The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.18 – Cleanup

Fiona got on her knees and crawled towards Liddy. The gnomes lips were slightly parted, her face covered in Fiona's goop. One eye was shut, the other stared at Fiona, their gazes locked. Fiona climbed over Liddy, until their lips were inches apart. Covered in cum. Fiona's cum. That she was about to lick off. Clean. That's what friends did - they helped each other stay clean.

She stuck her tongue out, and dragged it along Liddy's cheek. Lapping up the cum, her cum. Swallowing it. Again. Liddy moaned, her hand moving to her pussy as she started rubbing herself. Fiona had no thoughts in her mind for Qae, who sat silently watching the spectacle. Fiona's tongue darted out again, tracing her friend's jaw. She reached a hand up and grabbed Liddy's hair, pulling her head back a little. The gnome gasped, shivering again as she played with herself. The soft sound of fingers darting in and out of her pussy, of Fiona lapping at her face, of cum dripping onto her collarbones, flowing onto her tiny tits.

A fistful of green hair, Fiona lapped at Liddy's face, clearing it off her juices as the gnome pounded her hole into a frenzy. Soft whimpering, mewing noises as Fiona licked at her lips, softly, gently scooping the cum out of Liddy's eye. The monk opened her eye's again, staring lustfully at FIona, as she savored every drop of girlspunk she licked off of her friend, swallowing it down. Her face clean, Fiona moved lower.

She lapped at Liddy's neck as the green haired woman started trembling, her fingers a frenzy on her nethers. Long, slow licks, making sure she got everything, Fiona lapped at Liddy's chest, tongue circling her nipples to get rid of the drops. She was chasing down the last few errant drops, pooled in Liddy's abbs, when the girl shuddered, scream, squirt bursting out from between her legs and she collapsed in a full body orgasm. 

The gnome had collapsed in a heap of limbs, her heart racing, her chest heaving.
"Thanks Liddy" Fiona said, still on all fours above her. "I... You're such a good friend. Thank you for helping me." She got up.
"Yeah... Thanks for the.. The cleanup." Liddy said.

"That was... Interesting. Fascinating. You are certainly an attractive woman, Fiona. And you too Liddy." Qae said from the side, the impeccable dragon queen seeming a bit flush herself.

[A friendly entity finds you attractive]

"It worked!" Fiona exclaimed. "Thanks Qae - I mean, Queen Qaerlyz? What should I call you?" She stumbled over her words again. "I appreciate you doing this to help activate my ability. You are a good friend as well."
"I... Yes, your ability. The least I could do. And Qaerlyz is perfect. Qae is fine, in stressful situations as established. No title, please." She stood back up, and retreated back to sit on a rock.

"Now if you two wish to get dressed again - and don't feel the need to, it is just us... friends. I believe it is common courtesy for me to share the details of my class." She looked at Liddy. "And if you would be able to share yours with me, if you feel it pertinent to do so." Liddy nodded, and spoke the words while finding the cloth straps that made up her outfit. Fiona pulled her underwear back up, her monster hiding away again as Qae spoke.

"[Paladin -Order of Chronos & Protectors of the Continuum]"

[A user has shared detailed class information with you - would you like to view it?]

Yes  Fiona gave the mental command as she was getting dressed, reading the information panel as she tied her loincloth back on and hooked up her bra, before settling in next to the fire.



[Paladin -Order of Chronos & Protectors of the Continuum]

[Heavy Armour Specialization]
You may wear heavy armour with no penalty to spellcasting, and have reduced any penalty to movement while wearing heavy armour by a significant amount. 

[Shield Specialization]
You have significantly increased defenses when wearing any shield, have the ability to interrupt enemy spellcasting with a shield bash and can deflect incoming attacks.

Choose a target. That target experiences time at a significantly increased or reduced time.

[Time Wall]
(Requires a Shield to be equipped)
Create an area in front of you where objects traveling through experience time at increased or reduced speed. Objects keep their momentum when they leave the time wall.

