The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 124

“Flagship-!” Kaleyan nearly roared out a series of numbers: “Cosmic positioning! The vanguard locked the enemy’s flagship, ready to grab the beach-!”

The chaotic situation on the battlefield is like a pot of boiling water, with tens of millions of mechs and battleships exploding everywhere. A burning Dark Star mortar rushed towards Kirin, and Kaleyan was too late to escape, and saw a silver aftershock rushing from the oblique side, and the outdated long gun was swung across the shoulder. Ten million pieces of residue in the light!

Carleyan turned his head in shock, and saw that the Phoenix had whistled and flew away, and the black streamer of Nirvana’s gun dragged a long comet-like trace in the battlefield.

“It’s the Marshal of the Alliance,” Kirin sighed.

Kaleyan responded casually during the emergency operation: “That is, the mech combat capability has also destroyed ten empire streets …”

“Oh-” Kirin stretched out a mech nerve band and poked Calebyan’s face politely: “Also Marshal, why is that guy named Calebyan a mecha wastewood? And people The product is also worrying, do you mean Anatoli– ”

“Oh no, the character that can be the Marshal of the Alliance must be extraordinary.” Kareyan seriously said: “And I think you have a big prejudice against Comrade Kareyan, this is not good, we must be reasonable and considerable Look at others … Cosmic coordinates yf6237! The vanguard stabs downwards! ”

A team of avant-garde vanguards rushed down and rushed somewhere on top of the black giant. The long strips of light they dragged were like blades across the battlefield, followed by the blade’s sharp impact on a mountain-like flagship, and they blasted out several holes on the most vulnerable bridge!

At that moment, the huge pressure difference between inside and outside made all the Dark Star Warriors on the bridge sucked out, like a pile of scattered soybeans sprinkled in the vast space, bursting out numerous blue blood flowers.

It was said that sooner or later, Calleyang drove Kirin and rushed into the warship immediately. The mech team behind him also rushed in from the hole!

There was another scene inside the ghost warship, and the headlights suddenly turned on and off. A kilometer-long bridge leading to the headquarters was ahead. A wide runway sufficient for eight combat aircrafts to take off side by side extended into a thick darkness. You can only see the dark blue lights on the runway densely intertwined into an ocean in front.

“Marshal,” Kaleyan gasped, biting the communicator. “I’m in the flagship. When are you coming?”

The channel rustled, and Silia’s calm voice sounded after a moment: “The enemy gunboat was about to launch a general attack. Heinrich and I were trapped in the heavy fire zone and could not cross the battlefield for the time being.”

“Do you think Yunez is in the flagship?”

“It’s hard to say, he knows we’re looking for him.”

Carleyan nodded, and stepped forward into the unknown darkness ahead. There were only faint lights in the cockpit from all sides of the dashboard and screen. On the monitoring screen below his right hand, a dozen blue light dots are showing a trailing state, which is the pioneer mech team he brought in.

“Your mission is to destroy the reaction furnace and explode the flagship, thereby slowing down the enemy’s contact speed.” Silia’s voice clearly appeared in the headset of each of the combat team, saying “In addition I want to tell you Yes, just a moment ago, Admiral Aaron led a photoelectric unit to temporarily set up a battlefield information analysis center with the cost of blood and life, and based on the information returned by the center, he made a composition chart of the Dark Star flagship … I have already transmitted To each of your terminals. ”

Carleyan looked down, and a detailed and complicated battleship hologram quickly flashed in front of the light screen, and a spot at the bow position was glowing red.

“The flagship heart is shown here-the nuclear reactor, which is your goal.”

Kaleyan asked casually: “Little white face No. 2 is up?”

“No, as far as I know, Lieutenant Anatoly.”

Kaleyan: “…”

After hearing soothing laughter coming from behind, Calleyan exclaimed: “I hear you!”

It is a pity that the new commander has no deterrent to the elites with the lowest ranks behind him, and they have the support of Marshal Silia, and the laughter is even more blatant. Kaleyan was extremely sad and angry. When he just wanted to get angry, he just felt the cockpit shake, and then the red light suddenly lit: “Alarm! Alarm! Enemies found 500 meters ahead!”

Calleyan took a sigh of relief, and as soon as he wanted to use his few mech combat skills, he saw dozens of dragon riders flying in all directions in the surrounding light screen!

