The System Forces Me to Be the Emperor

Chapter 678

Chapter 675 : Conquering Qin’s imperial capital

Ambition and dreams have always been the driving force that spurs human progress. At this moment, Lai has made up her mind to fulfill her responsibility as Daxia Erlang.

It’s just that the question has also come, **** Qin Zheng?

He is just a **** from Mingxin Palace, usually low-key and unobtrusive. He has been circling around Zhao Ji, and has never been able to reach Qin Zheng. And now Qin Zheng doubted his own life experience, and almost never came to Mingxin Palace to ask for peace. Even if he came and seized the opportunity, he couldn’t do anything rashly. How could he escape after killing someone.

You still have to find a way that doesn’t involve yourself.


No, Qin Huang was poisoned to death when he took office. Qin Zheng didn’t eat and drink randomly. It was not so easy to poison him. After all, there is no suitable way.

Just when she was unable to do anything, the opportunity came.

It turned out that Qin was preparing to flee from the capital of Qin and head to Kunlun County to the west. Even if he was reluctant, he had to tell Zhao Ji face to face. After all, he was the queen mother.

After hearing Qin Zheng’s intention, Zhao Ji trembled.

Although the harem has been rumoring that Xia Guo’s soldiers have come and he is about to approach the capital of Qin, Zhao Ji has been in the harem for many years and does not know the sinister situation outside. She has always believed that the rumors are greater than the facts. Qin is so strong that even if Xia invades, he can still Drive it out. A concubine like her who is deeply locked in the harem, has no worries about food and clothing, and does not know the suffering outside.

At this time, the emperor wanted to abandon the palace and escape, Zhao Ji also realized that the rumors were not rumors, and that the Qin State might really be over.

Does your child still have a chance to be an emperor?

Zhao Ji was full of worries, and then nodded and agreed to Qin Zheng. When Qin Zheng left, he immediately ordered the maids and internal officials to pack their things.

The woman on the side lit up, and she was even more convinced that it was time for her to act, and at the same time she seized the opportunity.

After Qin Zheng left the palace, although he was guarded by the imperial army, he was definitely not as safe as staying in the palace. As long as he found out Qin Zheng’s whereabouts and location, as well as the guards around him, he could carry out the assassination. However, to be safe, you can’t do it alone, you must seek the assistance of a master.

So Lai Lu immediately replied to Wang Dazhi.

Within a few days, the reply came back to Xiao Rui’s hands.

At this moment, Xiao Rui’s army in the middle road entered Xianwang County and was resisted by the Qin army. Meng Tian used food as a bargaining chip to attract a large number of poor people into the army, but unfortunately, the untrained people were not Daxia soldiers at all. Although they fought fiercely against Daxia’s opponents, they couldn’t stop Da Xia from advancing.

Within ten days, you will be able to come to the Qin capital city.

However, at this time, Xiao Rui was taken aback when receiving a letter from Lai Lu, then smiled and said to Zhang Liang and others: “Look, Qin is about to discard Qin Du and flee!”

Xiao Rui forwarded the letter to Zhang Liang, Zhang Liang read it and handed it to Jia Xu, and then said, “As expected! The western counties of the capital of Qin are his last support. He hasn’t reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted. From the capital of Qin. This Emperor Qin still holds hope, hoping for a turning point!”


There can be no turning point. Xiao Rui’s troops were divided into eight divisions, and a total of 1.6 million troops attacked Qindu. Now, with the internal turmoil in the Yuan Dynasty, the Dongqi area has no worries for the future, and the subsequent 400,000 troops also entered the Qin State through the Qinling Three Passes. Responsible for suppressing and cleaning up the counties and areas that have been taken, and avoiding fires behind them.

In addition to the logistics personnel, Daxia launched a total of 2.5 million troops in this attack on Qin, almost 70% of Daxia’s troops were deployed!

Before the change, when Xia Guo didn’t capture the Anbei and Anxi areas, the two million troops would be all of Daxia’s troops.

With such a huge force, with the help of sophisticated equipment, and with the help of Tianshi, how could it not be able to win Qindu.

The disasters of the Little Ice Age in the past few years have greatly weakened the Qin State’s strength. In fact, this is the main reason why Daxia was able to defeat Qin State steadily.

At this time, Jia Xu put down the letter and said with a smile: “Qin Zhengxi fled, and our beheading plan has begun to be implemented. With the support of Lai Luo and Chuan Jianguo, the feasibility is very high.”

As top counsellors, how can Zhang Liang and Jia Xu not count Qin Zhenghui’s flight to the west? In fact, there is no need to count, a little bit of mind understands that it is impossible for Qin Zheng to live and die with Qin, he will definitely run away. So as early as when Chuan Jianguo was the servant of the household department, he started to design.

That’s right, it’s so early, the sooner you design, the sooner it won’t arouse suspicion!

The design method is very simple. Chuan Jianguo used a lot of money to win over the county guard of Kunlun County and became the highest-ranking official in the Qindu district who took refuge in Daxia. With the help of his influence, the Mohist school and the Mohist organization trained dead soldiers in Kunlun County and arranged suitable identities for them. Later, with the training of the Great Return Pill, Xiao Rui considered repeatedly, gritted his teeth, and gave out a lot of rewards to the dead to help them break through the cultivation base.

Today, among the twenty loyal dead men who are not afraid of life and death, five are in the fifth-rank realm, and the others are in the fourth-rank realm.

When Qin Zhengxi fled to Kunlun County, the Kunlun County Guard would naturally take care of Qin Zheng’s daily life. This gave the dead man a chance. Coupled with the cooperation of the maiden, he could carry out the assassination.

