The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 946 - 946, treasure hunt follow-up (big

This matter was quickly known by the people above. In more than half a year, the supplies of the base area disappeared twice in a row, and each time it was more strange.

The last time, the big guys were very angry, they just thought it was an internal thief, and they cooperated with outsiders to steal the materials, otherwise, how could the materials locked in the basement disappear?

And the entrance and exit is the master bedroom of a residence. For this base, a few skilled people are specially arranged to guard it, and they sleep in the master bedroom. No matter who comes in or goes out, they can’t escape their eyes.

As for the back door? It is even more impossible, the big bosses have never had any doubts at all.

Because the design of this basement is very special, everyone up and down knows it, and the back door cannot be opened from the outside at all. Even if someone finds out, without the switch, people outside cannot enter.

Unless there is a situation, the thieves got in through the entrance and then stole the materials from the back door. Only this situation can explain the barrel. Therefore, it is definitely the ghost of an insider, even if it is someone sent by the enemy. Impossible to enter the basement.

The atmosphere was angry, but after all, the problem was on his side, so he could only grit his teeth and investigate secretly.

In such a strict situation, the good materials are still missing. Although it is not a big deal, it is still very sad to lose a sum of materials in vain.

This batch of weapons was developed by them with a lot of financial and human resources. It is impossible to not care about it at all. Since it is from one’s own people, then check it out.

As a result, the relevant people have reviewed it, and even the torture did not find any problems, and the people sent out searched the neighborhood and found nothing, not even a fart.

In the end, they had no choice but to dispose of the original group of people, redeployed them, and waited for the thief to act again, and then remove them in one fell swoop.

Who knows that after they bothered to deploy, they haven’t seen any movement for a long time. They have waited patiently for several months. However, just when they started to relax, they suddenly exploded and disappeared from another base!

You say this is irritating!

After hearing the news, the big bosses hurriedly gathered together. After listening to the detailed descriptions of their subordinates, the big bosses were stunned.

Isn’t it the enemy’s conspiracy to rape?

Why did it suddenly involve God again?

“Boss, I swear to God, there was nothing unusual in the second half of the night. When the pickup truck entered the hospital, we also checked it inside and out. It’s impossible to hide people.”

“Yes, and we have also checked the entire courtyard wall and the laboratory, and there are no traces of human beings. Even if so many things are removed, it is impossible to make no traces at all.”

The two guards on duty explained with sincerity and fear that they wanted to clear their suspicions. They were really innocent in this matter. They really stuck to their posts all night long, and did not neglect their duties. After more than an hour, they would take turns to inspect the courtyard.

The two guards did not suffer from the special effects of Muyi’s luck, because the gate of the courtyard was still 100 meters away from the bungalow, and it was just that when Muyi and Qin Mingsheng were in action, they just missed the time for patrolling with them.

In addition, the couple did not use anything with light from beginning to end, and it was not easy to see anything at night, so that the two guards did not notice it at all.

The person in charge of biopharmaceuticals did not shirk responsibility, and made a very pertinent statement.

“They’re right, there really isn’t any trace in the laboratory. We searched around with a microscope, and we didn’t even have a fingerprint. We don’t know what’s going on outside, but in the laboratory, it doesn’t look like it at all. It was moved away, but it was more like it disappeared out of thin air.”

The leader sneered, “Professor David, you are a scientific researcher, how can you be superstitious about ghosts and gods? It must be the enemy who played tricks and deliberately confuses us.”

“Leader, who in this world has such a superb ability? To be able to take away such a large set of experimental equipment in a short period of time without making any movement or leaving any traces?

Unless we are all comatose, but our thinking is very clear, we have not suffered any persecution, we are just sleeping as usual, so this is not easy! “

Another professor of biopharmaceuticals is not so simple and optimistic, because they are doing scientific research experiments, so they are more sensitive to many subtle traces.

But what happened last night was really weird.

Hearing this, the leader was dumbfounded, and even the other bigwigs were silent, and couldn’t help but be surprised.

Really hit a ghost, too evil, right?

While they felt unlikely, beyond that, they could find no other evidence of a man-made event, so that in the end, it turned into a deadlock.

Some people still insist that it was the enemy’s tricks to confuse their sight, while others believe that it was a mysterious and supernatural event.

There is no way, the big guys are also very helpless. They also want to find the missing materials, but the problem is that there is no clue at all. Looking for some wool?

To this end, they can only strengthen the defense level of borders and entrances and exits, and must not allow spies to take advantage.

On the other side, after Mu Yiren and Qin Mingsheng drove home, Meimei took a nap, and after they slept comfortably and had a full meal, the couple entered the ranch and released last night’s harvest.

“Third brother, we want to see this pile of information.”

