THE TRIALS: Path Toward Godhood. (warning: MATURE CONTENT)


A little earlier in another town:

Two silhouettes could be seen standing in front of each other in a park. It seemed like they were arguing. They weren't particularly tall, showing that they were either children or simply really short.

One of them, showing a more or less developed chest was clearly a girl. She was wearing a white short skirt with black spat under it, and a blue shirt. Around her thigh, a set of knives in a special belt could be seen. Her face wasn't visible since it was hidden by a bloody red mask and her hair was hidden by a black hood.

Her companion, whose gender was indiscernible was wearing a black pullover with a skull drawn on the back. His face was also hidden by a bloody red mask. Their mask looked the same with only a little difference. The mask of the girl looked like a smiling opera mask, while for the other one, the mask looked like a crying opera mask.

If children could see the two right now, they would certainly cry their lung out. Most adults would also probably pee in their pants in horror. That's how creepy they looked like. A distorted voice sounded from the mask of the girl.

"Say, say, Junketsu, are you sure that you should do it alone? Or even right now? Why are you so rushed?"

The boy, Junketsu sighed. She had posed him this question so many times today. He helplessly shrugged and said,

"I already told you why I don't want you to follow me today. What I'm about to do is too dangerous. As for the reason..."

He clenched his fists for a few seconds before continuing,

"Let's just say that I have my own reason."

She didn't answer him. Clearly, she wasn't satisfied with his answer. Seeing this, Junketsu hesitated a little before hugging her. He began to whisper in her ear,

"Kyuketsu, please listen to me. I am not underestimating you nor I'm looking down on you. My target this time is too dangerous. I only dare to go because I know I can escape at any time. But if you follow me, I won't be able to flee even if I wanted to. What more, you know that my body can regenerate from any-wound, as such, my staying alive isn't a problem even against opponents far stronger than myself."

Kyuketsu was practically melting in his embrace. His words were like sweet nectar that was muddling her thoughts. If one could see under her mask, one would see that her face was beet red.

 Junketsu feels like a little like a bastard. He was essentially using her feelings for him to manipulate her and make her obey him. 

But it was for her own good. His target was a big shot this time. He couldn't afford to be careless. If she followed him, he would be too worried to give his all. 

He didn't know when, but she had taken an important part in his heart. It wasn't something as shallow as love, but something more precious that he couldn't correctly put into words.

Kyuketsu stayed silent for a while before she hugged him back. She took a sniff of his odor in order to calm herself.

 Ideally, she wanted to violently bit his collarbone and drink his blood, but that stupid mask was hindering her. Tears of frustration could be seen flowing from under her mask.

She was frustrated, so frustrated. She wanted to follow him, be with him, every moment, everywhere. The more time passed the more infatuated she becomes. She even put sleeping pills in his drink one time. She knew the chances of it working were low, but one could still dream, right? If it had worked, she would have taken him somewhere far away.

She knew that despite his quirk, he wouldn't have left her alone to fend for herself. So they could have stayed together with no one to disturb them. Sadly, as expected he drunk it without a problem. 

Her frustrations become even worse in a situation like this. She hated being useless to him. He was everything to her, and she wished to become everything for him. But how could she do it if she couldn't help him? As it stands now, Momo seemed way more useful than her.

She took a last deep breath, and, even though she didn't like it, she pushed him away from her. She finally gave the answer he hoped.

"I understand. I will not be a nuisance. It would be pretty stupid to follow you and be used as a hostage or some cliche situations like that. Go! I am not far from home. Go catch that Heroes Killer."

She didn't say anything else and turned back before walking toward her home. She wasn't angry, just a little sad. At the same time, for the first time, resolution began to burn in her eyes. 

If she wanted to become more useful, if she wanted to always stay with him, if she wanted him to look at her, she needed to become stronger. Far stronger.

Junketsu looked at the small hunched back and sighed. He didn't like seeing a sad Himiko. She should always smile and laugh.

He shook his head in order to discard those stray thoughts from his mind. Now wasn't the time. 

What he learned from Nighteye and All Might a few days after Christmas nearly drove him even more insane. That why he decided to attack a true villain. The target he chose being The heroes killer.

It took him some time, but he managed to cover a great party in the area where he usually operated. Two days ago, he had left a mark on the wall of an old building that was close to a restaurant. 

From the information he gathered, this restaurant was created by a charitable man who wanted to make food at affordable prices for the poor SDF who lived a few kilometers from it. 

Kuroha didn't know him, but he couldn't help but feel respect for him. True heroes didn't need to wear flashy clothes and destroy villains in epic fights. It was people like that who were really worthy of the title of hero.

Perhaps he should take a pause there and see what the interior of that restaurant looked like?  Oh well, it wasn't something urgent to do. He would just teleport to where he let the mark and continue his search. He would enter the restaurant another time.

With that thought, he teleported from where he was.


Hina, who was struggling with the decision in order to change the situation saw a truly incredible scene.

 A child suddenly appeared out of nowhere with a yellow flash. He stood on one of the debris that comes out from the walls destroyed during the fight. She couldn't see his face, but she could feel his confusion. Then, She winced. He had been...


Junketsu looked curiously at the situation around him in confusion. What was exactly happening right now? He saw a big man holding another one by the throat. He saw another woman with purple hair standing not far away from him, in front of the restaurant. she seemed dangerous, the blood on her clothes didn't help. He saw the destruction resulting most probably from a fight between the two men in front of him. In that instant, a series of thoughts crossed his mind.

The first thought that crossed his mind was...Fuck.

The second thought was... Gotta flee from here fast.

The third thought was... FUCK!!!!!

He had been punched by the big man before he could even completely assess the situation around him.

The fourth thought as he got up and formed two blades with his blood was... DIE!!! 

(AN 1: Whenever Kuroha and Himiko are out to in the night, I will only use the name Junketsu and Kyuketsu, be it in discussion or in thought. That would help me avoid some confusion. Anyways, enjoy.)

(AN 2:  Now all the actors to this play are placed on the stage. This was a long build-up. I hope you weren't too bored. Midnight execution will soon end. Either during the next chapter or the one after this. This arc use was to introduce the three OC since they will have a more or less important role in the future. It was also used for Kuroha to face his first high-class opponent. In order to show where he stands in the world power.)

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