THE TRIALS: Path Toward Godhood. (warning: MATURE CONTENT)


"Do you want to go to school? "

Kuroha looked up from his tablet. Yes, he had evolved from his books to a tablet. It made things less messy. 

He looked deeply at this alien who called himself his father and said a big fat 


Nighteye wasn't surprised, he had already expected such an answer. That why he didn't attack by himself.

"Please, Kuroha. You're really smart, but simply being taught at home isn't enough."

The one who launched another attack by the side was a beautiful girl. 

She was a fairly well-built young woman with a rather slim build, her skin light blue in color. She had short, ruffled dark blue hair that curves upwards and downwards around her head, parted to her left, and wide yellow eyes with thick eyelashes.

Her hero costume consisted of a skintight dark blue crop top with a white high-collared section, a zipper down the middle, over the higher part of her chest, which reveals her torso from the underside of her breasts down.

She wears black tights with loose white shorts, two yellow markings down to either side of them, and a thick white boots with lines running down their shafts, yellow rings in the center of them. On her hands, she wore plain dark blue gloves.

Her name was Awata Kaoruko, a new graduate who also became a pro hero and was hired by Nighteye not long ago. She had already worked as an intern with him two years ago. Her hero's name was Bubble Girl.

"They are right you know, even though you might no need it from an educational standpoint, you need to have more friends. The only friends you ever make come here is Momo."

The second one who intervened as he was brewing a tea was a middle-aged man with the face of a brown centipeder, who wore a black tuxedo. He was Maoshi Juzo, another sidekick of Nighteye. He was a stoic gentleman whose mannerisms didn't lose to that of any nobles. 

His hero's name was pretty simple. It was Centipeder. Even now Kuroha snorted in contempt when thinking of how simple and direct this name was. His hero name would never be like that.

Silence reigned in the room. The gaze of hope and expectations on his back were so hot that he felt the stings. He even wondered if, of those three, one had a hidden quirk related to fire. He sighed and decided to ask his questions.

"Why the rush?"

It was Nighteye who answered.

"Right now, you're just old enough to enter the first year of Middle school. You already stayed long enough at home. It's time for you to make more friends and see more of the world don't you think so?"

Nighteye was sincerely worried about Kuroha. He knew Kuroha at a deep distrust for most people. He might seem close to some, but there is always a wall in front of his heart. What more, he didn't want his son to become a shut-in. 

Even now, Nighteye couldn't say for sure that he managed to break all the walls. He didn't think that he raised badly Kuroha, but there some things that could only be learned in school.

Kuroha, of course, understood the situation and the feeling of his father. He knew that apart from Rei, there are few people who cared as much for him.

Frankly, he didn't want to accept, but he still nodded. Not because of the pressure. Even if their gaze was akin of magma burning his skin, nothing would make him compromise if he really didn't want to. But sometimes, the feeling of love people had for you was heavier than even Mt Tai.

Nighteye and the other two, seeing him nod were overjoyed. Bubbles girl directly took a bunch of papers out from under the table and gave them to Kuroha.

The more he read it, the worse his expression became, finally, he threw the paper away and said with indignation.

"You guy step me up."

Those papers were already filled and deposited. This was nothing more than a copy.

Bubbles Girl didn't answer but simply high fived with centipeder and Nighteye before turning to him with a grin.

Kuroha seeing this, stopped complaining and began to seriously read the papers. It was his fault for having been set up. Complaining was a waste of time. 

Frankly speaking, be it centipeder, Nighteye or even Bubble Girl, they were all pretty serious in their work. They weren't the kind to do prank or grin and laugh usually. Well apart from the necessary joke to make Nighteye laugh, but even that wasn't something seen every day. The only reason they acted goofy like that was because they really cared for him. 

Repay evil with ten times more evil and kindness with hundreds time more kindness. This was the law he began to follow.

As he read the information. He noted that the school was called SALTY BANKS MIDDLE SCHOOL. Really a weird name. He idly wondered if the founder of this school was high on something when he named it like that.

This school had nothing special. It was close to the upper level as far as middle school goes. But nothing particularly outstanding or noteworthy. It was weird. How could a perfectionist like Nighteye send him to such a school? Well, he was always told that when you don't know, you just have to ask. So he decided to simply ask

"Why this school in particular?"

Nighteye who was seated behind his office table simply lifted his glasses before saying,

"I know how large your current knowledge is. Frankly, right now, even university students might not know more than you in some specific subjects."

Kuroha nodded. It was true. He didn't have an eidetic memory but his memory was very close to it. If you added the numerous books he had read over the course of three years, it was normal that his theoretical knowledge already surpassed what could be taught to people his age. 

Nighteye continued 

"Since you're already so good. It means that the standard of the school itself doesn't matter much. What more you'll graduate from U.A, so, people will never care about what kind of Middle school you went to."

Bubbles Girl decided to continue

"The goal isn't for you to study but to make friends. The true best middle school are extremely xenophobic while the worst one are no-go. So we choose one of the best ones in the pack in the middle."

A weird but clear and sound reasoning. That one of the reasons why he liked them so much. 

The few minutes that followed were simply for allowing him to understand the regulations. Finally, Bubbles Girl smiled and get up from her seat before asking Kuroha to follow her somewhere.

"I have a surprise for you!!!" 


He felt like he was in hell. Otherwise, how could it be possible?

"Kyaaa!!! So cute!!!!! "x 3

Kuroha never felt such a humiliation since the day he was freed from the laboratory. He was tricked once again, he should have fled when he saw their destination. 

The one who was screaming right now was Bubbles Girl, alongside the tailor and his assistant. By the way, the tailor was a man.

They were in a tailor shop in order to take the shirt from she had already asked for after secretly taking his measurements.

Right now, he felt like murdering someone.

"I. Am. Not. Cute. Damn it!!!!"

In the night streets, he was feared as the reaper in the underworld. His second identity, once mentioned, could make even child stop crying. Criminals would shit themselves when seeing him. So why was he posing in front of a mirror like some doll?

A growing headache made him pinch his brows. Today wasn't his day. He really should have never accepted to go to this school. Still, he had to accept that the uniform was pretty cool on him. The fact that it was entirely black helped.

It was a gakuran. The uniforms for many middle-schooler in Japan. The color was normally black, but some schools use navy blue. Thankfully this one was black. 

The top had a standing collar buttoning down from top-to-bottom. Buttons were decorated with the school emblem to show respect to the school. The Pants were straight leg and a black or dark-colored belt is worn with them. 

Some schools may require the students to wear collar-pins representing the school and/or class rank. This school didn't request it but the tailor still decided to add it. 

This uniform added to his already handsome looks was like a killer move for any girl. What more, since he worked out regularly, he filled out nicely the uniform.

Sadly, because of his age, no matter how handsome he was, what would be cool for girl his age looked extremely cute for mature women, and some men.

Finally, the tailor couldn't hold himself back. He took a card and gave it to Kuroha.

"I am Albertino Rodriguez. I am the director of a model agency. Would you like to work with me?"

Even though Kuroha thought that this man was weird, he didn't really care. He was on the verge of refusing when Bubbles Girl took the card and pocketed it.

"Kuroha is still too young. I will show it to his father and wait for the decision."

Her smile was pretty professional. Kuroha didn't insist. He already knew what Nighteye decision would be. In his heart, he felt a great deal of guilt toward Nighteye, that why he would generally carter to his wish.

It also helped that Nighteye wishes were always for Kuroha good.

After another session of changing and adjusting, a smiling Bubbles Girl and a tired Kuroha left the shop, while a happy Albertino waved them goodbye.

Today was really a tiring day.

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