The True Endgame

[Vol. 11.5 pt. 11]

The conversation about expectations as mature adults continued, guaranteeing that Kris and his girlfriends would not fall into the trappings of an unending romance story where nothing ever happened and no adults ever talked like… adults.


“So uh,” Kris said, pausing for a moment as he scratched his cheek with a light shade of red subtly coloring his cheeks, “how many kids do you want?”

It was a talk about expectations regarding an adult, romantic relationship. It was pretty understandable for the topic of children to come up. But, rather than ask his girlfriends a question like, “Do you want to have kids?” or “What are your thoughts on being parents in the future?” he skipped straight to assuming they wanted kids with him and wanted to know how many they wanted.

Anastasia’s eyes widened for a moment, but she quickly went back to just smiling and staying silent while the rest of the women struggled to think of how to even respond to that with lasting shock on their faces.

“A-ah… oh… um… g-gosh, I—I have… no idea,” Rachel said, stuttering more than ever while sitting on Kris’s couch in the living room. She tried distracting herself by looking around, but all she ended up doing was imagining herself holding a baby in her arms while Kris wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed her cheek. Thinking that, she ended up mentally imploding as her brain forgot how to do anything other than blush and giggle to herself in an almost creepy manner.

As for Iris, she said, “I… two.” She was blushing just as much as Rachel but without the stuttering and mental collapse. “I used to imagine raising a couple of kids, siblings, and them growing up to become world-famous cooperative chefs who always work as a team. There have been famous chef duos before, but never siblings.”

Kris asked, “But what if they don’t want to be chefs? Would you be disappointed or something?”

“Of—of course not! I would accept them as their mother no matter what path they choose for themselves. I just… may be biased and try pushing them down the path of cooking.”

“I can’t really relate to that, but as long as you don’t pressure them and aren’t disappointed if they don’t do what you want, I guess it’s not a problem.”

Emily then spoke up while pointing a dramatic finger at Kris. “What about you? How many do you want?”

Kris looked at Emily… and then looked down at her chest which caused a bit of confusion in her before he said, “I’m not sure, but if your boobs are that big, you could probably have like, at least ten.”

And that broke Emily and made her enter a mental state similar to Rachel. “Te-ten?! Because—because of these udders?!”

“Yeah. Aren’t big boobs good for babies? Like, the bigger they are, the more milk can be stored within them or something. So the bigger your boobs, the more babies you can feed, so the more babies you can have. I’m not sure how the mass-to-milk ratio works, but maybe you could have even more. Like, fifty.”

“I’m not having fifty! I don’t think that’s even possible! And do you have any idea how much that would destroy my body?!”

Kris blinked a few times. “No, sorry. I don’t really know how this stuff works. But if it would destroy your body, then we don’t have to have any.”

“I want some! Just not bloody fifty of them! Three at most is my limit… probably. And tits size has nothing to do with milk!”

Out of everything that happened—out of every single thing that has ever shocked Kris before while his girlfriends were around to witness his reaction, hearing that breast milk volume was not related to breast size caused the most shocked expression they ever saw him wear. “Then where does milk come from?”

Emily parted her lips to try and explain, but, when she realized that she had no idea how to explain it herself, she closed them and looked at Iris.

“Why—why me?” Iris asked, noticing the staring at her.

“Because I have no idea how to explain it to somebody who apparently didn’t pay attention during sex ed,” Emily answered.

“Hey, I paid attention,” Kris interjected. “That’s why I know how babies are made. They aren’t grown in labs or delivered by storks. They’re made when a man puts his dick into a woman. That’s also why you have to be careful and use protection for stuff like uh, when you put it in other holes, because you don’t want to accidentally make a baby in the wrong one.”

“Oh,” Anastasia said, breaking her silence and reacting first out of everybody who just heard, and read the lips of, what Kris said.

It was even enough to bring Rachel out from her mental break. “A-ah… Kris… maybe… maybe you should… try studying it again?”

