The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 108

After the battle of Venus and Mercury, the alliance finally got rid of the control and persecution of Dark Star Hall for decades, and stood on the same front with the Empire.

There are no eternal enemies, no eternal friends, only eternal interests between nations. As far as the current situation is concerned, both the Empire and the Alliance have what they need most from each other. After several reversals, the relationship between the two regimes has finally found a delicate balance.

In a situation where the internal and external environment is relatively peaceful, the social order of the alliance has developed rapidly: First, the Conceitlin family and the “speaking speaker” Markas, who have held power for many years, have successively stepped down, and the alliance announced the abolition of the speaker system. Based on the model of the Imperial Senate, a multi-member central parliament was established. In addition, real power organizations such as the House of Representatives composed of people’s representatives, the ** house composed of representatives of various regions and surrounding planets are also being established one after another, and the term limits and conditions of retention of parliamentarians at all levels have also been extremely strict. Draw a clear blueprint for the allocation and containment of government authority and responsibility.

Because the war is about to begin, and after the “Congressional Incident”, the power of the military quickly increased, and the Marshal, the Corps Chief, and the Admiral almost became the actual j □ j. Although the current heads of military-Silia, Kaleyan, Movin, Abel … are rare hard-core soldiers, it is difficult to guarantee that their successors will maintain such pure qualities a century later. Therefore, in order to prevent problems before they occur, and to make way for the soon-to-be-established Houses of Representatives and Communists, the military ministry has formulated a strict “temporary interim power and responsibility mechanism”, announcing that important traffic controls will be cancelled after the war is over. The power to allocate social resources is returned to the House.

-The reason why it cannot be repaid now is, of course, because the new “three houses” system has not yet undergone sufficient tests and has not yet received sufficient trust. However, everything is improving. The social security, medical, and education systems that have been tried out in the Venus capital after the consultations of the Third House of Representatives have been widely recognized, especially the fierce financial consolidation, which has reduced the amazing fiscal deficit of the Union government. Big burden.

Of course so many things cannot be done by Silia alone-to be fair, although 500 years of long time has given him a lot of precious wisdom, as an ordinary person, Silia still has his own limitations local. Hidden behind this magnificent blueprint for the Alliance, the person who gave Silia key points of inspiration was actually Gemini Emperor Heinrich.

It is true that it was a funny and ridiculous thing for an emperor jj to advise the democratic political system; but Heinrich slowly constructed his conception of the future constitutional monarchy in this matter. Hundreds of letters to and from Silia were filled with the strong will and determination of the emperor in every sentence and line.

The letters were not published at the time, and even the Aaron of the Empire, Kaleyan of the Alliance, and others were not quite clear about the content. However, many years later, these words were decrypted by later generations of authorities, and finally the minds, wisdom, and transcendence thoughts of the leaders of the two opposing nations were made public.

Of course, many historians insist that many details in these letters can prove that the emperor and the marshal had “unusual feelings” at the time, such as the lyrical and romantic style of the emperor that appears every few letters-multipurpose To describe some cluttered mental feelings and daily chores; for example, after the emperor cruised the battleship, he ended with “remembering the kiss of parting …”, while the marshal used “the date of the next meeting will not be too far away, why not Ambiguous language like “parting on parting” as a reply …

Some people who firmly believe that the national barrier is unbreakable protested that “these contents must be fake” and “the Marshal of the Alliance is definitely not the kind of euphemistic person”; for this reason, the historical world also played a big and not small Fight against each other. However, regardless of the views of future generations, the rapid relaxation of relations between the leaders of the two countries during this period is an indisputable fact …

The days of relative calm did not last long. In the Galactic Era, in 3452, the Dark Star Fleet once again emerged from the five-dimensional void, and there was a fierce exchange of fire with the local garrison near the Kudria Star Field. General Aaron’s reinforcements were too late to reach the distant battlefield. After the Dark Star Fleet easily crushed the local garrison, it forcibly broke into the Starry Sky Gate and leapt to the center of the Empire, the border of Gemini.

The alliance is finally imminent.

When the news came, Silia was lying in a white and silent consultation room in the military hospital.

The bright sunlight of late autumn rushed in from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and waved on the bright ground recklessly, like countless golden elves. There is a melodious piano sound outside the window. It should be a student of the medical school next door playing in the open air. Silia ’s eyes are not open, but she listens silently, as if you can hear the joy of young people through this music. Laughter.

At this moment, an extremely slight footstep came from the other side of the clinic. Celia opened her eyes and saw the medic holding the report in one hand, standing in front of him and saluting him.

“No,” Silia waved her hand gently, and asked, “how?”

