The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 73 – The Beginning of Turmoil


The month-long training period came to an end. Kanata and her crew had grown close to the people of Wano Country. Her subordinates and Oden's retainers had formed friendships, often chatting and sharing stories during breaks. On the eve of their departure, a grand feast was held to celebrate their newfound bonds and wish Kanata and her crew a safe journey.

“Time flies,” George remarked, watching the festivities.

“We managed to drill them in discipline and combat skills. They should be useful now,” Junshi replied.

“As long as they don’t die, it’s fine. We’ll handle the strong opponents,” Kanata added.

She and the other executives would take care of the powerful enemies. The rest of the crew just needed to be able to handle the grunts.

As long as they didn’t hold them back, they would be fine. She had no intention of letting them get killed.

Kanata and Junshi were satisfied with the results of the training. They were confident that their crew could hold their own in most battles.

“Are we ready to set sail?” Kanata asked.

“No items left behind, cargo loaded, including the items we acquired in this country,” George confirmed.

Seastone was often processed in Wano Country. While the Marines had started utilizing it recently, the original technology came from Wano.

Their processing techniques were unmatched. Kanata had purchased several Seastone handcuffs as a precaution against Devil Fruit users.

They had also acquired high-quality weapons, ensuring they wouldn’t have to worry about armaments for a while.

As they finished their preparations, Zen arrived with Oden and his retainers, who had come to see them off.

“Have you said your goodbyes? We won’t be seeing each other for a while,” Yasuie said, smiling warmly.

“Hihiin, it’s alright. We knew this was a temporary stay,” Zen replied.

“I’m speaking on behalf of my father as well. I don't like you, but the joint training was beneficial. I’ll give you that much,” Oden said, grudgingly.

“You haven't changed. Maybe I should have beaten you up a bit more,” Kanata retorted.

Their relationship hadn’t improved. They had at least acknowledged each other’s strength, but that was about it.

“Now, now. It’s our departure day. Let’s be amicable, at least for today,” Zen interjected.

“…If you insist, Zen.”

“We’ll visit again someday. Thank you for everything, Sukiyaki.”

Their next destination was Lodestar Island. After that, they would resume their search for the Road Poneglyphs.

They would be asking Sukiyaki for help again.

Oden could also read the ancient glyphs, but since he wasn’t joining their crew, he couldn't decipher them on the spot.

Some of Oden’s retainers had suspected he might try to stow away on Kanata's ship, but they seemed to have changed their minds after observing their interactions. They said their goodbyes to Kanata’s crew, separately from Oden.

“They’re confident you won’t be joining my crew, Oden,” Kanata remarked, amused.

“Damn right. It’s true that your ship is the fastest way to reach the outside world, but I’d suffocate on board,” Oden replied.

“Wise decision. I don’t want you causing trouble on my ship either.”

“You bastard…!”

They already had one troublemaker on board. They didn't need another.

Kanata laughed, enjoying Oden’s frustration.

Zen stepped in to calm Oden down, and they watched as the crew boarded the ships.

“…Next time we meet, I’ll be strong enough to defeat you,” Oden declared, his eyes burning with determination.

“I’ll be waiting,” Kanata replied with a smile.

In the end, she hadn’t used her Devil Fruit ability during their training. She couldn't control its power precisely, and its range was too wide.

Altering the weather and climate locally would disrupt the lives of those in the area. It was a power she couldn’t unleash carelessly.

Even without her Devil Fruit ability, if Oden became strong enough to defeat her, most enemies wouldn't pose a threat to him.

He would truly become the guardian of Wano Country.

“Time to go. Set sail.”

They unmoored their ships from the docks of Mogura Port, slowly moving out to sea.

Yasuie and Oden waved from the pier, their smiles warm and genuine.

“Zen, Kanata! Come visit Wano Country again! We’ll welcome you with open arms!” Yasuie shouted.

“I’ll defeat you next time!” Oden added.

