The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 69 – Kozuki Oden’s Melancholy


The day after the grand feast, where Sukiyaki and Zen had reminisced through the night, Kanata found herself preparing to draw a nautical chart based on the information Sukiyaki had deciphered from the Road History Poneglyph. She was in the lodging Sukiyaki had arranged for them when a sudden commotion erupted outside. Curious, she stepped out to investigate and found a towering figure, easily twice her height, standing imposingly before the landlady.

“I told you, I just want to meet Father's guest!" the giant boomed.

“Lord Sukiyaki explicitly ordered us not to let you see her. Please leave!” the landlady pleaded.

Sensing an impending headache, Kanata quietly retreated back into the lodging and resumed her work.

Dragon, who had been in another room, popped his head in, asking, "What's going on out there?"

Kanata explained the situation, adding, "It seems Sukiyaki is trying to avoid this meeting, so it's probably best to leave them alone." Besides, she had her own work to do and had no intention of leaving her room.

Dragon, on the other hand, had nothing to occupy him. After a moment of thought, he decided to explore the town. He concealed his presence and slipped out the back entrance.

The argument outside continued for nearly an hour. Impressed by the visitor's persistence, Kanata finished her work and glanced out the window. As she did, the giant turned, meeting her gaze. He must have sensed her watching, or perhaps he had been looking in her direction all along.

“There you are," he bellowed. "I just want a quick word! Come down here, will you?!"

Several samurai, who had materialized from somewhere, attempted to pacify the man, calling him "Lord Oden", but he showed no signs of backing down.

Sukiyaki's intentions were clear, but this constant disturbance was surely a nuisance for the lodging. With a sigh, Kanata descended the stairs and stepped out the front entrance.

"You’re quite loud. Can’t you be quiet?”

“Ah, so you're the merchant from overseas!" Oden exclaimed, his eyes scanning her from head to toe. "Indeed, you're a beauty. The rumors hold true."

He laughed boisterously. "Quite the looker, but there's more to you than meets the eye. You're strong, aren't you?"

“And you seem strong as well. You'd probably be a good match for one of my subordinates.”

He was weaker than Kanata, but if compared to Dragon or Junshi, they might be evenly matched.

Oden placed his hand on his sword. “You seem confident.”

The samurai trailing him panicked and rushed to interject, “Lord Oden, please! It’s unwise to cause trouble here!”

“Oh, right,” Oden slapped his forehead as if he had just remembered something. “And fighting wasn’t my goal, anyway.” He turned back to Kanata. “Let me join your crew!"


“Even if you refuse – Whaaat?! You agree?!”

“You’re surprised after asking yourself?”

“You can’t let him join, Lord Oden!” one of the samurai exclaimed. “It’s against the law to leave Wano Country! We can’t let you take him!”

The samurai, realizing Oden wouldn't listen, shifted his focus to Kanata, hoping to convince her. He explained that Wano Country had strict laws against leaving the country and that she couldn’t simply take Oden with her. He assumed that appealing to the captain would somehow resolve the situation.

Kanata, however, had no intention of interfering. "I don’t force people to stay or leave. If he wants to join, that’s his decision.”

“You’re a woman of reason!” Oden exclaimed. “Then let’s prepare for departure immediately!”

“Hold on. I’d like to hear the details first.”

Kanata led them to a nearby teahouse, settling down with tea and dumplings while she listened to their story.

Wano Country had strict laws prohibiting people from leaving, yet Oden was determined to escape. What could be his reason?

“It’s simple – this country is too cramped!” he declared.

“Cramped? Wano Country is quite large compared to other islands. I wouldn't call it confining,” Kanata pointed out.

“It’s not about physical space!" Oden retorted. “It’s the rules! You can’t do this, you can’t do that… This country is too small for me!”

Kanata understood. Rules and regulations – he found them suffocating.

He was strong and respected by his people. Even if he didn't aspire to be a ruler, he could manage the bare minimum as a leader. However, he yearned for freedom, for the world beyond Wano Country's borders. She empathized with his desire for freedom, but his reasons…

“Then my ship is not for you.”

“Why not?”

“Even ships have rules. More than you might think…”

Kanata explained the rules and regulations aboard her ship, watching as Oden’s expression soured with each new detail.

He slumped over the table, defeated, and the samurai accompanying him, Kin’emon, stared, his eyes wide with disbelief.

“This time… I give up…” Oden mumbled.

“Whaaat?!” Kin’emon exclaimed. “Lord Oden is voluntarily giving up?!”

The shock was so great that he nearly fell out of his chair.

Kanata, meanwhile, simply nodded, unsurprised by the outcome.

While solo journeys allowed for absolute freedom, a ship was a community, an organization with its own rules and structure. In a sense, a ship was like a small nation.

Even if Oden left Wano Country to escape its laws and customs, joining Kanata’s crew would only lead to a similar situation. He would be bound by a different set of rules, with little difference from his current situation.

Of course, Kanata’s ship had stricter regulations than most pirate crews… but those were details Oden didn't need to know.