“I did. Before you came. I know people in a relationship have sex, so I wanted to be sure that I know how it works. Not—not that I’m expecting it or anything. It’s totally cool if we don’t do anything. You don’t have to be pressured and I won’t be disappointed if nothing sexual happens. Just, yeah. I tried researching it before you got here so that I’d know how things work just in case. I even bought some condoms, but I think I got the wrong size, because they ripped when I tried putting them on. Or maybe I did it wrong. I’m not sure. I bought the extra-large ones because I thought too big would be better than too small, like, with clothes, since baggy clothes are more comfortable than tight clothes, but they still ripped. Maybe I was supposed to try putting it on while soft…”

Anastasia held a hand over her mouth while the rest of Kris’s girlfriends looked at him with wide, shocked eyes that matched his own when he recently learned that breast size was not related to breast milk volume.

“They… ripped?” Emily asked. “The—the extra-large ones?”

“Yeah,” Kris answered. “Maybe the packaging lied? Maybe I should go back to the store and let them know that the brand is lying. I don’t really care that I wasted money on them, but other people aren’t as comfortable, so if I can help others not lose their money, that’d be good.”

Rachel broke again, giggling and swaying from side to side. “We’re gonna… we’re going to break… ehe…”

That was when Anastasia cleared her throat and said, “Perhaps it would be best if I assist you with them before you return to the store, Kris. After all, it is a maid’s duty to assist her… Master. In the same way that some men struggle to tie their own ties, perhaps you simply need… a helping hand… or two, to assist you.”

Iris and Emily looked over at Anastasia, shocked regarding what they just heard as neither of them had the courage to offer something like that. Meanwhile, Rachel continued swaying and giggle about being broken while throwing in a few lines about how she should have paid more attention to Alice’s fantasies, while Abigail held out both of her point fingers to try and estimate Kris’s size in the air before comparing his size to her abdomen by holding her fingers in front of it. Her own face finally reddened once she saw just how high up on her abdomen her one finger was.

“Oh, alright,” Kris said, looking at Anastasia. “Yeah, that sounds cool. Do you have experience with this sort of stuff?”

Anastasia hummed for a moment before tilting her head with a smile. “Of course not. I am but another innocent, inexperienced maid who has no idea how any of this works, but that does not stop me from wanting to try my best to service you. Of course, given that I am so inexperienced and will not know what I am doing, it may take me a considerable time to figure it out. I can only ask that you be patient with me during my trials, Kris.”

“Yeah, no problem.”

Emily then asked Anastasia, “How—how are you so brave? Aren’t you afraid?!”

“Oh, yes, of course,” Anastasia answered, her voice nearly monotone as she did. “I am incredibly intimidated. Yes. Certainly. However, no matter how afraid I may be, it is a maid’s duty to serve her,” she paused, her thighs subtly rubbing against each other, “Master.”

Iris sighed and shook her head. “I still have a lot to learn about being a maid. Even though you’re the newest and youngest… you’ve already surpassed us in your determination. I never expected the most junior among us to put the rest of us to shame.”

Anastasia shook her own head in response. “Please, Iris. It is my duty as not only Master’s personal—I mean, as a maid, to help others, but it is my desire as your junior to return the favor. You have all been nothing but kind and helpful to me. There has never been a moment where you hesitated to guide my hand and teach me. That is why… I will do everything in my power to milk—I mean, to help Kris and buy the rest of you time to prepare.”

Emily, with tears in her eyes, threw herself against Anastasia for a hug. “You’re so brave!” she cried. “I remember back when you didn’t even know how to do the laundry!”

“Ah, yes, clumsy me, not even knowing how to do laundry. How foolish I was back then. Yes.”

Iris joined in and said, “And all those times you would listen to our lady’s rambling fantasies to distract her so that we could focus on our tasks…”

“If only I understood what even half the words she said were, then maybe I could have been a better listener.”

