The System Forces Me to Be the Emperor

Chapter 664

Chapter 661 : Daxia’s reinforcements, Huo Qubing!

Bai Lie was captured by Han Xin, completely angered and released. He called on the whole army to win the Atrium Pass at any cost! At this point, the most tragic battle between Han Xin and Mengfang began.

The battle began at noon and after dusk, Meng Fang personally supervised the battle, even if he used his body to pile up a tall building, he had to take down the atrium gate. However, Xia Jun defended himself, exhausted his arrow feathers, rolling logs, and hot oil, and began to counterattack with the sword in his hand. The scene was extremely tragic.

Night began to fall, and the flames that burned under the city gate remained unquenched. If it hadn’t been set on fire, then the soldiers of the Qin Army’s dead could indeed be piled up into a tall building.

General Da Xia repulsed Qin Jun for the last time, and sat there paralyzed with exhaustion, his back leaning against the city wall with no energy.

Meng Fang also retired from the army. The sacrifice was too great, but he still couldn’t get the atrium pass. The Qin soldiers under him were panicked and didn’t want to waste their lives. If it weren’t for the disciplined Meng family army, many Qin soldiers had already done it. deserter.

This night, it was calm and silent.

Han Xin patrolled the city, looked at the exhausted soldiers, he sighed. Today is the past, what about tomorrow? The Qin army from other counties is rushing here, and the soldiers and horses released by Meng will be replenished, but it will take several days for Chen Qingzhi’s soldiers and horses to come.

Can they hold on?

Han Xinzhong also doesn’t have much confidence.

In fact, he still has one move, that is Dian Wei’s more than 20,000 soldiers and horses, now hiding in the forest next to Nanli Pass, secretly preparing to win Nanli Pass. If he is allowed to attack and be released, the pressure on the atrium can be alleviated.

However, Mengfang also knew that Dianwei was hiding elsewhere, so at the same time as Nanliguan was under martial law, Mengfang had already ordered other soldiers and horses to fortify. Once Dianwei appeared to attack Mengfang, he would expose his whereabouts and fall into the encirclement.

After all, Qin’s land is still under his feet.

After thinking about it, Han Xin still didn’t call Dianwei. He wants to lead people to continue to fall, even if he runs out of soldiers, he has to hold on to the end!

The next day, Meng’s reinforcements arrived.

More than 10,000 people came from Gyeongsan County in the north, and more than 20,000 people from Sungbong County in the south. They added up to almost 40,000. Not only did they make up for the death toll from the Mongolian release, but they also brought a lot of arrow feathers and crossbows.

The arrival of the reinforcements also restored some confidence to the Qin army, who had lost his military spirit, so Meng Fang continued to attack while the iron was hot!

This time, it was even more dangerous for Daxia soldiers.

The Qin Army relied on bows and arrows to form a suppression, and then quickly attacked. The Daxia soldiers desperately guarded them. Within half an hour, the whole scene was anxious. There were already Qin infantrymen who had climbed up to the city. Although they were quickly beheaded and fell down, this indicates that the balance has completely tilted.

At this time the city was closed, Da Xia had only 10,000 available troops, and the others were killed and wounded. On the other hand, with the support of reinforcements, the Qin Army still has 80,000 troops. Although the Atrium Pass is tall and majestic, it is no longer a peak that cannot be climbed.

Seeing the Qin army climbing the city getting bigger and bigger, Han Xin suddenly drew out his sword and yelled: “My son, our reinforcements will be here soon! We will come today! We have guarded this pass for the fifth day! You guys! Do you want to give up the final victory? Hold on, for the sake of Daxia, kill!”

As the commander-in-chief, Han Xin’s words were like Dinghai Shenzhen, which immediately activated the excitement of the soldiers in Daxia!

Reinforcements are coming, and they are about to win!



General Daxia suddenly exploded into combat power, beheading the climbed Qin army one by one, trying his best to repel the waves of Qin army’s offensive.

Han Xin sighed. It would take at least four or five days for Chen Qingzhi’s soldiers to arrive. Even though five thousand cavalry soldiers had already been sent to assist in advance, they might not be able to recover. Can you repel the Qin army’s offensive today, will it be okay tomorrow?

He didn’t want to deceive his soldiers, but he had to do it this time. The only thing to be thankful for is that even if he lost the Atrium Gate, he himself died here, but the Beishu Gate is still in control, so the big plan he made from the beginning is not a failure!

The fierce offensive and defensive battle lasted until midday. Seeing more and more Daxia soldiers sacrificed, the battle was already tilted towards the Qin army, and when he showed a crazy smile, the hot sky suddenly rained down, it was a downpour.

The heavy rain blocked the attack and gave Daxia soldiers a room to breathe. Although the whole body was drenched and damp, but gave Daxia soldiers an idea, that is, God is helping them?

Two quarters later, the heavy rain stopped, and the scorching sun came out again, steaming everyone.

Meng Fang immediately ordered people to continue the offensive, and today he will win the atrium gate at any cost! Therefore, the Daxia soldiers who got a breath of respite continued to defend themselves. They looked forward to the arrival of Daxia reinforcements.

Time passed by every minute…

The Qin army launched ten strong attacks, and lost another 230,000 soldiers, leaving only 6,000 Daxia Erlang. Time came to the eve of dusk, Meng Fang smiled happily, he knew that victory had completely fallen to him.

This last storm will surely win the Atrium Pass!

So Mengfang once again launched the command to attack!

