The Tale of the Redeeming Villain

Chapter 9- I am not forcing you

Outside the barrier, only a single man could be seen currently staring at the large mansion where his friend was taken.

Carlson has met numerous people and some of them had the nastiest of personalities, but Blake exceeded all of them in wickedness.

Carlson has always been wary of Blake after Charlotte told him about his past deeds. Blake was Charlotte's friend before they enrolled in the Academy and after an incident, Charlotte got to know Blake's real side.

In the Academy, Blake has always remained to himself, but anyone who tries to go against him or insult him in any way, Blake makes sure that the person pays tenfold for that insult.

One time, in the practical lesson when a student defeated Blake in combat, later it was heard that Blake's opponent's father lost his company and went bankrupt in a single night.

Naturally, Carlson was agitated, but without support and evidence, he couldn't lay a hand on Blake.

'But I should have been cautious!' He clenched his fist to the point his knuckles turned white.

Many times Carlson has spotted Blake gazing at Catherine with lecherous eyes—however, Catherine always told him to ignore Blake. Until he isn't doing anything to me, it's fine—she used to say. And now, because of his tolerance, Catherine was caged with him inside!

"Blake....just you wait! I swear to God, I would bestow such punishment upon you which would even make Satan tremble."

With his eyes shot red, Carlson declared and awaited the day when he would again see that ugly face.


"No! That isn't something I can allow myself to do!" In the kitchen, as they washed the dishes, Blake told her the idea he had thought to save himself from Carlson. However, as he expected, Catherine immediately denied the suggestion.

Blake sighed as he passed another plate to the blond saintess so she could wipe it dry.

"You know we don't have many options right...if only you still are okay to save me from your friend."

"Of course, I am! But....this...." Catherine tried to reason with herself that what Blake was suggesting was probably the best option—but she couldn't bring herself to accept it.

Since Clarson would be beyond enraged once the contractual period ends, even if Catherine tries to convince him, it wouldn't work. And the people from the church wouldn't allow Catherine to take Blake's side as well.

That's why Blake suggested: exhibit the unexpected.

Everyone must be thinking that being a nun and someone who doesn't prefer violence, Catherine must have submitted to Blake. However, given Catherine magically is far superior to Blake, it would be believable if Catherine had taken charge and kept Blake as a captive for the seven days.

And to make it more believable, Catherine would have to just inflict some serious damage on Blake before the barrier sheds. In that way, everyone would be satisfied with what they would see and other than suspension, Blake wouldn't receive any other punishment.

In this way, even Carlson wouldn't have any other choice but to drop the plan of slaughtering Blake—someone who got his ass beaten by such a soft girl, no less.

"But why can't we do this without the harming part? I can just bring you out there, bound in my mana chains?" Catherine asked—or more like begged.

However, "No one would believe that I, the one with such an astronomical ego, would get bound by Catherine. The struggle can only be shown and our act can only be believed if I show my black and blue face."

Catherine's eyes watered, "But...but..."

Blake paused and turned to look at her, "See Catherine, I am not forcing you to do this since it's a fact that I fooled you into this contract. As such, I am worthy to face Carlson's wrath. So if you don't want to help, then that's fine. Just don't force yourself."

Blake turned towards the sink and continued to wash the dishes. Catherine mindlessly wiped them without a word being uttered.

They both spent some more time cleaning the kitchen before retiring to their respective rooms.


"Haaah...let's see." Around eleven, after taking a bath and changing his clothes into more comfortable ones, Blake pushed his bed into a corner and made some space in his room.

The room was big enough to accommodate twenty people and in the name of furniture, other than a bed, was a small study table so it was relatively empty at the moment.

Blake put a glass over the study table—which was positioned three meters away from him—and started channelling magic.

In his previous world people used their soul as the producer of Soul Energy. To make one's soul stronger, one has to consume a soul stone or practice with Soul Energy regularly. The former process is quick but brings consequences and the latter one is slow but more profound.

However, in this world magic is called mana which originates from their heart. And like blood vessels, many cords deliver magic to an awakened body all the time.

One's mana doesn't store up since there isn't any pool or mana core. If you use it rapidly the heart would produce it accordingly but if one's level is low and they try to cast a high-ranking spell, their man producer wouldn't be able to supply the necessary magic and overheat. The same would happen if a person overuse mana and strain their producer more than what it can tolerate.

Overheating can lead to severe consequences, like ending a person's life as a magician and worse, they might die. That's why Catherine has been so stressed about Carlson's regular overheating.

'Haaaa....' Heaving a long breath, he focused on the fluid-like substance travelling across his body. It was not possible for every regular awakened to feel their mana and differentiate it from blood so vividly, as simple as it was for the ex-infuser.

Blake was well accustomed to the habit of delving deep within himself and his weapon to form a connection.

He found the source of magic and the channel that was transporting it throughout his body.
Exhausters; which release the unused mana and the weak points from where the mana channels can be blocked. Blake studied it all.

'My heart is producing...very little mana...' Given his skill, Blake doesn't need much magic as such his heart is accustomed to producing only much which could be used to create a D-rank spell at best in one day

It was surely very pathetic.

Opening his eyes, he confirmed the location of his target with his physical vision. The distance was measured by his conscious mind and the requirement of mana to chant a simple Wind Blade. The chant of the spell, which he had read in the book yesterday, was read in his mind and after three points one second, the glass from the study table finally swayed a little.

"Hmm? Ah!" Blake's confusion turned into surprise as slowly the glass' upper half began to slide down in a slanted fashion and fell on the table.

His heart throbbed a little since he just chanted an E-rank spell before it got under control.

Blake chuckled in self-pity, "Going against Carlson with such a pitiful mana output?"

It was not a question of whether he would be able to defend himself. It was rather concerning how long Blake could save himself from the fangs of that dragon.

'Regardless, I need to keep grinding....' Deciding that crying over what his predecessor did was futile, Blake again stepped back and chanted another spell.

He has to do whatever he can to ensure his survival in this world of chaos. After all, he has a dream to pursue.


A/N:- Hope you liked the chapter.

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