Chapter 5: A deal with Sebastian
Author's note: This is from Seraphina's point of view
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"You want to do, what?", Sebastian asked in disbelief while his eyes moved fervently from me to Duke and back.
"Lower your voice, Seb.", Duke grumbled. "You heard what we will do. You don't need to know how. The only thing you need to tell us is if you are in or not."
Sebastian released a long breath. "You are saying that you can make me a director at Giantshade Industries. Why?"
"Why not?", I asked. "You are a capable businessman."
Sebastian narrowed his eyes at me. "Thank you for the compliment, but I know that there is more to it."
I grinned. "And that's why we chose you."
Sebastian made a face. "I'm not a Pokémon."
I didn't get the reference, but Duke chuckled, so I guess he did.
Duke gave me a wink which told me that he will explain later.
"So far, you proved that you have a solid head on your shoulders.", Duke said to Sebastian. "We need someone reliable there."
Sebastian's eyes widened in understanding. "You want me to be a mole."
"Not a mole.", I quickly said. "You will be a director like any other. We will not meddle in your work."
"Reeeaaaaally?", Sebastian drawled. "I don't believe that you are doing this for charity. What's in it for you? And let's assume that I agree, and you actually make me a director, what's going to happen with my company?"
"You can do with your company whatever you want.", Duke responded. "You can keep it as-is, but I checked your finances and I know that you reached a plateau. Unless you expand your offerings, increase customers, and lower the cost of production, the competition will eat you up. You can cash in by selling it, but I would recommend that you use your new position and create some type of partnership with Giantshade Industries. As a director of construction, your company which specializes in custom tiles will fit perfectly. As for what's in it for us...", Duke stopped mid-sentence and looked at me, indicating that I should take over.
I reached into my purse and pulled a folder that I placed in front of Sebastian. "Enitan Keita. He is collaborating with Giantshade Industries on several construction projects in Western and Central Africa. We want you to keep an eye on him and let us know if you find anything unusual."
Sebastian opened the file apprehensively. "I assume that he is more than just a construction worker if you want me to watch him. Do you mind telling me more?"
"Based on the information we gathered so far, he is a despicable man.", I said and pointed at the section which listed names of his wives.
Sebastian's eyes widened. "Magda's husband? Does he have five ex-wives or is Magda sharing?"
"Sharing.", I confirmed while trying to push down the disgust at the mention of her name.
Magda joined our high school when Duke and I were in our third year. Magda's eyes landed on Duke and when he rejected her, she became my personal bully. It didn't stop even after I left for college because she egged my new classmates to continue her dirty work and it culminated with them spiking my drink in the final year of college during our trip to Venice and leaving me with a thug-for-hire who groped me while they took photos. The molester turned violent and my so-called friends ran away, leaving me at his mercy. He had none. That was the night when Sanya Bogdan died. Literally.
Magda had no remorse. Her henchgirls spread the lie of how I found sugar-daddy in Italy and stayed behind while Magda continued pursuing Duke and created rumors how they are dating, and that she was pregnant with his child. All in hopes to rope him in.
I will never forgive her. Not after she shot Duke.
The image of Duke lying in the pool of his own blood in the underground garage of his apartment building will not fade from my mind for eternity. I lost him that day.
I would kill Magda myself, but death is too easy for her.
"You want to save her?", Sebastian asked after he finished reading the files.
I made a face, still under the influence of unpleasant memories and if not for Duke holding my hand I would lose my composure. Duke is my rock.
"Quite the opposite. Seb, you must be aware of at least a few schemes she put me and Drago through."
I waited until Sebastian nodded before continuing, "Before you jump to any conclusions, Drago and I have nothing to do with Magda's current situation. We believe that her brother John set her up for this marriage. We don't care about Magda, but she proved to be a woman who doesn't let go of her grudges. We are trying to find out if she is really there, if she is alive, and to find a way to ensure we are alerted if she returns to London. Mr. Keita has impressive security and other than public information and some rumors from loose-lipped staff, we didn't get much."
