The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 270 The second scroll

Chapter 270 The Second Scroll

The lightning on Snape's body illuminated the dim Forbidden Forest, and he became like a big human-shaped light bulb, but the lightning didn't seem to have caused him any harm.

Harry held his wand and tried to think about what spell to cast at this moment, but his mind went blank.

At this moment, a thick bolt of lightning suddenly separated from Snape's body, and struck Harry at lightning speed.
None of the people present had ever seen such a thick lightning, but at this time, a water gun was instantly sprayed from the mouth of the deformed beast that had been prepared.

The water gun and the lightning collided in the air, water is conductive, and the lightning was instantly guided to the direction of the jet of water, Harry was safe, but part of the lightning hit the deformed animal directly from the direction of the water gun
The part of the shapeshifting beast that was hit by the blow immediately turned black. It roared in pain, and the hair on its body stood up because of the electric shock. Fortunately, the shapeshifter itself had a good resistance to electricity, so it didn't Lost combat power in an instant.

Harry and the three reacted now, and they waved their wands quickly, casting their best spells.
"Passed out!"

"Except your weapons!"

"All petrochemical!"

But these spells were all in vain. After the transformation, Snape seemed to possess a lot of abilities. A flash of lightning flashed, and Snape disappeared in place, and appeared in another place in an instant.
"This is not Apparation, this is faster than Apparation." Professor Lupine reminded loudly.

And the two vine whips instantly appeared at the position where Snape appeared, sticking to the ground, and immediately wrapped Professor Snape tightly.

The three of Harry hurriedly prepared to cast a spell.

At this time, countless lightning lights appeared on Professor Snape's body, and the lightning along the vine whip attacked the shapeshifting beast, and now the shapeshifting beast suddenly turned into a beast-shaped light bulb, and Harry could even see clearly under the lightning light. Skeleton of a shapeshifter.
The deformed beast quickly let go of the vine whip to avoid further damage, then quickly opened the distance, and flapped its wings with all its strength to fly.

The deformed beast that had been so injured was not knocked down, nor was it returned to its original shape. It was trembling slightly from the electric shock just now, but it still stubbornly confronted the transformed Snape.

The second wave of spells from Harry and the others were also released, but Professor Snape dodged them with "a flash of lightning", and the three of them immediately realized their dire situation.

Looking at Professor Snape whose eyes were full of madness, Hermione suddenly shouted: "Professor, wake up! We are your students!" She wanted to wake up Professor Snape who was in madness.
And Professor Snape just paused, he didn't hear Hermione's call, he didn't see the madness in his eyes at all, he only felt that the nerves in his whole body were burning with anger, but his fighting wisdom was not affected , he knew that the most threatening thing to him now was that strange creature, so he put all his attention on it.

The battle broke out in the next moment, and the shapeshifting beast flying in mid-air unleashed seven or eight flying blades, attacking Snape directly.

And Professor Snape instantly cast an Iron Armor Curse, these Iron Armor Curses actually blocked these flying blades, and then he cast a "Shen Feng Wu Ying" curse backhand, he knew that this strange animal had a good electrical resistance, so He changed his offensive method.

This spell was extremely fast, even though the shapeshifting beast had already dodged quickly, it was still rubbed onto its body, a big hole appeared on one side of its body, and blood gushed out of it immediately.

"Snape's spell has been greatly enhanced!" Professor Lupine shouted.

And Snape, who succeeded in one move, gained momentum, and one after another "Shenfengwusha" spells kept attacking the deformed beast. The deformed beast kept dodging, but its speed became slower and slower, and the wounds on its body is also increasing
"He's gone completely insane. After that... magical animal is defeated, we're going to suffer." Black also saw the situation on the field and shouted loudly.

"Do something!" Ron yelled.

"Scroll!" Hermione looked at Harry and Ron suddenly.

Harry instantly understood what Hermione meant, and he stretched his hand into his arms, but Ron was a step ahead of him. Ron took out the scroll first, tore off the metal ring on it, and aimed at a broken tree trunk
The next moment the scroll was on fire, and the trunk changed rapidly, before disappearing from everyone's eyes
The three of Harry looked at the place where the tree trunk disappeared in bewilderment. They didn't understand what happened. Should they transform into a new deformed beast?
But the next moment, they felt a wind blowing past them, as if something had just passed them
On the other hand, Snape had a warning sign in his heart. The next moment, a white animal claw appeared in front of him. The nail on the animal claw was not made of bone, but a kind of silver that shone coldly and was very sharp at first glance. Metal.
The invisible barrier of the Iron Armor Curse in front of Snape shattered, and the claws of the beast grabbed Snape unabated, and just at this time, Hermione's shapeshifting beast also released seven or eight flying leaf blades. Flew to Snape too.
Facing the sharp claws and the flying blade, Snape knew the power of them, and he didn't dare to take it hard at all. A flash of lightning flashed away again and again.

And he had just flashed to a place and hadn't stood still, the beast claw that was shining with cold light appeared again lingeringly, and grabbed him again, so he had to dodge again
The battle suddenly became weird. The beast claws shining with cold light kept appearing out of nowhere in the air. Snape could only use "lightning flash" to avoid it, and he was at a disadvantage for a while.
"This deformed beast can become invisible!" Ron exclaimed.

Black looked at this scene in shock, he saw the whole process of the trunk deformation this time, he looked at his old friend Lupine, he wanted to know how this era has changed so fast, and now the magic in the wizarding world has developed so much Have you reached the point?
He wanted to get an answer from Lupine, why did no one tell me "times have changed" when times have changed?
But he saw shock and confusion in the eyes of his old friend Lupin. Lupine didn't know how these kids came up with this thing. The strange winged magical creature at the beginning was okay. It looked like a long-range spellcasting Small magical creatures, he can still think of some ways to deal with them, although he may not be able to beat them.

But the invisible magic creature that just appeared is too scary. Although it can't see its whole picture clearly, but judging by its lingering attack method and the ability of that claw to break the iron armor curse, it is simply a wizard's nightmare.

After all, the wizards in this world are just a group of long-range mages in essence, and their melee capabilities are extremely powerful, but even if a mage with one staff and a long sword comes to face this kind of attack, it is not easy to resist.

And the claws of this magical creature break through the invisible barrier of the Iron Armor Curse as easily as breaking an eggshell, which makes people feel even more terrifying
Even Snape is so secretive, he actually researched such a terrible potion, and it can cause such strange and cute changes in the body, he suddenly felt that his old classmate suddenly became strange
 Today, after watching the Pokémon animation for a long time, I suddenly wanted to understand something. Pokémon is not suitable for patchwork transformation, because many Pokémon themselves are pieced together in a certain sense. If Putting it together again will feel very inconsistent. After all, this is a novel, not a manga. I can’t even imagine what the Pokemon shapeshifter looks like. Anyway, it is inconsistent and not handsome, so I plan to write this in a different direction in the future. piece.

  Still looking for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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