The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 119

At the same time, at 12 o’clock in the night, the egret star in Gemini.

Imperial prison Soderburgh.

The silent corridor was dark, listening only to the sound of water droplets in the distance. A group of about seven or eight people were walking through the spiral ladder toward an obscure iron gate at the end of the promenade. No noise was heard during the operation.

The dim light in the crack of the door was the only light source in this dark space. The pedestrian quickly came to the door, and the leading old man pushed straight into the door. A woman in a hood behind him also speeded up to follow in, and the others stepped back and stood outside the door.

There was a graceful figure sitting quietly with his back to the light, and the woman immediately pulled down her hood at the sight of her, missing her voice: “Edna!”

When the figure moved, I saw a pair of emerald green eyes on the pale and thin face, and the corners of the eyes seemed to carry water: “Caroline …”

Caroline, the Principal of the Royal Military Academy, saw her partner for the first time in six months. No matter what the other party did, it was how many years of affection. At the sight of Edna’s slump, she couldn’t help but slightly reddish. Eyes, stepped forward and gave her a hug.

Edna also seemed very excited, sobbing on Caroline’s shoulder for a long time, then hoarse, “I may never go out again …”

“No, I will plead with His Majesty personally when His Majesty returns from the fortress, as long as you stay here–”

“Heinrich won’t let me out!” Edna pained. “Don’t you understand? As long as the alliance doesn’t sentence me to death, he won’t dare to kill me, but he can keep me here forever. !lifetime!”

Just as Caroline wanted to say something, the old man behind suddenly coughed, and said hoarsely, “Our time is running out, Miss Consettelin.”

Although Caroline followed them all the way, she did not know the identity of the old man, and she couldn’t help but look at Edna in confusion. Edna nodded to the old man first, then whispered: “This is Count Herschel, Lord of the Empire ’s New South Gate Galaxy. He was a friend of the Conseterlin family during the Alliance. He came to take me out.”

Caroline snapped for a moment: “What did you say ?!”

——After the establishment of the Empire, many members of the Alliance family have survived, and some of them have obtained a good title after the new emperor ascended to the throne, because they turned to the Empire at the end of the Galactic War and actively provided a lot of funds and intelligence. Most of these families are related to each other. They are a force that cannot be ignored in the upper classes of the empire. Heinrich hesitated to fight against Edna and others, half of them taking into account the “respect for the spirit of the alliance” and It is also because of the scruples about the legacy of these alliances.

“Let’s go with me, Caroline.” Edna grabbed her hand and said in excitement: “Earl Herschel can take us out of this prison, and you have participated in the design of the egret star defense fort, Know where to go to the control hub. Just open the space blockade a little bit and we can leave Egret together … ”

“Impossible!” Caroline said flatly, “Controlling the hub is the top priority of the empire, and it’s hard to overstate the empire brain!”

Edna sternly said: “Then you have the heart to watch me locked up here forever?”

Caroline hesitated, the cramped room was shrouded in stiffness and weight, and there was no sound except breathing. I don’t know how long, she finally shook her head hard: “I can go out and plead for you, Edna, I can even trade my life for your chance of survival … but this thing doesn’t work, this is a treason, Dangerous enough to threaten the entire empire … ”

Edna stared at her blankly, her eyes extremely strange, as if she had known her for the first time today.

Caroline closed her eyes and said hoarsely: “Remember that I asked you if you were hiding something from me, Edna? I have doubts since then, but I dare not confirm … It’s over, and you obviously support the Empire, why should you join the Dark Star Church to assassinate His Majesty Heinrich? The Consettelin family has been so immense for hundreds of years. What are you planning for? ”

“… I …” Edna’s tears rolled down, and she choked a moment later, “Carolyn …”

Maybe her tears have not been unfavorable for many years to go, but this time the military academy principal did not flinch, just gritted her teeth and insisted on watching her. After a while, Edna finally lowered her head and wiped her eyes, her voice still shaking with uncontrollable tremors: “I want to return to the alliance, Caroline, and I …”

“But what does it have to do with the assassination of His Majesty ?!”