The medic hesitated for a moment and lowered his hand and said, “Very unstable.”

The answer didn’t seem to surprise Silia. He nodded and groaned, and asked for a while: “Why the hell?”

“Your schedule is intensive and you are thinking too much, which will be very harmful to the stability of your body. In addition, you have undergone gene-promoting surgery, and your physical condition has jumped from adolescence to youth. Some organs have not been fully prepared. Prepare for the burden. ”

“Is it dangerous to continue like this?”

The face of the medic showed a difficult look: “Yes … yes, this little life has a strong desire to survive beyond imagination. The demand for nutrients and the speed of capturing nutrients are very amazing. If this continues, it will likely be infringed. To your body … ”

Silia was silent for a moment and asked, “What then?”

“… and then neither side can keep it.”

The medic paled because of this terrible possibility, but Silia didn’t panic. Instead, he sighed and murmured: “I knew it was …”

At that moment, the emotion in his eyes seemed to have been psychologically prepared, but it didn’t last long.

Because he was lying down and covered with a coat, the slight deformation of his lower abdomen was not obvious, and he would not even notice it if he didn’t look closely-but this little deformation was the result of a sudden request for a lot of nutrition in a short time. Little robber The unbridled plunder has placed an unbearable burden on the mother, and may even threaten his own life.

“You have to make a decision as soon as possible,” the medic said very seriously. “If you drag on, it will be very dangerous. Now is the best time for surgery. Please rest assured that the technology of IVF is very mature, although people repeatedly Emphasizes the importance of natural childbirth to babies, but the existing technology can fully simulate all the processes of natural childbirth … ”

Silia didn’t speak for a long time. The medic looked at his face and tried to hold back what he wanted to say.

In fact, he still has high hopes for this child, he thought secretly.

Although the journey is embarrassing and it will face a huge crisis once it is exposed, as an ordinary person, it is inevitable to have extraordinary feelings for the life in which the flesh and blood are born. At this point, even Silia is just an ordinary person with passions …

“I want to see the test tube equipment with my own eyes,” Silia finally said after a while. “Please demonstrate it with a simulator. I want to confirm it with my own eyes.”

The medic was a little hesitant: “But you still have a lot to do, and you will go to the House of Representatives to participate in the political review in the afternoon-”

“I know it will take hours,” Silia whispered, with a gentle and irresistible power in her voice: “–but within these hours everything is worth giving way to it … ”

The coalition’s forthcoming resolution was unanimously agreed by the House of Commons and the military. The Alliance Army was quickly ready to go, and at the same time the Empire’s first strategic aid set off with the mighty transport ships.

Because of the urgent development of the wartime space channel, the time taken for the transport ship to travel back and forth was compressed to 72 times in the universe. However, in the vast space, opening a new channel necessarily means facing many unknown dangers. Therefore, the **** task was performed by Lieutenant General Isaac of the Emperor’s Office of Intelligence. He led a group of twenty people across the double The artificial wormhole landed on Venus in Andromeda on the day the Alliance Army left.

Dozens of mountain-like imperial transport ships have been fully scanned by space security and landed slowly from the gate to the ground. The data of all the soldiers of the **** team were sent to the Wartime Resources Coordination Office by the speed of light. Their avatars and full body scans were displayed on the large surveillance screen. Supervisors were about to release after verifying that they were correct. “Wait, who is this?”

“Ah?” Supervisor read the name on the screen blankly: “Major Albert, director of the investigation office of the Emperor’s Office of Intelligence, what happened to Marshal Kaleyan?”

Calleyan stared at the id head wearing a military cap, ice-blue eyes, and expressionless face, his mouth twitched for a long while, and asked seriously, “Hey, don’t you think he looks a little like … a little familiar?”

Supervisors repeatedly looked for a long time, shook his head somehow, “No, who is he like?”

“…” Inspired by Kaleyan’s followers: “For example, you have a small white face?”

“… No?”

Kaleyan: “………”

Supervisor: “……………”

The two stared at each other for a while, and Kareyan looked away with hate for steel.

Supervisors sat in their seats stupidly, and hesitantly released the batch of imperial soldiers. What he didn’t expect was that the pass was not long open, and when he turned his desk, an internal phone call from the military department rang, and it was turned out to be the core figure in the core of the military-the leader of the Silia Corps:

“Please lead Major Albert to the Ambassador Reception, where someone will answer him.”

