The Strongest Summoner

Chapter 24

Chapter 23:

Zhuang Yi looked at Lei Xiu, thinking of the dark red ear buckles hanging on his ears.

When confronted with Zheng Fang before, Zhuang Yi thought about taking off this ear buckle as evidence, but after hearing Zheng Fang’s sophistry, I am afraid that even if the scene inside the ear buckle is projected, it will not help, so he simply doesn’t mention it. The buckle continues to be worn on Lei Xiu’s body, and it may be more useful in the future.

Seeing that Lei Xiu’s sleep actually promoted its evolution at this time, Zhuang Yi was a little curious about what Zheng Fang did to Lei Xiu.

If you want to open the Shadow Crystal, you must use spirit power. Although Zhuang Yi is a Soul Master, he still doesn’t know this. So he had to go to the school store to buy a special prop for opening the Shadow Crystal, and then took off Lei Xiu’s earrings. Put it into it and play it.

Shadow Crystal not only shows the surrounding scene from Lei Xiu’s ears, but also shows the energy-filtered images around. Zhuang Yi found that this formation is more subtle than he had imagined. Although the detection range is only one meter, as long as People with fluctuations in power will be filtered out.

In the morning, Zhuang Yi came out with Lei Xiu in his arms. The first person he saw was Shang Qingyun. In the energy filter image in the ear buttons, Shang Qingyun’s whole body had a very light white energy color, and when he saw Shangguan After Jing, the energy color of Shangguan Jing’s body is much clearer than that of Shang Qingyun. In addition, the beasts in the animal garden, and even the whole body of the plants have been detected with patterns. The only difference is that the whole body exudes. Energy is white, monsters are brown, and plants are green.

The scene inside the shadow crystal was playing, Zhuang Yi stared at the energy filtering pictures and fell into contemplation.

Humans, monsters, and plants show different colors, so what would it look like if a strange demon was illuminated by this earring?

No one knows where the alien monsters came from, as if they suddenly appeared on the mainland a few years later. At first the alien monsters did not attract the attention of human beings, but with the implantation of alien monsters, possession and powerful reproduction ability, Finally attracted people’s attention. Later, people discovered that different demons are different from any animals and plants, and they don’t seem to belong to this space at all, so it is difficult to completely eliminate them.

If the formation in this ear buckle can distinguish the energy of the alien demon, then in the future when the alien demon comes, the role it will play is simply incalculable.

Zhuang Yi no longer dared to look down on this ear buckle, and made up his mind to do some research after he had spirit power.

At this moment, the video in the ear buckle happened to be played until Zheng Fang hugged Lei Xiu and walked aside. Zheng Fang in the video obviously had no intentions at the beginning. From the moment she turned around holding Lei Xiu, she began to input The soul power is testing Lei Xiu’s body, and the energy color in the ear buckles is very strong. It can be seen that Zheng Fang does not show mercy at all. Such a violent investigation will leave an indelible effect on the young beast. Damage, once the power in the body is destroyed, it will no longer be able to make up for it in the future.

For a weak tiger like Lei Xiu, she, a spirit master, used such a method of downloading. At this moment, Zhuang Yi felt that removing her position as a breeder not only did not wrong her at all, but it was too cheap for her! At the same time, Zhuang Yi also regretted in his heart, why didn’t he follow Zheng Fang up there? If she discovered her trick earlier, Lei Xiu would not have to suffer.

Lei Xiu’s body was constantly convulsing because of pain, so the image in the ear buckle was constantly shaking, and at the same time, accompanied by Lei Xiu’s painful voice, Zheng Fang’s spirit power ran across Lei Xiu’s body, and Lei Xiu insisted on seeing it. When he couldn’t go down anymore, Lei Xiu let out a roar, as if the potential in his body was suddenly stimulated under Zheng Fang’s pressure. Lei Xiu suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Zheng Fang with all his strength.

Zheng Fang’s eyes were quick and his hands flashed quickly, but Lei Xiu’s claws also left blood marks on Zheng Fang’s body.

Zheng Fang was furious at once, and directed the soul beast to attack Lei Xiu. At the moment Lei Xiu received a fatal attack, a dark red energy pattern flashed.

