitch came out of nowhere and tried to steal my princess’s bag. What, you with her?”

“I’m her boyfriend.”

“Yeah? Good. I can teach her a lesson then without having to hit a girl.” The father raised his right arm up, balling his fingers into a fist aimed right for Kris’s head as he swung at him. “I’ll teach you punks not to fuck with my daught—!”

That was when it was Kris’s turn for his eyes to go wide as everything happened so quickly that it was almost a blur. One second, he thought he was about to be punched in the face. A quarter of a second later, and he saw a woman wearing blurry, black and white clothing jump up and grab onto the father’s arm. Another quarter of a second later and that arm was bent behind the father’s back while he was pressed down against the ground with a heel against the back of his fat neck.

Once the blurry series of events ended, Kris saw none other than Abigail standing on top of the pinned-down father while security guards were rushing over.

Meanwhile, Abigail couldn’t bring herself to look at Kris as her hair hung over her eyes and her flushed cheeks.

It was only after the security guards came over to check on what was going on and listening to an explanation provided by Rachel and Iris, prior to being told to look the other way over the radio via orders from the airport’s owner himself, that Abigail finally looked up at Kris with the eyes of a sad dog who realized that she did something wrong.

Naturally, she reached into her pocket so that she could take her phone out and type an apology for Kris… but she didn’t need to.

Kris started signing to her.

Kris: Are you alright? He didn’t hurt you, did he?

Abigail looked shocked for the second time when she saw Kris’s near-flawless signing.

Abigail: You… learned how to sign?

Kris: Yeah. And I made sure it’s British Sign Language instead of American since… you know, you’re from England and stuff.

Abigail: When? How? For how long have you been practicing?

Kris: Since I got home after meeting you. I thought it would come in handy if I ever got to see you in real life again, and I wanted to impress you.

The more that Kris explained, the more Abigail began to tear up before she couldn’t take it anymore and practically threw herself at Kris, wrapping her arms around him in a loving, and incredibly tight, hug.

Meanwhile, Rachel apologized over and over again to the father and his daughter for what happened as Iris made sure that each party had the proper sheep-covered bags. Fortunately, the father laughed it off once he realized what the problem was, and walked away with no hard feelings and his daughter sitting on his right shoulder in a way that reminded Rachel of a pirate’s parrot.

“Well… I’m glad that worked out,” Rachel said while double checking with Iris to make sure they had all their bags.

“Fortunately, he was more impressed than upset after being taken down,” Iris said.

“Yeah… by the way. You… you saw it, right?”

“Do you mean when Kris—”

“Yeah. He… he surprised her. And she didn’t break him.”

“Is it possible that she was already distracted by the others and that’s why?”

Rachel shook her head. “I don’t think so. One time when a gang tried cornering us after we went shopping, she was already knocking all the teeth out of one of them when another grabbed her from behind, and I don’t think he’s ever getting out of a wheelchair.”

“Ah, I remember that. You couldn’t stop crying because of how scared you were.”

“I—I was afraid we were gonna get in trouble! A gang is no match for her! It was overkill!”

“What a world we live in when we view the men assaulting a maid as the victims in the altercation. But regardless… if he was able to surprise her without getting broken, then…”

Rachel and Iris looked over to where Kris was being practically squeezed to death by a crying, smiling Abigail.

“Our boyfriend is incredible,” the two women said in unison.

Patreon Harem Members: Emojiman, Flanders, AlicesEmotions, AzureXIII, Dotakin, Eric B., Jopejoe1, Lynderyn, Macleod A., Matt, Dominic R.

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