The Successor (My Hero Academia)

Chapter 29: Mitsuki Bakugou Pt. 3

“… No.”
Mitsuki jolts as if struck physically by the force of his one word answer. Her mouth opens as if to speak, but Izuku cuts her off, piercing her with a glare and staring her down intensely.
“I don’t want anything more from you, Mitsuki Bakugou. I don’t want anything at all. But what I want doesn’t matter, does it? What matters is what YOU want.”
Taken aback, the gorgeous MILF, still covered in his drying cum, trembles for a moment. He can see it in her eyes immediately. She knows what he means. But she’s afraid. She doesn’t want to admit it, even to herself. All those mental gymnastics are catching up with her.
“W-What… what do you m-mean?”
Izuku’s lip curls up in a sneering grin, as he stares down at her. Kneeling before him with her tits out and covered in his jizz, her skirt hiked up to show off her panty-clad crotch… does he really have to spell it out for her? Apparently he does. And fuck it, he supposes he might as well.
“You want this, Mitsuki. You want me to fuck you. You aren’t satisfied with your marriage, with your husband. No, you want more. You are the one who brought ME here. Under the guise of paying back your daughter’s debt to me, you got down on your knees and sucked my cock. I didn’t even have to ask you to do it, did I?”
“All I asked for was an apology. All of this? A Love Hotel? The blowjob? That was you, Mitsuki.”
He can see his words are getting to her. He’s piercing right to the core of the situation. She can’t remain in denial with Izuku calling her out point blank. Forcing her to acknowledge that everything up until this point was her idea… that’s just stage one. Now…
“Admit what you really want, and I just might give it to you. Admit that you want my fucking cock inside of your sopping wet cunt and I just might fuck you, you horny, cheating bitch.”
Mitsuki jerks back again, her head whipping to the side as if he backhanded her physically, rather than just verbally. She stares at him with wide eyes, recognizing that he has her dead to rights. He’s not going to blackmail Katsumi’s mother into having sex with him. He doesn’t need to. Izuku might not know the true details of Mitsuki’s marriage, but he knows one thing for certain… she’s not happy, if she’s willing to do all of this with him.
“I… I…”
Izuku rolls his eyes. Even now, the normally brash and fiery woman is unable to formulate a response. Like mother, like daughter he supposes. Though Katsumi would be a lot more impotent rage rather than speechless terror at the moment.
Regardless, he’s not going to stand there waiting forever. He has better things to be doing. Better women too, to make a little joke in his head. If Mitsuki is going to be indecisive about this…
“Then I guess we’re done here. Good riddance, Mitsuki.”
Izuku puts his cock away in one smooth motion and turns on his heel, fully prepared to walk out the door if it comes to that. This is it, either Mitsuki stops him, or he’s gone. Either way, Izuku wins. He’s had his fun after all. He’s had his way with Katsumi’s mother and doesn’t need anything more. Cumming all over Mitsuki’s face and tits is more than enough for his satisfaction.
Ah, but not for Mitsuki’s, now is it? His hand is on the door handle as her voice reaches him. Stopping, Izuku turns and looks back over his shoulder, eyes narrowed at the still-kneeling MILF, covered in his cum. Averting her gaze, Mitsuki whimpers.
“P-Please… please fuck me. I-I want you to fuck me.”
Turning around fully, Izuku stays where he is for a moment.
“Do you now?”
Mitsuki’s blush intensifies and she nods her head in a jerked, ashamed motion.
“I-I want your fucking c-cock in my s-sopping wet pussy b-because I’m a horny… c-cheating bitch.”
Having her parrot his words back to him is quite the delight. Izuku smiles thinly and reaches down with one hand to free his cock from its confines once more. Mitsuki’s eyes immediately zero in on it, her breathing becoming uneven as she starts to pant. As her cum-covered tits jiggle slightly with her breathing, Izuku tilts his head to the side in amusement.
“You mean this cock?”
Mitsuki’s blush grows even hotter as she whimpers, recognizing what he’s doing. In the end, it would appear she’s lost her voice again, because all she can do in response to his query is nod her head up and down some more.
