The System Sent Me an Object [End of the World]

Chapter 165

Chapter 162

“Why, why, I’m already an ordinary person, why kill me?!”

In a dilapidated apartment, a man fell in the corner of the stairs. There was a lot of blood dripping under him, and his face was pale, almost bloodless. He didn’t quite understand why he became an ordinary person, but he would still become a target of the same kind.

The person who killed him licked the blood on the knife edge, and then laughed cheerfully: “Who told you that you are an ordinary person? Your system will come back, but I want to follow the order. After dozens of days!”

The person who fell in the pool of blood couldn’t understand what the other party meant until he died, and when he saw that he died, he put away the knife, then pulled off his glove, and watched the number on it changed from “7” to ” 6″, and the other party’s points are all incorporated into her points.

“Let me see what other rookies have yet to harvest.”

The new competition system seems to be very unfair to the hosts who are behind in the rankings. However, as Hao Jian said, everyone has the same starting point. Tasks, achievements, rewards, etc. are almost all set after numerical comparisons. There is no unfairness. statement.

The reason behind it is that neither the system nor the host has worked hard or used their brains. This cannot blame the mechanism.

Just as Hao Jian only recovered on the thirteenth day, but in these thirteen days, she still had the courage to face the siege of the zombies, cleverly arranged and escaped from birth.

This is not because of unfairness, but because she has the ability and brain.

What is even more unexpected is that some hosts will simply fall into the arms of the zombies because they can’t stand the impact of losing the system…

Hearing these rumors, Hao Jian laughed: “Such people are not worthy of my pity. They have the courage to give rations to zombies. Why don’t they have the courage to live on their own ability?”

“The glory, respected status, and fame brought by previous abilities are priceless. For these people, perhaps losing these is the most intolerable!” Lian Runing said.

“I agree with what Little Junior Sister said!” Hao Jian said.

Lian Runing smiled at Hao Jian complacently, and everyone who saw this scene turned away their eyes with horror: “I said you have never finished. It is not enough to show the love show outside. How about going back when you come back?!”

“Don’t talk about us, who is the one who likes to show affection in front of others every day? You know.” Hao Jian glanced at Peng Mao and Xin Ting.

You Xiaoxiao was quite proud, because he rarely showed affection along the way. After all, he sometimes couldn’t distinguish between practicing Ru Meng and practicing Ru Ning. It would be no good if he made a joke in front of everyone.

And this is actually more of the practice of Rumeng, because her hair grows almost as long as Rumeng’s, and always tie into a ponytail. Secondly, she often changes clothes and pretends to be Rumeng, not only to tease Hao. Jian, also deliberately neglected him.

Of course, every time she teased Hao Jian, she would be dismantled. You Xiaoxiao couldn’t get angry. After all, he couldn’t even recognize his girlfriend. It was a failure.

You Xiaoxiao also reflected on this, and after getting along with Lian Ru Ning for a long time, he can completely distinguish the characters and tempers of the sisters.

An Minghui learned that they were back, so he rushed to pick them up. Seeing that their spirits are very good, and they can tease each other, they seem to be lively, so he laughed: “It seems that the days outside are better than I am envious of you all here at ease.”

“You can really envy us. Although there are risks outside, the harvest is also rich.” Shi Gongdi said with a smile. He felt that they could compile several travel notes based on their experiences.

“If I have time, I really want to hear what thrilling things you all have encountered, but not now. The chairman wants to ask the contractor and Hao Shanliang to go to a meeting.” An Minghui said.

Yes, these two are both of the “special response group” and have been wandering for so long, and I don’t know how many meetings have been absent. Besides, Hao Jian probably knew what had happened, so Wen Shanggao couldn’t help holding a meeting when she came back!

She thought for a while, and said to An Minghui: “I’ll talk about the meeting later. I will send the little junior sister back first.”

An Minghui was taken aback. He didn’t expect Hao Jian to be passively sabotaged. He thought about it, and didn’t want to force her, so he went to Shi Gongdui first, and then reported to Wen Shanggao.