“I also have my own ideals!” Edna interrupted her. “I have my own political ideas. I have been active in the political core of the alliance for hundreds of years! As a politician, I am no worse than any of them. Why can they be My own opinions and beliefs to provoke war, and I can’t ?! ”

Caroline looked at her in shock and saw that Edna seemed to be out of the general: “I agree with the Empire, but I never agree with Heinrich-do you know Caroline? I never agree with Heinrich Nothing in Greek hopes, even his attitude towards the Alliance’s government in exile, will allow me to agree! ”

“You want to support the Consettelin family …” Caroline’s shocked brain finally responded slowly and suddenly said: “You are trying to control the marshal and transform the alliance into a j □ j government …”

This recognition shook Caroline’s head like a bomb, and for a long while she couldn’t speak, and stood rigidly looking at her partner. Edna’s tears gradually came out of her eyes again, looking at Caroline as if regretful, only a moment before she came forward and gently held her hand: “But now I don’t want anything, let’s leave the egret star together … … ”

Her cold hands suddenly awakened Caroline from the chaos, and the headmistress gasped for a few seconds, then suddenly shook her head vigorously: “No, I can’t do this! You stay here for a while, and when your Majesty returns from the fortress– ”

Edna snapped: “Caroline!”

The room was deadlocked again, and no one spoke or moved.

Count Herschel stood behind Caroline and looked at Edna, eventually shaking her head slightly and reaching into her arms.

“… Do you know how many people have prepared for bringing you here tonight, how long it took, how much energy, money, or even the price of blood?” Edna closed her eyes and said hoarsely: “Hein Richie won’t let me go, you know, Caroline-you know I’ll be locked up here forever. ”

Caroline subconsciously wanted to justify, but was interrupted by Edna: “Do you know what you and Silia have in common?”

It feels really strange to say so. An alliance descended from the empire veteran, and a natural enemy of the galactic army **** empire. These two people should have no similarity in terms of identity or position. However, Edna faced Caroline’s doubtful gaze and shook her head with a bitter smile: “You all put your faith in the country above your feelings, especially when you face the choice …”

“Sorry Edna, but I–”

“There is nothing to be sorry for,” Edna said quietly.

As soon as her voice had fallen, Caroline suddenly heard a soft whisper behind her-that was the last voice she heard. The headmistress just felt that there was a cold and hot behind her, a trace of blood splashed out, and then she fell to the ground in black and soft before her eyes, and thumped on the ground!

Count Herschel retracted his gun and quickly threw it to Edna with a metallic silver-plated flat outfit. Edna took it, pulled a long metal probe from the top, and knelt down | and pierced Caroline’s temple directly!

This equipment is very similar to the previous Heinrich’s machine to detect the image of the brain of the young Gavin. The metal probe quickly entered the head completely, converted the signal into a picture, and quickly dropped it on the optical and magnetic plane. Count Herschel hurriedly walked around, and saw that the overlapping pictures above were full of formulas and messy pictures, sometimes mixed with fragment-like maps, but they disappeared in a flash.

How can you see the road map of the Empire’s control hub? Count Herschel could not help but tilt his head, and saw the changing light cast Edna’s face extremely cold.

“It was there.”

She pulled out the probe and snapped the gear together. Count Herschel couldn’t help asking: “But how do we get in? The switch of the egret space blockade line is at the bottom of the computer room and has to pass dozens of levels …”

“There is no need to take care of that switch.”

Facing the suspicion of the count, Edna didn’t explain much, just raised her head and clapped her hands. A confidant immediately entered the door, holding the Star Communicator in front of her with both hands.

This communicator did not know which frequency band was stolen, and the signal was messy. After waiting for more than ten seconds, it suddenly shot a beam of red light and cast it into the air. — ”

“Where is my father?”

“The former speaker is already on our battleship.” Yunes said with a mockery in his tone: “But I think this is not the right time for father and daughter to meet and cry.”

Edna sneered from the corner of her lips and said, “I already know how to get into the empire center, and the launch code of ‘Queen’s Hammer’ has been obtained. According to the calculation in advance, the energy fluctuations in space around the Fabras Fortress have Reaching the peak of a century, as long as certain catalysis is applied, an unprecedented cosmic electromagnetic wave can be formed, and its energy is enough to completely paralyze ten Fabras fortresses. ”

“Arrange your fleet around the fortress,” Edna said, “After the Thor’s hammer explodes, it’s your only chance.”

