THE TRIALS: Path Toward Godhood. (warning: MATURE CONTENT)


Kuroha disinterestedly looked at the head that was soaring in the sky. It wasn't the first time he killed, and he knew that it wouldn't be the last. What is life? What is... 


Before he could fall in a philosophical contemplation of life and death, he had to worry about his own first. He deflected a slash from her before taking a step back and shouting. 

"Kyuketsu!!! Stop trying to drink my blood!!!"

He said this as he looked at her in the eyes. Despite the blood that was covering her face, her smile was really beautiful.

She was a little girl. Clearly no older than him. Where momo had a calm and serious aura. This girl was wilder and freer with her expression and feelings.

She had slightly inward-tilting eyes, irises bright yellow and pupils thinly slits, making them somewhat resemble those of a cat, and her wide mouth was also rather feline, as both her upper and lower canines were more pointed and longer than the rest of her teeth. Her hair was a pale, dirty ash-blonde and is styled into two messy buns, numerous wild strands sticking out at all angles from their centers and where they're fastened, a straight fringe and two chin-length side bangs to frame her face.

She was wild, she was beautiful, she was young, she was dangerous.

The first time he meets her was a few months ago when after a nearly failed attack, he chooses to hide in a warehouse for a while. Who could have thought that he would meet such a girl? What kind of girl even play in warehouse?

Despite her weak powers, she nearly gutted him with a pair of scissors before he even understood that someone was behind him.

Thankfully, while her talent in assassination and dissimulation was out of the world, she had zero fighting experience and was easily beaten down once he avoided her first attack.

Even now, he could not forget what she told him when he asked why she attacked him.

------------- a Few months ago 

A little boy pushed a little girl again a wall as he locked her hands above her head and asked 

"Why did you attack me?" 

The girl, titled her head to the right as if this question was incredibly incomprehensible. After that, with a large smile showing her canine, she said

"Your beaten up appearance made me fall in love with you." 

---------------Flash back end

Even now he didn't know what was the most problematic. The fact that a girl confessed to him? The fact that her love would probably mean his death if he didn't pay attention? Or the fact that his heart beat faster and out of order after seeing her smile?

Kuroha shook his head at this thought, he truly needed to go to a hospital. Sadly, he had a phobia of anyone wearing a white blouse. That was one of the reasons why he always wore black clothes.

"Junketsu!!! It was so fun. Another!!! let me kill another one."

She said that as she jumped and tried to hug him. 

Junketsu, kyuketsu. Those were the code name he used. Even though they could be considered friends, she was too unstable to be entirely trusted. As such he never showed her his real face and gave her a false name. Since this made him a little guilty, he didn't ask for her name either and chose a code name for her as well.

Kyuketsu means vampire. He used this code name because of her quirk who required her to drink blood in order to transform into the one she drinks blood from.

It wasn't a powerful quirk... Anyone who said this was a stupid battle junkie with no brain. A quirk didn't need to destroy buildings to be called powerful. Sometimes it was the subtle one who were the most dangerous.

His code name, Junketsu, means purity. He didn't know why he chose this name. It's just, fited in his mouth. He also liked to think that by killing those trash, he was cleaning society of its filth. 

He put back his attention to her answered  as he put his hand on her head and stopped her from coming to close to him. 

"Stop it. I already told you the rules. We only kill those who deserve to die. In exchange, I will sometimes let me suck your blood."


She tried to leave the alley, but he stopped her

"Wait!!! Do you have a death wish? Wait for me here. I will be right back in a flash ." 

She simply smiled without insisting. She didn't really care. As long as it was fun, everything was alright. 

He used his quirk to teleport in her bedroom and came back a few minutes later with new clothes for her to change and a bottle of water to wash her face. He had let one of his mark on her shirt. It was done with her permission of course. 

After she changed and washed her face in front of him, the two of them left the alley before going farther in the street. Kuroha also wore a hood. After all, a child walking with a blood-red mask was a sight to behold. After half a year of working here, he already has somewhat of a reputation. 

Kuroha was slowly walking hand in hand with kyuketsu as she hummed a song in a good mood. She loved this feeling of freedom. 

Her family was always so stuffy. She had to follow the rule and act "normal" like everyone else. She hated this, she hated having to act "normal". Her quirk was drinking blood for God's sake. 