“Are you satisfied, Kin’emon?”

“Ah… yes… My heart is still pounding from the shock, but I’m grateful that you refused,” Kin’emon stammered, recovering his composure.

As a daimyo, Oden's actions reflected on his subordinates. In that sense, it was for the best. However, it was unlike Oden to back down so easily, a thought that didn't escape Kin’emon's attention. He watched as Oden sulked, a missed opportunity weighing heavily on his shoulders.

Kanata popped a dumpling into her mouth, savoring the flavor while enjoying her tea.

“If you can’t join someone else’s crew, then build your own ship,” she said nonchalantly.

“You think I haven’t tried? I’ve attempted to leave countless times," Oden admitted, "but I have no talent for navigation. I always end up failing and returning.”

“You should consider yourself lucky to return alive. The seas around Wano Country are constantly stormy. Leaving is a gamble, and returning is even more difficult.”

The average person would likely resign themselves to death if thrown overboard in those waters. Without navigational skills, escape was a fool's errand.

For Devil Fruit users, falling into the sea meant death. And in the New World, the dangers were even greater.

“But I want to leave this country! I want to see the world!” Oden roared, slamming his fist on the table.

“How stubborn… Why not try taking my ship by force?”

“Even if I took your ship, I wouldn’t be able to sail it.”

“And if you tried to stow away, you’d be thrown overboard. Consider this a missed opportunity.”

Oden slumped further, defeated.

He had never encountered anyone from the outside world before. This was his best chance, but… If he was going to be bound by countless rules on another ship, what was the point of leaving Wano Country?

He pleaded with Kanata, hoping for a compromise, but she wouldn’t budge.

“I’m not asking for special treatment!” he exclaimed. “Just take me to some island! Anywhere outside this country!”

“If you join my crew, you follow my rules. There’s no reason for me to take someone who won’t listen.”

Joining her crew meant following her orders. There were no exceptions.

Those who disregarded rules inevitably caused discord. This man sought to escape the rigid customs and laws of Wano Country, but if he couldn’t follow the rules on her ship, it would be no different from staying in Wano.

It was hypocritical to demand obedience while refusing to follow orders.

“Then… how about this? If you defeat me, I’ll follow your orders!”

“…No, I think I’ll pass.”

He usually relished a challenge, but Kanata was currently a guest of Sukiyaki. Even Oden, reckless as he was, wouldn’t fight his father’s guest.

Having finished their tea and dumplings, Kanata announced her intention to visit the castle. Oden and Kin’emon decided to tag along, and upon reaching the castle, they bumped into Zen, much to Oden’s surprise.

“Gah, Zen?! You’re back?!”

“Lord Oden, it’s been a while,” Zen replied calmly. “Your reputation precedes you.”

“Uh… well…” Oden stammered, looking away.

“L-Lord Oden?” Kin’emon asked, tilting his head in confusion.

Kanata, curious, asked Zen what Oden had done to deserve such a reaction.

“Just a bit of tutoring in the past,” Zen replied nonchalantly.

“He was a troublesome child who wouldn't listen,” Zen continued. “He frequented brothels, wasted the castle's money, and brawled with gamblers while drunk… To think he's the daimyo of Kuri now… you've come a long way…”

“You’ve done nothing but cause trouble,” Kanata remarked.

“Shut up! That was the past! And I don’t regret any of it!”

Apparently, he had been causing trouble with brothels and alcohol since he was a child. He was still quite reckless, but it seemed this was a pattern for him.

Oden fidgeted under Zen’s gaze. There were many in the castle who knew of his past antics, but Zen held a different kind of authority over him.

He had been Sukiyaki’s friend and advisor, and Oden’s tutor. He was the only one who could control Oden.

“Zen was incredibly strong,” Oden said. “I never managed to defeat him… But I’m not going to lose now!”

“My, you’ve become quite eloquent,” Zen remarked. “You might be the strongest in Wano Country now that you’ve mastered ‘Ame no Habakiri’ and ‘Enma’, but there are many strong individuals in the outside world. You’re still a frog in a well.”

Ame no Habakiri, said to "cut down even the heavens."

Enma, said to "cut down to the depths of hell."

Both were Meito swords, ranked amongst the O Wazamono grade.

They were said to be wielded only by Oden in Wano Country. Even he wasn’t a weakling.

“Then let me show you my current strength!”

Zen and Oden, sparks flying between them, left the castle, heading towards a more spacious location for a duel. Kin’emon bowed respectfully and followed Oden, but Kanata wasn’t sure if he was actually capable of stopping Oden. She wondered if they’d be alright.

Kanata looked at Sukiyaki, who was watching them leave. The shogun was pale, clutching his head. He had clearly overindulged the previous night and was now suffering the consequences.

“…How is Zen so energetic…?” Sukiyaki mumbled. “He’s still young…”

“Why don’t you rest? You don’t look well,” Kanata suggested.