[Black Hole]
You become a black hole. Enemy creatures near you experience time at a significantly reduced speed, and can not move away from you while [Black Hole] is active.

[Flash Forward]

You can see the next two hostile actions one target enemy would do towards you.

[Snapshot In Time]
Choose a friendly, willing target. When used within an hour, return the target to the exact state they were in when [Snapshot In Time] was taken. Location, and equipment, are considered. Can not undo death.

"You are so cool!" Liddy exclaimed once she'd finished reading. Fiona couldn't help but agree. "You can SEE THE FUTURE? Thats madness!" The gnome was hopping around, brimming with afterglow, fully recovered from the exhaustion. Fiona had no idea where the monk got this amount of energy from, she was drained - and not just her member. It had been a long day, and the way Qae had taken control was... Something. She'd never experienced anything like it - even in her roleplaying with Annabelle.

Thinking of her best friend made her a bit sad again, and she walked away from her party and sat near the edge of her cliff. Looking out over the sea. Annabelle would have loved this - Isekai was one of their favorite genres. They always shared stories and roleplayed. She did miss her colleagues, her family, but her biggest regret was being here alone.
Without her best friend. She stifled a tear -  she'd done enough ugly crying for the week, as she heard the sound of boots walking up behind her. Qae stood still for a moment, enjoying the breeze and the view presumably.

"I hope I did not overstep. I thought you would enjoy that." The dragon started. Fiona was happy her face couldn't be seen at the moment. 
"It was... Yes. You did not overstep." Fiona would never look her in the eyes again though. At least not tonight. "And it was needed for the ability."
A slight chuckle behind her. "Indeed. Now" Qae sat down next to her. "We need to discuss your final ability. [Passionate Embrace of Natural Resources]"
Fiona sighed. She expected Qae to ask about that. "I'm never using it. Its... Its too much." Fiona tried telling herself. She'd also this morning said she'd never fuck a dragon, and now Qae was here and her cock had... opinions on previous statements. 

"I think that would be a mistake." Qae started. "Even at this level. If you manage it with some of the higher floor bosses - you will receive an enormous boost. The highest level users are roughly level seventy - that means seventy stat bonus." Qae continued, sounding like some sort of power gamer. "You... If you use your abilities - but especially that one - you can easily dwarf that." She sounded impressed. "The cost... Well it's a sacrifice, perhaps. But your class... It's unheard of. The potential. It's staggering."

"You think so?" Fiona started.
"I know so. I have dedicated my life, my queendom to investigating the tower. Finally I entered it myself. You can become the most powerful creature that has existed in this tower." Qae said, awe in her voice. Awe. From a dragon queen. "You have to embrace it. Every part of it. All of eternity relies on someone clearing this tower." And that was too much pressure, Fiona thought. She just wanted to have a nice adventure with her friends.

"What does that mean?" Fiona said.
"There are forces at work outside the tower, related to it. The Blue Clade - my clade -  is one of them. The top internal floor holds... a power. A power to alter the course of existence, to take the cruelest creatures in the tower and bring them to every reality. Or to bring the best parts - the healing, the beauty - sights like this." She waved her hand at the clear blue ocean and it's horizon. "Or, to do nothing"

Fiona thought for a moment. She was on floor two - if the top-floor creatures were unleashed on earth? That didn't sound great.
But she was just a little lady. Well not so little anymore, but she felt small.
"So I have to save the world? That's a lot." She sighed.
Qae laughed.
"No. No one expects that of you. But you have to help those of us who want to do good - or, do nothing - climb."

All Fiona wanted was to talk to her friend again. Not get dragged into this.

It was a small consolidation that she now had definite proof that a dragon queen found her attractive. At least when she was... In compromised position. That was something. 

"I think it's time to sleep." She said, partially to Qae, partially to herself, as she got up and went to her sleeping bag, tucking herself in. Readying herself for tomorrow's adventure.

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