The Sun Prince - Re:Zero OC

Chapter 27: 27 - Cementing Love

A few weeks had passed since Heinkel Astrea joined our camp, and aside from a short visit he took to the capital, he had remained living in the manor along with us, as he didn't really like being in his family's home, which was now being used as Felt's base.

While he was still the same annoying guy, thankfully, he mostly kept to himself and spent his days lazing around the town, often taking in the warm summer breeze with some good alcohol, from his own words.

Well… it was better than him causing trouble, and it wasn't as if he had any official duties given from Priscilla yet, so I was fine with it.

But still…

"Just what are you doing here? Shouldn't a royal knight keep themselves busy?" I asked as I defended Heinkel's strike, brushing his momentum to the side.

Seeing a slight opening in his broken form, I twisted my spear to jab him with the blunt end, but before I could reach his chest, he suddenly spun backward, barely dodging the strike as he reset his stance.

"Ha. Well… even if I'm the vice captain, it's not like I need to do anything. It's in name only, brat," he said as he rushed forward, his overhead strike flowing into a diagonal slash that I evaded. "Besides… that little rat took over my place and filled it with thugs, so I don't feel like heading home either."

'Little rat'…

"That's my sister you're talking about," I said with a frown, crouching down to prepare a lunge.

"Yeah," he said, a smirk spreading across his face as he held his sword in a short stance to defend. "I can tell, since she's just as much of a bitch as you."

He was trying to get a rise out of me… trying to mess up my rhythm to take advantage of.

And unfortunately for him… it worked.

My spear flashed forward, and with my mana flowing into the blunted tip, I struck the flat side of the blade that he moved to defend himself just in time, sending him tumbling to the ground with a grunt from the burst of power.

Ah… I got too annoyed.

Whenever I sparred with Heinkel, I limited the use of my mana so that we were evenly matched, allowing me to grow my technique as I couldn't just overwhelm him with strength… but that last strike was a little much.

Not that I felt bad, however, considering how he was the one who had provoked me.

"You… damned brat… didn't you say not to use enhancement?" he said, struggling to sit up.

"Yeah… but if that annoys you, then aim to get stronger than a 'brat'," I said, releasing my stance.

"Tch. As if. You can't provoke me with that, kid. I know better than most that brats can be monsters, considering how my son had beat me before he even had a bush between his legs," he replied as he slowly got to his feet.

He could have just said Reinhard beat him when he was young…

"I see… but that isn't something you should admit proudly," I said, watching as he released an irritated grunt before looking away.

This fucker…

Still, my impression of him had increased since our first meeting, though only by a little.

Even if he was still a drunkard, he didn't drink near us, and as a result, he wasn't drunk as often as I would expect from how he acted.

Though I still found myself healing him of his hangovers whenever he stumbled back to the manor…

Well, because of that little favour of mine, we had gotten a little closer, also helped by the little spars like just now.

And begrudgingly… these spars were more helpful for me than for him, as while I was much stronger, in terms of pure technique, Heinkel was a great opponent, being even better than me.

However… even with all that, I still didn't like his foul mouth and how he constantly complained about his father, Reinhard, and Felt, especially with how I was fond of those three.

And then there was how he was a bit disrespectful towards Priscilla and Crusch… but my lady's fist always shut him up whenever he made a mistake.

I had also picked up a bit more of the man's personality from his annoyed rants and complaints, and I ended up at the conclusion that he was an ugly mix of arrogance, shame, and a whole lot of inferiority and self-hatred.

And interestingly enough, while he was one to abuse his power, he would never stoop as low as to take the lives of the innocent, and from how relieved he seemed when he learned that the punishment in here for everything less than murder was based on labour rather than the death penalty, he seemed to dislike killing in general.

Although, while I say that, he looked fine with killing those bandits back in the cave… but that could have been due to them being criminals known to take lives themselves, as well as his focus to get that fake cup.

Yes… Heinkel was a complex, pathetic man, just as I had thought with my initial assessment of him… but I could understand him a bit more now, and didn't hate him as much.

Still… I think he should focus on bettering himself and rekindling his relationship with his son, rather than lashing out uselessly over the pain of his wife's condition along with his other problems.

"Anyway, that's enough for now, right?" I said as I placed my practice spear on the small armoury rack.

"Yeah… but I'm gonna get you back tomorrow, you little shit," Heinkel said, throwing the dulled sword to me as I caught it in the air.

Couldn't even bring it over?

"Sure you will, old man," I replied as I placed the sword on the rack as well. "And I'm taller than you."

Heinkel simply clicked his tongue in response.

And not even a thank you… he really was lacking in manners, but considering how I had cheated to knock him down, I would let it go for today.

Heading back inside the manor, I thanked the maid with a nod as I took the offered cold rag to wipe my sweat and dirt from my face, with Heinkel receiving one from the maid as well, accompanied by a sharp glare before she walked away, bowing to me with a smile as she passed.