Izuku hums, considering it for a moment. He’s not feigning that consideration either. In the end, he decides it’s good enough… IF she can follow orders.
“Show me.”
He’s deliberately vague, and not at all upset with the results. Mitsuki hesitates for only a moment longer, before turning around and bending over. Getting on her hands and knees, the gorgeous MILF reaches back and hikes her skirt up over her ass and hips. Then, she hooks her thumbs into her panties and carefully slides them down her body, shuddering as they pull away from her pussy, all sticky.
She was indeed sopping wet, just like he’d said she was. But then, of course. Izuku knew from his Quirks just how aroused Mitsuki was. She might have managed to fool herself, but there wasn’t a world in which she could fool him. His enhanced senses gave him perfect awareness of his surroundings… and of the state of being for the people within those surroundings.
Pressing her face into the carpet of the love hotel, Mitsuki Bakugou lifts her hips high into the air, showing off her dripping nethers nestled between thicc, perfectly creamy thighs. Her Quirk really is unfair, giving her such excellent skin. For a brief moment, Izuku is almost tempted to take it from her as true punishment, just to see how she likes aging normally for once.
… But no, that’s a silly passing thought at best. Not only would it take too long for the punishment to truly take effect, in the short term it would only serve to expose him. A point of failure like that wasn’t something Izuku wanted at this point in time.
Instead, he settles for what Mitsuki has begged him for, secure in the knowledge that Katsumi Bakugou’s own mother has debased herself and admitted that there’s nothing she wants more than for her daughter’s victim to fuck her right here and now.
Stepping forward, Izuku sinks to his knees behind Mitsuki and plants his hands firmly upon her shapely buttocks, bringing his palms down hard in a pair of twin smacks that cause Mitsuki to uncharacteristically squeak and shudder as he then turns those smacks into gropes.
His cock comes up and presses against her slit for a moment, teasing her opening as Izuku hums briefly. This time, he’s definitely feigning consideration. He knows he’s going to fuck her. And so does Mitsuki. But he can’t help toy with her all the same.
“Is this what you want, Mitsuki?”
The hesitation grows shorter and shorter as time goes on, with Mitsuki moaning for only a moment before nodding her head with more enthusiasm than previous times.
“Y-Yes! Please Izuku, p-please stop teasing me! I need your big… fat… c-cock inside of me…”
Eyes flashing, Izuku growls and then thrusts forward. His member pierces straight to Mitsuki’s sopping core in one smooth motion. The MILF’s pussy is so slick, so wet, and so ready for him that he goes ball’s deep right off the bat. A grunt leaves his lips as he doubles over her, but it’s drowned out by Mitsuki’s loud wanton moan, half turned into a squeal of ecstasy as her inner walls flex and clench around his cock.
The bitch just came from the first thrust. To be fair, everything before now was clearly incredible foreplay for her… but still, how embarrassing. Izuku just chuckles tauntingly, and from the way Mitsuki buries her head in her hands, she knows why he’s laughing. Doesn’t stop her from pushing her hips back into his though. Doesn’t stop her from moaning up a storm as he fucks her hard and fast right there on the floor.
The bed remains untouched beside them, but Izuku finds that quite fitting. Mitsuki might not have done anything to him personally, but he hadn’t been lying when he said he blamed her for Katsumi, at least partially. Would his childhood friend turned bully have turned out the way she did if she’d had a better mother?
Sure, Mitsuki might not have put all of the Quirk Superiority bullshit in Katsumi’s head. Sure, she hadn’t knowingly enabled Katsumi’s behavior. And sure, Izuku had used Katsumi’s bullying to his advantage, all part of his and his father’s plan to cultivate a certain image. But that didn’t change the role Mitsuki had played in everything. The woman was abusive, and if nothing else, Izuku found himself hoping she might take something away from all of this… besides the pleasure he was currently bringing her.
As he plows Mitsuki into the carpet, Izuku grunts, feeling himself getting close. But of course, there’s no way in a million years he’s cumming inside of the bodacious MILF. As he fucks Mitsuki through orgasm after orgasm, feeling her pussy walls clenching around his cock time and time again, Izuku waits until the last possible second… and then proceeds to pull out and cum all over her backside and back.
