THE TRIALS: Path Toward Godhood. (warning: MATURE CONTENT)



Kuroha was walking toward the hospital with flowers in his hand. He had marked Rei room, but he always followed the proper way to visit her.

Since the day of his fight, we'll more like his beating, he felt weird. He didn't feel like himself like something broke a little in him. 

Just as he walked in the lobby, he saw a guy and a woman walk past him and leave the hospital.

The guy was pretty tall with silver hair like his. The woman had more or less the same hair color. Only with crimson streaks added. It was clear that the two were related. 

He was sure that he saw them somewhere. But he didn't remember. Well, not like it was his problem. If he didn't remember then so be it. 

He put the two in the back of his mind before walking toward her room. But as he walked, this nagging feeling that he missed something gave him an uncomfortable itch.

It was only when he stopped in front of the door of her room that he remembered.

"Ah!!! I remember where I saw those two."

So it was Rei's children? They finally began to meet her again?

He crouched in frustration. He really wanted to meet Rei family members, but he missed such a good opportunity.

After a while, he calmed himself and knocked.

"Who is it?"

A soft voice asked him.

"It is me."

"Oh. Little Kuroha. You can enter."

He opened the door of her room before entering and closing behind him.

He took a breath as he looked at her. He always liked the odor in this room. It had the effect of calming greatly calming his unsettled mind. He loved being next to her. 

"Rei. How are you today?"

He asked as he put the flower in his usual spot. He remarked that there was some chocolate on her table. Most likely a gift from her children. 

He was close enough to her to now call her by her first name. It was a little weird for someone so young to call an adult like that, but she didn't mind. 

Rei Todoroki let out a bright smile before answering.

"Very good. Today two of my children, Natsuo and Fuyumi, visited me. Even though they didn't stay long, I was really happy."

Kuroha felt a little sad in his heart. Even though he visited her regularly and they became pretty close, he never saw her so happy. So this was the difference between a true family and a stranger? 

He put a hand to his heart. He was... jealous? So this was Jealousy. Now a understand a little how Himiko and Momo felt. It was really a shitty feeling. 

At the same time, despite this Jealousy, he was happy for her. She deserved all the good in the world. Perhaps she didn't need him to visit her any longer. 

Those contradictory feelings disturbed his mood greatly. He liked to think that he had a tight control over his feelings, but it seemed like he was wrong. 

He began to earnestly chat with her in order to forget. It wasn't important but it made him happy to see her happy even if it hurt at the same time. 

Most likely, it could be the last time they would meet. 


Rei giggled a little at the failed attempts at a joke from Kuroha. But then she put a serious expression. 

She really liked this little boy who found her room by mistake so long ago.

She was in a constant state of depression ever since what happened to her son because of her own weakness. 

A mother's duty was to protect their children from everything bad in this world until they could fly by themselves. She failed pitifully. Worst, she even scarred one of them for life.

The first few months she spent in the hospital was great torture for her mind. She couldn't forgive herself. She hated herself. She even thought about killing herself. 

This continued for years until she meets him. He was a shy little boy. An awkward little boy. A scared little boy. 

He was a pitiful little boy who tried to act like an adult even though he was still a child at heart.

Of course, she couldn't lie to herself. The fact that his hair looked like her played a huge part in her attachment to him. A pure white. If he not for his eyes and skin, she would have thought that he was her child.

At first, she used him a surrogate child, a way to atone for her sin. If she could make him happy, would she be forgiven for all the bad things she did to her child?

But now, she truly saw Kuroha for who he was and as her own child. Though, she was too embarrassed to treat him as such. She was also fearful because she didn't think that he looked at her like that. 

She had already been rejected by one of her children. If this one also left her, she didn't know what she would do.


"Excuse. I was daydreaming a little."

She began to listen to him once again. Hayate Kuroha. A curious boy. A very gentle boy.

They knew each other for a few years now. He wasn't the kind to make a joke. Something must have happened. He was acting weirdly. That's why she put a serious expression and asked. 

"Kuroha, did something happen?"

She looked as Kuroha put a surprised expression before giving a weak and forced smile.

"No. Everything's alright."

She looked at him deeply in the eyes without speaking. She didn't need to, she knew he was to pressure from those he was close with.

He was a boy who wanted to please and help everyone close to him. But he didn't know how to do it. This was a good Trait but at the same time a serious flaw. 

After a few seconds of staring him down, he finally bowed his head in shame.

"I was thinking if you still needed me. Perhaps I shouldn't come anymore."

Her heart clenched in worry. What would make him think something like that? Still, she was sharp. It didn't take long for her to understand what was the root of his worry. Her children? 

Seeing him like that made love overflow from her heart. He was sitting on a stool close to her bed. She put a hand on his head, bent down, and gave him a kiss on the forehead before holding him tight in her arms.

"I would be really sad if you stopped visiting me. But if it's really your decision, I won't force you. I just want you to understand that even if I can't see you... Even if we are separated from each other... I'll always be watching you." 

Kuroha was surprised. No, surprised would be an understatement. Those words really struck him deep in the heart. 

A single tear began to gather on the corner of his eye right eye before falling slowly. 

Kuroha touched his right cheek with bewilderment. A Tear? He was crying? Impossible. How many years had it been since he cried? 

This wasn't normal. Something was happening to him but what? 

Afterward, the discussion between them became more lighthearted. Kuroha didn't bring the subject of him stopping to visit and she didn't either. It was a tacit understanding. 

This lasted until the visit hours were terminated. Kuroha bid her goodbye and left the hospital. 

As he walked he couldn't help but feel happy and worried. Happy because of what Rei said to him and worried because of how he was acting. 

He understood that it was normal to change but changing so much in a few days wasn't normal. The only abnormal event that happened recently was... The take over of his body. 

(AN: I tried to write an emotional chapter. I hope I wasn't too cringe. *sigh* it feels like I'm way better at writing horror.)

(AN 2: The reason why Kuroha is unstable right now is pretty easy to guess I think, but I will explain it in the next interlude with the different personalities.

You should read the part of their discussion with Lyra song from fairy tail, Ost "Kizuna" or the OST "past story" also from fairy tail.

Frankly, we can say what we want about the anime Fairy tail, but the one who created those band sound was a true genius.) 

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