“I’d love to, but… to think I, Sukiyaki, would be worried about by a guest… This is a disgrace…”

He was clearly unwell. Continuing his duties in this state would only lead to more problems.

“I’ll leave Zen to his own devices, but Dragon and I will be returning to Hakumai. We have to finalize the trade, and our crew is waiting for us.”

“I see. Last night’s feast was enjoyable… Yasuie is also a friend of Zen’s. He’d be upset if we kept Zen here for too long.”

Sukiyaki chuckled, adding, “Take Zen with you.”

He had apparently resigned himself to resting for the rest of the morning. He left the room, supported by his subordinates, and Kanata also left the castle, searching for Zen.

She followed Zen’s powerful aura and found two figures clashing swords outside the capital.

Oden, wielding two swords with impressive skill, and Zen, wielding a single spear, effortlessly parrying and countering his attacks.

Zen seemed to have a slight edge.

Kin’emon, spotting her approaching, waved her over.

“To think he can match Lord Oden… He’s a master spearman!”

“He’s one of the strongest on my ship. There aren’t many who are stronger than him…”

Kanata trailed off, realizing that the number of individuals stronger than Zen was actually quite high.

They were strong by average standards, but Zen was surrounded by monsters. She was one of them now.

“…The world is vast,” Kin’emon said.

“Indeed, it is,” Kanata replied.

Zen and Oden’s duel continued for hours, with no clear victor emerging.

Kanata informed Zen of her intention to return to Hakumai, and after Dragon joined them, they set off for the port town with Oden and Kin’emon.


That night, in a hidden location, three figures huddled in a dim room– Kurozumi Orochi, Kurozumi Semimaru, and Kurozumi Higurashi.

The sudden arrival of Kanata and her crew had disrupted their plans. Higurashi had gathered them to discuss how to proceed.

“Don’t make any rash moves,” Higurashi warned Orochi, jabbing a finger in his direction.

“Don't move?" Orochi retorted. "We’re at a crucial stage! If we don't act now, when will we?”

“Nikyokyokyokyo… You're still young, Orochi. We can make our move whenever we want… but you only have one life. If you act carelessly, you’ll lose your head.”

Higurashi leaned closer, and Orochi recoiled, pushing her away. He had no desire to be near the old woman.

“That woman,” she continued, “is someone you do not want to mess with.”


Higurashi shuddered, a chill running down her spine as she recalled a memory from her past.

She had once been a member of a certain pirate crew, seeking power and revenge after her family had been destroyed in a power struggle within Wano Country.

The captain of that crew had recognized her potential and offered her a deal. They would use each other for their own purposes. In the end, she had obtained a Devil Fruit and returned to Wano Country.

The Hebi Hebi no Mi she had given to Orochi was one of the fruits of that deal.

And then, as she was preparing to make her move, selecting a powerful backer – Kanata and her crew had arrived.

“She would have been a suitable backer,” Higurashi admitted, “but she’s close to the Kozuki Family. That makes things complicated. It’s best to avoid any involvement.”

“Is she that dangerous?”

“Dangerous doesn't even begin to describe her! Her eyes… they're different… It’s not her, but her mother, but still… Nikyokyokyo…”

She was certain that Kanata and Octavia were different people. If they were the same, no matter how hard she tried to hide her thoughts, they would be exposed.

The fact that their conversation was still a secret meant that Kanata wasn't Octavia.

“…What did she do?”

“Many things. Nothing good ever came from dealing with her.”

Higurashi spoke as if recalling a plague, and Orochi stared, confused.

He had no desire to remember.

They had been on the same ship, but back then, killing each other was an everyday occurrence. Even in that chaotic environment, there were a few individuals they never dared to provoke – especially the captain and the first mate. And now, a few of those individuals were making a name for themselves in the world.

They were all incredibly ruthless, but the captain and the first mate… they were in a league of their own.

“She would destroy those who opposed her, and dominate those who submitted to her. The world called the man who sought to conquer the World Government ‘the Devil’… and the woman who could easily destroy nations at his command, they called her ‘Reverberation’."

Even Roger and Whitebeard, who were now considered the strongest, were far from that level back then.

Back then, "the Devil" was truly the strongest.

And if his will lived on… it was surely within this girl who resembled "Reverberation."

That was Higurashi’s conclusion.

“She’s beyond our control. It’s important to know your limits, Orochi… Nikyokyokyo…”

She had never intended to control their backer completely, but… Kanata was far too dangerous for them.

Orochi, though unaware of the details, understood the gravity of Higurashi’s words. Seeking revenge against Wano Country was one thing, but Kanata’s goals were unclear. Supporting her would be a gamble.

It was best to wait and observe.

“It’s fortunate that she’s taking Oden overseas… As for the rest, we’ll leave it to fate.”

“…Alright. I won’t act recklessly.”

“Good… But we’ll need a new plan if she decides to stay for a long time…”

Higurashi, Semimaru, and Orochi continued their secret meeting late into the night, discussing how to deal with Kanata and her crew.



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