Wen Shanggao heard the words and only nodded: “I see, let her go!”

Having said that, he still found a day to meet Hao Jian on the island of University Town.

Since Hao Jian returned to the university city island with Lian Ru Ning, life has been relatively leisurely. Now Gao Ruosu has basically recognized the fact that his daughter is also a woman. Not only does he not object, he often asks Hao Jian to eat with them.

And Lian Ruji occasionally sighed into the air, and Lian Ru Meng glanced through his thoughts: “Can you not stand your sister Ning and your goddess showing affection in front of you?”

“I haven’t, Meng Meng, don’t talk nonsense.” Lian Ruji said. In fact, Hao Jian was his goddess, but his sister gave him a favor. He had already stopped prying his sister into the corner.

It’s just that his mother now sees that both sisters have an object, so she has turned her attention to him. Not only does he always test his schoolwork on weekdays, but he also urges him to fall in love. Even the doomsday can’t hide from the forced marriage at home, can he not sigh!

“Yes, you are almost 21, don’t you think about solving the single problem?”

Lian Ruji covered her ears: “Sister Meng, even you are here to nag me!”

Lian Rumeng sneered and said, “Come on, what’s your mind, I don’t know? Isn’t it that I am not at ease in my heart, for fear of falling in love and giving up feelings, but what will happen in the end!”

Lian Ruji was silent for a moment, and said: “According to the public report, the number of zombies has not continued to decrease, but is increasing intermittently. With their evolution, I will not be able to guarantee that I will survive in the future. Let alone protect the other half.”

Lian Rumeng patted him on the shoulder: “Then make preparations in advance to let yourself live! Sister Ning and I have been here all these years. You are a man, and you can behave better than us. ”

Lian Rumeng left after speaking, but not long after, Lian Ruji quit his job in the archives and ran to find Hao Jian and You Xiaoxiao. He hoped that they could teach him some ways to survive. Although he has read a lot of guides on survival in the wild in the book, but it is not very suitable for the doomsday mode, and has not undergone actual combat, so he needs to seek advice from experienced people.

Hao Jianzheng heard that Wen Shanggao was coming, and he was going to see each other. Hearing the words, he slipped Hao Zuo out and said, “You learn from each other and guide each other.”

Hao Zuo didn’t understand what it meant at first, but after hearing that Ruji wanted to learn relevant survival skills, he raised his head suddenly. He didn’t expect that one day he could pass on his experience to others. He was a little proud.

Besides, Lian Ruji was three years older than Hao Zuo, so teaching someone older than himself satisfied Hao Zuo’s vanity. However, during the teaching process, although Lian Ruji had no practical experience, he had a wealth of theoretical knowledge, so Hao Zuo’s negligence was pointed out several times. Hao Zuo started crying if he couldn’t explain it.

Lian Ruji was staying, he didn’t expect that although this kid and his goddess were born to the same father, he didn’t expect that the temperament was so different!

“Chairman Wen, I haven’t seen you for a long time. You look good. It seems that these days are going well.” Hao Jian looked at Wen Shanggao who was sitting across from him and said.

Wen Shanggao held a cup of tea, looked up at the sky half-hidden by the sun umbrella, and said, “I wonder if the sun is so big, your eyes won’t be so blind.”

“Chairman Wen is mocking me?”

“How dare I sneer at you.” Wen Shanggao noticed Hao Jian’s gloves and asked, “When did he recover, he didn’t tell me. It seems that you can’t really trust me.”

“Why?” Hao Jian said with a smile. Although it was against her heart, Wen Shanggao couldn’t really hold onto this point if she wanted to say so.

Obviously, when Hao Jian gave up to get the result he wanted from her, Hao Jian had also given up on him.

“Then you dare to come back?” Wen Shanggao asked again.

“You should know that it is impossible for me not to come back. Even if I deliberately avoid it, hatred will come to my door one day. You know this rule very well.”

“Well, I know.” Wen Shanggao finished a cup of tea and put the cup on the glass table in front of him, playing with it.