"How do I fit in that?", Sebastian asked.
Duke responded, "As a director of construction, you will get a chance to interact with Mr. Keita. He is very friendly with executives of Giantshade Industries and the current director of construction visited his home more than once. That makes us believe how if he decides to visit London, he will make sure that relevant people in Giantshade Industries are aware of it. We are not asking you to go out of your way. We believe that the man is dangerous. We only expect you to keep your eyes open and tell us what you find out. That's it."
Sebastian pursed his lips. "Did you discuss this with Henry?"
Somehow, I knew that he would bring Henry Blackwater into the picture. Under all that bickering and macho-rivalry, Sebastian and Henry are good friends who support each other. Of course, Sebastian is aware that Duke and I are on good terms with Henry.
"Henry might be a good fit for the role in terms of personality, but your resume fits better for the position of a director. Henry has the education, but no relevant practical experience.", I said honestly. "We didn't talk to Henry about this, but that doesn't mean you can't. A director of construction will need an assistant. If you pick Henry, that will give him a chance to learn firsthand about how a big company operates, and he will watch your back. Once you establish yourself in the Giantshade Industries, it will be up to you to find him a more suitable role."
I could see the wheels rolling in Sebastian's head as he came up with scenarios and outcomes, and I knew that he won't reject this offer.
He will take it and he will do his job wonderfully, and he will be indebted to us.
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Author's note: This is from Duke's point of view
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Sitting next to Seraphina without touching her was agonizing.
Seb's presence didn't help much.
Everything about Serina is alluring. Her silky brown hair, full chest, narrow waist, long legs… she has curves in all the right places, and I know very well the feel of her satin skin under my palms. The way her face lights up whenever our eyes meet and her full lips lift into a smile, complimenting her enchanting gray eyes… She is beyond perfect.
Serina's scent of jasmine on a rainy morning ensnared me on the first day we met, the first day of high school, and since then, I'm unable to look away. I don't want to look away.
I lost track of how long ago we started these tests and exercises, and I went through a lot, but this one where I need to refrain myself from touching Serina below the waist is the hardest one, by far.
'Six more days. Six more days.', I chanted internally.
I counted days, hours, minutes.
I told myself that I need to go through this in order to strengthen my will. It will be necessary when my wolf awakens. But Serina's scent is intoxicating and the fact that I tasted euphoria of being sheathed deep inside her was not helping.
I was like an addict who couldn't stay away from my drug, so I stuck close to her, even though I knew I'm not allowed to get a taste.
Focusing on work, plans for the future and anything other than Serina was getting more difficult by the minute.
I was literally losing my mind, and it was worse when she was nearby, but I couldn't stay away from her either because I need her more than air. So close, yet so far away.
In six days from now, I will take Serina to a room (any room is fine) and we are not getting out of there until we both collapse. Period. And when we regain our energy, we will do it again. I will do her until she sees the stars in the middle of the day and cries my name for the Heavens to hear.
I forced myself to stay present and contribute to the conversation. This is about Magda.
That spoiled princess is the cause of my headaches for nearly a decade, and if I knew how much she bullied Serina in high school, I would just end Magda then and spare us of all the problems that came after that.
I thought that avoiding Magda will be enough, but I was not aware how that only egged the wench to bully Serina more. In a way, it's my fault because if not for me, Magda would not get Serina on her radar at all.
Magda is a nutcase.
She dared to bring a gun and ended up shooting me, and I'm confident that she would kill Serina if she had a chance.
Serina and I have big plans for Sebastian. If this works out well, one day, he will be the CEO of Giantshade Industries.
Soon, I hope, because I can't stand that fish-face Johnathan (aka Magda's brother, aka the current CEO of Giantshade Industries) who is trying to seduce Serina. Bastard. Serina is MINE!
Note from the author: check the comments section for photos of characters!
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