The Sword Saint Also Has A Succubus Class

14. Hints (Suzi’s POV)

Suzi was in an excellent mood when they got back to her cabin, and embarrassingly, it was ninety percent because of what had happened on the trail.

Vale had gotten hard for her.

It was a mark of what a gigantic virgin she was, Suzi mused, that the awkward mishap had given her such an enormous boost in confidence. She practically bounced on her heels for the rest of the trip.

The happiness was for a second reason. It meant Vale was into girls.

Suzi already had suspicions of that, but she hadn't been sure. It wasn't like she'd had many opportunities to develop a sense for when other girls' preferences swung that way. There wasn't a single other lesbian in Silverdale around her own age. So honing the ability to peg who might be interested in her was a vastly underdeveloped skill.

But catching a peek of her panties and immediately sprouting a ten-inch boner? Then stammering for five minutes afterward?

Vale definitely liked girls.

And she liked what she saw in Suzi specifically. A realization that produced a surprisingly potent heat in her chest, and a grin she was struggling to keep off her face.

She'd been holding off on pouncing the busty wolfgirl for one reason only: an uncertainty on whether her advances would be reciprocated. But her biggest doubts had been cleared away in one fell swoop.

There were still some though. Sure, Vale might like what she saw when it came to Suzi, enough so that a brief glimpse of panties had gotten her ragingly hard, but did that mean she wanted to get busy with her?

Not at all. In fact, the girl was so sweet and chivalrous that Suzi had no idea if she was up for a roll in the hay with someone she didn't know well. She might be one of those partners who insisted on a dozen dates before leaning in for the first kiss. And while Suzi might find such an attitude cute, there was one big problem:

She needed that girl's dick inside her, like, yesterday.

Or fingers or tongue, obviously. She'd be elated for some vague rubbing in the general area of between her legs. She'd been a virgin for way too long, and needed—not wanted—needed another girl to make her squeal. There'd been nights she felt like stamping her feet and throwing a tantrum in frustration, she was so pent up.


It was time for Operation Get Some Wolfgirl Dick.

Since Suzi wasn't one-hundred percent certain Vale was as eager to get some as she was—okay, it was impossible she was, but fifty-percent as enthusiastic would still mean they wouldn't be done until they'd broken a few bed frames—that meant she had to be circumspect in how she went about things.

She had to drop more and more obvious hints and see what Vale did with them. She couldn't make the first real move herself. And honestly… she knew herself, and doubted whether she had the confidence for it anyway. She was a pretty straightforward girl, she thought, but the idea of being literally straightforward and telling Vale what she wanted outright was way too embarrassing. Plus, she kind of preferred if Vale would take the lead.

She was, in a word, a bit of a bottom.

Okay, a lot of a bottom.

But the decision to leave it in Vale's hands had its own major flaw: Suzi was pretty sure the wolfgirl was a gigantic idiot.

She meant that in the most endearing way possible, of course. But already, Suzi had dropped some catastrophically obvious hints, and not even intentionally. When Erik had approached and all but asked Vale on a date, Suzi had hissed and marked her territory, clinging off the taller wolfgirl and even responding to him on her behalf. Suzi had been certain she'd given herself away, but the lovely big-dicked idiot had just blinked and tilted her head side to side, ears twitching in that gruesomely cute way of hers. Suzi was certain Vale had no idea what that interaction had meant: that both Erik had been coming onto her, and then Suzi shortly afterward.

So, how obvious would she have to be, to make the clueless wolfgirl understand that she wanted to be pinned down and have her insides stirred around? Preferably twelve or a hundred sessions in a row? Until she'd gotten nice and addicted and there wasn't anything left in her silly little head besides a pounding need for more cock, more cock, more cock please?

Flustered, Suzi cleared her throat. Keep it a little under control, Suz. Might be some time yet.

In any case, it was time to start making things so obvious even the purest-hearted of maidens would understand that their companion wanted to be bent over and ravished.

Back at the cabin, Suzi slipped off her boots and immediately headed for the kitchen. It hadn't been too long since lunch, but she knew adventurers were hungry folk, and the way Vale's ears perked up as she started pulling ingredients out confirmed that the wolfgirl was more than up for another meal. Those cute fluffy ears of hers were good for more than just being adorable. Suzi appreciated how they gave away what Vale was thinking, since she acted all stoic and quiet by nature.

Briefly, she wondered if she was allowed to touch them. Would it be weird to ask? It wasn't even a sexual thing, they were just so fluffy.

(Okay, maybe it could be a bit of a sexual thing, it just wasn't necessarily so.)

