The Successor (My Hero Academia)

Chapter 49: Lady Nagant Pt. 2

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Lady Nagant makes her move.

“Midoriya, stay after class.”
Just as Izuku is turning to regard Momo Yaoyorozu with a fond expectant smile, the cold and serious tone of their OTHER Heroics Teacher cuts through Momo’s words like a knife through better. While Nana Shimura was the Heroics Teacher part of the time, there was another Heroics Teacher at UA that she traded off with… that being Lady Nagant, the Sniper Hero.
It’s Nagant who cuts Momo off, either intentionally or unintentionally, making the younger woman go quiet as both she and Izuku turn towards the purple haired teacher. After a beat, Izuku glances back at Momo and gives her a smile.
“I’ll be just a moment and then we can talk, Momo. Wait for me?”
Eyes slightly wide, face slightly red, Momo nods hurriedly.
Just from that alone, Izuku can guess what Momo wants to discuss with him. After all, it’d been a little while since they’d talked about what she could do to prove the sincerity of her desires. She either had something else in mind… or she’d successfully seduced a girl and wanted to share them with him. Either way, Izuku would be more than happy to give Momo the time of day when he DIDN’T have a teacher breathing down the back of his neck.
As he leaves Momo behind and follows Lady Nagant off the field and back into the school towards her office, Izuku finds himself going over everything he knows about the retired Pro Hero. She was an interesting case to be sure… a Pro Hero affiliated with the Hero Public Safety Commission. However, there were Commission Heroes… and then there were Commission Heroes.
The first group tended to be the front-facing Pro Heroes of the Public Safety Commission. Those like Hawks who were utilized in a more public manner and allowed to gather a popular reputation. And then there was the second group, where Lady Nagant had seemed to fall. Oh sure, she was still a known quantity… but only really among other Pro Heroes, Villains, and Quirk Junkies like Izuku himself.
Pretending to be Quirkless for all those years so that he and his father could pull off their plan of convincing All Might to give up One for All willingly hadn’t been easy by any stretch of the imagination. Sometimes it had been really, really hard indeed. One of the ways in which Izuku had stayed sane was through research enhanced by his father’s assistance. He’d developed dossiers on almost every active Pro Hero there was, as well as several inactive ones.
Lady Nagant’s dossier had always been depressingly blank, but Izuku had refused to use his father’s deeper connections and more strategic resources for a simple research project. In the end, All for One had simply told Izuku that not everything about Lady Nagant’s career was crystal clear. That there was more going on beneath the surface than met the eye. Izuku could have certainly pried more, but he never had.
Now he found himself wondering what exactly his father had known that Izuku did not. Why was Lady Nagant at UA in the first place? Obviously, Izuku had long since come to the conclusion that the all-female faculty changes of the school was a result of his father’s machinations. But he still didn’t fully understand everything that had taken place to make it happen.
Ostensibly, Lady Nagant had no official ties to the Public Safety Commission at this point. But that didn’t mean much of anything when the Commission commonly used some of their lesser known Pro Heroes as infiltrators and assassins… the latter of which Izuku had privately pegged Nagant as long ago.
Finally arriving at the woman’s office, Lady Nagant wordlessly lets him in and then steps in after him. To Izuku’s mild surprise, she doesn’t make for her desk… instead, the sniper closes and locks her office door behind her and then proceeds to lean back against it, posting up as she crosses her arms over her chest and stares at him.
Izuku turns to face her, his body remaining visibly relaxed even as just beneath the surface every bit of him was tensing up. Bringing a whole slew of Quirks to the forefront, Izuku wavers between utilizing the more socially minded Quirks and spinning up his more combat capable Quirks. In the end, he goes for a mixture of both just in case Nagant proves to be a threat.
“I know about your parentage, Midoriya. The Principal told me all about you and All for One.”
Izuku’s eyes widen at that and it’s not entirely voluntary even though it’s the sort of reaction he would choose to have anyways. Still… Nezu told her?! The Principal trusted her with that sort of information? For a brief second, he wonders if Lady Nagant is lying but… no. None of his Quirks tell him that she’s lying. So far she’s being honest.
