The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 17 - 017, clear your mind

Otherwise, how to explain the fact that she was still unharmed under the strong impact caused by the explosion of the plane?

Even if she was lucky enough to avoid a series of destructive forces such as the explosion and impact, she would not be able to survive.

The place where the plane crashed was not a big river, but a peaceful ocean!

When she woke up, she was completely immersed in the fact that she was still alive, and she felt fortunate and thought it was a miracle!

However, a miracle did happen, but it was not the kind of miracle she thought.

No wonder, after she woke up, she always felt strange everywhere, and the questions in her heart could be explained without asking anyone.

She, a great young woman in the new century, has miraculously traveled through time and space and went back to the era decades ago? !

What a miracle!

If the big guys in the research institute who study ‘space-time flow’ know that there really is a ‘space-time tunnel’ in this world, but let her, a third-year graduate student who is engaged in biological microelements, get lucky, Wonder how they will feel?

Her research school is one of the top research institutes in China with the most research results. She has heard about the research on ‘space-time and space’, but before her vacation, she only published a few academic papers on research theory. Papers, specific and effective scientific research results, but not yet.

Hey, don’t worry about what they think, let’s think about it for yourself, what to do now!

If it weren’t for the calendar on the wall, Mu Yiren really didn’t dare to think that such a miraculous thing would happen to her.

But since she was a child, she has always had the temperament of taking things with her, and she is also an optimist, so her ability to adapt is also strangely fast.

When you are in an unfamiliar environment, you can’t adapt to it. You can’t let the people and things around you adapt to you, right? The only thing waiting for her is to be eliminated by this world.

Fortunately, she has nothing to worry about in future generations. Her grandparents who loved her the most also passed away one after another when she was in college. As for her parents?

It is estimated that when she heard the news of her death, she did not even shed a single tear, right?

When she graduated from elementary school, they divorced, each established a new family, and each had a new child. She was an eyesore, and no one wanted to support her.

So, she was brought back to the township by her grandmother and lived with them. Although the life in the township is not as good as that in the big city, her grandmother really loves herself, and their love for herself completely makes up for the love of her parents. the absence of.

She lived a very happy life with her grandmother. Both grandparents are retired teachers. Therefore, she is very attentive to her own education. Therefore, her growth is very sound, unlike some children from divorced families, who are in some personalities. There is a certain lack of psychology, and even some paranoia.

She has none!

Maybe it’s because she knows how to be content. Although she has no parents, she still has a grandmother who loves her, better than an orphan, right?

Now, she feels contented too!

Although it was ‘distributed’ to the tough 1960s, it was better than dying in the ocean!

After all, he saved his life, he could continue to shine, and he could live, which was better than any glory and wealth.

Only those who have truly experienced the brink of death will understand that there is nothing more precious than life.

“Xiao Mu, are you asleep?”

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