The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 251 Yodel's Teachings

Chapter 251 Yodel's Teachings
The seven Patronuses sent to the yordle for "training" did not include Alan's original jellyfish Patronus, because Harry and Professor Lupine already knew that his Patronus was a jellyfish.

After doing all this, Allen began to study how to let the patron saint control the deformed beast. Although his patron saint's intelligence is still relatively weak, it is better than nothing.

He always felt that it was easier for the Patronus to control the saber than to control a car.

He quickly summoned a saber and told his Patronus to control the saber.

The Patronus jellyfish floats in the air in a daze, it seems that it is difficult to understand the word "control".

This made Allen helpless for a while, the current intelligence of the jellyfish patron saint is still too low.

It seemed that the saber could only take the initiative. He controlled the saber to get close to the jellyfish, trying to integrate with the jellyfish, but he soon discovered that it was futile.

The Patronus jellyfish and the saber were passing through each other, neither of them could touch the other.

"I think you should consult an expert in this field." Suddenly there was a phantom beside Allen, it was Yordle, who rarely came out of the diary.

"Why did you come out? You don't hurry up to cultivate the intelligence of those patron saints." Allen asked suspiciously.

"I'm not like you humans who can only think in a single core. I can think and do several things at the same time." Jodl raised his eyebrows and said.

"I just can't see anyone being stupid here." Jodl suddenly spoke venomously.

"You—" Allen was a little uneasy, but he quickly realized, "Why am I so stupid?"

"How could such a low-level intelligence understand such abstract words," Jodl said with a sneer.

"Then what do you think you should do?" Allen keenly noticed that Yodel had a solution to this problem.

"Then why should I tell you?" Jodl suddenly looked at Allen playfully.

"Then what conditions do you have?" Allen said helplessly, he only hoped that Yodel's conditions would not be too outrageous.

Jodl observed Allen's expression carefully, and said, "It's very simple. You said you wanted to tailor a shapeshifter for me, but now you have to speed up the progress."

"As my reward for cultivating so many highly intelligent patron saints." Jodl added.

"Isn't the saber pretty good? Don't you often control the saber to relax?" Allen muttered.

"What's so good about a saber, which of the various organs of the strange magical creatures you've experimented with recently is not better than a saber?" Yodl asked forcefully.

Allen was a little speechless by Jodl's words, but this matter is not difficult to achieve, "Those experiments have not been completed yet, and I will design one for you when the experiment is mature."

Jodl got a somewhat perfunctory promise from Allen, but that was enough for him, and he was still very tactful.

So a trace of silver-white memory separated from Yoddle's body and floated to the jellyfish patron saint, who quickly swallowed this trace of memory.

"What kind of memory is this?" Allen asked suspiciously.

"When it comes to controlling various creatures, I'm an expert," Yodel emphasized, "That's how I control the memory of other people and creatures. I feel that the Patronus and I are quite similar in some ways, so my Those memories will help it."

It was the jellyfish patron saint who had devoured that trace of memory, suddenly pounced on the dazed saber, and without knowing what it had done, it quickly lost its jellyfish shape and merged with the saber.

The saber began to make various strange movements. It seemed that it wanted to turn its claws 180 degrees. It kept scratching the ground, smelling the air, and licking with its tongue. He pursed his mouth, as if he was adapting to the new sensory organs.

Allen held his breath watching this scene, for fear of disturbing them, he knew that the jellyfish patron saint was adapting to this strange body.

He could see that the saber leopard's gaze had become more active. Although it still looked blank, it was much better than the lifeless look before. Allen felt that it was a lot more angry.

After a period of adaptation, the patron saint of jellyfish became familiar with this body. Although it still walks and often wrestles, it has begun to explore this underground space curiously.

It curiously scratched the gravel on the ground with its sharp claws, and now it feels very curious about everything.

"It seems that you succeeded again this time!" Jodl said softly, "Sometimes I really envy you for having such wonderful ideas!"

Allen turned his head to say something to Yoddle, but there was a loud noise from the tunnel.

He turned his head and saw that it was the saber, which had just grabbed a loose stone with its claws, and it caused a chain reaction. The collapsed tunnel had another small collapse, and the falling debris knocked the saber buried tightly
Allen and Yodel looked at each other silently.

However, in Allen's perception, both the saber and the patron saint were disconnected from him. It seems that the patron saint attached to the saber will also suffer physical damage.

But Allen thought of something. He quickly summoned it with the "number" of the patron saint of jellyfish. The patron saint of jellyfish floated in mid-air in frustration. It seemed that it hadn't recovered from the encounter just now. Come.

Allen saw the benefits of using the Patronus to control the deformed beast. The Patronus seems to dissipate after being seriously injured, but will not really die, and its memory and intelligence will not be lost because of this, which means The cultivation of the patron saint will not be wasted. Even if the controlled deformed beast dies, the patron saint can be summoned back and used again.

This is good news!

The time has come to April, the weather has become warmer, and the surroundings of Hogwarts have become lively again. Allen's research is still advancing steadily. The Ministry of Magic has captured many big black dogs. But it wasn’t Sirius Black. The Ministry of Magic’s dog-catching operation aroused criticism from various newspapers. Suspecting that the news that Black is an Animagus is false, Professor Dumbledore deliberately dug a hole for him to embarrass him, so he quickly canceled the dog-catching operation, even the notice about the big black dog. Torn out a lot.

The Ministry of Magic, which has not caught Sirius Black for a long time, has become more and more incompetent in the eyes of the people. The arrival of dementors in Hogwarts has caused dissatisfaction among many parents. Minister Fudge urgently needs a big news in his favor to reverse the wizards his opinion
 Still looking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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