The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.12 Floor One IX

The message set an immediate stop to the girls' conversation which Fiona was happy about. She tried to ignore that they were both covered in each other's emissions.

[Experience Points Calculated]

[Fiona Raghammer has advanced to level 2]
[Your Strength has improved by (1)]
[You have received the ability [Exchange of Passions]]
[You have received the ability [Passionate Embrace of Natural Resources]


Fiona blinked. A new ability? She opened her [Character Profile] to check out her new abilities.
And her face immediately went red. What... What did this system expect her to do? That, these abilities were ridiculous - the previous ones at least left room for interpretation. But - they were unbelievably powerful.

But she could never.

"THESE ARE AWESOME" Liddy's excited voice distracted her from having to consider her own abilities.
"Fiona, take a look - I got two new abilities! They are amazing! Take a look [Spirit Monk - School of the Wild Currents]"

The system message popped up, and Liddy - still with no bottoms on, legs and tummy covered in cum and her own juices - was hopping from foot to foot in excitement. 
Fiona did the strange mental exercise of wanting to read the words Liddy spoke - she really couldn't get her head around how it worked, but it was very intuitive.

It was the same original class abilities she had, with two new additions.

[Enhanced Flow]
When your flow is at maximum rank you exude an aura to party members within 15 feet, providing them with a medium increase in speed and damage.

[Spirit Step]
Your summoned spirit can transport you or a willing, conscious, friendly creature within 5 feet, up to 15 feet away too anywhere you can see.


Those seemed useful. Very, very useful - not like Fiona's at all. Hers were... Well, they were strong. Unbelievably so. But could she ever find herself using them? Especially the second one. Absolutely not.
"Those are great - You gotta stick close to me... Or whoever else in the party but."  She tried to think of practical applications - and there were many.
"Yeah - I can flutter about - I don't know what the cooldown is, hold on" Timmy suddenly appeared, and within a second Liddy disappeared in a large splash of ethereal water, before bursting out a few feet away.
"Thirty seconds. That's great" She jumped, punching the air. Fiona really needed her to put some clothes on before she got herself... Before there was a repeat.
"The buff is great too." Fiona moved on to the other ability. "Imagine giving me increased speed and damage when I am in [Lost to Passion]" Liddy's face visibly changed as soon as Fiona mentioned the ability. "When we have a tank. Of course."

The gnome seemed happy with that. 
"We're such a good team! Our classes really work together - speaking of, what did you get? One or two abilities?"
Fiona blushed. "Two... But I don't think I will use them."
"Oh, are they weak?" Liddy put on a sympathetic voice. "That's ok"
"No... They seem really strong." Fiona looked away again, trying to look for her clothes. Finding the torn pieces of her panties, she pulled out another pair from her inventory - the tower provided.
"What is the problem then? What are they."

The berserker sighed. She figured she'd had to tell Liddy - maybe not the next party member, not right away, but Liddy needed to know. And there was no way she could read it out herself.

"[Berserker of Endless Passion]" Fiona said and pointedly turned away from Liddy.
A second later, the gnome took in a short sharp breath.
"By the oceans... It expects you to?" She asked.
Fiona nodded

[Exchange of Passions]
Once per day with up to five willing friendly creatures, you may partake in a shared passion. Each creature linked in this way will receive a bonus to their two highest stat equal to a third of your (Passion) stat, rounded up, whenever you activate [Lost to Passion]. They retain full control of their faculties.

Links remain until you have cleared a floor, or the creature perishes.

Current Linked Creatures:
[Lidvina "Liddy" Seabreeze - Level 2 Spirit Monk, School of the Wild Currents]

[Passionate Embrace of Natural Resources]
(One Slot)
You may engage in lustful passions with a designated, sentient [Dungeon Boss], [Roaming Boss], or [Floor Boss] creature. If successful, you will receive one of the [Dungeon Boss] or [Floor Boss] creature's unique abilities. You can have one ability stored per slot. 

You also receive a permanent boost to the [Dungeon Boss], [Roaming Boss], or [Floor Boss] creature's highest stat equal to the floor level. Once per creature.