They waved back, then sailed into the stormy seas, leaving Wano Country behind.


After leaving Wano Country, they reached another island, where Kanata went ashore with Gloriosa and Kaie to resupply and gather information.

The climate was cool but stable. A pleasant autumn island. Food was plentiful and cheap compared to other islands.

Kanata purchased several fruits from a street vendor, then settled down at a cafe, ordering tea. She deftly peeled and sliced the fruits with a small knife, arranging them on a plate of ice. She enjoyed the tea and fruit, observing the bustling city.

“How long are we staying on this island?” Gloriosa asked.

“About a week. We’ll take it easy and enjoy some time off,” Kanata replied.

It seemed that both Shiki and Big Mom had quelled the unrest in their territories within the past month.

While she had hoped for the chaos to last longer, she was grateful for the time they had gained to train their crew.

The Marines had also been active recently. There were news reports of Garp clashing with Roger, and Sengoku fighting Shiki.

Zephyr’s retirement had undoubtedly had some impact, but the Marines still had powerful figures like Garp and Sengoku. The situation would likely calm down soon.

“The World Pirates, who had been using guerilla tactics, have been repeatedly defeated by the Golden Lion Pirates’ main forces recently. I doubt Shiki himself participated… but it’s probably best to contact them soon,” Kanata said, reviewing the information George had gathered.

If Shiki himself had been involved, the World Pirates wouldn't have escaped. He had likely sent his executives.

The World Pirates had managed to escape after clashing with the Golden Lion Pirates’ executives, scorching an entire island in the process.

It was a victory for the World Pirates simply to raid the Golden Lion Pirates’ territory, but it was a headache for Shiki.

Byrnndi World.

His bounty was 200 million, but considering his performance against Shiki, it wouldn’t be surprising if it increased.

Kanata stroked Kaie’s hair as she munched on fruit, then asked Gloriosa, “Are we planning to form an alliance with them?”

“For now, yes. If we have a common enemy, it wouldn't hurt to offer support.”

“Hmm… Pirate alliances rarely end well. I only know about them from the newspapers, but I doubt this Byrnndi World is the type to listen to reason.”

“It’s fine if they refuse.”

They could always capture World, who was likely a Devil Fruit user, and use him as a test subject for Sukura’s medicines.

If they could steal his ability, that would be enough. There was no need to force him to be their ally.

If any of his subordinates were Devil Fruit users, that would be even better.

“The problem is that Shiki and Big Mom resolved the situation faster than we expected.”

“They’re both powerful forces. We could have weakened them if they had been distracted for longer.”

“It can’t be helped. We’ll have to chip away at their power gradually, like the World Pirates, using guerilla tactics.”

Attacking their main forces directly was impossible. Shiki and Big Mom both had a massive number of subordinates. Even if they trained their crew to be strong, they couldn't overcome the sheer difference in numbers.

Their executives were also incredibly powerful. They needed a plan.

“We could ignore them for now and focus on expanding our own forces…”

“That’s impossible. Shiki won’t let us.”

Shiki, who was obsessed with Kanata, wouldn't give them time to prepare.

Once the situation calmed down, he would come after her.

“…It’s only a matter of time before he finds us if we keep running.”

“It’s better to take the initiative. Every executive and subordinate we eliminate weakens them.”

“Is that from experience?”

“I’ve been pursued by the Marines and other pirates before.”

Then they would follow her advice.

They would contact the World Pirates first. Whether the negotiations succeeded or failed, their forces would increase.

They were assuming that World was a Devil Fruit user, but most pirates with bounties exceeding 100 million were Devil Fruit users. It was a safe bet.

The problem was that they didn’t know the World Pirates’ location.

“This is tricky… It would be convenient if we had an informant…”

“We have no connections in the New World. The Marines might know their location…”

But Garp wouldn't tell them, even if they asked. They needed to find information about the World Pirates somewhere.