Zhuang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and he hurriedly controlled to rewind the image to play it again, only to find that the dark red energy pattern was actually emitted from Lei Xiu’s body.

Lei Xiu is a Warcraft. Logically speaking, the Lei Xiu energy light reflected by the ear buckles should be brown. How could it be dark red?

Zhuang Yi suddenly remembered that he had summoned Lei Xiu from the turbulence of space!

Space turbulence is a very dangerous place. In addition to opening up an independent space that does not belong to this world, according to the records in the books read by Zhuang Yi in the previous generation, it may even be connected to other planes, and in those planes, the same There are many lives in life, but due to differences in environment and humanities, the race and even the power will be different.

Zhuang Yi had previously suspected that Lei Xiu might have come from a strong man from another plane. After all, although there were powerful monsters like tigers on the Yad Continent, he had never heard of anyone who dared to stay in the turbulent space for a long time without dying. Now think about it, combined with Lei Xiu’s cub’s mind today, Lei Xiu is likely to accidentally enter the space turbulence from another plane. Under the powerful force of the space turbulence, he will drift for too long. His strength regressed, his memory was slowly worn away, and he eventually turned back into a juvenile body, and even his thinking was only left with animal instincts.

Only in this way could the weird situation on Lei Xiu’s body be explained. Then, his evolutionary process is likely to be different from the monsters on this continent.

Zhuang Yi adjusted the image a bit faster. Soon, he saw that teacher Zhao, who was good at healing, put soft soul power into Lei Xiu’s body to repair Lei Xiu’s body. At the same time, Zhuang Yi found that the dark red The energy appeared again, and the magical thing was that no one in the room actually noticed this energy.

After watching the video in the ear buckle, Zhuang Yi had his own conjecture in his mind. It seemed that this morning’s injury had inspired Lei Xiu’s hidden power in his body, and instead promoted his progress.

Put the ear buckle away and put it on Lei Xiu’s ear again. After lunch, Zhuang Yi came to the animal farm on time.

The afternoon class is still the selection of auxiliary soul masters, because there are not many people, so it ends soon. The students who have been selected as auxiliary soul masters will start the class tomorrow, and the remaining people will choose the soul master tomorrow, but the teachers they lead are not the three today.

Seeing that the three teachers were free, Zhuang Yi immediately stepped forward.

Shangguan Jing was the first to see Zhuang Yi. She was obviously in a good mood in the afternoon and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Hello, Teacher Shangguan.” Zhuang Yi saluted her before saying, “I have something to ask the teacher about my soul beast.”

Shangguan Jing’s expression was very calm: “Is your soul beast awake?”

“No.” Zhuang Yi shook his head. “That’s it. In the morning, the breeder started working on my soul beast because of its special power. The teachers seemed to be very interested in this, so I thought Understand what it is.”

Shangguan Jing heard the words and was silent for a moment before saying: “You should have heard before that soul power is irreversible, so it can only be exported and cannot be absorbed. For many years, the school teachers have also studied such topics, but they have always been Can’t find the answer. Until ten years ago, Lei Xiu came to Boda Academy. His first soul beast was a mutant species like your Sansheng butterfly, and Lei Xiu failed during the conquest. Controlled by that soul beast for a while.”

Zhuang Yi looked up in surprise. He didn’t expect Lei Xiu, the number one master in the mainland, to have the same experience as him. Zhuang Yi had personally learned how abnormal the mutant monster is. If it weren’t for the soul fragment in his mind, Zhuang Yi would have followed in Leixu’s footsteps.