Even Rachel joined in on the wanting to cry by sniffling. “And then—and then there was that time you somehow got tied up on your own, but couldn’t break free! And you looked so scared! Your whole face was red! And now here you are, you’ve grown so brave…”

Anastasia’s cheeks finally took on a hint of red as she looked away a little. “A-ah… yes. That… how… foolish of me to somehow stumble into those ropes in the perfect, accidental way that I ended up bound by them…”

Abigail, meanwhile, had no idea what was going on as she was still trying to estimate Kris’s size with her fingers.

“Wait,” Emily said. “I just got an idea.”

“Yeah?” Kris asked.

“I know how we can help you learn about sexual stuff.”

“I’m listening.”

A hint of excitement glimmered in Anastasia’s eyes… before Emily explained, “We can make our lady’s boyfriend teach you.” And then that excitement disappeared.

“Oh, my bro. That’s a good idea.”

Rachel nodded. “Nice one, Emily. We might not know how that stuff works from a guy’s perspective, but he probably does! Especially considering he’s our lady’s boyfriend.”

Abigail, who only just finally started reading their lips again in an attempt to rejoin the conversation, began to imagine Kris and Ryouta, using their in-game avatars, learning about how sex worked. This naturally led to her imagining Fenrir pinning Rao down to the bed while they passionately looked into each other’s eyes, followed by Fenrir signing to him, “I’ll teach you everything there is to know about your body, and you can practice on mine all you want before going back to your girlfriends.”

Rao then signed back to Fenrir, “I love you, bro. Can I really learn how to do things with them by practicing with you? Even though we’re both men?”

“A hole is a hole.”

“That’s deep, bro.”

“But not as deep as you’re about to be in me, Rao.”

If it was possible, steam would have blown out through Abigail’s ears as she imagined her lover in bed with his best friend. She wasn’t entirely sure if her imagination represented Ryouta appropriately, but it was probably close enough to how things would play out considering that was probably the kind of man who would end up in love with Alice.

Abigail probably spent too much time reading Alice’s lips during her fantastical, perverted fantasizing.

While Anastasia, Rachel, Emily, and Iris reminisced some more about the old days of Anastasia accidentally getting into various seemingly lewd situations while having zero idea how it happened, Kris poked Abigail which made her jump and signed to her, asking, “You alright? Your face got really red.”

Abigail, not thinking properly when she signed back, replied, “Every hole is a goal.”

“You mean like, golf? Yeah, the holes are the goals.”

A wave of guilt immediately washed over Abigail when she received his purely innocent response. She couldn’t help but to reach out and pat the top of his head when he so innocently expressed his concern for her before following up with that misunderstanding of what she meant.

After enjoying Abigail petting him for a moment, Kris looked like a light bulb appeared over his head before saying, “Oh, right. I asked you all about kids, but I didn’t say how many I want.” All of his girlfriends turned to pay attention to him again. “Uh, I guess… it doesn’t really matter to me. I’ll have as many kids with each of you as you want. Doesn’t matter to me if you don’t want any or if you want to have like, a hundred. I’ll do it. But no matter how many we have, it’s… important to me that we adopt some, too. There are a lot of kids out there who don’t have parents, so… I’ve always wanted to adopt kids. Having my own that you gave birth to isn’t really important to me because a child is a child, right? Whether they’re related to me by blood or adopted through paper, they’d still be mine. So I want to adopt a bunch of kids, and then I’ll also have as many as each of you want with you.”

It shouldn’t have been possible.

By all laws of reality and logic, it should have been thoroughly, utterly impossible for Kris’s girlfriends to fall even more in love with him than they already were.

Yet, it happened, again.

“Is—is something wrong?” Kris asked Rachel when he spotted her tearing up.

Rachel was quick to shake her head and explained, “Nothing—nothing’s wrong! You’re just… so nice. How can anybody as nice as you even exist?”