"It expects you to FUCK a boss?"
"Lidvina!" Fiona said, immediately using her new knowledge of the gnome's full name, who visibly cringed.
"Please, don't ever call me that. And don't distract me!" Liddy snapped back. "That's an INCREDIBLE ability"
"What? I'm never using it! What does it want me to do, fuck a dragon?" Fiona was incredulous.
"LIDDY" Fiona shouted at her friend. She could handle some stuff but... She couldn't fuck something like that Mushwitch. That would be ridiculous.
Liddy was laughing her head off.
"In all seriousness Fiona. All bosses aren't like that - plenty are just like that. Normal creatures like any you speak to in the tower villages. they will give you puzzles or challenges you need to do - it's not all monster conquest." The gnome was crying from laughing, wiping a tear off her face. "Might even be a sea-gnome boss. Who knows."
Fiona thought about it for a second.
"Ok. Maybe that's what it meant by sentient?"
"Yeah. I mean if you want to fuck a giant golem go for it" The gnome was laughing again
"Liddy, stop it. I'm serious."
"Well don't rule it out - with some of them, it's just like any other person in the tower. They're just incredibly powerful if the opportunity strikes. All I'm saying. That bonus is incredible."
It was. It really was. Liddy suggesting Fiona sleep with someone else for a stat bonus didn't make her feel great. But they were just friends -  really good ones, she hoped.

"That other ability though - if we can make sure you are safe during it, that seems good... Is it okay if I ask what your (Passion) stat is?"
"FIFTY? That means..." Liddy counted on her fingers, got confused, and gave up. "A LOT"
"Seventeen" Fiona helped. Thought for a second. "Well sixteen point six repeating, but it rounds up"
Liddy just stared at her for a moment, like she'd been speaking an alien language.
"Aren't you a berserker? You can count?"
Fiona blushed a little again, not thinking about stereotypes of her class. 
"So if we do... you know, what we just did. Or similar. Every floor - I get seventeen dexterity?"
Fiona was glad Liddy didn't seem appalled by the idea. She had been worried.
"More if my stat goes up" Fiona added.
"Well, we need to do that then. Although, we'd have to convince party members. Might be tricky - but SEVENTEEN?" 
Liddy was fully lost in thought when another *BING* rang inside their minds.

[Loot calculation complete]
[All contributors receive 7 silver and 1 gold]
[Two (Common) Treasure Chests earned]

A strange woosh sound suddenly came from behind them, both girls spun around to see two chests materialize. They looked... Rough. Not very secure. Rusty iron bands, old uneven wood. 

Guess that's what you got with common quality.
The girls approached the chests, Fiona a bit nervous. 
"How do these work?" She asked aloud, unsure if there was some proper procedure.
"Simple!" Liddy announced, walking up to one of the chests. "There's a very complicated opening procedure."

She kicked the lid open, it immediately slammed back. A white glow spat three translucent white orbs out that stopped mid-air, suspended above the chest.

"Three items, that's pretty good." She walked over to the floating orbs. "Come here - we can check what they do." The little gnome waved Fiona over, who stepped up next to the gnome.
"If you just take your hand and push " She demonstrated "You'll get a system message that tells you what it is.
Fiona nodded, kicking up the other chest. Two orbs.

"Not bad for two of us." Liddy exclaimed. Inspecting the items, they had a couple of healing potions, a ring that increased strength for Fiona, and a potion that temporarily increased dexterity by a significant amount that Liddy took. 
This was exactly what Fiona expected - good, classic items you could find in any videogame. Which was incredibly strange, but as expected.

And then it was the last item. 

"It is fairly common to have class-specific items." Liddy's tone was very matter-of-fact.
"Yeah, but THAT?" Fiona could not pretend this was normal.
"I don't know how it works. It just sees your class and then makes the item" Liddy shrugged.
"But it... I can't wear that." She had no idea how she was meant to walk around with that. And it HAD to hurt. HAD to.
"It's incredible though." Liddy sounded impressed. "I'd wear it."
"Easy to say when you can't." Fiona knew she would equip it.
"And it's part of a set" Liddy whistled in appreciation. "AND you can upgrade it." Liddy looked up at the larger woman.
Fiona sighed. "Fine" She hated what she was going to ask next. "Would... Would you put it on? I don't think I can do it to myself."
Liddy beamed. "Of course! I'd love to - I mean. It'll be fun. I mean. Only if you want me to." 
Fiona rolled her eyes, and took off her top, unhooked her bra. She was weirdly less ashamed of being topless in front of Liddy like this. This wasn't sexual in any way, or awkward just... She needed help putting on an item. That's all. She lay down on the ground, and the little monk knelt next to her.
Liddy grabbed one of Fiona's breasts, eliciting a moan from the larger girl who immediately clasped both hands to her face.
"Sorry." Liddy said. "They are amazing - how do they stay so pert? At that size - it's crazy."
"Just hurry up please."

Liddy picked up Fiona's newest item - the first as part of a class-specific set if the description was to be believed.
"Deep breath" Liddy coaxed, and Fiona followed.
"Three, two, one."
Liddy equipped her friend's item, and Fiona screamed.

[Nipple Piercing of Endless Passion]

Set 0/? [Garment of Endless Passion]
Class Required - Berserker of Endless Passion
Special Effect: Does not take up an item slot
Increases [Passion] by 10
Slightly reduces requirements to Satisfy creatures.



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