The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.63 – Trees

As Fiona stepped into the clearing, the first thing she saw was trees. Everywhere, enormous, thick giants pierced the sky.  She loved it. She loved forests, and this was a capital F forest. Giant indeed. They stood in a clearing of short grass, rocks, and a small patch of flowers in the only area where the sun penetrated the great canopy above them. In the middle of the clearing was a short pillar made from some sort of wood, coming up a few feet. Its surface was smooth, with three slots next to each other in a row. The trees themselves were unfamiliar to Fiona, kind of like Oaks but with blue-green leaves, and much, much larger than anything she'd seen elsewhere. As the rest of her party appeared around her, various expressions of awe at the enormous growth - even from Qaerlyz, who must have known and expected it. Seconds after Qaerlyz, the last person to step through the portal entered, the system binged. And then Fiona heard another weird sound, some form of flapping noise?



"Right. That seems simple. If badly explained." Fiona presumed the guardians were some sort of boss, and it's not like she expected handheld guidance. And after the last floor, she did not expect to be told where to go.

"It is, but there are many ways to resolve this floor. It has the highest density of bosses of any floor I have up-to-date knowledge on, however, once you defeat three... You get transported to your starting point and are unable to engage any other." Qaerlyz explained. Fiona had asked her why she couldn't give them information prior to entering, but the dragon said the tower could potentially change a floor if every party member entered with an expectation. The more she learned, the more the tower seemed to be a sentient being of some sort. Qae continued, to Fiona's immediate shame. "Let's ensure we only engage with bosses where Fiona can benefit from their ability. Also - we must find Gertram before defeating the third boss, if ab-" 
"OH MY GOD QAERLYZ!" Liddy, next to Fiona had turned around as that flap sounded again, and Fiona turned to look at the paladin at the back of their group.

She smiled at them.
"I thought this might happen here." She stretched, and the two blue appendages sticking out of her back unfolded, enormous wings spreading almost across the entirety of the clearing. Her armour seemed to have been adjusted as they entered, and she stretched the wings, scales glistening with iridescence in the sun as they caught what came through the trees, warming the leathery membrane. "One floor after my sister. I won't be able to fly much but... It feels good." She moved her wings and powerful wind struck the floor, and lifted her in the air - strong, powerful strokes lifted her at least twenty feet up, and she stretched them out and glided down.

"That's... You're majestic Qae. Queen Qae-Qae." Liddy giggled. Qaerlyz landed gently back on the forest floor and nodded to the little gnome.

"Is it bad that you got them a floor later than your sister?"  Fiona asked, not sure what to say.

"No. Means the tower considers me more powerful" Qae smiled. "And she will hate that. Now, this isn't important - I am sure I will find them useful, and we may be able to get an overview, but they are too weak to carry me for now." She started

"Does it feel nice though?" Annabelle asked.

Fiona hadn't seen a smile as warm as that on the dragon queen since they'd met. 
"Yes. A part of me had been missing... And now it is returned. They will go stronger on every floor." She coughed slightly, her more serious look returning. She kept stretching and shaking her wings though, clearly happy to have them back. "Now, as I was saying. We need to find three bosses in the woods that are suitable for Fiona."

Fiona's cheeks went scarlet, immediately distracted from the paladin's new, old? wings. Qae expected her to fuck THREE bosses? On one floor? She wasn't opposed but... What kind of bosses would there even be in a wood like this?

Hot ones, she hoped. Wait, no.

"Your abilities interact with bosses as well?" Tamlin asked, curiosity filling her voice. 
"Uh yeah, I..." She almost told her what she got then. The bunny seemed ok, just escaping an annoying enemy, but she shouldn't give her any info other than what was needed for her informed consent to be in the group. "Yeah. I can get a benefit from them."

"Does it... Is it similar to your other linking? You have to find a shared interest with a boss?" Tamlin's voice was full of innocence, Fiona didn't really want to shock her.
"Were you not in the centaur village when I used my ability there?" Fiona asked, and Tamlin shook her head.
"No, I heard there was some commotion but we arrived once it was all done. Some shared cultural event?"

Fiona was unbelievably thankful to whoever described it as that, but it didn't help her now.
"It's a... Uhm with the bosses it's a bit more specific. It's very powerful but, but..." How did she phrase this properly? In a way that didn't make her come across as a complete pervert - Tamlin had certainly seen her cock sock, knew that fucking powered her up and the collar was there. And so was Ash's. She just wanted to have something to make her seem like a part of how she was in the tower wasn't a complete pervert.

"She's gotta fuckem" 

"Thanks, Liddy" Fiona sighed, planting her face in her hand before smiling at her friend. She twisted the ring on her finger as she saw her, her linked friend. Spirits entwined in their friendship forever. She felt her heart flutter at that, so happy - so surprised, Liddy cared for her to that extent. 

"No worries!" Liddy said as she looked around the trees. "Not only me and Annabelle that's gonna feel small here huh." The gnome said, immediately moving on from the conversation. "You think you can fly to the top of them Qae?"

Fiona looked at Tamlin, who was wide-eyed. Her jaw went up and down a few times, her ears flopping up and down before her brain seemed to work again. "And you've used this ability?"

Fiona shrugged and looked away. "Uhm.. Yeah." 
Tamlin's eyes seemed to have something click now. "With the centaurs?"
"In what form?" The bunny priest asked, after a long, awkward silence, only interrupted by Liddy asking questions about Qae's wings, trying to poke at them.

Fiona didn't answer, just looked down.

"Oh... That's ho... That's impressive" 

Fiona, still not certain about this priest but at least she didn't start calling her a freak. She seemed amenable, and if Fiona had the chance to fuck the big-breasted bunny she would. Absolutely she would. She could feel blood rushing to her groin, and quickly decided to change the subject and save Qaerlyz from Liddy and Ash, who had joined in asking about getting rides. Annabelle stood nearby bemused.

"What should we do next then Qae -  you had the right idea last time, even if... Well, it was the right direction." Fiona started, and the dragon nodded.

"This floor has several villages that will provide information regarding bosses' movements - I think our first idea is to find one of these, they are basic - nothing like Climbertown, but this floor will take some time to clear." She looked at Tamlin and Annabelle. "If he's been acting out - and from what you said, it sounds like he has - this Gertram should also be known to these villages. So first thing, look for civilization." She walked over to one of the trees near the edge of the clearing.

"Luckily, they want to be found and show us the way" She pointed to a symbol scratched into the bark of one of the trees. Qae headed off without further discussion, and while Fiona wasn't sure about following strange symbols on trees, the dragon queen probably did know best. With a confident 'what could go wrong' kind of attitude, the rest of the group followed their tank into the tall trees.


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