“Uhh, I don’t know. I don’t really think I’m anything special. Isn’t it normal to want to help others?”

Emily sighed and said, “We have to protect your innocence.”

Iris nodded. “Indeed. We must protect the innocent man in front of us from the realities of this world so that he may raise more to be as idealistic as him. And of course, we will be at your side, Kris, to help you raise as many young as you desire.”

Anastasia went back to being silent now that the pressure was off her, only nodding in response as she subtly hummed to herself.

Abigail, of course, also agreed with everything the others said and nodded as well. Though, she did have a question. That was why she signed, “Do you have any plans for accommodating so many?”

Kris nodded, already having an answer that he thought about plenty of times before in mind. “I’ll just build a house for everybody. We can have a huge house I’ll design for all of us to live in, and then, when they’re old enough to move out and live on their own if they want, I’ll get them all setup with houses designed to match their preferences. But… this might sound kind of stupid or something, but I’ve always had this kind of… fantasy of like… adopting and raising a ton of kids. But like, I would own this huge plot of land somewhere, and build a huge house for us on it. And then when they’re old enough, I build them their own houses on the same plot, and we basically grow it into our own personal town kind of. Then they can find partners and move them in and have their own families. We’d basically be starting our own mini city where everybody there is family. Oh, and since my bros are my bros, and bros are family, they can move in with their partners, too. But that’s like, just a random dream I have. It’s not something I ever expect to—”

Before Kris could finish his sentence, he saw all five of his girlfriends kneeling down in front of him, causing him to blink and tilt his head.

“If that is what you desire,” Iris said, “we will do everything in our power as maids to bring your dreams to life.”

“We—we might not have experience with that many people,” Rachel said, “but we’ll do our best! And if we have that many people to clean up after… we might finally have a good challenge to keep us busy!”

Emily then said, “It will finally motivate me to get a reduction surgery. Between the back pain and needing to move more efficiently to keep up with the demand your dream requires… these stupid udders are finally getting shrunk.”

Anastasia nodded and said, “My body is ready to begin working toward your dream at any moment, Master.”

Abigail, rather than say anything, imagined Kris and Ryouta both sitting in thrones next to each other. To Kris’s right was her and the other maids. To Ryouta’s left was an extra throne for Alice and then the rest of their girlfriends. In front of them was a legion of children, adopted and birthed, and other families who moved into their city who happily accepted Kris as their king. Well, and probably Ryouta as well since she couldn’t imagine Kris not extending that position to him.

Kris almost teared up at their supporting words. But, as soon as he opened his mouth to say something…

The front door to his apartment was unlocked by a key, the knob was turned, and the door swung open.

“Kris!” shouted the girl as she stepped inside without a care as if she owned the place as well. “I’ve had a shitty day, so let me get drunk here! It’s the least you can do after I had to cover for your ass to the—”

The girl looked around and saw Kris sitting in his chair with five women dressed as maids on their knees in front of him.

They all made eye contact.

The strange intruder then reached into the bag she was holding, pulled out a bottle of wine, uncorked it, and chugged almost half of it down in one go before turning around and walking out Kris’s apartment.

“Kris… do you know her?” Iris asked.

“Oh, yeah, she’s my friend,” Kris answered. “Lucy.”

“One of Kris’s friends,” Rachel said under her breath before looking up at him with determined eyes. “I’ll go get her! A maid must never come between the business of others! And if she’s a friend of yours, then she’s somebody else we can serve!”


Before Kris could stop her, Rachel was already rushing out of the apartment to go grab Lucy.

Though, it didn’t take long to find her since Lucy was just standing outside the apartment’s door on her second bottle of wine already.

Patreon Harem Members: Emojiman, Flanders, AlicesEmotions, AzureXIII, Dotakin, Eric B., Jopejoe1, Lynderyn, Macleod A., Matt, Dominic R.

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