Mu Yiren pointed to some messy paper with dense English on it. If you want to find out what drug the other party is researching, you can only start with this pile of research materials.

Because there is no label on the carton and medicine bottle at all, maybe the base last night was only responsible for research and development, not for post-packaging, and that building was the pharmaceutical company.

Thinking of this, the Muyi people immediately clarified their assembly line. No matter what the drug does, in this era, the medical conditions of many countries are extremely backward and lacking. Therefore, it is undoubtedly possible to develop and produce drugs. Master the power of life and death.

Of course, this is a way to get rich.

The couple read the materials carefully. Mu Yiren’s foreign language ability is stronger, so he can read it faster. Although Qin Mingsheng is a little slow, his current foreign language ability can make him understand the information in his hand. Eight or nine means.

After Mu Yiren read it, his eyes could not help but stay on the paper in his hand for a long time.

The two dozen boxes of medicines she took from the lab were painkillers, and the ones she took from the van were antibiotics.

She didn’t know much about pharmaceuticals, nor did she pay attention to the historical development in this area. In addition, since she came to Qin’s house, almost no family members have been sick or taken medicine.

The only few times I went in and out of the hospital and the health center were because of pregnancy.

Therefore, the Muyi people are even more unclear about the specific development of medicine in this era, but they only know that Western medicine in this era is in short supply, and most people still drink herbal water.

However, from these data, she learned that this batch of antibiotics is the latest version of antibiotics with improved and enhanced efficacy, which is commonly known as penicillin. Looking at the latest research results, it is obviously close to the effect of the later 1990s.

Penicillin has also been developed in China, but the results are far less good than the current batch in her hands, and due to the recuperation in the early years, many industrial chains in China have stagnated.

Especially in the medical field, the environment is limited, which makes it impossible for talents in this field to be specially trained. Secondly, many medical machinery and equipment are also purchased from abroad, not to mention independent development capabilities.

Another painkiller, from the research data, reminded her of aspirin, but the current extension is not comprehensive. It is estimated that the pharmaceutical giants in the United States are still developing.

But no matter what, the value and influence of these two drugs are very important, and they are also the most widely used in daily life.

In terms of pharmaceuticals, the Muyi people have to admire the research capabilities of foreign countries. In this regard, their country is indeed a little behind. Of course, this does not mean that their country is weak. In terms of talents, their country can be regarded as a great country. Talent is abundant.

What they are behind is the economic conditions!

In terms of ability and brains, they are not inferior at all, but they lack a learning environment. If their country’s economy is strong enough, they can also invest a lot of financial resources in scientific research and pharmaceuticals.

She believes that only if there is such a chance, their motherland will definitely become a world leader.

After reading it, Qin Mingsheng couldn’t help but murmured, “I didn’t expect the United States to be so powerful in pharmaceutical research and development. These materials are too valuable for research. If our country also…”

He didn’t say what he said later, because these things were completely taken away by the cheating artifact of the system, and he was not sure what his daughter-in-law would do after that.

Therefore, he did not want to influence his daughter-in-law’s decision because of his own words.

Seeing that the third brother was hesitant to speak, Mu Yiren smiled and said briskly, “I mean the same thing as you.”

Hearing this, Qin Mingsheng raised the corners of his mouth, feeling happy for the tacit understanding between them.

“However, how to operate and how to explain it, we have to unify the statement.”

Mu Yiren nodded, “Well, and these materials, we’d better send them back to China as soon as possible, and let those medical professors study it again.”

These materials are like an idea and reference. She does not want those medical professors to copy and develop, but wants them to follow this idea and develop better western medicine products.

Their husband and wife can make a lot of achievements in physical and chemical research, but in terms of medicine and pharmacy, they are completely useless, and this is also a shortcoming of their country.

Now that there are ready-made teachers, of course, they must understand the rational use of resources. Besides, these studies are not completely unique to the achievements of the United States. From these materials, she also saw the names and research reports of Su.

Obviously, the United States has also used some means to intercept the achievements of others.

As for what was done in it, she was not interested in learning about it. She only knew that good things were worth learning from together. Since God gave them this opportunity, they would naturally not miss it in vain.

Besides, if more people master this technology, it will benefit more people. On the contrary, if it is only in the hands of one person, it will not only increase the price, but also reduce the number of people who can treat it. .

Qin Mingsheng agreed, “Yes, send it back sooner, so they can study it earlier.”

Although the speed is definitely not as fast as the United States, at least you don’t have to let your motherland be so passive. These medicines are life-saving medicines at critical moments.

If their country can vigorously develop and produce, then many ordinary people will lose their lives in vain without getting timely treatment because of some medicines.

So next, the couple discussed it.

Those weapons and raw materials must not be sent out, even if they want to hand them over to the country, so that their home country can be stronger, but the reason for sending them out is not easy to explain.