“It’s an Imperial Mech!” “Fuck to stop!” “All-ship alert–!”

A sharp alarm sounded through the space, and the samurai on Dark Star’s flagship finally locked the intruder’s position. Dragon Ride kept coming from a distance, and this combat team consisting of more than a dozen A-class mechas immediately surrounded, and apart from that, it started firing laser cannons!

For a time, the bridge was full of hot rays. Kirin didn’t need the command of Kaleyan at all. The huge light shield and the 3s-class melee weapon “Illanza’s Scythe” turned on automatically. Two dragon riders coming! In the flame of the explosion, Kirin rushed out in a stride, and the clean round knife split more dragon rides into countless fragments, and instantly killed a blood path from the encirclement!

“Ahhhhhhhhh!” The Dark Star Warrior went mad, and more and more Dragon Riders aimed at Kirin and dived in!

Behind him, someone cried out, “Lieutenant General! Be careful!”

Kaleyan yelled, “Go forward! Don’t worry about me!”

The sickle of Illanza is like a magnificent and magnificent hurricane. Everywhere it goes, it is invincible. The blood of the sky is instantly dried to gray in the fire. No one could stop Kirin’s immediate blow, the dragons that followed him followed the life of Kareyan to form a road of fire, and Kirin was like the **** of war, and he burst out of the smoke!

The special forces moved: “Marshal!”

Carleyan looked back and saw that there were more Dragon Riders flying at the end of the bridge, and he immediately said, “Stop it! Go!”

All the mechas flew forward in the volley at the same time, and the wind smelt with blood and smoke smelled past them. Carleyan gasped in the cockpit, listening to Kirin’s voice from the internal communication: “don’t care about you?”

“…” Kaleyan said, “I always stayed in the battleship commander formation! How hard do you know ?!”

“Oh-so it’s great to be a battle hero, or should I let you go out and try it for yourself …”

Silia’s voice suddenly rang from the headset: “It’s best not to act lightly, Kirin. According to my knowledge of Lieutenant Anatoli, in this fighting situation he persisted for up to five seconds and Aaron might find us Trouble. ”

“Why can you hear it!” Kaleyan was startled. “Kirin! How did you put him in Mech’s internal communications?”

Kirin: “Mr. Marshal makes sense … Although I’m not afraid of a stupid lion, in the event that Admiral Aaron is mad …”

Kaleyan: “Are you enough?”

The mech team crossed the bridge like a meteor, and behind it, the dragon rider chased after it. The A-class mech in the end turned from time to time and threw out the photoelectric grenade, blasting the bridge with a blast. The bridge marked on the map quickly came to an end, and Kaleyan made a sharp turn and quickly connected to the combat channel: “Group B covers in situ! Group A will attack me on the deck, fast!”

The six mechas at the end of the team turned around and started firing electromagnetic guns at the dragon ride chasing behind them. The intensive artillery fire made the entire bridge look like daylight. The rest of the mechs followed Kirin’s rushing forward all the way, listening only to the roar of the Dark Star Warrior from the distance: “Stop the reaction furnace! Send more staff to liberate the biological light armory!”

“The map behind the upper deck has arrived in your terminal, Kaleyan.” Silia’s voice sounded again from the internal communication, and faintly heard the intense artillery fire from there: “Admiral Aaron is besieging from the outside The flagship will help you attract firepower. After you blow up the reaction furnace from the inside, you need to evacuate immediately because the entire flagship will explode violently enough to radiate the entire battlefield. In addition … ”

Silia’s words drowned in a rustling sound, and Kaleyan yelled in the gallop: “What are you talking about! What else is-!”

“The magnetic storm is over, as far as possible … delay time …” Interference Dasheng over there, followed by a loud drink of Celia: “Heinrich! Cosmic coordinates udytu66! Positioning and launching interstellar nuclear bomb!”

There was a trembling shock, and after anti-noise communication, Carleyan was blackened in front of his eyes, almost hitting the oncoming dragon rider. Calleyan waved his sickle and split it in the head, and aloud in the burning fire, “What happened ?! What happened ?!”

“Yunes–!” Silia burst into a panic and said, “You stand for me-live–”

The next second, the phoenix spear attacked like a dragon. Black Mamba, thousands of kilometers away, couldn’t dodge, and a snake tail was chopped off in the air!