Therefore, Xiao Rui said to Jia Xu: “Respond to my wife, telling him whom to contact when he arrives in Kunlun County.”

“Weichen understands.” Jia Xu said with a smile.

In the next few days, Daxia’s Eighth Route Soldiers and Horses were getting closer and closer to Qin Capital, and Qin Zheng really fled to the west. There were also important civil and military officials who fled Qin Capital together, all of them fleeing to Kunlun County with their families. As for officials with humble official positions, such as those below Rank 6, the army does not care about their life or death at all, they can escape and act by themselves.

In this way, 80,000 troops escorted Qin Zheng to escape from Qin Du, and the remaining troops were left to Meng Fang, and he would live and die with Qin Du.

Seven days later.

The Eighth Route Army had seen the towering capital of Qin, and it was indeed majestic.

Two more days later, the Eight Route Army soldiers approached the city, the soldiers of Ganning and Chen Qing approached the south of the Qin capital, Qi Jiguang and Yue Feibing approached the north of the Qin capital, and the Zhonglu Army and Li Cunxiao, Dian Wei, and Yang Youji Ze soldiers approached the east, leaving Qin capital behind. The west let them flee.

The structures of the capitals of all countries are similar, divided into outer and inner cities. The size of the capital of Qin is similar to that of Qi. It is tall and majestic, and it will suffer heavy losses if you want to attack and win. Now that Meng Fangtian leads his troops to defend, it is estimated that it will be very difficult for him to abandon the city and surrender.

So referring to the way the champion Hou won the imperial capital of Qi, Xiao Rui, the Great Xia Emperor, personally offered a reward:

Those who have won the first rank of Mengtian will be awarded the rank of earl!

Those who have obtained the first rank of Baimeng will be awarded the rank of earl!

The one who has obtained the first rank of the White Cang, is the rank of Viscount!


The price is clearly marked and the remuneration is abundant, which first creates a great opportunity for the son of Qin to rise to the sky.

Of course, Daxia has not forgotten to win over the people, as long as they take the initiative to surrender, donate new crop seeds, reward each person with 10 acres of land, reduce taxes within three years, and so on.

When these news reached the capital of Qin, the people of the Qin country were talking about it, and they wished to open the city gate to take refuge in Daxia. Anyway, it was the people’s order. Who is the emperor is different?

Facing Daxia’s insidious trick, Meng Fangtian couldn’t help but said: “My head is so valuable!”

Bai Meng also smiled and said, “Mine is not bad either.”

After the two laughed, they glanced at each other, and then fell silent.

Your Majesty has gone west, but neither the adult sons of the Bai family nor the Meng family have left. The two of them will stick to the capital of Qin, even if they fight to the end, dripping the last drop of blood.

After a while, Meng Tian said to Bai Meng: “Open the three city gates on the west side. If the people want to leave, let them leave. They are innocent, but as Daqin soldiers, the Bai family army and the Meng family army cannot escape!”

“I understand.” Bai Meng nodded and immediately went down to make arrangements.

On the second day after the soldiers came to the city, the closed West City Gate opened to allow the fleeing people to leave. There were also deserters in the Bai Family Army and the Meng Family Army who took the opportunity to escape, but most of them were temporarily conscripted people. Away from the city.

They are willing to follow their commander and fight to the death for Da Qin!

Xiao Rui also saw the other party’s determination. It was basically impossible to win Qin Du without a bloodblade, and Zhang Liang and Jia Xu had nothing to do. So Xiao Rui decided not to wait and attack the city!

On the third day, Daxia soldiers and horses began to attack the city, attacking from three sides.

This siege was tragic. Daxia paid a heavy price and losses, and it took four days to break the outer city.

It took another three days to break through the inner city gate.

Meng Tian and Bai Meng died in battle, and the other generals and soldiers who defended the city fought to the end. Forty thousand Meng family army and 30,000 Bai family army were destroyed and defended the capital of Qin with their lives.

In order to seize the capital of Qin, Daxia also suffered heavy casualties, becoming the most casualties in the attack on Qin. The number of casualties was 80,000, almost one life.

Although there were powerful weapons such as gunpowder and Zhuge Liannu, the Qin Army relied on the solid city and the courage to fear death and did not allow Da Xia to easily take the city.

Afterwards, the battlefield was cleaned, the people’s minds were soothed, and the order stabilized. Xiao Rui moved to the Qin Palace and took control of the power center of the Qin State.

When the news of Qin Du’s fall came back to Qin Zheng’s ears, he trembled in fear.

They happened to enter the Kunlun County boundary Now Qin Capital has fallen, and there is only one Maolin County between Qin Capital and Kunlun County, and Daxia will soon be killed.

“Is the State of Qin going to die in his own hands?”

Qin Zheng muttered to himself.

It has only been a few months since Daxia attacked to the present. Most of the vast territory was lost, and Qin Zheng couldn’t believe it at such a fast speed. Sometimes he woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t understand why the powerful enemy congress was so fast. Towards falling apart.

In the next few days, Qin Zheng arrived at Kunlun County. Xue Ankang, the county guard of Kunlun County, had already cleaned the county guard mansion and gave it to Qin Zheng.

There is no palace here, and Qin Zheng can only stay here, and at the same time send spies to stare at Qin Du’s direction to investigate Da Xia’s movements.

And Xiao Rui, who had captured the capital of Qin, didn’t choose to completely conquer the entire Qin State in one go. Let Qin live in Kunlun County worrying about fear for a period of time. Appetizers have been prepared for him, which should be very exciting.

In Xiao Rui’s view, the next big thing is to rectify the occupied counties and regions.

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