The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.06 – Floor One III

"Oh - I'll share mine as well, only fair." Liddy said almost immediately. That seemed reasonable, although Fiona wasn't sure if it mattered. It was her class that wasn't directly telling her to be a horny disaster, definitely insinuated it.
"[Spirit Monk, School of the Wild Currents]" Liddy said, and as soon as the words left her mouth another system message appeared.

[A player has shared detailed class information with you - would you like to view it?]

Yes, Fiona thought, looking at her party member who had clearly done the same and was now reviewing her class. She blushed again, trying not to think about it.
Information filled up the panel in front of her, helping her stay distracted.

[Spirit Monk - School of the Wild Currents]

[Floating Current Armour]
As long as you are not wearing any type of armour, while in a combat state you weigh less, move faster, and have a significantly increased chance to dodge any attack. Any direct attack, physical or magical, has a small chance to be redirected around you.

[Unarmed Fighting]
You deal increased damage based on your dexterity with kicks and punches if you are wearing no weapons, or fist weapons only.

Each consecutive, uninterrupted attack builds your flow up to five. For each point of flow, your damage and speed is increased.

[Summon Octopus Spirit]
You may summon an Octopus Spirit. Your octopus spirit will provide you and your party with a strength and speed increase, based on your current flow.
While at maximum flow, your spirit will occasionally heal damaged party members.

[Empower Spirit]
Once per day you may empower your spirit, doubling the effect it is giving to your party, and tripling the effect on yourself.

"Oh wow, your class seems great" Fiona said immediately. "Your [Flow] Ability sounds fun" She looked at the sea-gnome who was still reading.
Oh yeah, she'd forgotten this part. She wasn't the only one reading at the moment. Liddy was very quiet before she finally spoke.
"You... You have an unlimited stat growth?" She finally spoke out. Not what Fiona had expected. Nothing about the uncontrollable [Lost in Passion], or damage reduction based on who fancies her, or even having to satisfy other beings?
"Ehm, yes, I suppose I do" She agreed. "But how do I even use that?"
"Just gotta satisfy people" Liddy giggled. "Shouldn't be hard with that tool of yours?"

Fiona was mortified and again buried her face. "LIDDY" She screamed into her meaty thighs. "What does that even mean? I gotta make people cu-cum? And 'Sentient Beings'?" She had very intentionally spent very little time thinking about what that part of the wording meant.
"Well, it doesn't say." It was clear on Liddy's face that she was thinking hard. "Maybe you just have to make someone feel nice? 'Satisfied' could mean many things. Can you cook?"
Fiona vigorously shook her head. That wasn't a bad idea though - maybe she was too much of a pervert. The only thing she could think about that skill was to be stuffed, or stuff someone full with her new meaty member. Maybe Liddy -no. no. She could feel it twitching as soon as she started down that path.

"I can't cook, but you're right - it doesn't say sexual. I don't have any ideas though." She dared look around at Liddy - they weren't exactly talking about her twice a day (so far) need to masturbate yet so, maybe she could manage to talk.
"It does seem like a very powerful ability, even if I can only use it once per being." Fiona didn't want to go around satisfying every single person she met irrelevant of how powerful it would make her.
"It might have other ranks - our skills now are just basic. As we level up the system will let us upgrade them." She stretched her shoulder, then suddenly stopped, eyes going wide.

"Oh." She exclaimed. "Maybe- This is just an idea, you know" She started stuttering "Just to help with your skill."
Fiona looked up at her, curious. She didn't think it would be sexual - that would be a lot. But if she could use the ability, even if she hadn't needed more power yet that would be useful.
"Maybe, you know, I'm sure you are too but - I'm sore? From all the fighting?" It was Liddy's turn to be a bit embarrassed now - asking someone she'd known for one day to help her with her sore muscles was such a strange thing to do.
"Maybe you could give me a massage? Just to see if that makes your ability work - or if it has to be, you know" She went a bit quiet again. "Sexual".

Fiona thought for a second. That sounded like a good idea - and while she had never really touched another person before, no one as hot as Liddy anyway, she knew the principles of giving a massage. How bad an idea could it be? She nodded.
"Yeah. Shall we do it while the fish cooks? So we can get going as fast as possible?"
Liddy nodded her agreement. "Right, right, yeah sounds like an idea, uhm. How do you want me? I mean" Both women blushed awkwardly, faces heating up at that. "What position - How should I? You know what I mean."
Fiona nodded.