"Jeez… talk about a difference in treatment," Heinkel grumbled.

"And whose fault do you think that is?" I asked, sweeping my hair back. "But more importantly… it's good to see you two."

Looking over to the door, I watched as Priscilla and Crusch walked in, with Crusch's gaze narrowing in on the cloth in my hand.

"Good afternoon to you as well, Selian. So the sounds from outside were the two of you after all…" she said, smiling. "If you do not mind, I would love to join you in a spar tomorrow morning."

"Heh. Should a girl really be- ouf!"

I shut Heinkel's idiotic mouth up as my elbow jabbed into his side.

He had only seen Crusch in training rather than battle, so perhaps I could arrange for Crusch and I to get a new target for our ranged technique practice.

"That is more than fine, although perhaps it should be only the two of us…" I said, casting a glare at the hunched over man beside me, breathing in through his nose to regain his breath.


"Yes… I would prefer that as well… although I believe that Schult would want to join us, from how he had requested my aid yesterday. Do you think that is possible?" Crusch asked.

Ah, right… I should probably get started on training the kid, just as I promised.

While Schult had been completing the exercises I gave him to build up his basic physical abilities, it wasn't very fun, so we could get started on some basic combat and weapon stuff.

"That sounds alright," I said, nodding to her before I tilted my head. "That aside… we were out there for a while. Just what did you two do in the meantime?"

"Hmph. Is it not my right to rest my head?" Priscilla said, raising an eyebrow at me.

So she had a nap… and I guess Crusch decided to guard her, knowing how diligent she was.

"Although… I am quite sure that my energy would have been replenished much faster with you by my side," she said with a frown before walking over to me. "And more importantly… you are absolutely filthy."

She then brought her hand up to my face, her fingers gently brushing against my neck, making me nearly shiver, as her thumb then pressed against my cheek, her eyes narrowed in concentration as she wiped something off.

"It seems that you missed a spot… luckily, the cut seems to have already healed," she said, wiping her blood-stained thumb on my dirty training shirt.

"Ah… thank you, Priscilla," I said, smiling at her kindness.

"It is of no matter," she said as she then looked up and down my figure, her cheeks reddening a bit.

For some reason… I felt a little embarrassed at that.

Having just come back from training, and wearing my casual exercise clothes, my shirt and pants were soaked with sweat, as dirt and tears covered the fabric.

"A-Ahem! Well, as I said, you are truly filthy," she said, looking back up at my face. "Ensure that you are at least presentable for the coming meeting."

Wait… a meeting?

"What meeting? I thought that our schedule was free today," I asked, confused.

"We were, but I have received word of some nearby lords visiting the town. I decided to send out an invitation in order to display mine divine self to them, and I wish for my beloved knight to be there at my side," she said, bringing her hand back up to my cheek as her eyes glinted in excitement. "As they are but Barons and Viscounts, I plan to use them to expand my influence even more. If all goes well, they may pledge their allegiance and come under my protection, allowing me to achieve the same power as a Duke, and a title is soon to follow."

Well… there was talk of having the town surrounding the manor named as a city, which would undoubtedly increase Priscilla's standing, but I guess there was this route to increasing her influence as well.

"Then I will be sure to clean up, my lady," I said, lowering my head a bit.

"Good, my fool," she said as she pulled my face down lower, causing my lips to meet hers as we shared a deep kiss, which, sadly, was broken a few moments later.

"Now then, you are not the only one to prepare for the meeting, so I will depart. But do meet me in my room once you are finished," Priscilla said as she then walked away, with Crusch following behind her with a smile.

But that expression… why did it look so odd? 

Crusch's eyes didn't usually thin like that when she smiled…

Removing my gaze from Priscilla's nape as the door closed behind her, I took a short breath to calm my rapidly beating heart.

Honestly… whether it was our first kiss, or our hundredth, the effect she had on me still remained the same.

Haa… what a woman, my Priscilla was…

"You know… you two are really fucking weird, you know that?" Heinkel suddenly said, causing me to look over to him as my introspection was cut short. "You do a bunch of sickeningly sweet shit out of nowhere, like right then, and in front of people no less… you're basically acting like a married couple."

Urgh… that felt a little embarrassing to hear.

"Y-You think so?" I said, feeling my lips spread into a happy smile.

"Gross," Heinkel snapped as he sneered at me.

The hell was his problem?

Why wouldn't I be happy at that?

"What… does it make you angry when you see us like that?" I asked, looking away as I tried to wipe the giddy expression off of my face.

I guess that would make sense, considering that Priscilla was the one he was banking his hopes on to get the Dragon Blood.