Unez’s face was obscured by electromagnetic interference, but his expression was still faintly seen: “It’s applauding, Miss Consettelin … But you have a word wrong.”

“Which sentence?”

“This opportunity is not only mine.” The dark star warrior’s hoarse voice came through the airwaves, coldly: “Conseterin, this is the only time you have waited for half a century.”

He reached down and broke the communication. In the dim and narrow room, Edna gently closed the communicator: “… the only time I can practice my belief.”

She cast her eyes on the unconscious Caroline on the ground, and leaned down and kissed her cheek softly. “There is no need to apologize, Caroline … I am the same person as you.”

Although Count Herschel was mentally prepared, it was not until then that they fully understood their plans, and the entire complexion suddenly changed completely. Edna didn’t bother him, she got up and strode toward the door, and several of his henchmen immediately stepped up to keep up.

“Go to the state control center,” she said without turning back. “Before dawn, be sure to fire Thor’s hammer!”

Fabras Fortress, 4.20 am.

Celia turned over and got out of bed again, came to the table and poured a glass of water.

The two mech light **** rolled around on the table. As soon as Phoenix saw him, he jumped to his hand flexibly and jumped into the collar three or two times to hide. The Griffin light ball also rushed over to slap his hand, and 瞅 also wanted to jump on his wrist at the right time, but the timing was not mastered, and the plop fell into the water cup that Celia was dropping down.

With a splash of water splashing, Silia scooped the griffin out of the water glass, threw it at the corner of the table, and turned towards the balcony.

Somehow the air became sweltering, and Silia opened the glass door and blew a cool breeze.

The night space before dawn was deep and dark outside, the sky was covered with countless bright stars, and the wide galaxy traversed the horizon. Celia raised her eyes and narrowed her eyes to see the dazzling brilliance of the nebula when they reunited, as if the grand aurora was changing on the vast stage.

“It’s a beautiful scene,” Phoenix flew from the collar like a firefly, hovering lightly in the air: “Only at the Empire Fabras Fortress, can you see the nebula of the Mirror Prismatic Galaxy up close, and Every cosmic year has a large meteor shower … ”

“So this is not the best place to build a fortress,” Silia said indifferently, “but to keep the main road to the twin galaxies, this is the only option for the empire.”

He leaned on the balcony, his eyes reflecting the unpredictable light in the sky. The griffin flew from the bedroom and flew out of the bedroom. First, he flattered the phoenix, and then turned and laughed at Silia: “What kind of art is it to run out of the hair in the middle of the night? Together? Then you can close the door and go to sleep– ”

“Sleep you …” Silia’s teasing voice didn’t fall, and she burst out.

He stared at the flashing night sky, and suddenly said after a few seconds: “Griffon, get in the command to find Heinrich!”

Griffin was shocked: “I’ll just talk! Don’t sleep immediately!”

The words did not fall, the stupid lion was severely beaten by Phoenix, and immediately rushed to connect to the fortress headquarters. It was an Imperial Mech, and Aaron recently updated it with a password program, and soon connected unimpeded to the Supreme Command Center, projecting Heinrich’s tired face into the air with red light: “Gavin? How did you wake up? ”

The griffins frowned and thought what they would say. Who knew that Silia’s voice was unusually calm: “What is the ray index of the star field around the fortress now?”

A sigh flashed under Heinrich’s eyes: “Nothing can be hidden from you.”

On the top floor of the Empire Fort Command, the wide hall is brightly lit, and researchers are hurried through hundreds of light screens. In front of the huge podium at the end, the emperor looked up and looked at the magnificent aurora in the night sky through the floor-to-ceiling glass wall:

“A large-scale supernova explosion occurred in the detectable area around the mirrored galaxy, and the universe energy fluctuated rapidly, peaking at its highest point in a century.” Heinrich took a breath, his voice tight and deep: “I have released a Warning: In order to prevent the onset of a large electromagnetic wave, the Fabras Fortress will enter a full-band alert state. ”

The author has something to say:

Venus, Fabras Fortress, and Egret are definitely time lags … 2k novel reading network

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