As they were pondering their options, they returned to the ship – and Scotch and George, who had been gathering information, presented them with a lead.

Apparently, someone had been spreading information about the World Pirates at a tavern.

“…Is this information reliable?” Kanata asked.

“Yeah. We know where the World Pirates are now. What do you want to do?”

“I think it’s reliable… but…”

George seemed skeptical.

They explained how they had obtained the information.

Several pirate crews were planning to form an alliance to take down the World Pirates.

The World Pirates had been causing chaos, inflicting heavy damage on civilians and other pirates alike. They were known as the “World Destroyers”, and their strength lived up to their name.

Many pirates held grudges against them, and one of them had decided to form a pirate alliance to seek revenge.

That was the origin of the alliance. They were planning to ambush the World Pirates and kill Byrnndi World.

And now, they knew the World Pirates’ location, and pirates from all over the New World, seeking revenge, were gathering.

“…I see.”

“It seems they’re spreading information everywhere, trying to gather allies to destroy the World Pirates.”

“I’m sure the location is accurate.”

However, this changed things.

She was willing to ally with even a ruthless pirate like World if it meant defeating Shiki, but if the disadvantages outweighed the advantages, then it was a different story.

Shiki wasn’t an opponent they could afford to underestimate. They couldn't waste time dealing with unnecessary complications.

“Hmm… We’ll know for sure once we go there. It’s worth a shot.”

They were planning to meet using Vivre Cards. Scotch handed Kanata his Vivre Card.

Apparently, the main force of the pirate alliance was located at the destination indicated by this Vivre Card.

“They’re meeting in three days, on an island about a day’s journey from here.”

It was all too convenient, but it seemed they were actively recruiting allies by mentioning the World Pirates. They were probably hoping Kanata would join them.

They couldn’t be sure about the quality of the pirates who were gathering, but World was a 200 million berry bounty.

Defeating him would surely bring fame and glory, regardless of their motivations. It seemed many pirates were drawn to the prospect of defeating a powerful opponent.

“…Are we going to destroy the World Pirates? Or form an alliance?”

“From a reputational standpoint, allying with the World Pirates is a bad idea,” George said.

There were too many disadvantages.

If World was weak enough to be defeated by Shiki’s executives, then capturing him and stealing his ability would be more beneficial than forming an alliance.

They needed to meet him first and assess the situation.

Kanata tucked the Vivre Card away and began planning their next move.


“Jihahahaha!! It’s been a while, Roger!! Are you ready to become my subordinate?!”

“Wahahahaha!! Don’t make me laugh, Shiki!! I have no intention of becoming your subordinate!”

New World – a certain sea.

Two of the four strongest individuals in this sea clashed.

One was Shiki, the “Golden Lion”, leader of a massive pirate fleet.

The other was Roger, the “Demon”, captain of a small but powerful pirate crew.

Shiki, impressed by Roger’s strength, had repeatedly tried to recruit him, but it had been months since their last encounter.

“Face reality, Roger! We can defeat them all – those pesky Marines, Whitebeard, Big Mom – if we join forces! It’s a perfect opportunity!”

“Face reality?! Don’t be ridiculous, Shiki! Pirates chase their dreams! I have no intention of being bound by your suffocating reality!”

The weather was clear, the seas calm, but the New World was prone to sudden storms. This particular area was known for its unpredictable weather.

The two powerful figures glared at each other, their words clashing.

One sought domination.

The other sought freedom.

If words failed, pirates resorted to violence – that was their way.

And once again, their opinions diverged.

“I won’t let you escape today! I’ll sink you to the depths of the ocean!”

“Come at me, Shiki! I’ll crush you!”

Their Conqueror’s Haki clashed, and Shiki’s fleet and Roger’s ship sprang into action.

A familiar battle commenced. Executives and subordinates clashed, swords and cannons blazing.

Roger and Shiki, of course, were at the heart of the conflict.