The fire network intertwined throughout the battlefield cannot stop these three mechas. The puppet, the phoenix, and the black mamba are like comets chasing each other, passing through heavy artillery fire and electromagnetic waves, anything blocking the path of this chase Will instantly turn into dust in the explosion.

The Black Man snake that was discovered unexpectedly did not convene more Dark Star mechs to protect himself-it was useless to call them, and there were no Dark Star mechas in front of Phoenix and Puppets who could hold the first blow, but it was pointless. Struggles. What’s more, now that all Dark Star mechas are busy protecting the warships, it is impossible to draw a strong manpower to **** the Black Man snake.

Fortunately, this chase did not last long. Soon, the Black Man snake was forced to deviate from the channel among the tens of millions of lightning emitted by Nirvana’s gun. He then stabbed forward, and the light and flint stuck in front of the Black Man snake!

“Yunez!” Heinrich drew his knife back like a light curtain and “cut back what you took–”

The loud noise trembled for thousands of kilometers, and the Heiman Snake couldn’t dodge, and the whole body of the gun was erected to barely hold the shock of this stone! At the same time, the Phoenix also blocked behind the Heiman snake, and Nirvana’s gun smashed it to the snake body seven inches!

As soon as the three parties fought, the most intense firepower in the entire battlefield erupted. However, in this sinister situation, Yunez’s hoarse voice sounded very restless: “It’s unexpected, Silia, even people like you …”

“You don’t know much about me,” Silia said coldly. “It’s like you don’t know I’ll kill you here today.”

Younes burst into laughter, and at the same time, the Black Man snake swept back and forth, turning his head and throwing a light-shocking cannon for thousands of miles!

Suddenly, all the small ships within the scope of power disappeared without a trace. Then Phoenix tried his best to stop the blow with Nirvana’s gun. When the light curtain touched the gun body, it was divided into two, from behind Phoenix Shot into deep space.

“You want to kill me ?!” Yonez yelled violently, and suddenly overwhelmed Phoenix. “Come on! Fire at me, and blast the things I have in my hand into flesh! Come on!”

Suddenly the phoenix stopped, and then the Black Man snake struck in front of it, and swept it away with a severed tail!

This time was really too heavy. The lightning in the cockpit of the Phoenix was chaotic, and the alarm sounded one after another. Celia slammed into the cockpit severely, and blood suddenly covered her face. The red warning light flickered so that he couldn’t open his eyes, only listening to the sharp voice of the Phoenix and shouting, “The right wing is damaged! The right wing is damaged! Light shocks in front of you! Level 1 alert! Level 1 alert!”

A gigantic light-shocking cannon was shooting through the space towards the Phoenix. Then, the roar of the Galactic Emperor followed closely, “Silla-!”

In a thousandth of a second, I caught up with the cannonball, and the two swords made every effort to knock it into the distance! The white glare shouted and flew towards the battlefield. I don’t know which battleship it ran into, and the whole thing fell into the sky fire!

The majestic power makes people on the half of the battlefield unable to look at things, the driver’s detector mirrors have problems one after another, and even Heinrich has to turn his face. When Yuwei of the light energy finally subsided, he suddenly turned the mech and looked back, only to see that the long body of the Heiman snake had passed himself and rushed directly to the falling Phoenix—

“Silla! Be careful!”

In the same second as the roar of the Galactic Emperor, the black man snake entangled the Phoenix like lightning fast and ruthlessly, with hundreds of millions of scales spreading all over his body, acid spewing out!

The phoenix erupted sharply, but then came to an abrupt end—the golden-red divine bird was imprisoned in the body of the snake, and numerous flashing steel armor and broken gun barrels fell like a shower, and the right wing The whole fan dangled from the body.

Heinrich’s whole body was instantly swept up by anger. The first reaction was to set up an interstellar nuclear bomb, the green light of the muzzle ticked, and immediately aimed at the huge snake head of Black Mamba–

At this time, the snake’s body suddenly clenched, and it was wrapped around the Phoenix alive, and the snake head, which was raised high, proudly looked towards the cockpit at the top of the Phoenix:

“Are you sure, Celia?” Yunes’ voice was cold and boned. “Your little cub is in my hand now.”

The author has something to say:

I’m in a bad mood today, because my left leg and knee are infected, I will go to the hospital and debride it tomorrow …

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