The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 102

Fortunately, Heinrich flashed fast and was only splashed a little, but before he was lucky, he saw that Silia continued to spit out uncontrollably!

At this point he had nothing to vomit at all, and all the water was tangled in his stomach, but the appearance of the wolverine appeared extremely scary on Celia, and the emperor did not respond for a moment-then, when he realized that it had happened At any time, I saw those of the Alliance’s close friends already rushing up, helping Silia to the bathroom in a hand-to-hand manner, squeezing out the emperor instantly.

As soon as Heinrich was about to catch up, he saw Aaron, Isaac, and others rushing from the end of the corridor, all asking: “What’s going on?” “What happened?” “Where is your marshal, Your Majesty?” What happened to you? ”

Heinrich’s lips moved, and he couldn’t say a word.

At this time, Kaleyan had already entered Silia’s half-arm and half-arm into the bathroom, and his backhand “bang!” There was intermittent vomiting and water sounds coming from the door. Although the door panel was very blurry, it still clearly shook everyone’s eardrum.

Aaronchi said, “This … what’s going on? Do you want to call a doctor?”

Lieutenant General Isaac looked at him, but stopped talking and looked at the Emperor for a long while.

“What happened to you?” Aaron asked inexplicably.

“… No, I, I actually think, maybe Marshal Silia–”

“No, impossible,” Heinrich interrupted Lieutenant General Isaac subconsciously. “Impossible.”

The emperor’s mind was noisy, and he slowly stepped back, leaning his back against the wall. Now he couldn’t hear anything. The whole person flickered as if standing on a cloud. For a moment, he even wanted to hit himself hard to see if he was dreaming.

On the other side, Aaron still looked at Isaac scratching his head, and Scar Man was a little broken in front of this unresponsive colleague. He tried to express with gestures and eyes for a long time, just when he couldn’t help saying it Aaron finally realized: “Oh-”

Then immediately shook his head again: “It’s impossible, how is this possible, no no, it’s not-”

Scar Man’s mouth twitched and looked at Aaron and Heinrich: “Why do you think it’s impossible?”

The emperor and the general agreed in unison: “Because it was Marshal Silia–”

The sound stopped abruptly, and apparently they both realized that the reason seemed logically wrong.

So Isaac’s innocent hands spread, Aaron stared at him, dumbfounded, and turned his head to look at the emperor-but the emperor’s expression sank quickly.

There was a weird silence in the corridor. The other imperial generals didn’t know what was happening. They looked at each other in doubt, trying to ask questions, and closed their mouths timidly in front of the emperor’s somber expression.

With a click of the door, Silia came out while wiping her face with a tissue.

As if he had not seen the empires in the corridor, he turned and walked towards the corridor exit. Only at the moment he turned around, his eyes seemed to glance over Heinrich silently.

At that moment Heinrich was also looking up at him. At the moment when his eyes were opposite, time seemed to be stretched infinitely and became stationary, and even the changing light and air in the hallway would always freeze into a tricky picture.

Then Silia turned around and went out with Kaleyan.

Everyone looked at the scene sternly, and the caution and doubtful voice of Lieutenant General Isaac sounded in the corridor for a while: “Your Majesty, why not–”

“No, don’t say it.”

Isaac froze, and saw Heinrich turning his head, his face was full of emotions.

“Can’t say, get evidence first …” The emperor’s ice-blue eyes narrowed slightly before he heard him open his mouth again, but this time his voice was as soft as a whisper:

“Even if you get evidence, you can’t say it.”


“… whether you are now a citizen of the empire or a wanderer of the free planet; as long as you were once a member of the Shining Legion, as long as you have ever shed the blood of the Shining Legion!”

“——I’m back. Where are my fighters?”

With the photoelectric signal spreading throughout the universe, the word Silia in the video is like a spark, and the moment it landed, it caused a fire in Hagiwara, and then the whole galaxy was set off by lightning.

