The System Awakens: Rise of the Champion

Chapter 93: Unexpected Visitors

Right now, Damian was in a pickle.

He couldn't decide what he should do next because there were so many things he could focus on.

He could reach level 80 and finally complete his [Evolution Mission], allowing him to evolve.

He could train his skills, improve his understanding of [Elemental Magic], continue his [Qi Cultivation], or even wage war against more factions.

He had obtained 200 different techniques from the Awakeners in the Power Ranking as part of a bet during battles.

Every time he fought, he wagered [The Thousand Armor Impale], and if he won, he would receive a technique of equal value.

If the opponent didn't have a technique on the same level to offer, the system would simply create a copy of their strongest technique and grant it to him.

Since Damian had defeated every Awakener in the Power Ranking, he had acquired a total of 200 techniques.

However, there was a catch. These techniques could belong to any category.

Some were class-based, others required specific abilities or unique constitutions.

There were techniques Damian couldn't even use because he didn't meet the necessary conditions for activation.

"Let's see..." Damian muttered as he opened [Territory Management] and saw various types of [Training Grounds] available for purchase.

He selected one of the highest-tier training grounds and spent 250,000 gold on it.

Outside his castle, a massive enclosed training field, spanning roughly 20% of his entire territory, appeared.

This particular training ground was highly valued because of its unique ability.

It could repair itself no matter how much damage it sustained during training.

Damian was pleased with this function, as it meant he wouldn't have to waste time or resources repairing it.

However, even though the training ground was incredibly sturdy, if Damian pushed himself to his absolute limits, it would still eventually crumble.

The training ground also came equipped with basic-level weapons of all shapes and forms.

While they weren't strong enough to withstand Damian's power, they were sufficient for fundamental training without any flashy techniques.

Just as he was admiring his purchase, he sensed several new presences approaching his territory.

The [Mapping Function] activated automatically, displaying a prompt that alerted him to the intruders.

It showed nine figures, one of whom was Shiru.

[Eyes of Clarity: Innate Ability Activated]

"Hmm..." Damian's neon blue eyes glowed even brighter as his perception magnified several times over.

His vision extended, allowing him to see through the walls.

From his current position, he could clearly see the ten approaching figures, including Shiru.

Among them, one presence felt particularly familiar.

It belonged to someone he had previously fought in the Power Ranking battles.

"Nice training ground... How much did you spend exactly?" Shiru asked as she opened the large wooden door and stepped inside.

"About 250,000 gold, and it's totally worth it," Damian replied while watching the nine figures enter behind her.

His eyes widened in surprise.

It was none other than Maria Lucia Augustine and her seven sisters, once known as the Warrior Nuns of the Vatican Church.

However, it wasn't them that shocked him the most.

It was the ninth figure, an unexpected presence.

She was a woman.

No, a breathtakingly beautiful elf with gorgeous brown hair and striking green eyes.

She stood at an impressive height of 6 feet 4 inches.

Damian could never forget her.

She was, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman he had laid eyes on in a long time.

What intrigued him even more was her immense strength.

She had even achieved 10th place in the Power Ranking.

Damian's mind, sharp as a supercomputer, momentarily ignored the equally beautiful group of women standing beside her.

He knew that elves had a species hierarchy.

She was a Common Elf, a lower-ranked elf, similar to how Plebeian Vampires compared to Noble Vampires.

As soon as Damian saw her, a smile formed on his lips.

He immediately felt the urge to somehow recruit this elf to his side.

Only after taking in the sight of the stunning elf did he finally turn his attention to the other eight women.

He was surprised to see the elf standing among them.

While Damian was discreetly admiring the elf like one would admire a rare treasure, the women, including the elf herself, were looking at him with strange expressions.

Maria and her seven sisters, in particular, had never seen a more attractive man in their lives.

But it wasn't just his appearance.

It was something else about him that made it impossible to ignore him.

It was almost instinctual, a deep, primal reaction.

They felt a warmth spreading through their bodies, a foreign heat pooling in their cores.

Mind you, Maria and her sisters were nuns back on Earth.

They were widely known for their devotion and discipline.

They had spent their entire lives training to control their urges, yet even they couldn't resist the overwhelming desire that surged within them when they looked at Damian.

It was similar to how animals go into heat.

However, this wasn't a mental attraction.

It was physical, a biological response.

Even though Maria and her sisters managed to suppress it after a few moments, it was still evident in their eyes that they were struggling to resist his presence.

"I can't say I'm surprised to see you, the Warrior Nuns of the Vatican Church, standing at my door. Are you here to take revenge for your precious generals?" Damian asked sarcastically.

Maria's face instantly turned red at his comment.

"Jesus Christ, are you for real?! Don't you know the things they did to the poor people of our religion? Weren't you one of their victims?"

Maria despised those men with every fiber of her being. She had never felt such hatred toward anyone before.

Those bastards had committed countless atrocities and even murdered Pope Alexander in their greedy pursuit of power within the Vatican.

"Relax... I didn't mean it like that," Damian said, his tone softening.

"I know exactly what those bastards did to our Pope. Even I was saddened by his passing. He was truly a great man. He did so much good in his time."

Damian's expression darkened. "And their actions made it clear what they deserved. Burning them alive was the least I could do."

Then, he sighed. "Anyway, enough about that. What can I do for you?"

As Damian eyed Maria, her sisters, and the beautiful elf, he couldn't help but admire how breathtaking they were.

However, something confused him.

He remembered Maria and her sisters from when he raided the monsters near the Vatican headquarters.

They looked exactly the same back then. But now, they somehow seemed even more beautiful.

"What is this?" Damian narrowed his eyes and silently activated his innate ability.

[Eyes of Clarity: Innate Ability Activated]

His vision shifted as the world became painted in shades of blue.

Everything hidden from the naked eye became visible to him.

He noticed thin white energy particles surrounding Maria, her sisters, and the elf.

It was faint, almost unseeable, even with [Eyes of Clarity] activated.

He also noticed something peculiar.

The energy surrounding them was affecting his perception of them.

"Holy power?" Damian muttered. "I didn't know it had this kind of effect on its wielders."

Deactivating his ability, he observed them for a few more moments.

He realized that the attraction he felt toward these [Holy Energy] wielders was different from a typical male-to-female attraction.

It wasn't lust. It wasn't admiration. It was something else entirely.

"What is this feeling...?" Damian thought to himself.

It was... moving?.

It was an unfamiliar sensation, almost as if this energy was suggesting to him that he should trust them.

Snapping out of his thoughts, he heard Maria continue speaking.

"We need your help," Maria said before glancing at the elf beside her, then turning her gaze back to Damian.

"My help?" Damian raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"What kind of help do you need? I already killed all your enemies. What else do you want? Don't tell me you want my help to reform the Vatican on Earth, because that would be a hassle. Frankly, I don't want to associate myself with the Vatican anymore."

Damian was on point.

Maria did have thoughts about reforming the Vatican again, but this time, making it into what it was truly supposed to be.

However, after everything that had happened and after watching Damian fight against the [Lord's Disciple] faction and hearing the things he said, she completely abandoned that idea.

She was no longer a warrior nun, and frankly, she was tired of it.

She just wanted to live her life now, just as the late Pope Alexander, her father, had wished for her.

"No... I'm on the same boat as you on this particular topic. I don't think an organization like the Vatican can ever be what it should be, not as long as people consumed by greed and the hunger for power exist within it. And we don't want to be caught in the middle of that... We came here for her."

Maria placed her hand over the elf's shoulder.

Damian's smile widened. "Let's talk business then"

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