The Tale Never Ends

Chapter 226 - Na San, the Shaman

Chapter 226 Na San, the Shaman

Aisin Gioro, the ruling clan that once occupied the throne of the Qing Empire. Contrary to the beliefs of many, the name Aisin Gioro was hardly a family name or a surname, but rather the name of the clan itself. Similar in nature to Clan Xuanyuan and Clan Shennong which descended from Huang Di of the Center and Yan Di of the South respectively. The sinicized surname Jin was adopted later following the fall of the Qing Empire, which could also mean that this eccentric stranger, Jin Qichen was a progeny that hailed from the line of emperors of the Qing Empire.

Jin Qichen looked positively proud when the name “Aisin Gioro” was mentioned. So proud that he looked as if he was going to burst. “The Dragon-slaying Blade became missing after the fall of Manchukuo. Since then, my clan and that of the shamans have retreated into hiding until now.”

I rubbed my chin and asked a pondering question, “Your name is Qichen, you say? So you must be cousins with the famous calligrapher Qigong?” Jin Qichen returned a smug nod as a tacit reply. “So that means, according to Qing Dynasty ranking, I should address you correctly as Prince Beile Chen?” Jin Qichen continued wearing his self-satisfied smile, saying nothing. But deep inside, I was doubling over with laughter. A self-professed prince… when he is but a mere distant cousin of the actual ruling branch of the Aisin Gioro Clan, I mused. “So tell me,” I said again, “Who told you that I am the Spirit of the Shiyan Blade?”

“Well…” Jin Qichen chuckled. “I suppose I can tell you a little about this. I am working in collaboration with them, but I am afraid I don’t know much about them. But I am hardly the only one these people are working with; we have two other parties working in tandem with us. And I am immensely integral in this venture because I am a true son from the line of kings and emperors who can command the dragon leys! The one who can be king!” “Be that as it may,” I snubbed him brusquely, “You Aisin Gioros might have survived, but let’s not forget there’re also the descendants of Temujin—Genghis Khan, the progenies of the former ruling clans; Clan Zhu of Ming, Clan Zhao of Song, Clan Li of Tang… What about Clan Liu of Han and even Clan Ying of Qin… wait… they’re known to carry the surname “Qin” now… What’s more, there are also the descendants of Clan Xuanyuan and Clan Shennong. For all I know, I might even be a true son that originates from Clan Shennong!”

Prince Beile Chen’s face changed. He looked stony and unflappable; I must have hit a nerve there. But he was quick to control himself to not betray any of his emotions any further. “You of all people should understand what is it to carry the true air of a king, Master Spirit of the Sword. Do you not feel the presence and aura of a king from me?” I shook my head at once, scorning him further. Deep inside me, I thought, You think calling you Prince Beile makes you a true prince, you delusional fool? The “presence and aura of a king?” Come on, for crying out loud, my Spirit Sight can’t even detect a whiff of fart from you!

Jin Qichen merely smiled thinly. “Never you mind. Join me. Join me and I’ll make you see…” The pompous fool seemed to have not realized my patience waning. I did not allow him to finish. My fingers formed into the Seal of the Sword and I pointed at my Shiyan Blade. It shot up in a deadly arc, swishing as it bore down on Jin Qichen’s head.

A loud clang resounded; the Shiyan Blade was stopped by a saber, winking gold in the faint light. Na San had come forward with the strange weapon to defend his master, raising it to stop the Shiyan Blade. But I was surprised. Not even Big Sister’s ice swords could stand a blow from the Shiyan Blade, yet this golden saber was powerful enough to withstand the might of the Shiyan Blade with hardly a dent or a notch!

As if on a cue, Big Sister quickly whispered into my ears, as if she understood my surprise, “This Na San must be from the clan of shamans that serves the Aisin Gioro and had retreated into hiding with them. The golden saber and the bells are their signature weapons!” I quirked an inquisitive brow, and curled my fingers still in the stance of the Seal of the Sword, motioning it to return to me. With another swish, it somersaulted and returned to my grasp.

“I see. So the shamans’ heir is also a person not to be trifled with. But surely you can’t expect him alone to be able to keep you from harm, Prince Beile?” I swung my sword deftly, sneering mockingly. “How about a test of his abilities then!” Jin Qichen burst confidently. Na San immediately leaped forward, shaking his waist and lower body in a very strange stance. Bursting into a scornful guffaw myself, I shouted, “Is ritual dance a part of street fights these days?”

Flustered, Na San seemed perturbed by my derisive remarks; he began chanting in a tongue that sounded alien to me. Then he lunged, swinging his saber at me while never stopped shaking his waist!

The tip of the golden blade sailed perilously by with a strange, visible auric energy streaming at its edge. Quickly, I slanted my sword and a loud clang followed as I tried to deflect Na San’s attack. But instead of bouncing off, his saber weighed down on my sword with the force of a bull that I almost fell!