The news that Silia had killed Red Saturn that year, the alliance immediately broke out with unprecedented resistance, and even once reversed the situation on the battlefield. But immediately after losing commander-in-chief, the collapse of faith also inevitably came. After a vote of hands by Kareyan and others, the Guangyao Army chose to cease fire and surrender, and disbanded in place.

Countless people were in tears, flying armed airships or even warships into the depths of the vast space. Most people chose to stay and volunteered to form a death squad in an attempt to launch a final suicide attack on the empire.

However, at this time, the new emperor Heinrich timely announced the truth that the Alliance Parliament betrayed the people, betrayed the glorious legion, and caused Silia to die. This action should be one of the most correct decisions after Heinrich ’s ascension. It reversed the war at a critical moment, passing on the huge hatred of people to the Alliance Parliament.

Suddenly, the interest group headed by the Consettling family became the culprit of defeat. The Alliance Parliament had to withdraw from the galaxy across the board. The empire successfully collected most of the soldiers of the Guangyao Army through a series of security measures. Settled in the empire as a citizen.

After fifty years of long evolution, these people have gradually become part of the empire. They work, live, do business, and pay taxes like the original residents of the Empire; their ties with nearby planets have gradually increased, business ports have been opened, and thousands of free ports have been added; they have intermarried with other people in the Empire’s galaxy and have offspring , Almost completely integrated into the imperial society and system …

However these people are different.

They are the only people in the Empire who have been on the universe battlefield, except for a few official soldiers who have served for a long time. They are real soldiers. They walked through the rain forest and through the flesh and blood of the war. They were an army fearlessly cast by the blood of iron.


The day after the conscription speech spread throughout the galaxy, riots broke out across the empire’s borders. In just a few days, the situation further intensified, and the local government had to upgrade the high-altitude ban from yellow to red, and then to the highest level of red.

However, this is nothing to make up for. On the fourth day after the speech, the riots in various places reached a high tide. Countless former Guangyao soldiers who had obtained the empire status drove the spacecraft, easily tearing the high-altitude defense line and fleeing through the Empire Space Station A vast space!

By the time the news reached the egret, the imperial capital, the situation had deteriorated considerably.

The number of defectors has doubled at a rate of 264 percentage points per day, and one border after another has been urbanized into white ground; many imperial government agencies have been paralyzed, and traffic and communications have been completely cut off;

What’s more, some of the officers who originally belonged to the Alliance and now serve on the Emperor’s Team also resolutely chose the opposite camp. Many people even drove the warships from the space fortress!

Back to the Alliance!

Return to the Shining Legion!

The worsening situation finally made the Emperor Ministry unable to stand by. On the tenth day after the speech, the Egret Star Senate finally issued an emergency notification to the new Kremlin thousands of light years away, asking the emperor to immediately use an iron hand to deal with the unprecedented wave of conscriptions in the alliance!

“The Alliance military is riding on our strength!” In the palace, Elder Longfellow in gold and black robes shouted at the emperor: “This is not a problem of eight million people, this is the country being humiliated! This is the actual use of the alliance! The action tells us that they don’t look at the empire! They have nothing to do with the authority and pride of the empire! ”

Heinrich sat expressionless on the throne, and saw Longfellow put the tea cup heavily, and even his gray eyebrows were filled with anger: “The joint army is not only us and the alliance against the Dark Star Church, It is also the confrontation between the empire and the alliance! Before the battlefield is up, people are taken down to the city first, where is the face of the royal family! Where is the face of the military department! Where is the face of the empire– ”

“I can’t handle it.”

Elder Longfellow seemed to be choking his neck stiffly instantly: “What did you say?”

“I can’t handle it,” Heinrich said lightly. “You have to let them go.”

At this time Elder Longfellow looked at him almost like a lunatic, but the emperor himself was calm and even smiled slightly:

“Silla may be pregnant, it’s mine.”