“… I see. I don’t know what you want me to say.”
The purple-haired woman’s eyes narrow at that and the fingers visible on her crossed arms clench, digging into her own bicep.
“I want to know what you know. What you REALLY know.”
Vague. Almost impossibly so. If Izuku didn’t have his Quirks plus the conversation he’d had with the Pro Hero Thirteen, he might not have connected the dots. But as it is… he quickly realizes what Nagant is putting down here, even if she’s not meaning to.
“… You’re one of his agents, aren’t you?”
She marshals herself rather well. Barely reacts. But in the end, he can’t miss the way the corners of her mouth tighten almost imperceptibly. Or the ever so slight narrowing of her eyes. She’s already tense and wound up as tightly as possible, but his accusation strikes true, nonetheless. Still, she doesn’t know he can see that. Nor does she likely know he sees the moment when she considers playing dumb or not.
Finally though, Nagant just jerks her head up and down in a nod before going on the offensive.
“I am. And you didn’t kill your father in cold blood, did you? It was all part of his plan from start to finish…”
Now it’s Izuku’s turn to consider lying. She’s admitted that she’s in league with the Principal, so flat out admitting the truth was a dumb idea… right? Except Izuku can’t imagine that Nezu would push for this line of action from Lady Nagant… not in a million years. It just wouldn’t make sense for the UA Principal to tell her to just go and ask him outright.
And he highly doubted Nezu had known that Nagant was an agent of his father’s either. All of this… all of this spoke of a serious misstep on the Principal’s part. He’d confided in the wrong person and instead of assisting Nezu in whatever it was he wanted of her, Nagant had come running to Izuku to confront him directly.
That said…
“What did my father tell you, exactly? In what way did he want you to serve as his agent here at UA?”
Izuku couldn’t just confirm it. He wasn’t BUILT like that. He needed more information. Lady Nagant’s face nevertheless twists up like she’s just bitten into a sour lemon, her brow furrowing and her nostrils scrunching as her lips curl into a grimace. She remains quiet for a moment before finally biting out her answer.
“Nothing. Your father helped me with something. I’m not going to tell you what if he didn’t tell you. He helped me with something and as payment he set me up here… as his agent. And then he went and had you kill him, didn’t he? But he did so without sending any further orders. He just… put me here and then went and died.”
Hearing her talk about his father’s death like that is a small source of irritation for Izuku, admittedly. The wound isn’t quite so raw anymore, but losing his dad still hurt… and still hurts to this day in fact. And yet… it sounds like the purple haired Heroics Teacher has reason to be so aggrieved. All for One didn’t make mistakes. He didn’t do ‘lapses in judgment’. Everything was part of the plan, always.
That meant Lady Nagant was a gift, just like the rest of the school’s faculty. Izuku didn’t know if there were any more direct ‘agents’ of his father among the school’s dramatically altered faculty, but he did know precisely why Nagant and all the others were here. They were post-mortem gifts from All for One, opportunities for Izuku to finesse and convince to his side.
But of course his father couldn’t make it easy for him. So among those gifts were individuals like Lady Nagant who knew FAR more than the others. Landmines that Izuku was expected to carefully navigate without letting them blow up in his face. Heh, even now he was being tested. It was almost… nice in a way.
“He did. Have me kill him that is. It was his decision. His plan. It was… the culmination of everything we’d worked on together. For years.”
Lady Nagant’s eyes narrow at that and something Izuku doesn’t recognize at first passes through her gaze. Then, she shakes her head.
“… You’re not old enough to be talking about working on something of this magnitude for years.”
She doesn’t try and call him out on it. She doesn’t try to say All for One isn’t really dead. She must have done her own independent investigation and come to the conclusion that his father was really gone long before having this confrontation. That’s when Izuku realizes what he saw in her gaze. Concern. Letting out a quiet laugh, Izuku just shrugs.
“I am what my father made me I suppose. But… I’m also what I wanted to be. What this world needs me to be.”
At this point, was there really any point in holding anything back? Nagant leans forward at that, suddenly showing him an aggressive sort of interest.