“It’s a bit ashamed to say that Lei Xiu was controlled, and no one at the scene knew that, until a few days later, Lei Xiu defeated the soul beast with his mental power and regained his autonomy. When he regained it, Lei Xiu’s mental power has also undergone a certain degree of mutation, causing his soul beast to undergo a second mutation.” Shangguan Jing said, speaking of Lei Xiu, there is also a trace of admiration in her eyes as a majestic person like her. “After that, His soul beast has the ability to swallow. When Lei Xiu conquered the second soul beast, originally this first soul beast should be transformed into energy. From then on, Lei Xiu’s soul beast will be a newly subdued second-level soul beast. But Lei Xiu’s mutated first-level soul beast actually swallowed the second-level soul beast into energy, urging it to mutate three times…”

Zhuang Yi’s eyes widened. The mainland has been praising Lei Xiu’s character, his strength, and the miracles Lei Xiu has created over the years, but this kind of thing specific to the mutation of soul beasts has never been made public, Zhuang Yi Somewhat dazedly said: “Then… when he conquered the third spirit beast, did he swallow the mutation again? Then at the seventh and eighth levels…”

“Yes.” Shangguan Jing said, “just what you think, after nine mutations, his spirit beast became the current Dark Emperor Tian Devil Tiger. There is no such beast on the mainland. Lei Xiu’s spirit beast is A unique new breed, and because it has been mutated, it is suitable for offense and defense, not only has amazing defense, and even strong resilience, so he can reach the top of the mainland when he is less than 30 years old. But Lei The success of Xiu cannot be copied. Because he and the soul beast have mutated together, the relationship between him and the soul beast is not the same as that of ordinary soul masters. Therefore, every time Lei Xiu has to go through life and death, he can walk. At the peak of the mainland, luck may be part of it, but the willpower and vitality that are more terrifying than ordinary people are the most admirable.”

Seeing Zhuang Yi’s dumbfounded appearance, Shangguan Jing seldom smiled: “Your monster has the power to swallow by accident. It is indeed very fortunate, but it is too weak. If it is a mutant monster, it does. It may be a path similar to Lei Xiu’s soul beast, but it’s a pity…”

“Teacher, do you know the specific process of each time Lei Xiu’s soul beast mutates?” Zhuang Yi asked. He understands the difference between his own summoned beast, so naturally he and Shangguan Jing have different opinions. Lei Xiu’s soul beast has the same power as his little tiger. Perhaps Zhuang Yi can refer to the process of that soul beast’s advancement.

Shangguan Jing shook her head: “This is the secret secret of the soul master, how can you tell outsiders… However, when he said that his first soul beast was a beast, it looked very similar to yours, isn’t it a tiger? Are monsters more likely to have the ability to swallow…”

After hearing this, Zhuang Yi remembered that the library had information about Lei Xiu soul beasts. He had read it before and remembered that all of them were tigers.

After class, Zhuang Yi went back to the dormitory to check Lei Xiu’s situation. He was still asleep in his nest. He hasn’t moved since he left at noon. Zhuang Yi was not discouraged, and went straight to the library after eating.

This was the first time that Zhuang Yi came to the library, but the layout inside was not the slightest difference from the previous life, so he was very proficient in finding the books he needed to search.

Three hours later, Zhuang Yi found a school magazine from the corner, which contained a group photo of three boys.

One month after the first-year students of BD College start class, they will take a quiz. Then, according to the scores of the quiz, the three soul masters of the auxiliary soul master and the soul master and the master soul master will form a team according to the corresponding ranking number. This tradition has existed since the establishment of the school, and ten years ago, Lei Xiu was the first soul warrior in that session.

This photo was obviously taken shortly after the quiz, so Lei Xiu’s soul beast has not been retrieved yet. This is the only photo taken when Lei Xiu’s soul beast was still Level 1 after Zhuang Yi looked for it for more than three hours.

The black cat-like cub sits gracefully on Lei Xiu’s shoulders, with dark red eyes half-closed. From the appearance, the only difference from Zhuang Yi’s zombies is the body shape of the cub in the photo. Elegant, with greasy fur, but the sleeping tiger cub lying in the dormitory is skinny.

Zhuang Yi stared at the tiger cub in the photo for a moment, and unconsciously looked at Lei Xiu at the age of sixteen.

Although he was only sixteen years old, Lei Xiu’s body was already stretched out, and he was taller than anyone in the same grade next to him. He had a neat short black hair, a stiff nose, light-colored thin lips, and facial features. The chiseled, there is a different kind of handsome, a pair of eyes half-squinted to look over, maybe just not long after the battle, graceful with a bit of sharpness that cannot be ignored.

The look of one person and one tiger is exactly the same.

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