Oddly, Na San did not press on; he leaped backward, his lips never stopped murmuring his spell-like song. That must be some sort of incantation for his shamanic sorcery, I thought, magic which accounts for that brutish strength just now!

Na San showed no sign of rushing for another attack. He continued swaying his waist, the hanging belts on his bell jingling to his movements as he slowly spun as if it was part of some ritual dance. But I did not lunge. I did not know what he was doing and I only knew I needed to be careful. Warily, with my fingers forming the Seal of the Sword, I released my hold on the hilt of the Shiyan Blade, controlling it with my magic. It took into the sky overhead and when I directed it at Na San with a thrust of my fingers, it charged straight for Na San’s wobbling head. But Na San only carried on warbling his song. Just at the nick of time, he threw forth his golden saber at the incoming Shiyan Blade!

Another loud ring of steel on steel echoed in the darkened alleyway. Both weapons met and deflected each other away, but the Shiyan Blade fell out of my control! Maintaining the Seal of the Sword, I tried desperately to regain control of my weapon, only to find Na San snarling and pouncing at me with his fingers clenched like claws waiting to rent at my flesh! So quick as a rampaging beast, I knew at once that there was no evading him. With my other hand immediately forming also the Seal of the Sword, I crossed my arms. With one hand pointing into the sky and the other into the ground, I roared at the top of my voice, “BREAK!”

There was a powerful bang that came with a sudden rush of power from inside me! It was so strong that Na San was caromed off several yards! This was actually a trick Father taught me. A double-edged sword that could only be used only at the gravest moment. This magic expunged all my spiritual energy in an instant, pushing everything around me away with a powerful force. But this would not only deplete most of my spiritual powers; it could also kill me. As if it could not be any worse, this magic deals little to no damage to any enemies around me. And since this magic forced everything around me away, not only was Na San tossed into the air; Big Sister too was howling as she was tossed into the air.

What followed after was a litany of angry curses from Big Sister. “You foolish whelp! What did you try to do? Kill me?!” But I could hardly even manage to stand; my spiritual powers were utterly spent and her angry remarks and expletives were the last thing on my mind. Scrambling back to me, Big Sister was about to pinch and twist my ear when she realized how weakened I was. “Huh?! Your powers?! They’re gone?!” That earned her a weak smile from me. But that was the only thing I could do lest that brutish Na San could have easily and savagely strangled me to death.

Na San slunk back as well, never once stopping his crooning chant. Jin Qichen remained where he was; he had not moved from his spot since Na San attacked. It was clear that he would be nothing more than cannon fodder in a real fight; even in my weakened state, the self-professed heir to the Qing Empire looked more than incapable of rushing at me for a coup de grace.

By then, Na San finally got back. This time, he was holding in his grasp a long pole. Everything of it looked like an ordinary wood staff save for the awful-looking snakeskin wrapped around it. At its bottom end, a flanged-shaped iron head was affixed like a mace while perching at the top end, was a bronze figurine with a coin in its mouth. This was another iconic instrument of the Manchurian shamans, their shamanic staff. The golden saber Na San was wielding before must be the hallowed blade of the shamans.

The shamanic staff clinked as it wobbled to Na San’s movements. To my annoyance, he was still continuing his song! Big Sister grabbed at my shoulder and spoke tersely, afraid that the shaman might conjure up something else again, “Use the Shiyan Blade. You are part of it and it a part of you. With the divine might of the Shiyan Blade, he’d never be able to defeat you!” I glared at her with my eyes narrowed, wondering, Why is it that only now you’re telling me about this?

Nevertheless, what Big Sister said was right and it was all I could do! With what was left of my spiritual powers, I recalled the Shiyan Blade. I gripped the handle firmly, expecting to see something awesome happening but nothing came. I looked at Big Sister skeptically and she too peered at me with eyes as wide as saucers. “Come on, you have done it before! Do it again! Use your powers!” I glowered at her and hissed, “How?!” She stomped her foot angrily and spat. “Your blood, you fool! Drench the sword with your blood! You did it once before!”

It was only then I remembered what happened that day: I had inadvertently coughed some blood on to the Shiyan Blade when I was almost killed by Big Sister then! So it was how I became one with this sword! But Na San was nowhere generous enough to grant me time to learn; he raised his staff, shrieking and howling like a deranged ape. But I knew he was up to something. I run a finger along the sharp edge of the Shiyan Blade, feeling a painful prick and I saw blood oozing out of the gash. I rubbed my blood along the flat of the blade and it shone brilliantly all of a sudden and I began to feel a rush of strength gushing into me!

At the same time, Na San howled a long and deafening battle cry and the little bronze figurine on his staff too began to shine in resonance to his call! The brilliant light seemed to concentrate on the small coin it was biting on and a sharp whine screamed across the air and a ray of light shot from the little figurine, heading straight towards me! It streaked over the cobblestones of the alleyway, leaving a smoldering trail in its wake and I finally realized what it was!

A laser death ray!?

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