"Maybe lie down on your sleeping bag?"
A minute later, Fiona was sitting on her knees next to Liddy lying on her tummy on her sleeping bag. The crackling of the fire casting wonderful shadows over her lean body and taught ass, and the crackling of the fish cooking added to the ambiance. She'd removed her sarong to give Fiona better access.
A twitching in her groin told Fiona that maybe, maybe having her essentially fondle her beautiful new friend with an uncontrollable member in her loins wasn't such a good idea after all. But she'd committed now. And she'd be mortified if she'd admit why she would back out.

"So, where are you sore?" Fiona said. "And don't leave any out - I have to fully satisfy you, whatever that means" she added. She already knew what the gnome would say, her tail swishing back and forth, almost accentuating her strong legs and ass instead of hiding it, a little hole on her underwear leaving a hole for the appendage. It was fastened above with a cute bow.

"My shoulders, back. And ehm, my legs. Glutes. You know. I was kicking and jumping a lot I suppose." She took a breath, adjusting. "I suppose I am sore all over"
"Makes sense. I'll start then, are you ready? Let me know if it's ok" Fiona reached out, waiting for affirmation before her strong fists would start rubbing the gnome's body.
"Ready" Liddy almost whispered.
Neither of them said anything else, the crackling fire being the only noise certainly didn't help make this less arousing for Fiona as her hands touched Liddy's shoulders.
"Ahh" Liddy gasped as the larger woman started applying pressure.
"Oh, fuck sorry did I hurt you?"
"No, no just - warm your hands up?"
"Of course, shit sorry I'm new to this"
"That’s ok" Liddy turned and gave her a little smile. "Felt nice otherwise though."
Fiona smiled back as she held her hands out to the fire, rubbing them together for a moment, before returning.
"Better?" She asked, only getting a soft "mmmm" in return she continued. Liddy being a warrior, fighter, and athlete, Fiona did not hold back and dug into her friends' muscles, finding knots and tension everywhere in the girls' shoulders. Every time she dug her knuckles in, she was rewarded with little moans and whimpers from her friend.
She was enjoying herself, she could feel herself getting more and more into it - the appreciative noises spurring her on, all she wanted was to make her companion feel good. Relieve her tension.
Fiona's fingers danced across Liddy's skin, spreading and tightening the monk's powerful back muscles, relieving tension everywhere she could. She moved to straddle the smaller woman's legs.
"Is this okay? I want to get a better angle?" Fiona asked, as Liddy immediately whispered her approval.
Fiona put her palms on either side of the tail in front of her, and slid them up the nearly bare back - the thin strip of fabric from Liddy's top doing nothing to stop her progress, as she pushed and squeezed the muscles, leaning herself into Liddy's thighs. Not quite noticing what was touching what, her mind was lost in the joy of the massage.
As she made it to the top of the back, her she snaked her strong fingers across the muscular shoulders, before working slightly on the tense arms. She leaned forward, accidentally pushing her chest into Liddy's back. She could feel some sort of power building in her, almost a link between her and her friend.
"You said your legs too?"
"Please." Liddy whimpered.

Fiona stepped off the prone girl, before turning around and straddling her the other way, facing directly towards the gnome's ass, tail, and shapely legs.
She started softly running her hands down the tail - more out of curiosity than anything else - which elected an immediate moan.
"Oh, ehm, it's sensitive"
"Sorry, I'll leave it"
"No, no it's... It's nice... Don't stop."
Fiona kept stroking and pushing against the tail for a moment, paying special attention to the base where the strongest muscle seemed to be. The little woman was a complete ball of tension, and the berserk stabilized herself, putting her lower body onto Liddy's upper back to let her dig in, to relieve any stress in those thighs. Those delicious, thick, thighs. What?

Not thinking too much about that, Fiona balled her fists and leaned forward, pushing her knuckles into Liddy's glutes, rubbing them in circles eliciting louder and louder moans from the short girl. She opened her fists, and spread her fingers, kneading the large, firm muscles, before pushing her hands down taught hamstrings. Back and forth she pushed and pulled the muscles, before crawling down the athletic body, and getting to work on Liddy's calves, bending her legs and squeezing into them, thumbs digging into the muscle as her new friend, and first person she'd touched other than in a greeting, groaned below her.

Fiona was on fire. She could almost see a link between herself and her friend - little pink specs floating between them - as a sign that something was happening, and as she pushed her hands into Liddy's feet, ending with a short foot rub - she awaited... Something. Something to tell her her ability had been qualified.
Nothing happened.
"Was... Did I not do a good job?" She sounded almost disappointed.
"mmm... no you did. It was amazing. Outstanding." Liddy spoke in hushed breath, worn out nearly. "It's just..."
The sea-gnome wriggled below the berserker, trying to turn around.
"My front is tense as well" She said. "I think you have to do all of it..."

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