Daxia generals still have to hold on. They can no longer stop the Qin army. The Qin army has already begun to attack the Zhongting Pass. They have begun to fight on the Guancheng. At this moment, Daxia generals understand that they seem to be unable to wait for reinforcements. .

Han Xin’s eyes were red, and he thought to himself, this time he is really going to fail?

He looked to the east, praying for Daxia reinforcements!


What did he see!

Suddenly, Han Xin’s body was shaken.

I saw the east in the distance. The cavalry team was rushing at a long distance. I couldn’t see their appearance and uniforms. But the heroic figure in the white robe made Han Xin guess the person who came. Who!

It’s reinforcements!

The cavalry in the distance got closer and closer, and naturally he was shocked. When he looked back, he saw a group of cavalry in white robes approaching.

“No! It’s Xia Guo’s reinforcements!”

Shocked, he immediately ordered the drums to warn, and at the same time ordered the army to defend!

The cavalry that came was the first marching army sent by Chen Qingzhi. The leader was a young man with a weak crown and age. He was eight feet tall, with sword eyebrows and tiger eyes. He was at the forefront, as he raised his hand. , And the five thousand cavalry behind him were transformed into three parts, just like three long snakes rushing towards the Qin army.

The Qin Army attacked the city with multiple infantrymen. At this time, they had already turned their positions and started their defense. At this time, the Daxia cavalry finally came over, tore open the Qin Army camp directly, and rushed in.

In an instant, the Qin army’s camp was torn apart, being cut into countless parts.

Immediately afterwards, the Daxia cavalry began to adopt a roundabout and rapid interleaving method, which made the Qin army’s camp impossible to recover. The three cavalry cooperated with each other, and they were even more powerful than the Yuan army’s cavalry, stirring up the Qin army’s more than 40,000 troops. The world was turned upside down, and it became a headless army, falling under the iron cavalry of the Daxia cavalry.

The arrival of reinforcements also encouraged the morale of the Xia army on the city pass. They wiped out the Qin army, and then stood on the city pass and watched the annihilation battle below.

Han Xin was condescending and took the entire battlefield into his eyes. He couldn’t help but praise: “What an exquisite style of play! Who is this person? The ability to command troops is so brilliant!”

On the battlefield below, the three cavalrymen cooperated with each other, and they even locked the soldiers and horses released in the encirclement circle. They couldn’t escape even if they wanted to. Moreover, the seemingly irregular circuitous interspersed, but revealed mystery, so that the Qin army could not find the organization, unable to regain an effective camp, and was finally annihilated by the cavalry!

Such a way of leading troops seems to not abide by the book of war, but it also implies the law of war. Han Xin is a natural commander, the kind of person who eats food, but he also has to abide by the law of war when he is arranging troops.

And the enemy he didn’t want to face the most was such a master who didn’t follow the art of war in front of him!

“Where did Lao Chen get this fierce player? Huo? Who could it be?”

Seeing the cavalry holding a high flag, a big Huo character, made Han Xin even more curious.

Han Xin was not worried at all at this time.

Although the troops were released ten times as powerful as the opponent, it was of no avail, and the defeat was set!

Meng Fang also sensed that the defeat was set, and he hated that he wanted to crush his teeth, because he immediately won the atrium pass, but he didn’t expect to fall short!

But now is not the time to regret, if they can’t bring troops out of the siege, they will all stay here. Therefore, Meng Fang immediately beat the drums as a signal, let the Qin army attack the northeast, attack from this position.

But Daxia’s cavalry leader sensed the intention of the Qin army, and did not deliberately block it, but let them break through a part of the encirclement, then cut off, and annihilated a large number of Qin army.

In the end, only six or seven thousand Qin troops fled, and the remaining people were either annihilated or surrendered.

They did not chase the Qin army who had fled. After all, their first task was to support Han Xin, not to chase the enemy.

“Hold it, keep it!”

The atrium closed, and the surviving Daxia soldiers shouted in excitement, and they finally did it.

Han Xin wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, sacrificed so many people, and finally guarded this place. They did it.

When Han Xin got off the city gate, the young general patted immediately before dismounting his horse and said: “Honest position, Huo Quyi, pay tribute to the general! The humble position is coming too late!”

Huo Qubing?

That’s right! It is Xiao Rui’s latest character Champion Hou Huo Qu Bing!

But at this time he was only seventeen years old! It was a talent that Chen Qingzhi had unintentionally discovered. This time he made an extraordinary reuse and asked him to lead five thousand cavalry to support him.

On the way, they were blocked by the Qin army. Huo Qubing used his brilliant leadership ability to repel the three waves of blocked enemy forces, and by the way, he ran into the coordination capabilities of himself and the soldiers.

Han Xin immediately held him up and said with a smile: “You guys are here day and night, thanks for your hard work!”

Huo Qubing smiled and said: “General Liao praised. Compared with the general, our hard work is nothing! By the way, General Chen’s soldiers have encountered obstacles and are coming here. Qin Guomengyi’s army is also rushing here. Come.”

Meng Yi’s soldiers and horses are far away, and even if they want to come now, they can’t make it, but the opponent has already speeded up.

Once Meng Yi’s 300,000 army is killed, plus the Qin army is gathered along the way, their strength will be as high as 400,000. On the other hand, Han Xin and Chen Qingzhi, want to defend the Qinling Three Passes, it is difficult to rely on 140,000 troops alone.

After all, Meng Yi is not a Meng Fang and his ilk, he is one of Qin’s five generals!

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