“You seem busy. I hear you were defeated by Kanata,” Roger taunted, deflecting Shiki’s attacks.

“Yeah, it was a pain in the ass… Wait, how do you know about that woman?!”

“We’re acquainted. We met by chance.”

Shiki, who had launched a surprise attack from the sky, frowned at Roger’s words.

“Acquainted?! Do you know who her mother is?!”

“No idea! But if we shared a meal, that’s enough to call her a friend!”

They had only spent a short time together, a day or two at most – but they had shared a meal on the same ship. For Roger, that was enough to consider someone a friend.

Shiki, a vein throbbing in his forehead, swung his sword, imbued with Armament Haki, at Roger.

Roger effortlessly blocked the attack, then countered, aiming to sever Shiki’s arm.

“Don’t underestimate me!”

Shiki parried Roger’s attack, and their Conqueror’s Haki clashed, churning the seas.

He attempted to take control of Roger’s ship, the Oro Jackson, with his Fuwa Fuwa no Mi ability, but Roger’s attack disrupted his concentration. He barely managed to block the blow, then retreated, cleaving through the sea.

“Friends, huh? What a joke!”

The sea he had cleaved through rose into the air, forming a massive wave that threatened to crush Roger and his ship.

Roger laughed, swinging his Haki-imbued sword, bisecting the wave.

Shiki, standing on the deck of the Oro Jackson, charged towards Roger, a sinister grin splitting his face.

“You seem rather upset. Are you that ashamed of your defeat?”

“Yeah, that’s part of it. But… If you knew who her mother was, you wouldn’t be laughing.”

“Why does her mother matter?!”

“She’s… special.”

Shiki parried Roger’s relentless attacks, pushing him back.

“You’re involved as well, you know. Because if my suspicions are correct – you killed Kanata’s parents!”

“What?! What are you talking about?!”

“Jihahahaha!! Ask her yourself!”

Shiki refused to elaborate, and Roger, desperate for answers, attacked with renewed ferocity.

Their Haki-imbued swords clashed, the impact splitting the sky, scattering the clouds.

Shiki, deflecting Roger’s attacks, aimed to take his head.

They both knew that these attacks wouldn't kill them. A trust built from countless battles.

Their fight continued for hours – and finally ended with Roger and his crew retreating, unable to overcome Shiki’s overwhelming fleet.

That night, as the crew rested, Roger sat on the deck, sipping sake, his gaze fixed on the starry sky.

“Roger, are you troubled by Shiki’s words?”

“Yeah… a bit.”

Rayleigh, his first mate, had joined him.

Shiki’s words had been loud enough for most of the crew to hear. Buggy and Shanks might have been oblivious, but the others clearly remembered Kanata.

Roger took a swig of sake, wiping his mouth with his sleeve, then leaned back against the railing.

“…I tried to recruit Kanata as well. But if she’s the daughter of someone I killed… I might have done something terrible to her.”

“But she never mentioned it.”

Roger scratched his head with his free hand, a rare sign of distress.

He wasn’t the type to dwell on things, but he had been looking forward to seeing Kanata again. He had read about her exploits in the New World.

He couldn’t deny it bothered him.

“…We’re pirates. These things happen. But being called the killer of a friend’s parents…”

“Kanata said nothing. It’s unreasonable to expect her to tell you.”

“I know, but…”

“Just meet her and talk to her. She’s a smart girl. If you explain… well, maybe she’ll forgive you after a punch or two?”

“Wahaha, that sounds painful.”

Roger and Rayleigh laughed, bumping fists.

“If Shiki’s telling the truth, I’ll probably get punched,” Roger admitted.

“Maybe it’s a lie to unsettle you,” Rayleigh suggested.

Only Kanata knew the truth. They were going to meet her eventually anyway. It was just a matter of time.

“Alright, let’s go find Kanata!”

Roger took another swig of sake and renewed his determination.


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