The Survival of an Inferior

7. Rescue(2)

If I continue my path to the left, it will be a dead-end. 

I run down the opposite pathway and am soon approached by two routes: Continue going straight or turn right. 

If I turn right, there should be a guard stationed but...

I peek out and notice nobody. 

The "right" route it is.

The prison has 5 levels. The first four levels are all prison cells and the last, deepest, level is a mine for the prisoners to work. Kate's cell is at the third.

*thud thud* 


The staircase is in sight at the front but there are two more pathways to my left and right. I can hear footsteps approaching from the left.

Fight, hide, or flee? 

I definitely cannot win if I fight. Flee isn't a good option, I'm very exhausted. 


I attempt to hide by sticking my body to the left wall and squatting. 

The orc, wearing full armour, walks into the intersection and looks to the right, immediately noticing me.




I dive into a somersault across the orc and run to the staircase.

"Human stop!!" the orc says.

As if I will stop!!

I can travel to the third floor using this staircase but I need to shake the orc off. 

I decided to stop at the second level. On the second level, there are miscellaneous rooms such as break rooms. I need to hide in one. 

I run past another orc on the second level and now I have two pursuers.

Among the seemingly endless maze, I turn left and right, running with all my might.



My feet trip on something and I fall to the ground. 

"Ack! Fuck!"

My legs are wobbling, I need to rest!!

Where? Where can I-

A brown door stands to the edge of my eye. 


I pull myself up and force my body to bash against the door. It reveals a room with only a table in the middle and some cabinets, opposite the entrance, is another blue door. 

I slam the brown door shut and kick open the blue door pretending to escape from there. Afterwards, I squeeze myself into the fetid drawer.


*thud thud thud* 

The footsteps stop shortly after. 

"Where is human?"

"You go left, I go right."

And the footsteps continue until they fade away.



I don't even care about the smell, I just want to rest. 

There is only one legitimate way to leave and enter the prison: through the castle. 

All of the castle's guards are trolls and the king's executives are demons. 


I sigh softly.

I can't afford to rest. The orcs will report my existence soon.


Status screen.


Name: Samuel Turner

Title: None

Class: Trainee Knight

Lvl: 15


Mana: 0

Atk: 5[+]

Def: 9[+]

Dex: 7[+]

Mag: 0

Luck: 7[+]

Free stats: 9




-Potion Brewing(lvl1)


I wanted to save my stats for "luck"...

Closing my eyes as a drop of tear flows down, I add one stat to "attack"(atk). 

The stress on my body somewhat alleviates because Attack and Defence are closely related to the stamina of the body.

I get out of the cabinet and look out for orcs before descending the staircase.

Most of the orcs stationed left to their leader's battle cry. Thus, on the third floor, there is only one unfortunate orc that is sleeping in the break room.

I stab two daggers into the orc's eyes to kill it and take the keys on its hip.


+5000 exp 

Level up!


+1 free stats 


On the table, there is a piece of glowing blue paper.


An escape ticket!


Escape Ticket.

The user can teleport out of the dungeon anywhere within it after finding the exit portal.


I keep it and move forward.

Now then...

I take a deep breath to prepare my mind for what's to come.


I left the break room and walk deeper into the prison.

That's when an odd smell infiltrates my nose, a pungent smell of blood, faeces, and countless insects.

The prison cells ahead...have countless saggy bodies of women, some still alive. This section is the breeding section...

The orcs forced captured women to breed humans as livestock for them to consume. 

I hold my breath and walk through with my head down. 


"Pleasz! H-Hewlp!" A woman among a pile of corpses says, bashing the steel bar of her cell. 


I walk to her and she lights up, smiling. All her teeth are gone and her right eye went blind.

I take my dagger and lift it. 

"Rest in peace," I mumble, looking down with grief. 

The woman's smile did not subside. Instead, tears run down her eyes in happiness.



+100 exp 


During one of my playthroughs, I've chosen to save the women in captivity because Rena's stats temporarily increase when she does a good deed and I feel bad for them. 

However, that came back to bite me later when a kingdom was wiped out because of these ladies. They are already broken and coupled with the paradigm's shunning, they became monsters.

I must remember. In this world, monsters are not the only enemies, humans are as dangerous as well.


"Led, sorry for dragging you down," says Kate.

"My lady! Don't your energy." 

The orcs haven't given the prisoners food for three days. 

"Haha...I don't think anyone is coming..." says Kate.

Led was about to say something until they hear a clang.

*ting ting* 

They look at the side of the cell to see me hitting my dagger against the cell bars. 


Kate's eyes widen at the sight of me and her vitality returns. "You..." she mumbles.

I place my finger over my lips and both prisoners nod. 

I unlock the cell and the chains. 

"I'm sorry, I don't have any food with me," I whisper, noticing their complexion. "But don't worry, I can get you out of here quickly."

"No, it's okay. How many knights came?" Kate asks. 


I point at myself. "One," I reply.

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