It probably wasn't a great feeling to see that very woman in such a close relationship with-

"No… it makes me envious," Heinkel said, causing me to pause as I looked back at him, seeing his head tilted down with a thoughtful expression. "It reminds me of… no, whatever. Are you two engaged or something at least?"

"U-Uhh… no… but we do love each other… a lot," I said, avoiding his gaze as he looked back at me.

"I see… even though you sleep together… fucking weird," he said before his eyes hardened. "Well, if that's the case, you should make it certain… or you'll regret it."

With that serious tone, I couldn't help but straighten my back.

Making it certain… I had definitely thought about it before.

"Ah… yes, maybe I should… but should I really take advice from you?" I asked, my tone turned teasing at the end.

"Haha! Well, I won't argue that I'm not a useless bastard, because I am, and you definitely shouldn't take my advice in being a good father or even a good person…" he said as a warm smile grew on his face, an expression I had yet to see on the man. "But you know, kid… there was no one who has loved someone as much as I love Louanna… so with matter of love, at least… you can take my word."

Well… maybe he was right about that.

"Then I will take your advice to heart," I said as my eyebrows then furrowed. "But… what should I do?"

A small hint of vulnerability might have slipped out there, but thankfully, Heinkel didn't seem like he would tease me about it.

I mean… could anyone blame me for not feeling completely confident?

Even if we loved each other, when it was someone as beautiful and amazing as Priscilla… I couldn't help but get nervous at the thought of advancing our relationship.

"For better or worse, that woman appreciates truthfulness above all, and even if it's uncomfortable to watch, she clearly wants you as well," he said.

"I… already know that," I said, crossing my arms. "And that isn't exactly 'advice'."

"Well… then you just need to be truthful about it all," he replied, looking over at me with a shrug. "Good luck, I guess."

This… fucking guy…

"Thanks…" I muttered back.

Now I just needed to clean up, and then somehow get through that meeting without my nervousness leaking through.

"Pris… can we talk for a moment?" I asked as she sat down on the bed, getting ready to sleep.

"Hm? Of course. Is this about whatever has been clouding your mind? You had been acting quite weird earlier, especially around me," she said as she let down her hair.

So I had failed in hiding it… whatever.

The meeting had gone well, and while we hadn't directly secured their loyalty, those lords were much more… no, I didn't really care about that right now.

Taking a quick breath, I then dropped to a knee in front of her, taking her left hand in mine as I gently traced circles on her palm.

"Pris… I love you," I said, causing her cheeks to flush.

"I-I… love you too…" she muttered back, slightly averting her gaze from mine.

That was cute… but I didn't want her to avert her eyes for this.

"Pris… please look at me," I said, causing her eyes to flutter towards me, her gaze meeting mine once more.

That was better. Now I could convey my sincerity.

"I love your confidence… your affection, your kindness… I love how your eyes sparkle when something catches your interest, and I love how your lips quirk up when you look at me from across the room," I said, lowering my head to kiss her hand before I returned to looking up at her, smiling softly at how adorable she looked at the moment. "I love your hair and all the different styles you wear. I love your lips, both how they look and feel. I love your hands, and I love the shape of your body and the warmth of your skin. I love your kisses and how your fingers squeeze mine discreetly under the table during meetings and dinner. I love-"

"I-I get it! T-That's quite enough!" Priscilla said, huffing as she looked away, embarrassed.

"Priscilla Barielle…" I said, bringing her attention back to me, her red irises peering at me from the corner of her eye. "I love you… I love all of you. Whether it be your faults, your strengths, your beauty, your pride, or your vulnerability… I love everything about you."

Her body stilled, and watching her lower lip tremble, I heard her release a short breath before her head turned back to face me, her skin flushed from her cheeks to her ears, and all the way down her neck.

Was she just as nervous about this as I was?

I could only hope so.

"Y-You… what is this all about?" she asked, eyes quivering ever so slightly.

Indeed… the big question.

"Well, Pris… I am kneeling in front of you like this for a reason," I said with a soft smile.

Her eyes widened, a sharp inhale soon following.

"So… I want to do things properly," I said, taking out the ring I had purchased a few weeks ago.

At the time, I had bought it simply as a gift to her without the connotations of marriage, but had never found a good moment to present it, as I was quite uncertain of her reaction.

After all, despite all the jewellery she had and could purchase, she never wore rings, even when she was married to Leip.

There were those emerald rings that she wore on her middle fingers, but those were only worn with her primary formal dress in order to secure her black arm sleeves.

But since it was like this… I suppose I should thank my past self for setting everything up.

"Pris… Priscilla… may I take your hand in marriage?" I asked, looking up at her as I hovered the ring over the tip of her ring finger, not wanting to force it on without an answer.

It was a simple ring, with a band of pure, hardened silver with an intricate etched pattern, and a bright red jewel that reminded me of Pris' eyes that was secured by the gold rim that surrounded it, a representation of, well… me.

"I-I see… what brought this on?" she asked, still looking down at me.