Why didn't she have the right to do so without having to face the disgust in their eyes? Why did she have to smile when she didn't want to? Why did she have to hide her quirk? Why did her family look at her as if she was a monster?

She decided, she wouldn't be under them any longer. 

"Ne ne Junketsu, do you have a dream?"

Kuroha was surprised at this question. This was the first time someone asked him this. It wasn't like Nighteye and the other didn't care about his feelings. It was just that him going to UA and becoming a hero was so obvious in their minds that no one really bothered to ask him what he really wanted.

Still, he was also relieved that they never asked him this. After all,

"No... No, I don't have a dream."

He didn't have a dream. He didn't consider wanting vengeance as a dream. He had no dream, no drive, no conviction. Even his desire to clean the world was nothing more than a desire born out of hatred. 

He admired hero like All Might. But he tought that their modus operates was shitty. Why imprison a villain and risk him getting out when simply killing him would be far easier? 

At least from his experience, it was easier to kill than to capture. Perhaps he was wrong and it was because he was too weak to effectively capture villain? Otherwise, why would hero follow such an inefficient system? Hum... It was something worth researching. 

Kyuketsu smiled at those words and continued, 

"You see, I have a dream." 

"What is it?" He asked curiously. 

"My dream, you see, is pretty simple."

She stretched her right hand toward the sky as if she wanted to cover it and said with a beautiful smile

"I just wanna love, live and die my way. My normal way. I wanna be even more like the people I love."

This smile was devoid of her usual madness. It was a beautiful smile, Kuroha feels his heartbeat more rapidly than usual. He touched his chest in wonder. What was this feeling? Was he sick? He didn't think so.

His body couldn't fall sick. Even poison couldn't kill him. He was sure of it. After all, they had tried the effects different poison and bacteria could have in his body when he was still in the lab. 

So why did his heartbeat so hard? Why did his cheeks become so hot? Why did he have such a hard time looking at her? Hum... Another thing worth researching. 

It was when he was once again falling in contemplation that he feels something tugging at his hand. Looking sideways, he saw Kyuketsu looking back at him with her usual smile. 

"Don't be sad okay? Life should be happy. Smiling is the best."

Those words of her warmed his heart. It's also made him think of Nighteye. As such he laughed calmly, 

"Ah ah ah. You and my father would really be friends, he also likes talking about the importance of smiling." 

They had already accomplished their goal for tonight, so he decided that there was no need to do more. He continued to walk and talk and laughs with her. He was honestly a little happy. 

If Nighteye could have seen him like this, he would have been really surprised. 

Finally, a few hours later, she began to yawn from time to time. Kuroha seeing this, decided that it was time to call night. He took her home, 

"Bye-bye Junketsu !!", she said as she waved her hand. 

"Goodbye Kyuketsu." 

He waited to see her enter by using the window, he teleported back to his home. 

Once in his home, he went into his bathroom and looked at his mirror. His mask began to slowly lose its hardness before falling in the washstand.

He looked at his reflection on the mirror. This time, he didn't hear that voice. It never appeared soon after he killed.

He washed his face before going under the shower. After a good cold shower, and changing his clothes, he went and sat back in his usual corner, a book about forging in his hands.

He didn't know shit about forging nor was he interested in it, but the knowledge was useful in making his weapons stronger.

That his how the night went.

As the sunray began to peek, he got up, made it seem like he slept in his bed, and went out towards the kitchen. 

He was ready for Nighteye usual ritual, but when Nighteye went out of his office room, his face was pale as if the end of the world happened.

"What happened? Why are you making a face like that?"

Kuroha was seriously worried. There only a few people he cared about in this world. He didn't want anything to happen to them.

Nighteye looked at him with serious eyes. He slowly opened his mouth and said

"I received a call. It was about..."

(AN: Most people choose a mother or big sister figure for the mc. So the next member and perhaps last of the harem will be someone like that. Who? you might ask... I won't tell you??

(AN 2: Before anyone talks to me about my mc being too mature, please, there many like that or even far more mature. Norma from The Promised Neverland or Gon and Kirua hunterxhunter or Shiro from No game no life. All of them are only eleven. ) come and see my server

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