The Strongest Through Live Broadcast System

Chapter 29 Female Driver

Chapter 29 Female Driver

Lin Fei devoured the souls of Demacian warriors before, not only learned dashing and double chopping, but also incorporated into Lin Fei's memory about riding skills, so although he had never ridden a horse before, Lin Fei was very proficient in jumping , stepped on the stirrup, jumped onto the horse's back, then bent over and pulled Annie up!

Passing through the stone avenues, I finally came to a magnificent five-story castle. The shape of the castle is hexagonal, like a pagoda, and there are patrolling soldiers everywhere, with a chilling atmosphere. This is the city lord's mansion of Dak City. , It is also the command post of the front line.

Commander, people are coming! The captain brought Lin Fei and Annie to the fifth floor attic of the command post.

Understood, you go down! Carter's stern voice came from the attic.

The captain stepped back respectfully.

Lin Fei, come in!

Lin Fei pushed open the wooden door of the attic and walked in, only to see Carter with long wine red hair sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding a snake-shaped dagger in his hand, rubbing it back and forth.

Sister Carter! Annie jumped up and rushed up, throwing herself into Carter's arms. Annie misses her sister so much!

Carter's cold and stern face instantly became gentle: My sister misses Anne too!

Huh? Carter frowned, as if he felt something strange from Annie, It seems that a lot of things have happened to you these few days since I left!

Lin Fei roughly told Carter what happened in Annihilation Village, and Carter's eyes widened when he heard it. If it weren't for the powerful dark energy in Annie's body, Carter would never have believed that Lin Fei actually told the legendary one hundred Zero Eight Demons are defeated! !

Carter sneered contemptuously: Sure enough, fools are blessed with fools. It seems that your lieutenant general is not completely useless!

Lin Fei held his head up: That's right! Don't look down on me, one day, I will conquer you... Lin Fei was so excited that he almost said that he was under me.

Carter's murderous eyes fixed on Lin Fei: What is the conquest?

Anchor, don't be cowardly!! Speak out, conquer your peak!! Hahaha, I understand your anchor!

Tsk tsk, the real Carter is much more beautiful than in the game. The sword mark on the left eye not only did not make Carter ugly, but made Carter even more murderous!

Of course, many cute newcomers entered the live broadcast room, with disbelief on their faces: Don't be funny, travel through the live broadcast, what era is it now, there are still people who will believe this, it is obvious that the anchor did not know where to find a few models, play cosplay!

Fuck off, don't look down, dare to insult my goddess, model, your wild model can have the temperament of such a queen!

Lin Fei was already used to the friendly greetings from the audience in the live broadcast room. Facing Carter's murderous gaze, he was indeed intimidated: That, I mean, I will lead and conquer Valoran for Carter!!

Carter smiled, and his red lips parted slightly: Very well, I'll just wait for your words! However, if you want to conquer Valoran, you must first conquer Ionia. I don't know if you are willing to do this for me. Woolen cloth!

Conquer Ionia! I? ! Lin Fei's scalp went numb for a while!

I can refuse!

Carter laughed even harder, and his chest, which had been touched by Lin Fei many times, heaved and fell: Hahaha, as my lieutenant general, if you disobey my military order, there is only one end for you, death!

Lin Fei sighed, with an expression of resignation: Okay! Since Commander Carter trusts me so much, then give me a hundred thousand soldiers, and I will cross the ocean and conquer Ionia!

Hahaha, one hundred thousand soldiers, you think beautifully, and you are the only one! Carter laughed wildly, because his body trembled violently, revealing his snow-white skin.

Many people in the live broadcast room were hooked and had nosebleeds.

My broadsword is hungry!

Screenshot, hurry up and take a screenshot, it's so beautiful!!

Lin Fei couldn't care less about admiring Carter's body, and couldn't believe it: What! Alone!! Commander Carter, you are right, how can I conquer Ionia by myself!

Katerina put away her smile, and she seemed to be a different person in an instant: I will find a way to mix you into the caravan of Demacia and go to Ionia. In a month, Ionia will be once every four years. When the time comes, you must pass the assessment and become a recruit, and then do everything you can to sneak into the top ranks of the recruits, and when the time is right, someone will naturally contact you and inform you of the tasks you have to complete!

Infernal Affairs!

Carter actually wants to make himself a traitor! Depend on! Does Lao Tzu look so much like a traitor! !

I protest! Lin Fei protested with both hands.

Clang! ! With a crisp sound, Carter disappeared in place, and a cold dagger appeared on Lin Fei's throat in the next second! The speed was so fast that Lin Fei couldn't even see clearly.

You are my lieutenant general. If you disobey the military order, you will die!! Carter's voice was as cold as an iceberg, without any tone.

Sister Carter, don't hurt brother Lin Fei! Annie rushed over and hugged Carter's thigh, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Carter quickly put away the dagger, touched Annie's head and said, You're playing with my brother, don't cry!

Many viewers in the live broadcast room complained about Lin Fei.