"Mind helping out?" Suzi asked.

"Of course," Vale said instantly, sounding eager. "I'm not much good at cooking though. You'll have to give me something easy to do."

Score, Suzi thought.

"I'll just teach you, then," she said cheerfully. "Cooking is fun."

The next half hour was, indeed, fun. She took every available opportunity—and forced a few of dubious necessity as well—to be touching, lingering around, and pressing into Vale under the guise of 'teaching her how to cook.' Suzi was pretty sure she accidentally rubbed her breasts into Vale's arm like twelve times, and once even managed to position herself in between the wolfgirl and the counter under the guise of 'showing her hands what to do.' Suzi might have gotten a little carried away there and pushed her butt backward, rubbing into Vale's crotch, but to be fair she hadn't expected the girl to immediately sprout another erection. Thankfully, Suzi had managed to pretend not to feel that throbbing mass poking her, and to ignore Vale's flustered behavior afterward to the extent Vale thought Suzi didn't notice. Though that was primarily thanks to Vale's persistent cluelessness more than acting skills on Suzi's part.

In short, Suzi had discovered her new favorite hobby during dinner preparations: teasing easy-to-blush wolfgirls. Maybe it was a bit mean, keeping her guest's cheeks red more often than not, but ah… she just enjoyed herself too much.

Unfortunately, she had failed her primary goal. She was pretty sure Vale just thought she was a very hands-on teacher.

Because the girl was a moron, and couldn't realize what it meant when the cute girl she'd met in the woods was rubbing her tits and ass all over her. Suzi stifled a dramatic sigh. She was going to have to be even more aggressive with her hints than she'd assumed.

Vale all but cleaned her plate, making satisfied noises throughout the meal, and Suzi wondered if it was weird that that almost did as much for her as her gorgeous looks. Because a girl who appreciated her cooking? Well, Suzi was kind of scared the fluttering in her stomach wasn't just lust at this point. This woman really seemed to have fallen from the heavens, perfectly made for her.

Afterward, they cleaned up and relaxed for a bit. Vale took time before bed to meditate, which Suzi found curious. She sat in front of the fireplace, closed her eyes, and went still as a rock for more than an hour. It wasn't just any regular meditation either; something was happening to the mana in the air, which Suzi could see, being a [Witch], a magic class. Mana swirled around her and was even sucked in, like she was absorbing it into her skin. Suzi was pretty sure she was watching a skill at play, but she didn't know what. Seeing how she was absorbing mana, maybe a deep-recovery meditation skill? But really it could be anything. Maybe she was stockpiling energy for the adventure tomorrow.

When it was time to sleep, Suzi rallied herself for a crucial pivot in her plan.

"So," Suzi said. "The sleeping situation."

Vale nodded. "I'll take the floor, of course."

Suzi had been worried she'd say that.

"No. You won't. You're sleeping with me. The bed's plenty big enough for two."

The wolfgirl froze. "But—"

"No buts," Suzi said. She raised a finger. "I would be a horrible hostess if I made my guest sleep on the floor."

"You aren't making me do anything—"

"Plus, you need to be well-rested for the fight tomorrow," Suzi said louder than her. "There's practical considerations to worry about."

"A wooden floor would hardly—"

"And!" Suzi said, continuing to speak over her. "I can say firmly it doesn't bother me, so unless you think I'm gross and you don't wanna sleep near me, then there's no reason for you not to be comfortable tonight."

"I think no such thing," Vale protested, and Suzi really shouldn't have felt warm and fuzzy at what was an obviously baited compliment, and not even that much of a compliment.

"Then you agree?"

Vale hesitated. "You … really don't care if a stranger shares a bed with you?"

I want that stranger ramming her cock down my throat, but I'll settle for cuddling, Suzi thought.

"Course not," Suzi said. She raised an eyebrow. "It's not like I have anything to worry about, right? My purity is safe with you?"

Yes, teasing this girl was certainly her new favorite pastime.

"O-Of course," Vale stammered. "I would— I would never— do anything like—"

"Take advantage of your trusting hostess and ravish her in her own bed?" A shame. You could if you wanted to.

More nonsensical sputtering.

"Then it sounds like there's no reason you shouldn't be cozy tonight," Suzi said brightly. She clapped. "It's decided! We're doubling up. You don't mind if I sleep without my bra, right?"

Choking noises.

"I'll keep my panties on, though," Suzi said idly. "Sleeping naked is more comfortable, but I guess there's some need for propriety." She stretched wide and yawned. "Alright, then. Time for bed! You can be the big spoon."

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