"I… want things to be cemented. And even if we have to wait until after the selection concludes, I want to be yours, and for you to be mine… now and forever," I said as confidently as I could.

While I meant every word, it was still difficult to maintain my composure when clarifying such a thing, especially when she had yet to give me an answer.

"And… what would you do if I were to refuse?" she asked.

"Then I will continue to chase you until I make you my wife," I replied, squeezing her hand lightly. "This love of mine is not one that can fade just because of a rejection… It is you who made me this way."

Her lips quirked up in amusement.

"Foolish. And what is with that answer? That would be akin to the behaviour of a dog with no pride," she said.

A dog, huh?

Well… they were loyal at least, right?

"While I don't deny it being like a dog, that decision is something I can only make because of my pride," I said. "It is only my pride that can make me confident enough to ask a question like this and love you so."

That answer seemed to please her, as a bright smile spread across her face, only to subside a moment later.

"So you say… but I wonder, will you be fine with taking my hand?" she asked, a hint of vulnerability leaking into her voice. "I have already had eight husbands, and I am the one that owns the name of the 'Bloody Bride'. Would you truly be happy with such a thing?"

Was she being serious?

Being happy… such a word couldn't describe the sense of fulfillment and bliss I would feel from being with her.

"I always have been more than fine with that… and no curse, no matter how powerful, could make me stop being by your side," I replied.

Gently biting her lower lip, she gently looked down as her hair draped over her shoulder, and finally, with a brilliant and loving smile blooming on her face, she nodded her head.

She accepted… fuck yeah!

As I looked back down to her fingers, I only now noticed that my hand was trembling.

Whether it be from nervousness or excitement, I didn't know.

But ignoring that, I then slowly put the ring on her ring finger, pushing it all the way to the base where it remained, not being pulled back from the small tug I did as a test.

It fit perfectly.

I guess it was a good idea to get her size from her previously discarded rings.

"It's… wonderful," Priscilla muttered as she raised her hand up to the light, a soft glint reflecting off the red gem. "It is so simple… much less extravagant than my other accessories, but yet… it is perfect."

"I am happy you love it just as much as I love seeing it on you," I said, feeling much of my previous tension fade at the wonderfully girlish look on her face.

"Yes… and I do not plan on taking it off…" she muttered before she looked back down at me, her face glowing with warmth. "Selian… come here."

Her hands then reached down to grasp mine, pulling me up to her as her lips instantly met mine, the two of us then falling back onto the bed as we exchanged a deep kiss, my hands raking through her wonderfully soft hair as my body pressed tight against hers.

Her kisses were… different from usual.

Filled with an insatiable need and passion that made my heart race and hands clench.

The world disappeared as I continued ravaging her lips, my closed eyes enhancing every other detail of hers as I relished the moment. 

The smell of the lingering soap from her bath mixed with her natural scent… the softness of her lips… the feeling of her thigh pressed tight between my legs… the silkiness of her hair… the feeling of her formfitting nightgown against my hand as I ran my hand down her side, stopping at her hips as she released a hum of pleasure.

All these wonderfully pleasant sensations that only I was allowed to experience… I wanted more of it.

We separated a moment later, a light string of saliva connecting our mouths as I opened my eyes, taking in the sight of her beneath me.

Her dishevelled hair splayed across the bedsheets… those flushed cheeks with the slight trail of saliva dripping from the corner of her lips… her eyes overflowing with love and desire… the very same itching desire that I was feeling at the moment, threatening to burst at any moment… it was much too enchanting for a mortal man.

"You…" she whispered, her hands reaching up to my head, with one caressing my ear as the other grasped my hair. "You have already stolen my heart, but it seems that is not enough for you… do you intend to steal my virginity as well?"

I pressed against her, my lips pecking her nose as my hardness pushed between her thighs and brushing against her pelvis, causing a light gasp to escape Priscilla's lips.

"I think you already know the answer to that, Pris…" I said, my hand at her hip finding itself under the fabric of her gown to caress the bare skin of her thigh.

"I see… to desecrate a maiden like me… you truly are a bad man," she said, anticipation bubbling beneath her shaky breaths.

"Horrible," I acknowledged, a smirk flashing across my lips. "But my lady… you are just too tempting."

My hand moved from her thigh up between her legs, brushing past the front of her panties as Priscilla's face flushed even deeper, my fingers stopping as I felt the dampened patch of fabric.

So it seemed that she was just as eager as I was…

"T-Then… if we are to be together, and become one… you must stay beside me," she said, taking a moment to swallow before her grip on my head tightened. "Selian… please stay beside me."

"Pris… I was going to do that anyway," I whispered, my lips once again approaching hers as my hand moved the fabric from below to the side. "I will stay beside you… forever."

And as for what happened next… well, I simply hoped no maids passed by during our activity.

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