Why is this Carter like this? He was talking and laughing just now, but why did he suddenly turn his face, so ruthless!

Ruthless? Haha, you guys are too ignorant. Go and see Katerina's official background. She has been trained by the assassin camp since she was a child. It is the nature of an assassin to be cold-blooded and ruthless. For an assassin, there is no emotion, only interests!!

In Lin Fei's mind, he was still fantasizing about impressing Carter's heart, but hey hey hey with Carter, his illusions were suddenly shattered, and he realized the reality. Lin Fei put away his playful smile and said, Commander Carter, with my current strength, even if I pass the recruit assessment, It's also hard to get ahead among the recruits!

While coaxing Annie, Carter said: Don't worry, I have arranged a special experience for you. It is rumored that an artifact appeared on Mount Targon. Although I don't know what this artifact is, it should be helpful to you. You just need to With the artifact, no matter what, it is not difficult to be a captain in the new barracks!

【Ding! Obtain the main task]

[The Artifact of Targon Peak: Go to Targon Peak and get the artifact]

[Task reward: 2000 points]

[Remarks: Legend has it that the greatest god-casting star dragon king was suppressed under the giant mountain. After countless years, an inconspicuous cloak absorbed the star energy of the star-casting dragon king and refined it into an artifact]

Damn it! The main mission is here! Lin Fei couldn't refuse even if he wanted to. If he didn't complete the main task, Lin Fei would be trapped in the live broadcast room forever! !

Lin Fei was speechless: Sacred Artifact!! Commander Carter, led the army to take back the artifact. What's the use of me going there!

Carter gave Lin Fei a blank look. If it weren't for Annie who was crying in his arms, Carter would have kicked him out a long time ago: Targon is one of the most mysterious and terrifying places in Valoran, and there is a neutral Bright Moon Sect there. , Sun Sect, and the Rakkor tribe at the foot of the mountain, once they send a large army, it will undoubtedly be tantamount to declaring war, which will be a disaster for Noxus!!

Lin Fei sneered in his heart: Heh, he thought Noxus was so great, and he wanted to unify the world, and he was afraid of even a Targon.

Carter paused, and said sharply, Sivir! I know you're here, come in!

Squeak! The wooden door was pushed open.

A dark-skinned girl, wearing black leather armor, with a crown inlaid with a huge emerald on her forehead, revealing a body full of sunshine!

Wow!! That chest! That leg!! Full of wild charm! Ten thousand times more charming than Carter!

This is Sivir, the goddess of war. As expected of a goddess, although her skin is darker, she has a different charm!

Sivir looked frivolously, and with an elusive smile, walked towards Lin Fei: This is the person Commander Carter hired me to protect. He's such a badass. I don't think the famous Commander Carter would like this!

Shut up!

Carter's complexion sank, and he threw a heavy bag to draw an arc in the air. Sivir quickly grabbed the bag, and a green light appeared in the bag after opening it: Tsk tsk, the best sky sapphire, it seems that this little boy It’s still very important to you!!”

Have you seen enough? Sivir intentionally forced her chest to Lin Fei's eyes.

Lin Fei swallowed his saliva, pursed his lips, and quickly pretended to look at the ceiling: Well, that, that Sivir, right? Hmph! Why do you call me a jerk!

Sivir giggled and said, As I grow up!


Lin Fei almost spit out: I accept this reason! You are old, you are right in everything!

For some reason, Carter saw Lin Fei and Sivir talking and laughing, flirting with each other, and felt very uncomfortable. Carter hated this feeling and said angrily: I gave you the money, I hope you, the mercenary captain, don't let me down. !

The woman's intuition made Sivir catch Carter's jealousy. Sivir deliberately hugged Lin Fei, rubbed Lin Fei's body, and said provocatively: Don't worry, from this moment on, I am his man. We will definitely protect him and complete the mission!

Get out! Get out quickly! Carter was indescribably upset.

Heck! Sivir had never seen Carter so irritable before, and smiled happily, I never thought that the dignified commander Carter would care so much about a little boy!

Eh? ! Lin Fei was bewildered, Carter cared about himself, how could it be possible, just now Carter's dagger almost cut his throat.

Carter was so confused that he stuttered a bit: Xi, Xivir, don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with him, I just want to save his life for use!

Oh~~~~ Sivir exaggerated, Since it doesn't matter, then I won't be polite!

Just like that, Sivir gave Lin Fei a big kiss in front of Carter! ! The soft lips were printed on his face, and the sunshine-like fragrance almost made Lin Fei float!

I rely on! What a plot! I was? Molested? ! !

Carter's face turned red instantly: Come on! Get these two out of here!!!

Ha ha ha ha! ! Sivir's rambunctious voice came from the room.

The live room exploded in an instant!

It's amazing my sister, Sivir turned out to be a female driver!! The anchor is very lucky!!

The anchor is definitely going to be fucked!

It's a fart to be fucked, if I can fuck Sivir once, I'd be willing to be a ghost!!

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