The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 104

Early next morning, the New Kremlin Assembly Hall.

The emperor was wearing a black-gold formal uniform, his face was stern and his eyes grim, and he sat straight on the first seat like a javelin, and he could not see that he had not slept at midnight last night. The rest of the military generals, headed by General Aaron, were fan-shaped scattered around the large conference table. Although there were many people, the entire hall coughed and the air seemed to sink slowly.

After a while, an attendant pushed the door open and said, “Hello, everybody here.”

I saw the League ambassador headed up and down by Kaleyan, and rushed in from outside the gate. His own attendant thoughtfully opened the armchair for them. The emperor coughed and opened the outline of today’s peace talks. He was about to open his mouth and looked slightly: “Where is the leader of the Silia Corps?”

The common position of Celia on Calebyan’s side was empty. The rest of the empire was okay. Aaron, Isaac, etc., who knew the details, changed at the same time.

“Several military conditions came from Venus, the capital of the Alliance. Urgent need to seek instructions from Lord Silia, so I ca n’t come today. Lord Silia asked me to convey my apologies.” Kaleyan ’s answer was dripping, and he smiled and took care of himself. I sat down and asked, “Where did we say yesterday? The question of military support after the coalition?”

Heinrich, Aaron and others quickly and concealed their winks. After a few seconds, the emperor’s fingers in his right hand stumbled unconsciously on the table:

“Please convey to me the greetings to the Legion Master-in this case, let’s start today’s discussion …”

At the same time, in the monitoring room outside the conference hall, the Major Military Intelligence Division, who was staring at the camera, turned around and made a stern gesture under his opponent-he didn’t need to speak at all, and the two men turned to the communication station, and emergencyally connected the My colleague lurking in the Guobin Building asked only one sentence:

“Where is Lord Celia?”

In the magnificent venue, the peace talks lasted less than ten minutes, and suddenly the door was opened with a bang!

The voice of Admiral Aaron, who was speaking, stopped abruptly, and I saw that Major Military Intelligence stepped forward, and leaned in the emperor’s ear and said a few words-then the emperor’s face changed suddenly!

He turned to Kaleyan and asked coldly, “Where is Celia?”

There was an uproar at the scene!

However, Kaleyan’s complexion was unshakable, and he even asked calmly: “Mercury has an urgent military situation and urgently needs to report to Lord Silia. Didn’t I already say that?”

The emperor said, “So he went back to Venus to listen to the report, didn’t he?”

This time, it was a shock to the horse honeycomb, and all the empire generals suddenly stood up!

“What?” “What are you doing?” Everyone in the alliance also stood up, roaring, questioning, and shoving into a mess-just when the situation was tense, suddenly “Boom!” A loud noise, the entire hall shook violently. !!

The shaking was incredible. Many of them did not immediately stand still, and there were still some people rushing out while roaring about what was going on. The guards who stood like stone pillars around the synagogue usually rushed to protect the emperor. However, in a mess, Heinrich interrupted them with a sharp and decisive wave, and turned and strode toward the meteor.

At the same time, the communicator on Isaac’s wrist squeaked. He looked down and lost his voice: “Your Majesty! The air defense layer is impacted, and the 3s Mech Griffin is escaping from the atmosphere!”

“Assemble the space mech teams, quickly locate and intercept!” The emperor stepped out of the venue, and reached out and said in a deep voice: “狴 犴 ——”

The black gold bracelet crossed the eye-catching bright arcs in the air, instantly dispersed, reorganized, and the cockpit flew out of the sky ’s metal parts.

Immediately afterwards, the golden bullock that rose from the ground raised a roar, and suddenly rose into the sky in the flame of the sky!

This is perhaps the most thrilling scene in the fifty-year history of the New Kremlin:

Wartime alarms sounded across the planet, the earth gave a dull tremor, and the majestic buildings roared while shaking; the heavily armed guards rushed out of the palace, and looked up with stunned heads-

The 3s mech gold, like a rocket, lifts up a vertical light in the heavens and the earth. In the fiery fire waterfall, countless mechs go up against the current, breaking through the splendid sky like millions of stars!

“Target mech griffin-!” The emperor’s roar rang through the communication channel, shaking everyone’s eardrums like a thunder: “All mechs remove their firepower, turn on the positioning system, and intercept at full speed!”

At this time, the gryphons had rushed out of the atmosphere, and the pale planets were moving away from behind the cockpit porthole. In front of them were the vast space and the golden yellow stellar wind.

Silia stood expressionlessly in front of the porthole, and suddenly heard only the sharp sound of the system: “Warning, 3s mech found outside six astronomical units! Warning! The Imperial Mech Team is coming at full speed!”