He thought for a while and said, “I thought about what would happen when there was only one apostle left in the world. Perhaps the world would collapse like this, all people would cease to exist, and perhaps the world would return to peace. Without the zombies, without the apostles, everything is back on track.”

“What do you hope is the latter?” Hao Jian asked.

Wen Shanggao smiled and said: “Whether it is the collapse of the world or the return to the right track, it is already a relatively good ending. After all, we can’t feel the pain in the former, and the latter can bring us surprises. Fear, fear, This world will become their playground, and then the apostle contest will start again and again…”

“Do you only want to understand this question now?” Hao Jian thought that Wen Shanggao had already prepared this way when he chose it.

“I have always understood, but my heart will be more inclined to the future we want.”

“Then Chairman Wen came here today because he wanted to…”

Wen Shanggao also stopped talking to her and went straight to the topic: “Tucker has appeared, and Ji Chang and Zhong Qingming have appeared together. Be careful.”

“Where are Wei Guojia, Le Yan and Kelly?”

Wen Shanggao’s eyes were deep: “Kelly, I’ll let it go. I’m probably chasing and killing other apostles now.”

Hao Jian is not surprised, because Wen Shanggao will not only lay a chess piece. Kelly’s brutality, Wei Guojia’s foresight, Le Yan’s pure perseverance, and even her caution are all Wen Shanggao can use. piece.

Hao Jian gave Wen Shanggao another cup of tea, and then said: “Chairman Wen has ever thought that you think that you are sober, independent and independent. In fact, you are also in this mountain, and it is also a rule. result?”

“I have thought about it, but it is difficult to prove that I am not having a lucid dream. Even if I know that I am having a lucid dream, it is still difficult to wake up. So instead of doing nothing, it is better to follow this Dream, want to see how it will develop.”

“Even if this dream gets longer and longer, it gets deeper and deeper, and it may not wake up at all. Doesn’t matter?”

“So I need someone who can wake me up, but unfortunately you don’t want to.”

Hao Jian chuckled: “Don’t be kidding me, I’m still in a dream, how can I wake you up?”

Even if she had a way to wake up, the central processing terminal system would not be happy for such a thing to happen.

“There will always be a way.” Wen Shanggao didn’t say much.

In fact, he has always had a few plans that could be considered crazy for the time being, because Lian Ru-ning once said that this world exists because of the apostle, and he also sent the highest IQ people under him to analyze what this theory is about. To support it.

The result is derived from the analysis of the apostles, because why these apostles were selected is almost random, and they have nothing in common with many people. So some people boldly speculate: “What if they weren’t selected?”

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

These gathered geniuses carried out various research and analysis on this, and finally came to an amazing conclusion-if the apostles were not selected, but they existed, so the world construction had to be centered on them. !

So when Wen Shanggao realized the deep meaning behind what Lian Ru-ning said, he was a little unwilling. But then he discovered through experiments with Liao Yin, Zeng Jianxiong and others that most of the apostles were not even aware of their own existence. Once they were known, they would definitely be wiped out.

But he and Lian Ru Ning knew about this, so why didn’t they get obliterated?

Is it because they are NPCs and won’t be noticed by the world?

If so, then all the apostles have disappeared. Will the world return to normal?

After this idea came out, Wen Shanggao really wanted to order all the apostles to be killed. But he was a little uncertain again, because the idea of ​​”the world exists because of the apostles” was still rooted in his mind. He was afraid that after all the apostles disappeared, the world would really disappear.

Although after the world disappears, he will not feel much as an NPC, but he is not reconciled, he is not reconciled to being a life, why should his destiny be controlled by others and be played with!

“These days, you go to the island for vacation!” Wen Shanggao said again.

Hao Jian was taken aback, and then she understood what he meant. She smiled: “Chairman Wen, it would be boring for you to do this. This is the hardship I’m going through, how can I avoid it?”

Wen Shanggao hoped that she would go to a safe island to hide, so that the apostles outside would kill each other, and perhaps in the end, she would be a profitable fisherman.