They can’t take risks.

The only thing that can be handed over to the country, and that is the most appropriate and safe, is this pile of scientific research materials. As long as these materials are handled properly, they can completely pass the customs and be brought back to the country.

As for those medicines, as well as several sets of pharmaceutical equipment, there is nothing that can be done. Even if the husband and wife are willing to send them out, it is inconvenient for Huaguo to bring them back to China.

After all, these items need to occupy an area, and the volume of mechanical equipment is still so large, which is an obvious target. Even if a special plane is sent to transport it, as long as it enters the territory of the United States, all movements will be within the monitoring range of the United States.

If it is discovered, it will not be fooled by a few words.

Therefore, in order to avoid all dangers, all items are not handed in, but when they return to China, they can ask the third brother to make a research report under the name of studying abroad, and hand in a small amount of semi-finished products to nation.

This is just a guide, and the rest will be left to other more professional people.

As for those finished weapons, it is definitely impossible to take them out. How scary it is, it may lead to suspicion.

And medicines and pharmaceutical equipment can only be stored in the system. After all, this aspect is not within the scope of their husband and wife’s professional field.

However, those research materials are the most important. As long as the technology is mastered, do you still worry about the lack of medicines?

On the same day, Qin Mingsheng called Secretary Gao’s special line, worried that he would be eavesdropped. He did not elaborate on the phone, but could only excuse the couple’s new research and development, and hoped that he would come.

After hanging up the phone, Secretary Gao immediately reported to the leader.

The leader thought, “Since Professor Qin made a special call and asked you to visit in person, the research and development results in their hands must be very important. Although I don’t get along with them very much, I can see that their young couple is very close to each other. He’s not the kind of person who just takes Joe for a small achievement, and doesn’t aim at anything.”

In the past two years, these old fellows have had a profound insight into the influence and value brought by scientific research. No matter what kind of research and invention it is, as long as it is useful to the people of the country, they dare not take it lightly.

What’s more, Qin Mingsheng and Mu Yiren are the most valuable scientific research talents in their country.

“Then I’ll make arrangements immediately.”

Secretary Gao understood the meaning of his superiors without the need for the leader to say it clearly.

The leader frowned slightly, “This time you go over, bring two special guards with you, and let them stay in the United States to protect the safety of the two professors. We didn’t think carefully before.”

Some time ago, the papers of the two professors were frequently published in national newspapers and journals. As leaders, they are naturally aware of this. The two professors are able to stand out among the best in so many countries. As their compatriots and leaders, of course, they feel extremely Joy and pride, and even more pride in their husband and wife.

But after being proud and proud, there are some troubles that follow.

The two professors are so young and promising, and they have extremely outstanding abilities in scientific research. Such talents are undoubtedly a sweet treat, and it is easy to cause competition among all parties.

As the old saying goes, it’s easy to hide from a hidden arrow, but it’s hard to defend against a hidden arrow. It’s better to discuss the fight on the bright side. I’m afraid that some people are not thinking right and make some small moves. Pattwei also wanted to protect their safety in the past.

Such a result is not what they want to see.

Being friendly with Anbang is one thing, but poaching talents is another. As long as they promise better treatment and are willing to pay a lot of money, how many people can resist the temptation?

This kind of thing is too common, but it’s also something you want, and no one can say it’s a foul.

Therefore, in the face of such a thing, it depends on everyone’s patriotism.

“Okay, I see, I will convey your thoughts to the two professors.”

Secretary Gao has been following the leader for more than ten years, and he can understand the other party’s thoughts without the leader needing to elaborate.

The leader smiled and waved, and Secretary Gao left the office.

The reason why they chose Qin Mingsheng’s young couple is not only because of their potential and ability, but also because of their trust and recognition of their character.

The two of them are not profit-oriented people.

But there is no absolute in the world, and now they don’t want to suspect anything. The so-called use of people is not suspicious. Now they just need to do what they should do and fulfill their responsibilities as leaders.

The final choice is left to the couple.

However, he had an intuition that the couple would not let everyone down.

The next day, Secretary Gao got on a plane to the United States, and arrived directly at the residence of Qin Mingsheng and his wife the next day.

Seeing the dusty secretary Gao, the couple was very surprised. They didn’t expect someone to come so soon. Obviously, they made a decision after the phone call that day.

They thought that they would have to negotiate with the leaders, and it would take two days for them to come over, but this also showed that the country valued and trusted the couple.

In this regard, the couple still feel very useful.

Mu Yiren didn’t talk nonsense, and took out two document bags from the room and handed them to Secretary Gao.

“This is a confidential research, don’t disclose it to the public, this is my research and development report, and it is a cover up.”

Hearing this, Secretary Gao was a little stunned. Why is there something wrong with hearing this?

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