“And what is that, exactly? What did your father want you to do once he was gone? What does the world need you to be?”
Izuku straightens up, his eyes flashing as he thrusts out his chin.
“It didn’t really matter what All for One wanted from me, all things considered. He was going to be dead after all. What mattered… what mattered was what I wanted. And what I wanted was to fix this broken world. To change our shitty, faulty, and altogether corrupt system of doing things. My father played the role of the villain for hundreds of years, acting as the foil for countless would-be heroes. And yet… things didn’t get better. They only got worse.”
Lifting a hand, Izuku clenches it into a fist as he stares down at it for a moment, feeling the power coursing through him.
“… I’m going to do what neither my father nor All Might ever could. I’m going to change things. The status quo is broken, so it’s time to get rid of it. I’m going to make a new world… a world where heroes are actually heroes and not reliant on one Pillar of Hope to prop them up. A world where organizations like the Commission can’t get away with their shady practices for the sake of ‘peace’ anymore.”
That last bit he tacks on purposefully, watching Nagant carefully for her reaction when he brings up her old stomping grounds. And she does react, to be fair. The mere mention of the Commission is enough to make the former Pro Hero jolt in response. Though if he’s reading her correctly, it’s not because she’s working for the Commission… but because she agrees with him.
“I’m in.”
Izuku blinks at that though. Even if she agreed with him…
“You’re in?”
Nodding sharply, Lady Nagant has this determined look on her face.
“I believe you. You haven’t lied to me a single time since this conversation began. And that means… that means you’re the best shot this country has at a better future. Maybe that’s why All for One set me up here. So I’d run into you and naturally see you for what you represented. Or maybe he had something else in mind. In the end, it doesn’t really matter. I owe him for what he did for me… but more than that, I want to see the world you hope to create. And the best way of doing that is by helping you create it with my own two hands.”
Izuku hesitates for a moment, a little… no, scratch that. He’s actually very caught off-guard by Nagant’s impassioned speech. He’s beginning to suspect that the Commission did more of a number on the purple haired woman than he ever could have expected. And that whatever his father helped her with, it had a lot to do with getting her away from that work.
When taking that educated guess into consideration, it actually made plenty of sense that Nagant was so readily on board with his proposal of a better world. Even still, he-
Izuku blinks as the Sniper Hero suddenly pushes off of her office door and begins strutting forward towards him.
“You don’t need to worry about the Principal. Nezu thinks that he and I are on the same page but he didn’t even know about my connections to your father before he told me all about you. I took the liberty of making sure this room was clear of listening devices and bugs beforehand though, so he won’t know about this conversation. Still, we have to make this believable.”
Izuku blinks… as Lady Nagant drops to her knees right in front of him and reaches for his belt buckle. He’s so caught off guard by the serious woman’s sudden change of pace that she manages to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants before he finally reacts.
“What… what are you doing?”
The deadpan, no-nonsense look that Nagant gives him makes Izuku flush a little.
“What does it look like I’m doing? We both know you’re a pervert, Midoriya. Why do you think Nezu wanted me to investigate you in the first place? He’s well aware that you’re successfully sexually subverting his staff members one by one. He sent me to get close to you, to make sure it was ONLY sex and nothing more nefarious.”
Wait, what?! Izuku has to spend a moment wrapping his head around that. Nezu knew he was having copious amounts of sex with several teachers… and didn’t care enough to stop it? Rather, the nonhuman Principal simply wanted to make sure Izuku wasn’t a villain in disguise so he sent Nagant to fuck him and find out for real?!
The feel of Lady Nagant’s lips on Izuku’s cock brings him back to reality and he looks down to see her dutifully beginning to suck his dick.
… So, this was happening now apparently.
The Patreon Vote:
[  ] Stop her and point out that they can just SAY they're having sex - 7%
[  ] Let her go for it, but keep it to a blowjob since Momo is waiting and everything... - 16%

[X] Fuck it, go for broke and plow Lady Nagant silly, he wants to see that calm facade break - 77%


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