“Please, Major Albert, come with us,” two Alliance officers stood in front of the Empire Corps, saluting the military salute: “The Foreign Affairs Office asked us to invite you to the Ambassador Reception, and someone will be responsible for your safety. ”

Lieutenant General Isaac, accustomed to working secretly, heard this remark as “there will be someone to take you on the road”. The Scar Man was agitated and looked back in horror at “Major Albert”, only to see His Majesty the Emperor in a military cap smile lazily, the expression that was inexpressible:

“Does that mean to the foreign affairs office?”

“Yes, that’s it.”

Scar Man couldn’t help but say, “Please wait first, I must first–”

However, his words were interrupted by the emperor himself: “Oh, then go, maybe someone is waiting for me, maybe.”

… Your Majesty, where do you come from? Hello!

The Scar Man instantly ran past 10,000 grass and mud horses, and finally could only endure the spitting **, and watched the emperor follow the two Alliance officers away.

In fact, when Heinrich walked with the two officers for more than ten minutes to reach their destination, he was finally not so confident.

He was pretty sure it was not the Ambassador’s reception, but a small white two-story building that looked a bit like a blocked, but still clean laboratory. The two officers stood in front of the small building. One of them, with the captain’s rank on his shoulders, finally turned around and said, “The chief of the Silia Corps will let you take a look here, please don’t be restrained.”

“Where is this?” Heinrich asked.

“Sorry, there is nothing to tell in the military.”

“… Will the legion himself come?”

“This is to ask the legion himself.”

Except for these two formulaic answers, the two officers had no other words. At the same time, after saluting a military salute, they turned and strode away from the small building.

Heinrich frowned and saw the two leave, until their back disappeared at the end of the long road, before turning to look at the quietly standing white building.

I saw that it was a small, regular square building with thick special alloy walls. There were a lot of monitoring facilities at the corner and roof connection. In addition, a precise vacuum insulation layer was cast. The windows are high and very narrow, a bit like a biochemical laboratory where the lighting conditions are more severely controlled, and nothing can be seen from the outside.

——Why did you bring me here?

“The leader of the Silia Corps wants you to take a look here, please don’t restrict yourself …” What are you looking at? Is it just this ordinary building without any abnormalities?

Heinrich stared at the closed silver metal door not far away, and finally walked over, pushing it tentatively.

——Unexpectedly, the door was unlocked. As soon as his palm touched, the metal door slid open silently and silently.

Heinrich looked back in surprise, seeing that there was no one around, not even a bird.

He hesitated for a few seconds before finally turning back into the door.

I saw in front of me a circular hall covering an area of ​​two or three hundred square meters. The ceiling was sprinkled with soft light and reflected on the bright white marble floor. Around the wall are placed various precision life support instruments and computer terminals. Nutrients are continuously fed into the tree-shaped central device in the center of the hall through several milky white hoses under the feet.

There was a groove in the middle of the device, which contained a transparent glass tube.

Heinrich felt that his breathing had stopped. He stood there, cyanosis in front of his eyes, and no sound was heard in his ears. Everything in the world passed away from his mind like the ebb tide. He was standing in the cloud as if he were floating lightly, and he didn’t even feel his existence. All his consciousness was focused on the transparent test tube filled with liquid.

-There is a fetus there.

A fetus smaller than the palm of a hand, quietly curled up in amniotic fluid.

Heinrich took a step-he couldn’t feel what he had stepped on, and even tripped over by a hose in the middle, but the episode didn’t reach his sensory nerves at all. He walked up to the test tube, his pupils enlarged rapidly due to excitement, his face flushed, his breathing was short, and his trembling palm was lifted several times before touching the culture tube, and then it was like seeing a unique treasure in the world Hold it tightly.

The intense joy then burst out from the depths of his brain, instantly sweeping through every nerve in the whole body. He could hardly make any sound, and could only stare tightly at this unknowing unborn baby, his eyes sore and his throat choked, his fingers rubbing against the glass surface, as if trying to pass through this thin Barrier, touching the small, delicate body of the fetus with your own hands.

“Bao … baby …” His trembling voice was hoarse and hard to hear, and he seemed to be choked with an uncontrollable choke: “Baby …”

Heinrich leaned his forehead against the outer wall of the test tube, and warm amniotic fluid stuck to his skin through the glass. It seemed that this way, he passed a slight and stable heartbeat of the fetus. At that moment, the **** excitement and ecstasy swept through the whole person like a hurricane. He lowered his head to kiss the culture tube and thought about it over and over instinctively: “My baby, I love you … my baby … ”

The deep and ardent love buried in my heart for many years finally springs out at this moment, and there is no trace. In the dim hall, only the emperor standing on the top of the galaxy’s power was deeply buried, his shoulders shivered violently, and the posture seemed to embrace the whole world tightly …

I love you, my child.

—I love you, Celia. 2k novel reading network

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