Just as he did with her face and tits, Izuku coats Mitsuki’s back profile in his jizz. He covers her in his cum, and gazes upon the work of art he’s made her into with a sense of pure pride and satisfaction. He almost considers taking a photo on the off chance that he might one day show it to Katsumi… but in the end, he doesn’t do it. He’s not about to even lean towards blackmailing Mitsuki like that. Oh, he’d emotionally blackmail her all day long over both her own shitty behavior and the shitty behavior of her child all these years, but he wasn’t going to cross that line any further.
Grunting, Izuku gives Mitsuki’s fat ass one last smack and then stands up, fixing his clothing and tucking his cock away once more as he stares down at her. She’s still riding the wave of her last orgasm, it looks like. Either that, or she’s too ashamed of herself to so much as get up and look him in the eye. In the end, Izuku decides it doesn’t matter which it is.
… He’s done here.
“Goodbye, Mitsuki. If you want to do this again, you call ME, not my mother.”
With that little window left open for a repeat performance, Izuku turns and leaves the love hotel.
Mitsuki quivers as the door clicks shut behind him. That young man… he’d completely ruined her. He’d fucked her harder than she could ever remember being fucked before. He’d used her like… like she was nothing. And all after making him beg for it as well. And then at the end of it all… he’d made his offer.
Again? AGAIN? The idea of it both excites and terrifies her at the same time. Before today, Mitsuki had never strayed in her marriage. Not even once. Oh sure, she’d thought about it. There had been a handsome stranger here or there that she’d ogled and enjoyed. Indeed, in her line of work, there were plenty of beautiful people that Mitsuki could have had an affair with at the drop of a hat.
She hadn’t though. She’d never done more than look. Never done more than fantasized. Until today.
And just who had she chosen to have a full-blown affair with? Oh, just Izuku Midoriya, her daughter’s childhood friend, and apparently bullying victim. So many other fish in the sea, and Mitsuki had succumbed to impulses she didn’t even know she had with the worst possible option. It was unconscionable… and yet, at the same time, Mitsuki already knows she’s going to call him up eventually.
It’s not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’. She wants him inside of her again, even now. She already wants him to fuck her again. Whimpering, mewling even, Mitsuki reaches down between her legs and frigs her clit and freshly fucked sex as she kneels there on the carpet, a fucking mess. She’s going to have to pay extra to the love hotel for the cleaning service. But she can’t bring herself to mind.
If anything… she wishes Izuku had made her MORE messy.
Izuku smiles as Nana hums around his cock. The beautiful, musclebound heroine is on her knees, sucking him off. Not for his pleasure, though he’s certainly enjoying it, but for her own. Nana is… well, she’s very codependent. Always will be, after what happened to her. Izuku doesn’t mind though. She’s not only one of the last gifts he received from his father, but also his responsibility. He wouldn’t trade her for anything, and he WILL always look after her.
With a grunt, he cums down her throat, Nana happily swallowing every last drop before pulling back off of his cock with a pop. A twinkle in her eye, she tilts her head to the side as she strokes his cock for a moment before tucking it back away.
“Your class will be going to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint Facility today for a lesson. Specifically, the Trial of Rescue. I’ll be in attendance, as will Mirko and the Space Hero Thirteen, due to her assistance with disaster relief.”
Izuku slowly nods at this, taking in this information.
“… Sounds like fun. I assume there’s a reason you’re telling me all about it ahead of time, however?”
Nana smiles wickedly and nods.
“There will be an element of chance and luck involved at a certain point. With what role you’re chosen to play in the Trial, and who you’re meant to save. I could… rig it for you, if you like. Or we could leave it purely up to chance.”
Izuku blinks at that, imagining himself for a moment being the one tasked with rescuing all of the girls as the victims/damsels in distress, while the boys act as the villains to stop him. He has to admit, it’s a tantalizing thought.
… But does he want to go that brazen with it? Or would it be better to leave it purely to chance like Nana had suggested?

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