Therefore, Wen Shanggao never gave up on her at the beginning, but he showed that he attached great importance to Wei Guojia and Le Yan, and even cultivated Kelly in secret, with the goal of letting them go out to solve other apostles. And the “abandoned” Hao Jian wanders around, it is difficult for others to track her and will be countered by her, which is more conducive to her survival.

Wen Shanggao did not give her a chance to refuse. The next day she was sent to an isolated island by a ship. She glanced at the map and felt that this had sent her to the island to the south.

But there was no one on this island, and there were fleet patrols around it. There were small bungalows, watchtowers, and supplies on the island, so she didn’t need to go through the island to survive.

“Tsk, I didn’t expect that I would be imprisoned one day.” Hao Jian lay on the beach, drinking coconut juice.

“I see, aren’t you happy?!” A voice sounded beside him.

Hao Jian jumped up and rushed over to the person who came. He hugged him and didn’t say anything. He had to make two laps happily. Lian Ru Ning was so happy that he kept shouting: “What kind of surprise is it? You already knew I was here.” , Let me down!”

Hao Jian kissed her and said with a smile: “Why, I only know that someone is here, but I don’t know it is you…”

Yes, not only Lian Ru Ning came here, but also several familiar faces: You Xiaoxiao, Lian Ru Meng, and Hao Zuo.

“What? Chairman Wen is going to sit down?” Hao Jian asked with a smile.

“We came voluntarily!” Lian Ru Ning said, “I can’t worry about you alone, so I took the initiative to apply for it. Although he said that for your safety, you can’t go back when you come, lest anyone inquire from us. To your whereabouts, but I didn’t want to be separated from you.”

“What about you?” Hao Jian looked at the other three people again.

“He said he was worried that someone would use me to force you to show up, so he threw me over. I didn’t want to come over at all.” Hao Zuo muttered, but his eyes kept looking around, obviously very interested in this place.

“My dad took my mom and Ruji to the maritime safety base. Considering that you may need someone to protect you, Xiaoxiao came here, and I followed.” Lian Rumeng said.

“Shi Gongyu couldn’t come here because he had to have those high-tech equipment around him, but once he came, others could track here from him. And Peng Mao and Xin Ting, they were not allowed to come.” You Xiao Akatsuki explained a little bit.

“Come on, you can find a place to live by yourself. I’ll talk to the younger sister first and talk about love.” Hao Jian waved his hand indifferently.

“…Damn, you have no conscience!” You Xiaoxiao squeezed out a swear word, angrily pulled Lian Rumeng to find a place to live, then changed into a tropical-style clothes, and excitedly wanted to explore the island.

Hao Zuo looked at Hao Jian, then at the two people who were going to explore, and decided to mix with them.

After the three of them left, Hao Jian took Lian Runing and sat down on the clean beach.

Lian Ru Ning told Hao Jian that in the few days she was taken away, things that happened on land, such as the Apostle Association’s death in name, such as the obvious changes in the actions of zombies, were that they would attack the Apostles more preferentially than ordinary people. …

But what she didn’t say was that Wen Shanggao’s hiding of Hao Jian might be a violation of the rules, so it was obviously a secret matter, but the official knew about it and put pressure on him.

But at this time Wen Shanggao was quite sure that he was sober, because all the NPCs have been the world to push the apostles to fight for high and low chess pieces, but it did not expect that one day, the chess pieces will not listen to it.

So when it would never give the apostle a chance to hide, Wen Shanggao did so, and also used the chess pieces in his hand to compete with the rules.

On the one hand, he let Le Yan, Kelly, etc. do things that comply with the rules, and on the other hand, he isolated Hao Jian from the struggle. This is contradictory, and these contradictory actions happen to make the world’s rules helpless.

Lian Runing did not say, but Hao Jian could guess it. She said: “For the central processing system, this kind of behavior itself is “cheating”, so I think it will use various means to force me The purpose of having to return to that battlefield. And this is not absolutely safe. For some high-level apostles who can get ships, they can use their authority to find here.”


Hao Jian knew what she wanted to say, “Come on when you come, just treat it as the ring, and I just need to guard the ring.”

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