The System Forces Me to Be the Emperor

Chapter 666

Chapter 663 : The overall situation is stable! Chase

The cavalry led by Huo Qubing had been waiting for Meng Yi’s soldiers for a long time.

The reason why he waited was because Huo Qubing looked at the surrounding terrain, which was flat, suitable for cavalry combat, and more mobile.

At this moment, Huo Qubing led the cavalry to charge!

Meng Yi, who received the news, let Meng Fangdai make meritorious service and led the cavalry to counterattack. He could not let the opponent limit the marching speed and must rush to the North Gate as soon as possible.

Meng Fang was eager to take revenge, and immediately led 10,000 cavalry to send troops, killing Huo Qubing.

On the flat terrain, two cavalry teams, one east and one west, were like two pythons, raising smoke and dust on the ground, and tens of thousands of horses rushed towards each other.

This battle seems to be tough!

It was just that when the two sides were about to meet and collide, Huo Qubing’s cavalry team suddenly split, split from the middle, and moved to both sides. Meng Fang did not expect that the other party would play this game, and did not dare to conspiracy. At that time, he had led the cavalry to rush over, as if his edge split Huo Qubing’s cavalry into two parts.

At the same time, the two-part Huo Qubing cavalry bypassed Mongolia and made a big circle, then turned around and turned around, and then slammed towards the Qin army, using only the simplest changes to change from a frontal attack. Became an attack from behind.

Meng Fang was startled, he was originally a pioneer, but now he has become the queen of the palace. He immediately turned around and led the cavalry to deal with Huo Qubing.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the speed of Huo Qubing’s cavalry suddenly increased, and the front cavalry was a reckless team formed by Han Xin himself, who was proficient in cavalry and shooting. At this time, he took out Zhuge’s crossbow to shoot and directly bit the tail of the Mongolian cavalry.

In an instant, Qin’s cavalry suffered heavy losses.

At the same time, the cavalry of the White Robe Battalion was faster while designing the indiscreet squad. They stepped forward from the two wings, and while shooting the crossbow arrows, they quickly bit the Qin State cavalry team.

Followed by Huo Qubing’s other cavalry.

Huo Qubing was one of the originators of blitzkrieg. He made good use of roundabouts, depths, interspersed encirclement and other methods, and he played fast. So although Meng Fang also led cavalry, they were all cavalry, but the gap was huge.

If you can stand high in the sky and watch with God’s vision, you will find that the guarded cavalry was originally a big cake, which looks like an unbreakable whole. Who knows that when Huo Qubing encountered Huo Qubing, it was cut into several parts, and Be surrounded and wiped out.

Meng Fang wanted to counterattack, but could only lead a part of the cavalry to fight, and the other cavalry could not form an effective closing trend.

On the other hand, Huo Qubing, under the waving of the flag, the cavalry changed rapidly, from offensive to retreat, from encirclement to interspersed, as if the entire cavalry regiment was under the control of Huo Qubing, turning the enemy into a dish of scattered sand.

This is the real cavalry battle!

On the other hand, it has completely lost the grasp of the overall situation!

Meng Yi had already lined up the army, and at the same time he patted the horse forward. After seeing the battle between the cavalry on both sides from a distance, although he did not have the vision of God, he had been fighting for so many years in the south and north, and he could see the disadvantages of his soldiers and horses at a glance.

“Is Han Xin leading the troops?” Meng Yi was shocked, knowing that Meng Fang would be defeated and would fail miserably. He immediately ordered people to sound the offensive horn, and the army behind him began to rush forward to support Meng Fang.

Huo Qubing heard the horn and looked at the large number of Qin troops coming from a distance. He waved the battle flag again. The cavalry no longer entangled the Qin cavalry in an instant. Instead, they merged into a spear and rushed towards Meng Yi’s army.

“Chasing!” Enraged, looking at his side with countless deaths and injuries, and even being played in such a way, he immediately led his troops to chase.

Meng Yi saw Huo Qubing’s cavalry who had been killed. He immediately used the sound of drums as a sign. The infantry lined up and formed a circular formation. Once Huo Qubing’s cavalry fell into this formation, they would be trapped in the formation. Nine gates, there is only one life gate, and it is hidden, it is not easy to find.

This is one of Meng Yi’s most adept formations. With shields, gunners, and swordsmen, Huo Qubing’s cavalry can hardly escape as long as they enter.

Huo Qubing naturally saw how powerful this burst was. He naturally wouldn’t force it. This time he came to attack Meng Yi and brought a total of 12,000 people, but at this time Huo Qubing had only 7,000 cavalry behind him! The five thousand cavalry had already circled behind Meng Yi’s army and waited quietly.

Therefore, Huo Qubing’s attack was only to attract firepower. When Meng Yi lined up his troops, the cavalry behind him launched an attack!

Directly annihilating the rear of the Qin army is like a poisonous snake biting its prey.

As for Huo Qubing, when he was about to kill Meng Yi’s formation, he immediately detoured around, relying on his strong mobility, and did not accept Meng Yi’s moves at all.

Meng Yi had already retreated to the army and saw that the rear was attacked. Only then did he understand the other party’s conspiracy. At the same time, thinking of the topography of this place, Meng Yi understood that this was a conspiracy that the other party had designed long ago.

However, Meng Yi was not a fan. He immediately contracted the rear formation and ordered the rear army to counterattack. Although Xia Guo’s cavalry succeeded in a sneak attack, after all, there were few people. As long as the formation began to counterattack, the opponent would flee.

Sure enough, Xia Guo’s cavalry retreated as soon as they saw it. After annihilating thousands of Qin troops, they immediately retreated to join Huo Qubing.

Meng deflated to chase, but was stopped by Meng Yi with the sound of Mingjin.