“Gavin!” Griffin’s green nerve band suddenly burst out from the console: “Your Majesty really found it! What should I do, whether to start the combat program ?! Would you like to open a nuclear fusion missile system?”

To the surprise of the 3s mech, Silia’s face did not change. He stared quietly at the bright nebula in the deep space and said for a while: “Turn off the firepower.”

“Why, what ?!”

“Turn off the fire and proceed at full speed,” Silia said lightly, “if the empire demands combat, then … ignore it.”

The Griffin was sturdy and sturdy, but hesitantly returned to the console and began to close the tens of thousands of firepower output muzzles one by one, and concentrated all the energy on the drive system. A brighter flare erupted at the tail of the 3s mech, and all the speedups were completed in just a few seconds, rushing forward like the light from the stellar explosion!

At the same time, apart from the six astronomical units, the Gemini Emperor issued a shocking roar: “Silla-!”

Celia turned back suddenly!

The cabin was quiet, and I saw a griffin jumping from the console:

“I request communication! Your Majesty’s private channel!”

The young Alliance commander stared at the communication screen, his bright black eyes were motionless, and no expression was visible on his face, as if he saw a figure deep in space through the endless void. He smiled for a moment, but his voice was very flat:


If at this moment God really glances down from above the universe, you will see how wonderful this scene is:

The vast universe became a chasing battlefield at this moment, and numerous firelights converged into a bright torrent, rushing forward. At the forefront of the trend, far ahead is a huge golden magpie like a warship, surrounded by endless light spots like a colony of bees. Although the firepower system has been turned off, it is still glowing. Fusion unmanned fighter.

The chasing party and the chased party both walked through the splendid sea of ​​stars, not far ahead, and the transitional starry gate flashed a brilliant light in the universe.

In the gryphon cab, the tall three-dimensional projection of the Gemini emperor is projected in front of the porthole, facing away from the ring-shaped star gate in the distance, and the deep face is extremely cold in the shadows:

“——The negotiations are not over yet, are you so anxious to leave, Celia?”

The meteor-like chase outside the cabin continued, but the small world in the cabin was as quiet as frozen.

Celia stared at the emperor as if he thought it was funny, and asked, “The alliance has an urgent military situation. Why can’t I go?”

The reason is exactly the same as that of Kaleyan. Obviously, the emperor looked at him with a slight sneer: “What urgent military situation cannot be heard in the palace, you must go back to deal with it? Don’t tell me Dark Star Tang led soldiers to hit Venus-if so, I will immediately give you millions of soldiers and horses, the empire will directly help you fight Dark Star Hall! How about? ”

“Less than walking around in front of me,” Silia lazily, “be careful I pump you.”

The emperor never expected that his answer was this, but it was a stun at the time.

“I will keep flying at this speed until Mercury, unless I’m shot down, I won’t stop.” Silia’s tone was completely indistinguishable from words such as Dayi, but on the contrary it was a bit of a joke: “Of course You can also use the mech team for vertical, horizontal, and grab the gryphon with mechanical force-I have turned off the firepower system, if you do, I will have to drive the gryphon and run into it … ”

The Griffin immediately shuddered, but then remained silently and heroically.

The emperor did not tremble, but his eyes were clearly shocked. Anyone with eyes could see the huge waves rising in his mind through the 3D stereo projection!

“You can’t do this, Silia, you—”

“Why can’t I?”

Heinrich stepped forward suddenly, his image almost sticking to Silia’s face. Although it is a virtual projection, the huge and bearable anger under the ice-blue eyes is very clear. At that moment, he felt hatred of Silia’s understatement!

——Why are you so easy! That is also my child!

Do you know how long I’ve been expecting this child? !! Do you know I’m going tormented by the feeling of careful suffering? !!

Afraid that this child could not be born, that he was born but not mine, that he would never see this child again, that he might see him one day but could not recognize him … repeated anxiety and doubt almost suffocated, In the end you don’t take him seriously? !!

How can this be? !!

“You can’t go …” Heinrich stared at him tightly and said slowly: “You can’t go, Silia, you must stay with me …”

At that moment there was a loud crash in the cabin, and the alarm system suddenly made a sharp noise: “Alarm! The enemy has arrived! Alarm–!”

The three-dimensional image disappeared suddenly, Silia looked back, and saw that the imperial mech team headed by the puppet, on the screen, was coming from the masses of Gwanghae!

At the same time, Silia raised her hand, and the mech’s nerve band flew and rolled his wrists!

“Griffon!” Silia yelled, “Cosmic coordinates 9832749, jump at full speed!”

