The Tale of the Redeeming Villain

Chapter 17- A thief

" I just asked you out of humanity." With an expression which was colder than an iceberg, Catherine cleared the misunderstanding.

Blake felt relieved hearing her response before he shook his head, "Thanks for asking but I am good. If you get caught further getting involved with me, even Carlson wouldn't be able to save you."

"Fufu~don't worry about it. I know what I am doing." Catherine assured him—her previous demeanour completely shifting.

She herself didn't realise that the sudden shift in her mood was a defense mechanism which she adapts every time she wants to hide her feelings. And being asked by Blake all of a sudden about her feelings toward him, she immediately switched to defensive mode.

Blake heaved a sigh and slowly nodded, "Then...let's see you later?"

"Mhm....I hope you Professor Charles don't keep you in detention for long."

Blake wanted to dryly chuckle at that. Catherine still doesn't know that Blake has escaped from Charles to meet her. She was better off not knowing or she would worry about him again.

Blake raised his hand and slowly waved at her as he turned away from her and slowly began to walk back from where he escaped.

Catherine also waved back and followed him with her eyes until the very last. Even after his figure disappeared from her vision, she was staring at the open space with unreadable emotions in her eyes.

"I have never seen you this lost everything alright?" Carlson, who returned to stand beside her, asked while looking in the same direction as hers.

Catherine didn't remove her eyes and answered in a daze, "Sometimes...the teaching I have taught many children in the past, I forget it myself."

Carlson raised his brows before asking, "And that is?"

"That never judge someone from their face value. "


" really returned." Blake was a little surprised to find Charles still doing his work. He thought that the blond Professor might have tried to search for him—but then again, if Charles really wanted to, he could have caught up to Blake in no time.

"I said I just want to ensure her safety."

"And you did?"

Blake took the seat across from the older one before humming, "Hmm...she is. Carlson saved her from the church lunatics."

Charles lifted his eyes from the document before asking, "Carlson let you go just like that? Given his dedication and passion to hurt you, I thought he would attack you the moment he wakes up."

Taking a pause, he added, "He even remained standing outside your mansion for the past seven days without a break."

"I am aware, Professor. But I guess, Carlson's trust in Catherine is far greater than his hatred toward me."

Charles didn't show any reaction to that since he was no longer concerned about it. He just didn't want to see his student murdering another, and that problem was now solved.

"Here." Taking out an envelope from the drawer, Charles handed it to Blake before he continued his work.

Blake took the envelope and found the stamp of the trading company he runs, sticking on it.

He instantly discerned what this could be about, but just for confirmation, he took the letter out of the envelope and slowly unfolded the paper.

[Mister Blake,

The Council of Directors of Brick n Bans Company requests your presence at the meeting that will be held tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock. Please arrange your transportation and be there on time.]

The purpose of the letter and the other details were written straightforwardly and quite rudely. Well, Blake didn't mind. He knew this was coming.

Tomorrow, he, despite being the founder of the company, would be kicked out for several reasons. And the Council of Directors have the right to kick him out. Blake himself has given them the powers as the major shareholders.

Canonically, this meeting never happened since today, Blake was supposed to be dead and this letter always remained by Charles' side.

But things were different now.

"When are you invited?" Charles asked, even though it was clear that the content of the letter wasn't ready for him.

But well, anyone could know on what subject the company would write a letter to Blake after what he has done.

"Afternoon, around lunch. I have to leave morning at ten to reach there on time."

Charles suddenly got up from the seat with all his files held in his hand.

He looked at Blake and told him, "Stay here for tonight. Early in the morning, I will come to fetch you."

And without another word, the blond Professor walked out of the room.

Blake heaved a sigh and looked at the bread and water waiting for him on the table.

There was no bed in the detention centre since the students were kept there only for hours at most. However, considering Blake didn't have a place to go, it was far better to sleep here rather than find a shelter at this hour.

"Haa....Catherine's curry rice would have been so good to have...." After a long and tiring day, all he got was bread.

God, he is already missing those blissful days with Catherine.


"You sit here, I will go bring some more juice." Catherine wanted to stop him but Carlson was already off toward the cafeteria counter to bring her some juice, which Catherine likes a lot.

In the cafeteria, there were very few students at this hour but their whispering clearly reached Catherine's ears.

Some were doubting her sanity, some were condemning her. Compared to the past, these whispers were naturally not friendly.

"Are you okay?" The person who sat across Catherine asked in a passive voice while playing with the bean on her plate with the fork.

Catherine raised her brows before answering, "Yes...? Why do you ask?"

Catherine didn't have a close relationship with Charlotte but she wasn't a stranger to her. If anything then Charlotte was closer than an acquaintance but not someone with whom Catherine could share her secrets.

Charlotte remained silent for a moment before she scoffed, "Living under the same roof as that guy for seven days...I thought you would become insane."

Catherine frowned, "Why would you say such a thing? I never found anything in Blake that could have turned me insane."

Catherine's changed demeanour urged Charlotte to raise her left brow before asking, "Then he might be pretending to be something else. After all, the Blake I know wouldn't have kidnapped you for nothing."

Catherine was somehow tired of hearing people badmouthing Blake now. However, she didn't react negatively. She has nurtured a lot of patience and tolerance while working as a nun.

With a smile that radiated more than the mid-day sun, Catherine spoke some words of advice,

"I suggest you Charlotte that until you don't know someone's real personality, you shouldn't speak about them carelessly."


The fork broke through the bean and the plate before stabbing the table as she glared at the still-smiling Catherine.

With a feline snarl on her face, Charlotte spat some words before she left the table,

"I know him better than you or anyone around. He is a thief...a liar. So open your eyes before he hurts Carlson through you."


A/N: There is not much progression in this chapter. The next chapter would contain a new character. Drop a comment.

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