“The enemy chose the open terrain and used the mobility of the cavalry to harass us in order to contain the speed of our army, so don’t fall in love with the battle, shrink the formation and continue marching! As long as the defensive formation continues to set off, the opponent will not dare to fight!” Meng Yi commanded Tao.

Meng deflated his teeth and said, “Yes, General!”

Meng Yi asked, “Who is leading the troops?”

Meng Fang shook his head and said: “I don’t know the humble job, I only know that he is a young man who is not up to the weak crown, very cunning.”

“It’s not Han Xin! Xia Guo is really talented.” Meng Yi sighed.

It is said that after Huo Qubing fled, the cavalry reunited, and seeing that the Qin army was not chasing after him, Huo Qubing knew that Meng Yi had understood his strategy.

But it doesn’t matter, they are like hungry wolves, biting each other tightly, so that they can contain each other’s speed, this is their task!

“Take a rest for a while, wait for the day to fade away, and the other party will continue to struggle when they rest and eat!”

Huo Qubing immediately issued the order.

In the next few days, the cavalry led by Huo Qubing was like a hungry wolf, biting Meng Yi’s horses tightly. The enemy advances and retreats, the enemy is stationed and harassed, the enemy is exhausted, and the enemy retreats and I chase. Huo Qubing has never seen Xiao Rui, naturally. He has never heard of guerrilla tactics, but he has already used these Sixteen True Techniques handily.

Even though Meng Yi knew Huo Qubing’s intentions, he contracted his formation and got a headache, and the marching speed of the army was greatly reduced. He originally planned to reach the Beishu Pass in four days, but now it will take six or seven days!

Meng Yi was so angry that he didn’t have a good temper, and now he most wanted to understand who the opponent’s generals were and why he was so cheap.

Seven days later, Meng Yi’s army was only more than a hundred miles away from the Beishu Pass.

Huo Qubing was not entangled, and finally let off Qin Jun, and returned to Beishu Pass to report the situation ahead of time.

Don’t underestimate Huo Qubing. They have entangled the Qin army these days and killed more than 30,000 enemies. Although not many, it’s a bit of meat from an army of nearly 400,000. If Huo Qubing was given 50,000 cavalry, Then give him the heavy armored cavalry iron dragon cavalry, he is completely dared to harden the resolute army.

Huo Qubing returned to Beishuguan to meet Han Xin and Chen Qingzhi. The two highly praised Huo Qubing’s efforts and successfully delayed Qin Jun. Now Daxia’s follow-up reinforcements have entered the southern part of Tonglu County, and then as long as they hold Meng Yi’s army for a while, the reinforcements will come, and it will be Meng Yi’s nightmare, and the follow-up will be 200,000 troops!

The next day.

Meng Yi’s soldiers and horses were pressed twenty miles away from Beishu Pass. After reorganizing the whole army, Meng Yi ordered a storm!

In an instant, an army of more than 300,000 people began to press up, densely packed with people.

As the commander-in-chief of Han Xin, he arranged 50,000 soldiers at the Beishu Pass. This was the last barrier to guard the Beishu Pass. Because outside the Beishu Pass, Qin Army was also coming to kill, and it seemed that he was preparing to attack inside and outside.

Fortunately, Han Xin had ordered people to block the city gate with a huge stone to prevent the Qin army from attacking the city gate. The soldiers on the city pass need to counterattack the Qin army outside the pass.

The rest of the troops are hard at the Qin army in front of the city pass.

Huo Qubing led the cavalry to play freely on the battlefield.

In order to deal with Meng Yi’s soldiers and horses, Han Xin took advantage of Huo Qubing’s time to delay him and made preparations in front of the Beishu Pass. Yi’s offense.

On the first and second days, relying on the excavated sinkholes and gunpowder, the Qin army’s attack speed was restricted.

The fire attack was used on the third day to stop the Qin army’s pace.

On the fourth day, Huo Qubing sneaked an attack on the enemy’s camp, causing trouble to Meng Yi, and used the Fire Bull formation to rampage, playing a wave of active offensive.

Starting from the fifth day, the prepared routines were exhausted, and they began to be hard-headed.

Many people in Mengyi approached the Central Gate step by step, and Han Xin led his soldiers to defend himself, relying on the topography of the Central Gate to counterattack.

By the seventh day, the Daxia side had lost more than 40,000 soldiers, and the Qin army had lost more than 80,000 soldiers.

Han Xin had no choice but to retreat to the Central Pass, relying on the dangers of the Central Pass to continue fighting.

On the eighth day, Daxia’s reinforcements finally arrived.

Then began the counterattack!

I have been unable to get the Beijunguan for too long, the news of the reinforcements from Daxia has become more and more dense, and the military spirit of the Mengjia army has been dissipated. At this time, the Xia State reinforcements have arrived, and it has become an overwhelming camel. The last straw.

Meng Yi had no choice but to lead his troops to retreat and consider the long-term plan.

Han Xin had been defensive for so long, and he had been suffocated, so he immediately led the crowd to chase him. The Meng family army had already fled and was chased by Da Xia soldiers for dozens of miles, annihilating and capturing a large number of Qin army, he was reluctant to give up.

However, Han Xin would not let the tiger return to the mountain. He did not continue to pursue the chase. Instead, he asked Huo Qubing to lead the cavalry to chase. To live to see people, to die to see corpses!

This was a great achievement, and Huo Qubing immediately led his troops to chase him.

Meng Yi I was famous, but now he has become a bereaved dog.

With the arrival of Daxia reinforcements, Qinling Three Passes completely fell into Daxia’s hands, and the sixteenth county of Dongqi was like a lamb and was placed in front of Daxia with great frankness.

After the news spread all over the world, people all over the world were in an uproar.

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