The scene at this moment was wonderful: I saw the huge golden magpie in the sea of ​​light rising out of the crowd, crossing behind the griffin at an unimaginable lightning speed, at the same time the entire Empire Mech team began to change from the lion. The central axis from 鹫 to 狴 犴 is the base point, and quickly expands into a huge aura!

Like the legendary **** 祇 j □ j, the eye-catching white light shrouded the whole griffin as if the star cluster exploded; 狴 犴 passed through the huge waves, and the wings composed of millions of sharp blades reflected the star-like light!


The silent roar can’t excite a little sound in the universe, but the shouted object seems to feel everything at once-the griffin turned his head, and then raised his fist to block the blow!

“That’s mine, Celia!” Heinrich’s voice cut through the communication channel, because it was too sharp and even a little torn: “–that’s mine–! You can’t kill him !!!”

Silia froze slightly, and in such a blink of an eye, the gryphon didn’t move–

Immediately afterwards, 狴 犴 deformed rapidly, and the huge body like a battleship shrank into a miniature shuttle in the blink of an eye; as if the invincible giant turned and turned into a gleaming sharp needle, stabbing from the sky to the heart of Griffin!

——Sub-light speed deformation!

Sub-light-speed deformation that no one can do on the battlefield for hundreds of years!

Even Silia cannot change the complete state of the 3s fighter mech in such a blink of an eye!

Suddenly, his pupils tightened, and he could only watch as the crickets in the front window approached rapidly; just before the black gold needle hit the griffin, he finally screamed: “Griffin! Open the landing! ! ”

Time was too late to let the epilogue of the sentence land, and I saw the griffin ’s front landing suddenly opened, catching the cricket in the last thousandth of a second; the black gold shuttle went straight forward as if it were no one. , Crashing into the cockpit along the continuously opening gates!


The violent collision in the cabin made Silia too late, and was pushed out by the airflow, hitting the metal bulkhead!

On the other side, I saw needle-shaped shuttles smashing white smoke on the floor, and then clicked and deformed, and the whole broke into two sections, and then Heinrich jumped out of the fracture with an indescribable agility!

Before she had time to put her hands off her face, she was hugged by a strong, hot chest, and pressed heavily against the wall:

“That’s mine. What do you want to do? What do you want to return to the league ?!”

Silia’s first thought was to scold him for going crazy!

This physical connection is very risky. If any gate is not opened in time, the miniature shuttle will severely hit a thick plate made of five-dimensional alloy. The greatest possibility is that the machine will destroy people. If Ya didn’t open the landing port from the beginning, let alone, the shuttle would smash into a fire on the mech shell!

“What are you crazy about ?!” Silia looked up, but was horrified by the expression on Heinrich’s face.

At this moment he didn’t look like an emperor-although he didn’t look like it, now he is completely and desperately ordinary man desperate. If the biggest feature of Heinrich is that he never forgets his instinct as a politician, then he has completely forgotten his instincts now. He may even forget the empire. In the frenzy, he can only take Sealy. Ya arrived on the wall, constantly rubbing his hands on his lower abdomen: “This is mine too, do you know, huh ?! Do you know ?!”

“I know, I know …” Silia clenched his hand tightly backhand, and said in a deep voice: “Calm down, Heinrich, what you worry about won’t happen … it will never happen, I promise . ”

With their eyes facing each other, Celia’s face was slightly pale, but her eyes were very stable and powerful, and even a little sincerity was revealed through it.

Perhaps calmed by this gentle force, Heinrich’s fury slowly subsided, still staring at Silia’s eyes motionlessly, and then asking hoarsely for a few minutes: “Will it happen?”

This is not so much a question as eagerly seeking confirmation. Silia’s answer was to nod his head silently, and then to relax the strength of his hand, it was rare for meekness to allow his fiery rough palm to stroke on his lower abdomen.

“…” Heinrich’s tight muscles finally relaxed. He leaned his head on Silia’s shoulder, and half a moment suddenly opened his mouth, his voice blurred between the neckline: “… I had prepared a gift for you …”

Then he didn’t say any more. He raised his head after a while, almost touching the tip of his nose next to Silia: “Then why are you back in the league?”

Celia looked strangely at first, and seemed to be a little helpless to laugh, but closed his mouth several times. When Heinrich saw this, his eyebrows were raised and he was going crazy, and immediately raised his hand and pushed him: “Okay, okay, am I right? I have an emergency military situation in the alliance!”

The emperor’s voice suddenly rose eight degrees, and it sounded quite ridiculous: “What military situation ?!”

“… you …” Celia was almost speechless, half helpless, and said, “Dark Star Church sent a messenger to the Alliance to make peace, and now holding a vote at the Venus Army Headquarters … Do n’t you believe it? Do n’t believe me returning to Mercury with me? ”2k novel reading network

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