At that moment, Elder Longfellow’s complexion was extremely wonderful: extreme shock, surprise, incredible, mixed with anger and doubt, and an indescribable ecstasy, the old man’s expression was extremely distorted, and even looked a little absurd:

“Sir, what are you talking about ?!”

“The child is mine—” Heinrich paused, took a deep breath, and whispered, “Although he is only possible.”

Longfellow’s performance at this moment is not much better than Admiral Biaron’s. The old man shook his head subconsciously, and then stuttered stupidly: “No … impossible, can you do such … this kind of thing ?!”

“The Griffon’s medical system was not diagnosed, and he couldn’t get a chance to get close, but he behaved very much. He vomited, was anaemic, often felt hungry, but quickly lost weight, lost energy, and last watched the battle. He fell asleep-I know him for hundreds of years, and I have never seen him fall asleep on the battlefield … ”

Heinrich’s mouth turned cold, saying: “And the kind of inhibitor he took was to mask the pheromone smell of pregnancy, otherwise everyone would immediately know what happened … and because of this I have not smelled . ”

Elder Longfellow was stunned, and he suddenly patted the table for a long time: “Why not sure ?! Physical examination! Immediate physical examination! Take the results to the Senate for publication and everyone must know-”

“No,” the emperor’s voice was very gloomy. “I don’t want it unless this child.”

Elder Longfellow froze, then his enthusiastic head calmed down, and he almost immediately regretted his impulsive remarks.

Indeed, this news cannot be announced at this time. Not to mention that it cannot be announced, and even verification is very difficult-what qualifications does the empire impose on the visiting heads of friends to undergo a physical examination? !!

Even if all of them now knew that Silia was conceived, everyone knew how important this little prince was to the empire. Not only can’t we say, we must try our best to conceal ourselves without knowing it!

It is true that there are many advantages to publishing this news: firstly, the cooperation between the alliance and the empire is strengthened, and many contradictions will be immediately relieved; secondly, the prestige of the emperor is greatly improved, and the empire has intangible and huge benefits; for now In other words, the image of Celia has been irreparably damaged, and it can immediately curb the growing wave of conscription …

Even if none of the above situations occur, the most basic thing is to take a step back, and the public can know that they will get a little prince!

The country has been determined and the people’s hearts are solid. It is a top priority for any imperial country. Besides, the emperor of this country has not given the people any hope for fifty years!

The indecision of the successor is the main reason for the attack on the current empire. If you have an heir of Silian origin, the empire’s greatest disadvantage will even turn into the greatest advantage in one fell swoop!

However, Elder Longfellow’s face sank.

No matter how great the benefits are, it is not as simple as–

Celia can kill this child.

Don’t say anything combined with what mark, the thing in estrus does not work at all with inhibitors. Moreover, the mark was forcibly removed through surgery. Although the empire has legislated to ban this technology, who can guarantee that the alliance does not? As long as Silia thinks, there will be enough inhibitors and medical teams after returning to the alliance, and estrus can be avoided by various means!

At that time, who really connected the empire and the alliance, and the emperor and the Marshal of Silia, wasn’t there just the child who somehow left by accident?

This is the only trump card of the empire, and it must not be played!

It is obvious that if the news is announced now, they will immediately curb the conscription, and even put the alliance in an extremely embarrassing situation; however, this behavior will only immediately have one consequence, that is, Silia publicly denies, and then beats the child. !!

——Then they have nothing, what else can they have left?

“No, I can’t say … I can’t say …” Elder Longfellow turned the room two times with a speed that was extremely disproportionate to his age. He suddenly stood still and asked: “But if not, Marshal Silia What if I return to the Alliance ?! ”

The emperor’s pupils tightened slightly.

“If I return to the Alliance, can the child return to the Empire again?” Elder Longfellow took a step forward and said excitedly, “Can’t let him go! This child must be born in the Empire!”

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